Using an external version number in Haskell packages (Cabal) - haskell

I'm working on a project that's chosen CMake as its build tool. The project is made up of several executables and since a few months back a few of them are written in Haskell. We strongly wish all executables to show the same version number when called as foo --version. Ideally that version should be recorded in one place, and ideally that place should be the top-level CMakeLists.txt (this is where the source for all the other executables get it, via the use of CMake's configure_file function).
Is there some nice way of achieving this?
Some extra information that might be useful:
The source for each executable lives in its own dir, with its own Cabal file.
We use stack to build, and there is a single stack.yaml file that points to all directories with Haskell code.

I thought I'd document the solution I've landed on.
the source changes
I added the CPP language extension and use a macro (VERSION) to chose between a version provided as a CPP macro and the version provided by Cabal:
module Main where
import Data.Version
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
.... -- other imports
#ifdef VERSION
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
version = fst $ last $ readP_to_S parseVersion xstr(VERSION)
import Paths_<Cabal project name> (version)
The need for the double-expansion (xstr and str) is explained in the answer to another question.
The above code will unfortunately not build with a simple stack build command. This apparently has to do with the default CPP that ghc uses (/usr/bin/gcc) and the flags it passes to it (as I understand it the culprit is -traditional). The solution is to tell ghc to use GNU CPP:
stack build --ghc-options "-pgmP=/usr/bin/cpp -DVERSION=1.2.3"
or as I put it in my CMakeLists.txt (I use ExternalProject to integrate stack into our CMake-based build):
&& ${HaskellStack_EXE} --local-bin-path <BINARY_DIR> --install-ghc
install --ghc-options "-pgmP=/usr/bin/cpp -DVERSION=${<CMake proj name>_VERSION}"


Compiling a haskell script with external dependencies without cabal

I'm relatively new to Haskell and I realize I might be swimming against the stream here, but nonetheless, I'll ask:
Say I have a short Haskell script:
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let orders = splitOn "x" "axbxc"
putStrLn $ head orders
If I used only standard functions I could compile this with ghc <script.hs>. Because I depend on the split package to provide the splitOn function, the compilation fails.
Now, I have no difficulties setting up a cabal project with a project.cabal and a Setup.hs file in order to get this to actually compile. However, this feels like a lot of extra boilerplate for a standalone script.
So, is there a way to compile a single .hs file against some external package? Something similar to what in Python would be done by pip install something, "installing the package into the interpreter", i.e. is there a way to install extra packages "into ghc", so that I for instance only need to provide some extra linking flag to ghc?
The Cabal equivalent of the Stack script in bradrn's answer would be:
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base
, split
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let orders = splitOn "x" "axbxc"
putStrLn $ head orders
The script can be run with cabal run, or directly by giving it execute permission. If need be, version bounds can be added as usual to the build-depends on the top of the script.
(Note this isn't literally a solution without Cabal, as doing this with GHC alone, even if it is possible, wouldn't be worth the trouble. In any case, it certainly avoid the boilerplate of needing multiple files.)
If you use Stack, the simplest way to do this is to write a ‘Stack script’, which is a Haskell file with a description of the required packages in the first line (really an invocation of stack specifying the appropriate command line arguments). An example (slightly modified from the docs):
$ cat turtle-example.hs
-- stack --resolver lts-6.25 script --package turtle
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
main = echo "Hello World!"
$ stack ./turtle-example.hs
Completed 5 action(s).
Hello World!
$ stack ./turtle-example.hs
Hello World!
This script uses the turtle package; when run, Stack downloads and builds this dependency, after which it is available in the script. (Note that the second time it is run, turtle has already been built so does not need to be rebuilt again.)
As it happens, the --package command in Stack is not limited to scripts. It can be used with other Stack commands as well! For instance, to compile your program, you should be able to run stack ghc --resolver lts-16.27 --package split -- -ghc-options your-program-name.hs. And stack ghci --package split will give you a GHCi prompt where you can import Data.List.Split.
(Note: This answer focuses on Stack rather than Cabal, simply because I don’t know Cabal very well. However, I believe all this can be done using Cabal as well. For instance, I do know that Cabal has something very similar to the Stack scripts I mentioned above, though I can’t remember the syntax just at the moment.)
EDIT: See #duplode’s answer for how to do this with Cabal.
You can install into the default environment for the current user by doing cabal install --lib split. The package should then be available to ghc and ghci without needing any special options.
More information is at the bottom of this section in the Cabal manual. The v2 commands that it uses are the default now so if you have a fairly new cabal you can just use install rather than v2-install.
I think this is the quintessential entry point to the package management battle in Haskell. It's not there's not enough advice, but there's so much, each with its own caveats and assumptions. Climbing that mountain for the sake of splitOn feels to the newbie like they're Doing It Wrong.
After spending far too much time trying each permutation, I've collated the fine answers here, and many, many others from elsewhere, put them to the test, and summarised the results. The full write up is here.
The pertinent summary of solutions is:
Install globally
You can still do global installs with cabal install --lib the-package.
Use Stack as a run command
You can use stack directly, eg: stack exec --package containers --package optparse-generic [...and so on] -- runghc hello.hs
Create a Stack project
The real deal. Run stack new my-project hraftery/minimal, put your code in Main.hs and your dependencies in my-project.cabal (and maybe stack.yaml - check the article), and then run stack build to automagically pull and build all dependencies.
Use a Stack script
Make your Haskell file itself an executable Stack script. Add -- stack --resolver lts-6.25 script --package the-package to the top of your .hs file and set its executable bit.
For my Edit/Test/Run workflow (eg. using VS Code, GHCi and GHC respectively), I found it pretty clear what works in practice. In summary:
Amongst a chorus of discouragement, Global Installs suit what I know of your use case just fine.
Where Global Installs don't make sense (eg. for managing dependency versions or being portable) a Stack project starting from my minimal template is a smooth transition to a more sophisticated and popular method.

Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’

I have been trying to run a simple Haskell program using TDFA. The program is as follows:
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Regex
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Text.Regex.Base
str = "abbbbaab" :: String
regex = "(a+)(b+)" :: String
main = do
if str (=~) :: regex then putStrLn "matched" else putStrLn "no matches"
when I try to run the above program using the command like: ghc test.hs -o test and then I am getting the following error (test.hs is the Haskell program which contains the above code):
Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’
Note that I have the latest version of TDFA installed on my pc. I did it by following ways:
ghc --make -o setup Setup.hs
Also, I did the following:
user#user-VirtualBox:~/regex-tdfa-master$ sudo cabal install regex-tdfa
[sudo] password for user:
Resolving dependencies...
All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.
I even tried it with the Makefile which I got from TDFA's github repository:
user#user-VirtualBox:~/regex-tdfa-master$ make
ghc -o setup --make ./Setup.hs
./setup clean
./setup configure --prefix=/Users/user/local/devel/trl --enable-library-profiling --user
Configuring regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
./setup build
Building regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
Preprocessing` library regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
[ 1 of 23] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Uncons ( Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Uncons.hs, dist/build/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Uncons.o )
...........(Skipped to make the things short here)..............................
[23 of 23] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA ( Text/Regex/TDFA.hs, dist/build/Text/Regex/TDFA.o )
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base.Impl’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.RWS’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘mtl-2.2.1#mtl_Aue4leSeVkpKLsfHIV51E8’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
`Could not find module ‘Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec’`
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘parsec-3.1.9#parse_EE5NO1mlYLh4J8mgDEshNv’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike’`
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.State’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘mtl-2.2.1#mtl_Aue4leSeVkpKLsfHIV51E8’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Makefile:16: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 1
However, nothing worked. Hence, any help would be so appreciated...
Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’
On an initial note, this error points to a module of the regex-tdfa package, so you should have gotten it when building the package, rather than when building your test.hs, unless you were trying to build test.hs after putting it within the package source tree. In any case, line 13 of the mentioned file is:
import GHC.Prim(MutableByteArray#,RealWorld,Int#,sizeofMutableByteArray#,unsafeCoerce#)
The # names require the MagicHash GHC extension to be enabled. As there is no {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} pragma at the beginning of the file, one should assume the extension is enabled through the .cabal file of the package, and that is indeed the case. That being so, your problem seems to be that you are attempting use the package modules straight from the source tree, without using an appropriate build tool such as Cabal. (Note that if you did successfully run cabal install regex-tdfa there should be no need of dealing with the source tree: ghc --make -o test test.hs should be enough.)
P.S.: There is an error in your test.hs. The last line should be...
if str =~ regex then putStrLn "matched" else putStrLn "no matches"
(I did manage to run it after this correction.)
It looks like you are compiling your program from within Regex-TDFA source code. I am able to reproduce your problem if I do cabal unpack regex-tdfa && cd regex-tdfa-1.2.2 && ghc --make test.hs.
The error happens because when GHC finds Regex-TDFA source files in the current directory, it just picks them and tries to compile, as if they were ordinary source files belonging to your project. However, Regex-TDFA cannot be built with simple ghc --make: in order to build it, you have to run cabal first. Cabal will read regex-tdfa.cabal file that contains the list of the necessary GHC extensions.
In particular, parse error happens because GHC extension MagicHash is missing (that's where the hash # comes from).
The "fix" is to move your test.hs to some other location: then GHC will use system package for Regex-TDFA.

What is the preferred way to write quick Haskell test programs that depend on Stack libraries in local directories?

I have a Haskell library that I am developing using Stack. As I am developing the library, I like to write small test/experimentation programs that use the library. I keep a collection of these test programs for myself in a directory locally. These test modules are very quick and informal, and not appropriate to include as unit tests in the committed library code. Typically, most of them aren't even maintained and won't compile against the latest version of the library, but I keep them around in case I want to update them later. When I'm working on a test program, I want it to build against my working copy of the library, with any changes that I've made to the library locally.
How should I set up my Stack build environment for this situation? Here are some options I've tried, and the problems with each options.
Two Cabal packages, one Stack configuration. The stack.yaml file lists both packages and defines the build environment for both at once.
Problem: The stack.yaml file needs to be included as part of the committed library source code, so that other developers can build the library from source reproducibly. I don't want the public stack.yaml file for my library to include build information for my local test projects.
Problem: As far as I know, to make this work I need to have a .cabal file that lists all the executables and modules for my test programs. This is annoying to update whenever I want to throw together a quick experimental script, and will fail to build any of the test programs if I have even a single module that doesn't compile. I can't have a .cabal file with no sections, because Cabal gives "No executables, libraries,tests, or benchmarks found. Nothing to do.", and because this offers nowhere to list build-depends.
Create a Cabal sandbox for the test programs. Use cabal sandbox add-source to add the local library as a package. See also this answer.
Problem: Using Cabal sandboxes instead of Stack reintroduces a lot of the dependency problems that Stack is supposed to fix, such as using the system-global GHC instead of the GHC defined by the resolver.
Have a separate stack.yaml for the test programs. Add the library under packages as location: 'C:\Path\To\Local\Library' and set extra-dep: true for that dependency. (See here for more info on this feature.) Don't put any other Cabal packages under packages in the stack.yaml for the test programs. Use stack runghc to invoke test programs within the scope of their stack.yaml.
Problem: I just can't get this one to work. Running stack build inside the test program directory gives "Error parsing targets: The project contains no local packages (packages not marked with 'extra-dep')". Running stack runghc acts as if no dependencies are present at all. I don't want to add a Cabal package for the test programs because this has the same problem as option 1 with needing to construct an explicit .cabal file describing the modules to build.
Problem: Stack build configuration info that I want to be identical between the library and the test programs has to be copied manually. For example, if I change the resolver in my library's stack.yaml, I also need to change it in the stack.yaml for my test programs separately.
Have a directory inside my working copy of the library that contains all of my test programs. Use stack runghc to invoke test programs in the context of the library.
Problem: I'd like the directory with my test programs to be outside of the directory containing my library source code and build configuration, so that I don't have to tell the version control for my library to ignore my test code, and can have my own local version control just for the test programs.
Problem: Only works with a single local library dependency. If my test programs need to depend on local working copies of two different libraries with their own stack.yaml files, I'm out of luck.
Add a symbolic link inside my working copy of the library to a separate directory that contains all of my test programs. Navigate through the symlink and use stack runghc to invoke test programs in the context of the library.
Problem: Super awkward to use, especially since I'm on Windows and Windows has terrible symlink support.
Problem: Still need to tell my version control system to ignore the symlink.
Problem: Still only works with a single library dependency.
If only one local library is involved, I use option 4. You can put your tests outside the directory of your library, and either invoke stack from the directory of your library, or using --stack-yaml path/to/library/stack.yaml.
Otherwise, I use option 3, creating a separate stack project without setting extra-dep.
- 'path/to/package1'
- 'path/to/package2'
I can't think of a good workaround for the issue of configuration duplication. There would otherwise be conflicts if multiple packages specified different resolvers/package versions.
Edit: Actually a stub library works better, so edited to add.
I think the way to get #3 to work is -- under your scratch program directory -- (1) add . under packages in stack.yaml alongside the location/extra-dep: true package:
- '.'
- location: ../mylib
extra-dep: true
(2) create an executable clause in scratch.cabal that points to a stub main program (i.e., a "Hello World" program that compiles but need not do anything) which depends on your library:
executable main
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Stub.hs
build-depends: base
, mylib
default-language: Haskell2010
or a library clause with no exposed modules, again that depends on your mylib library:
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, mylib
default-language: Haskell2010
and (3) run stack build in the scratch directory. This should build and register mylib, and now stack runghc Prog1.hs should work fine for running programs that depend on mylib modules.
If you use the executable approach, the stub program is compiled as a side effect but otherwise ignored. If you use the library approach, it looks like the stub library isn't even built; and you then have the option of actually building a scratch library by adding some exposed modules of shared code for your test programs to use, if it's convenient, so the stub library might be best.
None of this solves the problem of keeping stack.yaml info like the resolver version in sync, but it seems to address all the problems you list in 1, 2, 4, and 5. In particular, it should work fine for test programs that depend on multiple local libraries you're developing.

How to redistribute wxHaskell apps?

I am using ghc 7.6.3. I installed wxHaskell from here:
It worked, the sample programs compile and the run successfully.
The only problem now is that I want to distribute a wxHaskell application on mac OS X. I tried using macosx-app and cabal-macosx ( to make an "app" file. It runs fine on my machine, but it fails to run on another computer. I get the following error:
Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded: /Users/user/.cabal/lib/wxc-
I am using OS X 10.8.4 (Mountain Lion), but I would be also interested in compiling apps on Windows and redistribute them too.
What would be the best way to redistribute wxHaskell apps?
-- Example Setup.hs for the wxHello app.
import Distribution.MacOSX
import Distribution.Simple
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks {
postBuild = appBundleBuildHook guiApps -- no-op if not MacOS X
guiApps :: [MacApp]
guiApps = [MacApp "WxHello"
(Just "resources/WxHello.icns")
Nothing -- Build a default Info.plist for the icon.
[] -- No other resources.
[] -- No other binaries.
ChaseWithDefaults -- Try changing to ChaseWithDefaults
Name: wxHello
Version: 0.1.0
Stability: Alpha
Synopsis: wxWidgets `Hello World' example for cabal-macosx
Example showing how to use cabal-macosx to build an application
bundle for a simple `Hello World' program using the wxWidgets GUI
Category: Data
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Copyright: Andy Gimblett <>
Author: Andy Gimblett <>
Maintainer: Andy Gimblett <>
Build-Type: Custom
Cabal-Version: >=1.6
Executable WxHello
hs-source-dirs: src
Main-is: Main.hs
Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, cabal-macosx, wx
ghc-options: -fwarn-tabs -threaded -Wall
Here are the dylib files inside the generated package: $ find . | grep dylib
The last redistributable I made in Windows with wxHaskell needed the files
mingwm10.dll and
to be in the same folder as the .exe (not just somewhere on my path).
This was using a previous version of wxHaskell, which compiled against a previous version of wxWidgits itself, so presumably you'd need the wx dll to have 29 in it rather than 28.
I compiled with static linking too:
ghc -static -optl-static -optl-mwindows Main -o Project.exe
the -optl-mwindows gets rid of the command prompt window which would otherwise appear alongside your app.
It might be helpful to include your .cabal and Setup.hs files.
From the documentation on cabal-macosx, it seems that you need to ensure that your MacApp data value in Setup.hs gets the appropriate mode for ChaseDeps (use ChaseWithDefaults instead of DoNotChase) in order to build redistributable app bundles.
If you have done that but still get the same error, I would check inside the resulting app bundle to see if the necessary libraries got copied in there at all. You may find enough information to file a bug with the cabal-macosx maintainer.
Based on what you've included, the setup looks correct, and it appears to have at least copied the library dependencies in. I think the problem is probably with the cabal-macosx package.
Looking at the source code to the dependency-fixup code, it looks like it should have printed a bunch of "Updating <library>'s dependence on <path> to <path>" lines as it was building the bundle. Did you see those? Were there any lines updating the binary itself?
I am not very experienced with the OS X linking process, but I would think that unless the binary is linked after copying the libraries, it would need to be updated as well. You should be able to use /usr/bin/otool -L <filename> and /usr/bin/install_name_tool to manually fix up the paths in binaries the install process may have missed.
Here are the man pages for those two tools:

Replace compiler when building Haskell project with Cabal

Is it possible somehow to configure cabal project to use different compiler than GHC? Additional is it possible to control this by some flags?
I want to compile my project with GHC or Haste (to JavaScript) based on some compilation flags.
It would be ideal if I could set my cabal configuration or my custom script to do something like:
-- target JS
cabal configure --target=js
cabal build
-- target Native
cabal configure --target=native
cabal build
To build a Cabal project with either GHC or Haste, use the cabal binary for the former, and haste-inst (comes with haste) for the latter.
To have conditional code in in your modules, add {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} and use #ifdef __HASTE__, which will only be defined by haste, but not by GHC. Note that __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ is defined in both cases (which makes sense, as haste builds on GHC for large parts of the compilation). So you would use it like
module Module where
compiler :: String
#ifdef __HASTE__
compiler = "haste"
compiler = "GHC"
Theoretically, for conditional settings in the Cabal file something like this should work:
if impl(ghc)
if impl(haste)
build-depends: base ==4.6.*
but it seems that even with haste-inst, impl(ghc) is true; bug report is filed.
While it's currently not possible to use impl(haste) in your cabal files, you can now check for flag(haste-inst) to see if your package is being built using haste-inst.
