Replace compiler when building Haskell project with Cabal - haskell

Is it possible somehow to configure cabal project to use different compiler than GHC? Additional is it possible to control this by some flags?
I want to compile my project with GHC or Haste (to JavaScript) based on some compilation flags.
It would be ideal if I could set my cabal configuration or my custom script to do something like:
-- target JS
cabal configure --target=js
cabal build
-- target Native
cabal configure --target=native
cabal build

To build a Cabal project with either GHC or Haste, use the cabal binary for the former, and haste-inst (comes with haste) for the latter.
To have conditional code in in your modules, add {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} and use #ifdef __HASTE__, which will only be defined by haste, but not by GHC. Note that __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ is defined in both cases (which makes sense, as haste builds on GHC for large parts of the compilation). So you would use it like
module Module where
compiler :: String
#ifdef __HASTE__
compiler = "haste"
compiler = "GHC"
Theoretically, for conditional settings in the Cabal file something like this should work:
if impl(ghc)
if impl(haste)
build-depends: base ==4.6.*
but it seems that even with haste-inst, impl(ghc) is true; bug report is filed.

While it's currently not possible to use impl(haste) in your cabal files, you can now check for flag(haste-inst) to see if your package is being built using haste-inst.


Using an external version number in Haskell packages (Cabal)

I'm working on a project that's chosen CMake as its build tool. The project is made up of several executables and since a few months back a few of them are written in Haskell. We strongly wish all executables to show the same version number when called as foo --version. Ideally that version should be recorded in one place, and ideally that place should be the top-level CMakeLists.txt (this is where the source for all the other executables get it, via the use of CMake's configure_file function).
Is there some nice way of achieving this?
Some extra information that might be useful:
The source for each executable lives in its own dir, with its own Cabal file.
We use stack to build, and there is a single stack.yaml file that points to all directories with Haskell code.
I thought I'd document the solution I've landed on.
the source changes
I added the CPP language extension and use a macro (VERSION) to chose between a version provided as a CPP macro and the version provided by Cabal:
module Main where
import Data.Version
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
.... -- other imports
#ifdef VERSION
#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s
version = fst $ last $ readP_to_S parseVersion xstr(VERSION)
import Paths_<Cabal project name> (version)
The need for the double-expansion (xstr and str) is explained in the answer to another question.
The above code will unfortunately not build with a simple stack build command. This apparently has to do with the default CPP that ghc uses (/usr/bin/gcc) and the flags it passes to it (as I understand it the culprit is -traditional). The solution is to tell ghc to use GNU CPP:
stack build --ghc-options "-pgmP=/usr/bin/cpp -DVERSION=1.2.3"
or as I put it in my CMakeLists.txt (I use ExternalProject to integrate stack into our CMake-based build):
&& ${HaskellStack_EXE} --local-bin-path <BINARY_DIR> --install-ghc
install --ghc-options "-pgmP=/usr/bin/cpp -DVERSION=${<CMake proj name>_VERSION}"

Is it possible to use cpp preprocessors with haskell stack

Is it possible to use cpp preprocessors with haskell stack,
module MyModule (
#ifdef TEST
) where ....
with cabal, the following settings in .cabal appear to work:
cpp-options: -DTEST
is it possible to reproduce this with stack?
From the wiki, this answer here on SO and also this github issue
Flags can be set for each package separately, e.g.
flags: package-name:
flag-name: true
Flags will only affect packages in your packages and extra-deps settings. Packages that come from the snapshot global
database are not affected.
Alternatively you can pass a flag on directly when invoking stack with --flag, I assume the syntax would be something like
stack test --flag project:TEST

How to link to Haskell static runtime with cabal and stack without hard coding ghc version?

I have a project which exports a shared static library and I use the following part in my project.cabal file
main-is: Somefile.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -shared -dynamic -fPIC -lHSrts-ghc7.10.2
The version of GHC is controlled using Stack, so is there a way wherein I can either get and append the version to make -lHSrts-ghc{version} or is there some config for it? I tried setting
stack build --ghc-options='-O0 -lHSrts-ghc7.10.2'
but it doesn't seem to pick it.
Also to clarify, cabal install is called by Stack and not by me.
Does that cabal file work? If so, then it should be sufficient to do something like this:
ghc-options: -shared -dynamic -fPIC
if impl (ghc >= 7.10.2 && < 7.10.3)
ghc-options: -lHSrts-ghc7.10.2
else if impl (ghc >= 7.10.3 && < 7.10.4)
ghc-options: -lHSrts-ghc7.10.3
else if ...
BTW, why does your executable end in .so? I've never seen that in an executable clause.
Are you sure you're using 7.10.2 and not 7.10.3? Try stack exec -- ghc --version
The general principle is described in this answer:
Using the configure style in Cabal, you can write a little configure
script that substitutes a variable for the output of the sdl-config
command. The values will then be replaced in a $ file,
yielding a $foo.buildinfo file, that Cabal will include in the build
First you need to switch your cabal build-type to Configure in project.cabal. Configure style is described in cabal users guide. For build type Configure the contents of Setup.hs must be:
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks
In case of handling GHC runtime version you can have a variable #GHC_VERSION# corresponding to it in a file:
ghc-options: -lHSrts-ghc#GHC_VERSION#
Finally you write a configure bash script that gets GHC version as mgsloan suggested and generates project.buildinfo file by substitution of #GHC_VERSION# varibale in file:
GHC_VERSION=$(stack exec -- ghc-pkg field ghc version --simple-output)
sed 's,#GHC_VERSION#,'"$GHC_VERSION"',' > project.buildinfo
This way when build is started it will first execute configure script, then read project.buildinfo file and merge with project.cabal.
Also it may be worth to populate extra-source-files with configure and; extra-tmp-files with project.buildinfo in project.cabal.
A more sophisticated solution may be inspired by this answer:

How can I have a conditional on cabal?

I have a Haskell library which exports several modules. I compile that library with both GHC and GHCJS. I'm using stack to build the library. One of those modules depends on reflex-dom. The issue is that I am not able to compile reflex-dom on GHC due to not being able to link gtk+3 on OSX. As such, I'd like to exclude that library if the compiler is GHC. How can I achieve that?
base ...
reflex-dom >= 0.2 && <0.3
While you may not want to do this, the way to do this is described in the "configurations" section of the cabal user manual:
In particular, you should be able to write the relevant sections as such:
if !impl(ghc)
build-depends: etc, etc, etc
if !impl(ghc)
build-depends: etc1, etc2

Control.Monad.State found in multiple packages haskell

While evaluating the line "import Control.Monad.State" in a Haskell module, GHC gives me the following error:
Could not find module `Control.Monad.State':
it was found in multiple packages: monads-fd- mtl-
Failed, modules loaded: none.
How do I resolve this conflict?
You have several options. Either:
ghc-pkg hide monads-fd. This will cause GHC and GHCi to ignore the presence of the monads-fd by default until you later ghc-pkg expose monads-fd, but software installed by Cabal will still be able to build against it.
Use the {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} pragma, and change your import statement to import "mtl" Control.Monad.State.
Use Cabal to build your project, and specify mtl in the Build-depends line.
The first is best for casual hacking, and the last is best for production builds.
These all assume you want the mtl module and not the monads-fd module; otherwise swap them.
Both packages implement Control.Monad.State and GHC does not know which implementation it should prefer, so you need to hide one of the packages from GHC. Seems like the -ignore-package <name> GHC flag might help you here.
