Thawing Lambda functions doesn't decrease latency - node.js

I'm using serverless-warmup-plugin to run a cron that invokes a Lambda function every 10 minutes. The code for the Lambda function looks like this:
exports.lambda = (event, context, callback) => {
if (event.source === 'serverless-plugin-warmup') {
console.log('Thawing lambda...')
callback(null, 'Lambda is warm!')
} else {
// ... logic for the lambda function
This works on paper but in practice the cron doesn't keep the Lambda function warm even though it successfully invokes it every 10 minutes.
When the Lambda is invoked via a different event source (other than the cron) it takes around 2-3 seconds for the code to execute. Once it's executed this way, Lambda actually warms up and starts responding under 400ms. And it stays warm for a while.
What am I missing here?

As the official documentation states:
When you write your Lambda function code, do not assume that AWS Lambda always reuses the container because AWS Lambda may choose not to reuse the container. Depending on various other factors, AWS Lambda may simply create a new container instead of reusing an existing container.
It seems like a "bad architecture design" to try to keep a Lambda Container up, but, apparently it's a normal scenario your warmed container not being used when a different event source triggers a new container.


Waiting for an azure function durable orchestration to complete

Currently working on a project where I'm using the storage queue to pick up items for processing. The Storage Queue triggered function is picking up the item from the queue and starts a durable orchestration. Normally the according to the documentation the storage queue picks up 16 messages (by default) in parallel for processing (, but since the orchestration is just being started (simple and quick process), in case I have a lot of messages in the queue I will end up with a lot of orchestrations running at the same time. I would like to be able to start the orchestration and wait for it to complete before the next batch of messages are being picked up for processing in order to avoid overloading my systems. The solution I came up with and seems to work is:
public class QueueTrigger
public async Task Run([QueueTrigger("queue-processing-test", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")]Activity activity, [DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient starter,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# Queue trigger function processed: {activity.ActivityId}");
string instanceId = await starter.StartNewAsync<Activity>(nameof(ActivityProcessingOrchestrator), activity);
log.LogInformation($"Started orchestration with ID = '{instanceId}'.");
var status = await starter.GetStatusAsync(instanceId);
status = await starter.GetStatusAsync(instanceId);
} while (status.RuntimeStatus == OrchestrationRuntimeStatus.Running || status.RuntimeStatus == OrchestrationRuntimeStatus.Pending);
which basically picks up the message, starts the orchestration and then in a do/while loop waits while the staus is Pending or Running.
Am I missing something here or is there any better way of doing this (I could not find much online).
Thanks in advance your comments or suggestions!
This might not work since you could either hit timeouts causing duplicate orchestration runs or just force your function app to scale out defeating the purpose of your code all together.
Instead, you could rely on the concurrency throttles that Durable Functions come with. While the queue trigger would queue up orchestrations runs, only the max defined would run at any time on a single instance of a function.
This would still cause your function app to scale out, so you would have to consider that as well when setting this limit and you could also set the WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT app setting to control how many instances you function app can scale out to.
It could be that the Function app's built in scaling throttling does not reduce load on downstream services because it is per app and will just cause the app to scale more. Then what is needed is a distributed max instance count that all app instances adhere to. I have built this functionality into my Durable Function orchestration app with a scaleGroupId and it`s max instance count. It has an Api call to save this info and the scaleGroupId is a string that can be set to anything that describes the resource you want to protect from overloading. Here is my app that can do this:

lambdas fail to log to CloudWatch

Situation - I have a lambda that:
is built with Node.js v8
has console.log() statements
is triggered by SQS events
works properly (the downstream system receives all messages, AWS X-Ray can see those executions)
this lambda does not log anything!
But if the same lambda is called manually (using "Test" button) - all logging statements are visible in CloudWatch.
My lambda is based on this tutorial:
A very similar situation occurs if the lambda was called from within another lambda (recursion). Only the first lambda logs stuff (started manually), but every next lambda in the recursion chain does not log anything.
an example can be found here:
any idea how to tackle this problem will be highly appreciated.

Azure-Function Deployment kill my running process..can i avoid?

I have a few Azure functions sharing same the code. So I created a batch file for publishing my libs. It is a simple bat file. For each of my azure functions, it connects to a host and uses robocopy to synchronize folders.
However, each time I publish, current running functions are dropped. I want to avoid that. Is there a way to let a running function naturally terminate its work?
I think its possible because when I publish, I'm not re-write real running dll, but I copy file in <azure-function-url>/site/wwwroot folder.
The function calls an async method without await. The async method does not completed the work when source change. (Im not focus on this problem, thanks Matt for the my eyes)
The functions runtime is designed to allow functions to gracefully exit in the event of host restarts, see here.
Not awaiting your async calls is an antipattern in functions, as we won't be able to track your function execution. We use the returned Task to determine when your function has finished. If you do not return a Task, we assume your function has completed when it returns.
In your case, that means we will kill the host on restarts while your orphaned asynchronous calls are running. If you fail to await async calls, we also don't guarantee successful:
Output bindings
Exception handling
Do: static async Task Run(...){ await asyncMethod(); }
Don't: static void Run(...){ asyncMethod(); }

After NodeJS script has an error, it will not start again. AWS Lambda

I have a lambda function on the nodejs4.x runtime. If my script stops execution due to an error, lets say I try to get .length of an undefined object, then I can't start the script again. It's not even like the script runs and hits the same error, the script doesn't run. The lambda handler function is never called the second time.
This lambda function is the endpoint for Amazon Alexa. When I reupload the code (a zip file) then the system works again.
Is this some behavior of nodejs? Is the script ending prematurly corrupting the files so it cannot start again?
When the server hits an error I get this message Process exited before completing request
And then subsequent requests hit the timeout limit.
Important Edit
I have pinpointed the issue to NPM request. the module doesnt finish loading ie.
console.log('i see this message');
var request = require('request');
console.log('this never happens');
Couple of things that I know:
If lambda invocation fails, due to any reason, it will be invoked again (actually it will be retried at most 3 times).
However, this is only true for asynchronous invocations, there are two types of invocations.
Any external module that your lambda's code requires, must be included in the package that you deploy to the lambda, I have explained this simply in here.
You can write code that accesses a property of undefined variable, yes it will throw an exception, and if this invocation is asynchronous it will be retried 2 more times - which will fail too of course.
Since the Lambda function fails when calling require('request') I believe that the project has not been deployed correctly. request must be deployed with the Lambda function because it is not part of Node.js 4.3.2 (the current Lambda JavaScript runtime).
Make sure that:
require is added to your package.json file (e.g. by calling $ npm install require --save, see npm install for details).
You create a deployment package by zipping your project folder (including the node_modules folder).
That the deployment .zip is uploaded to your Lambda function.
So after contacting AWS through their forums, this turns out to be a bug. The container is not cleared upon an error, so the code has to be re-uploaded.
A solution is to make a cloudwatch alarm that fires another lambda function that re uploads the code automatically.
They are working on a fix.
Forum post:
In fact there are many cases when Lambda becomes unresponsive, e.g.:
Parsing not valid json:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback)
var nonValidJson = "Not even Json";
var jsonParse = JSON.parse(nonValidJson);
Accessing property of undefined variable:
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback)
var emptyObject = {};
var value = emptyObject.Item.Key;
Not closing mySql connection after accessing RDS leads to Lambda timeout and then it becomes non-responsive.
Making a lambda that reuploads the code can take a portion of time.
After some tests it's revealed that in fact Lambda tries to restart (reload the container?), there is just not enough time. If you set the timeout to be 10s, after ~4s of execution time Lambda starts working, and then in next runs comes to behave normally. I've also tried playing with setting:
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
and putting all 'require' blocks inside handler, nothing really worked. So the good way to prevent Lambda becoming dead is setting bigger timeout, 10s should be more than enough as a workaround protection against this bug.

Why does my continuous azure webjob run the function twice?

I have created my first azure webjob that runs continously;
I'm not so sure this is a code issue, but for the sake of completeness here is my code:
static void Main()
var host = new JobHost();
And for the function:
public static async Task ProcessMethod(TextWriter log)
log.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString() + ": Started");
while (true)
Task.Run(() => RunAllAsync(log));
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
log.WriteLine(DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString() + "Shutting down..");
Note that the async task fires off a task of its own. This was to ensure they were started quite accurately with the same interval. The job itself is to download an url, parse and input some data in a db, but that shouldnt be relevant for the multiple instance issue I am experiencing.
My problem is that once this has been running for roughly 5 minutes a second ProcessMethod is called which makes me have two sessions simoultaniously doing the same thing. The second method says it is "started from Dashboard" even though I am 100% confident I did not click anything to start it off myself.
Anyone experienced anything like it?
Change the instance count to 1 from Scale tab of WebApp in Azure portal. By default it is set to 2 instances which is causing it to run two times.
I can't explain why it's getting called twice, but I think you'd be better served with a triggered job using a CRON schedule (, instead of a Continuous WebJob.
Also, it doesn't seem like you are using the WebJobs SDK, so you can completely skip that. Your WebJob can be as simple as a Main that directly does the work. No JobHost, no async, and generally easier to get right.
