Field.Store and Field.Index both set to `NO` in a Lucene document? - search

I am aware of what and Field.Index means in Lucene document and aware of the use-cases when either or Field.Index is set to NO.
But recently, I came across piece of code, when both are set to NO. Could anybody explain the use-case with an example, when we need to set them to NO ?.
PS: I referred to this SO question, which explains why one is set to NO and another is set to Yes, with good use-cases, but it doesn't give answer to my question.

Lucene is the generic full-text indexing and search library and its not the framework in itself like ElasticSearch or Solr.
So, if you are developing your search application and directly using Lucene then you have full control over which fields to index and/or which fields to store from your app in the Lucene inverted index.
Frameworks like ElasticSearch or Solr which are built on top of Lucene, may use a schema for indexing or it might be schemaless too.
I think in cases where it's schemaless, it makes sense to explicitly ignore the fields which we don't want to index and store both.


Yii2: How should site-wide search work?

What is the best practice methododology of implementing site-wide search in Yii2?
This question is not about how to implement search specifically, but rather about what kind of approach to use. Should we use Sphinx? Elasticsearch? Or do we use UNION selects to get the data into a DataProvider?
Assume the application is using a relational database to store data. We want to search and display multiple different models. For example, our database contains tables of Books, Authors and Stores. When we search for a keyword we want to display results from all 3 tables (matching Books by title or content, Authors by full name and Stores by name etc).
There are tutorials which show how to use Elasticsearch but assume that our data is stored in the Elasticsearch database, which does not make sense. Our data is already stored in MySQL or PostgreSQL. Does this mean
we need to maintain a duplicate of our data in the Elasticsearch database?
What is the best practice methododology of implementing site-wide search in Yii2?
That depends on many factors, so I cant give you a specific recommendation for your case. Some of the factors to think about are:
What would you like to achieve with this search? Is every little bit in your database a significant search term?
Do you need only full-text-search or a wide range of analytics?
Have you any limits in time or costs?
Can your (tech-)infrastructure handle your ideas?
Is it worth to bring in another extensive technology in the project?
Can you handle additional maintenance tasks to run such a search engine?
And many more ...
In my internal Yii2 Project with a PostgreSQL RDBMS, I decided to use a PostgreSQL Text Search Type called tsvector. Thats good enough for my needs. Why?
You can use Stemming.
Supports Fuzzy search.
Supports basic ranking.
Supports multiple languages.
I highly recommend this blog post Postgres full-text search is Good Enough.

Solr - Enriching the TermsComponent answer

I'm using Solr 3.5.0 (with WebSphere Commerce). While performing a search, commerce use the suggestion tool to suggest (auto-complete) search terms regarding the letters already typed on the search box.
Currently WebSphere Commerce is using the Solr's TermsComponent. But one of my new requirement is to be abble to enrich the list of suggested terms.
Do you know is there is any way to do that by creating a plain text dictionary, using an other solr component, ... ?
Thanks for reading,
and for your help.
I think a plain-text dictionary probably wouldn't be a usable data source (even if you could use it, search linearly through a plain-text file would probably be too slow). If you create an index from you dictionary, you could probably incorporate it in the TermsComponent as a shard (see the TermsComponent documentation, under the heading "Distributed Search Support").
I don't believe TermsComponent supports searching multiple fields, so you'll want to make sure the same field name is used for the terms in the dictionary that you want to use (that is, if you are looking at the "name" field in the index, then create a "name" field in your indexed dictionary as well, rather than a "dictionaryentry" field)
Just to my mind, though, I fail to understand what the value this would be. Generally, it's intended to look at the terms available in the index on that field. "Enriching" it with more data, would just be providing suggestions that it won't actually be able to find when searching. Of course, I don't really know about your search implementation, but in most cases, that would certainly be my thought.

Efficient, database-independent PHP implementation of geospatial index? Zend_Search_Lucene extension?

I'm storing lat/lon information in a MySQL database, which doesn't have great geospatial search support. I'm already maintaining a separate Lucene text search index for efficient full text search, so I looked at the geospatial extension for Lucene; but it only seems to be available for the Java implementation, not the Zend_Search_Lucene PHP version I use.
Is there something similar that would allow me to maintain a separate, database-independent geospatial index? A good implementation of an R-Tree variant in PHP or something similar? A geospatial extension for Zend_Search_Lucene?
It'd need to allow efficient geospatial queries, mostly within-radius-of-x and within-bounding-box-y queries, and return the id of the entry in the database. helped me in this situation

Are there any technologies that help develop website search?

I need to write an advanced search functionality for a website. All the data is stored in MySQL and I'm using Zend Framework on top. I know that I can write a script that takes the search page and builds an SQL query out of it, but this becomes extremely slow if there's a lot of hits. Then I would have to get down to the gritty details of optimizing the database tables/fields/etc. which I'm trying to avoid if possible.
Lucene: I gave Lucene a try, but since it's a full-text search engine, it does not allow any mathematical operators!! So if I wanted to get all the records where field_x > 5, there is no way to do it (correct?)
General Practice? I would like to know how large sites deal with this dilemma. Is there a standard way of doing this that I don't know about, or does everyone have to deal with the nasty details of optimizing the database at some point? I was hoping that some fast indexing/searching technology existed (e.g. Lucene) that would address this problem.
Thanks a lot guys!
You can use Zend Lucene for textual search, and combine it with MySQL for joins.
Please see Mark Krellenstein's Search Engine vs DBMS paper about the choice; Basically, search engines are better for ranked text search; Databases are better for more complex data manipulations, such as joins, using different record structures.
For a simple x>5 type query, you can use a range query inside Lucene.
Use Lucene for your text-based searches, and use SQL for field_x > 5 searches. I say this because text-based search is hard to get right, and you're probably better off leaving that to an expert.
If you need your users to have the capability of building mathematical expression searches, consider writing an expression builder dialog like this example to collect the search phrase. Then use a parameterized SQL query to execute the search.
SqlWhereBuilder ASP.NET Server Control
You can use filters in Lucene to carry out a text search of a reduced set of records. So if you query the database first to get all records where field_x > 5, build a filter (a list of lucene document IDs) and pass this into the lucene search method along with the text query. I'm just learning about this, here's a link to a question I asked (it uses Lucene.Net and C# but it may help) - ignore my question, just check out the accepted answer:
How do you implement a custom filter with

Using Lucene like a relational database

I am just wondering if we could achieve some RDBMS capabilities in lucene.
1) I have 10,000 project documents (pdf files) which have to be indexed with their content to make them available for search.
2) Every document is related to a SINGLE PROJECT. The project can contain details like project name, number, start date, end date, location, type etc.
I have to search in the contents of the pdf files for a given keyword, but while displaying the results I want to display the project meta data as mentioned in point (2).
My idea is to associate a field called projectId with each pdf file while indexing. Once we get that, we will fire search again for getting project meta data.
This way we could avoid duplicated data. Also, if we want to update the project meta data we will end up updating at a SINGLE PLACE only. Otherwise if we store this meta data with all the pdf doument indexes, we will end up updating all of the documents, which is not the way I am looking for.
please advise.
If I understand you correctly, you have two questions:
Can I store a project id in Lucene and use it for further searches? Yes, you can. This is a common practice.
Can I use this project id to search Lucene for project meta data? Yes, you can. I do not know if this is a good idea. It depends on the frequency of your meta data updates and your access pattern. If the meta data is relatively static, and you only access it by id, Lucene may be a good place to store it. Otherwise, you can use the project id as a primary key to a database table, which could be a better fit.
Sounds like a perfectly good thing to do. The only limitation you'll have (by storing a reference to the project in Lucene rather than the project data itself) is that you won't be able to query both the document text and project metadata at the same time. For example, "documentText:foo OR projectName:bar" . If you have no such requirement, then seems like storing the ID in Lucene which refers to a database row is a fine thing to do.
I am not sure on your overall setup, but maybe Hibernate Search is for you. It would allow you to combine the benefits of a relational database with the power of a fulltext search engine like Lucene. The meta data could live in the database, maybe together with the original pdf documents, while the Lucene documents just contain the searchable data.
This is definitely possible. But always be aware of the fact that you're using Lucene for something that it was not intended for. In general, Lucene is designed for full-text search, not for mapping relational content. So the more complex your system your relational content becomes, the more you'll see a decrease in performance.
In particular, there are a few areas to keep a close eye on:
Storing the value of each field in your index will decrease performance. If you are not overly concerned with sub-second search results, or if your index is relatively small, then this may not be a problem.
Also, be aware that if you are not using the default ranking algorithm, and your custom algorithm requires information about the project in order to calculate the score for each document, this will have a dramatic impact on search performance, as well.
If you need a more powerful index that was designed for relational content, there are hierarchical indexing tools out there (one developed by Apache, called Jackrabbit) that are worth looking into.
As your project continues to grow, you might also check out Solr, also developed by Apache, which provides some added functionality, such as multi-faceted search.
You can use Lucene that way;
Full-text search is easy to implement, which is not the case in an RDBMS.
Referential integrity: you get it for free in an RDBMS, but in Lucene, you must implement it yourself.
