I have a trouble when I try to write a For loop to assign each of the row have a cell that has a formula SUMIF
For r = 2 To counter5 - 1
temp_str = "B" + CStr(r)
Sheets("Result").Cells(r, 18).Offset = _
WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("B2:B5000"), """*" & temp_str & "*""", _
Which counter5 stores the final row number of my "Result" worksheet, after I run the code, I have only got the 0 in the cells of the column R, what mistake I have made to cause I cannot get the expected result, I have also try to change the "Offset" method to "Formula" instead but still got the same result.
For WorksheetFunction.SumIf, the following will work (with you current code, you are searching for the string "B2", for example, where I imagine you want the value in the cell?):
For r = 2 To counter5 - 1
Sheets("Result").Cells(r, 18).Offset = _
WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("B2:B5000"), "*" & Cells(r, 2) & "*", _
I am trying to make VBA write a formula into different cells that will find the maximum value for a Range decided by some variables. My variables I and J are (numbers/Integers).
Here is my code.
Sub AddMAX()
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim L As Integer
I = InputBox("Number of columns to check max value")
J = InputBox("Number of Rows to add formula inn and find max value of that row")
For L = 5 To 4 + J
Worksheets(1).Cells(L, 4 + I).Formula = "=" & Max(Range(Cells(L, 4), Cells(L, 3 + I)))
Next L
End Sub
Have tried to re-write the second part (part behind the equal sign) several times. Usually I get the message Compile error: Sub or Function not defined and it marks the "Max". I thought Max (also tried with big letters) was an in-built function like SUM and so on.
I'm trying to make it write an Excel formula like this into the cells:
For I=2 and J=3:
Cell F5: =MAX(D5:E5)
Cell F6: =MAX(D6:E6)
Cell F7: =MAX(D7:E7)
i.e. I want a formula in the cells like I had wrote it in the cells manually to calculate max value, so that if the value in Cells D5, to D7 and E5 to E7 change, the new max value will be found without any scripts having to run.
Let me know if something is unclear.
You should not be putting Range and Cells in a formula string, they mean nothing to the Excel formula engine. You need the Address of the cells:
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim L As Long
I = InputBox("Number of columns to check max value")
J = InputBox("Number of Rows to add formula inn and find max value of that row")
L = 5
With Worksheets(1)
.Range(.Cells(L, 4 + I), .Cells(4 + J, 4 + I)).Formula = "=MAX(" & .Cells(L, 4).Address(False, False) & ":" & .Cells(L, I + 3).Address(False, False) & ")"
End With
The formula is actually the same for all cells, which is why it is possible to assign it in one assignment for the entire range. It looks different in the A1 reference notation, but if you switch to R1C1 in the Excel settings, you will see they are the same. Which also means it is easier to create that formula using the R1C1 notation in the first place:
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim L As Long
I = InputBox("Number of columns to check max value")
J = InputBox("Number of Rows to add formula inn and find max value of that row")
L = 5
With Worksheets(1)
.Range(.Cells(L, 4 + I), .Cells(4 + J, 4 + I)).FormulaR1C1 = "=MAX(RC[-" & I & "]:RC[-1])"
End With
But it would appear to me that you should instead use the Excel interface the intended way. Select the cells in which the MAX formula should be. Keeping the entire range selected, put the MAX formula into any of its cells as if you were creating it for just that cell, but instead of pressing Enter, press Ctrl+Enter.
You have to be careful to distinct between the part that is seen by VBA and the final formula.
If you write
Worksheets(1).Cells(L, 4 + I).Formula = "=" & Max(Range(Cells(L, 4), Cells(L, 3 + I)))
Max (and all the following stuff) is seen by the VBA-interpreter, not Excel. But there is no Max-function, and you get an (compiler)-error.
If you write
Worksheets(1).Cells(L, 4 + I).Formula = "=Max(Range(Cells(L, 4), Cells(L, 3 + I)))"
the VBA-interpreter sees the whole stuff as a string. It cannot take care about variables like L or I because is doesn't see them. So you end up with a formula that is exactly like you write it - and Excel (not VBA) will show you an error because it doesn't understand L or I.
What you need is a statement (in VBA) that creates a string that contains the actual values of your variables, and assign it to the cell.formula. I strongly advice that you first assign this to a string variable - it makes debugging much easier:
Dim formula As String
formula = "=Max(Range(Cells(" & L & ", 4), Cells(" & L & ", 3 + " & I & ")))"
Debug.Print formula
Worksheets(1).Cells(L, 4 + I).Formula = formula
Update: Sorry, I haven't looked to the content of the formula at all, of course the Range and Cells-objects are VBA objects. What you need in your formula is the address of the range, so change the line to
formula = "=MAX(" & Range(Cells(L, 4), Cells(L, 3 + i)).Address & ")"
Now VBA will create a Range and put the address into the formula string.
I would like to use a Vlookup function 47 times to get the value for every data. I call the table I am filling "Table 1". "Table 1 starts from E3. I would like to use the vlookup to find the value for cell E3 and fill it in F3.
I call the table from which I return value by Vlookup "Table2". "Table 2 is located in sheet "CC Name" and has two columns A and B.
I have tried two FOR Loops. One FOR Loop for the Vlookup function to be repeated 47 times. Second FOR Loop for the Name of the vlookup function "ccName" to use the function to fill the value in "Table 1" for 43 times, but I get error every time I implement the Code.
Sub GLcreation()
For n = 3 To 50
For c = 3 To 50
ccName(c) = WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Range("E" & n), Worksheets("CC Name").Range("A:B"), 2, 0)
Range("F" & n) = ccName(c)
Next c
Next n
End Sub
If you can Show me how to Code the correct for Loop, I appreciate your help.
As soon as there is a non-match the code will fail. It's safer to test for match before making the lookup. Here is a better solution:
Sub GLcreation()
Dim n As Integer
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = WorksheetFunction
For n = 3 To 50
If wf.CountIf(Worksheets("CC Name").Range("A:A"), Range("E" & n).Value) > 0 Then
Range("F" & n).Value = wf.Index(Worksheets("CC Name").Range("B:B"), wf.Match(Range("E" & n).Value, Worksheets("CC Name").Range("A:A"), 0))
End If
Next n
End Sub
By getting rid of c Loop, the correct Code is:
Range("F" & n) = WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Range("E" & n), Worksheets("CC Name").Range("A:B"), 2, 0)
I am trying to embed a VLOOKUP formula into my last column after performing formatting on a sheet. My lookup value is for a column that has the following column header: "Company State".
This is my current flow:
Find the Column number with the Column Header: "Company State":
CompanyStateColumnNumber = WorksheetFunction.Match("Company State", ws.Range("1:1"), 0)
Declare the range for lookup. In this case, it exists in a worksheet/workbook that is not the active workbook/worksheet. Hence, I am referencing it using ( I have already declared TZsrcRange as a Range type):
Set TZsrchRange = TemplateWS.Range("A:C")
Now, I am trying to embed the vlookup into my last column (I found my last column in the sheet and it is stored in the variable " NewestLCol". I want to embed it into the column until the very last row (stored in variable "LastRow") :
For x = 2 To LastRow
Set dynamic_lookup_value = Cells(x, CompanyStateColumnNumber)
Cells(x, NewestLCol).Formula = " =VLOOKUP(" & _
dynamic_lookup_value.Address(0, 0) & _
", Templatews.Range(A:C).Address(0,0),3, FALSE)"
Next x
Now, when I run it, it doesn't embed the formula and doesn't give me a value. What could my issue be?
Try replacing your formula assignment with this one
Cells(x, NewestLCol).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(" & _
dynamic_lookup_value.Address(0, 0) & _
"," & _
TZsrchRange.Address(External:=True) & _
",3, FALSE)"
Couldn't find a thread that would answer my question, os here I am. Please provide a link if there is one that I have not found.
Using Excel 2010
The comments should be sufficient to show what I'm trying to do.
I'm getting the Application-defined or Object-defined error (Runtime error 1004) I just can figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. Side note: I can get the loop to work when a formula like =if(A1=B1,"",3) If actually places the formula in the cell and show 3 in each cell when the condition is met. it just adding the Column,Row, I've tried & Range($, C) &, all sorts of combinations so, show me how much of a boob I am and help me with the SIMPLE fix that eludes me.
Thanks in advance.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim R, C As Integer
Dim Frmla1, Frmla2, Frmla3 As String
R = 4 'Initial Row #
C = 2 'Initial Column #
Frmla1 = "=IF('Log Sheet'!" '1st half of the formula
Frmla2 = "="""","""",'Log Sheet'!" '2nd half of the formula
Frmla3 = ")" 'Closing Parenthesis
' The Cells should have incremental Column,Row Identifiers.
' The following is what I want in each cell.
' The problem is trying to get the B4 and B5 into the formula.
' Formula "=IF('Log Sheet'!B4="","",'Log Sheet'!B4)
' Formula "=IF('Log Sheet'!B5="","",'Log Sheet'!B5)
For R = 4 To 301
ActiveSheet.Cells(R, C).Value = Frmla1 & R & C & Frmla2 & R & C & Frmla3
R = R + 2
Next R
End Sub
It looks like you should be using the R and C to reference a Range.Cells property that you can return a Range.Address property from.
For R = 4 To 301 Step 2
ActiveSheet.Cells(R, C).Formula = _
Frmla1 & Cells(R, C).Address(0, 0) & Frmla2 & Cells(R, C).Address(0, 0) & Frmla3
Next R
I've also removed your R = R + 2 and changed the Step of the For ... Next to increment by 2. You shouldn't self-increment a For ... Next inside the loop.
I changed the Range.Value property assignment to Range.Formula property. While your method often works, it wasn't correct and if the cells were formatted as Text, the formulas would come into the cells as text-that-looks=like-a-formula.
Your variable declarations should be more like the following.
Dim R As Long, C As Long
Dim Frmla1 As String, Frmla2 As String, Frmla3 As String
Each declaration should carry a variable type. Without it, they are declared as object/variant types,
For innerLoop = 0 To addRowOffset = 1
Range("C" & countRow & ":" & "C" & (countRow + addRowOffset)).Value = _
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Template").Range("B" & (4 + innerLoop)).Value
So I have this code which is supposed to take some rows that I inserted into a sheet, and fill Colum "C" with the a range of strings from the "Template" sheet. However, all it does it put one string and copy over and over again into the cells. How, do I get this to put the entire range of strings into the other sheet?
I'm willing to provide more of the code, or information if needed.
You seem to be putting the same value from the Template worksheet into all of the Range("Cx") cells at once. You put different values in but you replace all of the Range("Cx") cells each time during the loop.
For innerLoop = 0 To addRowOffset
Range("C" & countRow + innerLoop).Value = _
Sheets("Template").Range("B" & (4 + innerLoop)).Value
Next innerLoop
That should put a different value into a different cell for each iteration of the loop.
Note the change in For innerLoop = 0 To addRowOffset as well.