Finding one solution to Knight's Tour in Haskell - haskell

I'm trying to solve Knight's Open Tour in Haskell,and come up with a solution to generate all possible solutions:
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
However, when tested with 8-by-8 chess board, the above function never stops, which is because the solution space is insanely large(19,591,828,170,979,904 different open tours according to 1). So I want to find only one solution. Fisrt, I tried:
-- First try
head (knightsTour 8)
with the hope that Haskell's lazy evaluation may come to save the day. But that didn't happen, the solution still runs forever.
Then, I tried:
-- second try
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
knightsTour' :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
knightsTour' size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = reverse acc
go count acc =
nextSteps' = [step | step <- nextSteps (head acc), isValid step && step `notElem` acc]
fromMaybe [] (find (not . null) $ fmap (\step -> go (count+1) (step:acc)) nextSteps')
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
But the solution above still cannot deliver, because it still runs forever.
My questions are:
Why can't lazy evaluation work as I expected to produce only the first solution found? In my opinion, in both tries, only the first solution is required.
How to change the code above to produce only the first solution?

So first the good news: your code is doing what you expect, and only producing the first solution!
That's also the bad news: it really is taking this long to even find the first solution. I think something you underestimate greatly is how many "dead ends" need to be encountered in order to produce a solution.
For example, here's a tweak of your initial version using the Debug.Trace module to let us know how many dead ends you encounter while trying to find the first path:
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let nextPossible' = [ next |
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
, isValid next && next `notElem` acc]
nextPossible = if null nextPossible'
then trace ("dead end; count: " ++ show count) []
else nextPossible'
next <- nextPossible
-- guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))
Now, let's see how much output that gives us for different board sizes:
/tmp$ ghc -o kntest -O2 kntest.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( kntest.hs, kntest.o )
Linking kntest ...
/tmp$ ./kntest 5 2>&1 | wc
27366 109461 547424
/tmp$ ./kntest 6 2>&1 | wc
783759 3135033 15675378
/tmp$ ./kntest 7 2>&1 | wc
818066 3272261 16361596
Okay, so we encountered 27,365 dead ends on a board size of 5 and over 800 thousand dead ends on a board size of 7. For a board size of eight, I redirected it to a file:
/tmp$ ./kntest 8 2> kn8.deadends.txt
It's still running. At this point, it's encountered over 38 million dead ends:
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
38178728 kn8.deadends.txt
How many of those dead ends were really close to the end?
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt ; fgrep 'count: 61' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; fgrep 'count: 62' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l; fgrep 'count: 63' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
52759655 kn8.deadends.txt
64656651 kn8.deadends.txt
So it's up to well over 64 million dead ends now and it still hasn't found a dead end longer than 61 steps.
And now it's at 85 million, and if I take too long to write the rest of this it could be at over 100 million by the time I finish this answer.
There are some things you might do to speed up your program (such as using a vector to track already visited spots rather than the O(n) notElem lookup), but fundamentally it's taking so long to get just the first answer because it's really much, much longer to the first answer than you initially thought.
EDIT: If you add a very simple, naive implementation of Warnsdorf's rule then you get the first knight's tour almost instantly even for very large (40x40) boards:
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.List (sort)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
getValidFor from acc = do
next <- nextSteps from
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
return next
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let allPoss = getValidFor (head acc) acc
sortedPossible = map snd $ sort $
map (\x -> (length $ getValidFor x acc, x))
next <- sortedPossible
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))


Memoization not function correctly

I have the following code:
pB :: [(Integer, Integer, Integer)] -> Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer, Integer)]
pB lst x y
| screenList lst x y /= -1 = lst
| abs x > y = lst++[(x, y, 0)]
| y == 1 = lst++[(x, y, 1)]
| otherwise = lst++newEls
newEls = (pB lst x (y-1))++(pB lst (x-1) (y-1))++(pB lst (x+1) (y-1))
getFirst :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
getFirst (x, _, _) = x
getSecond :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
getSecond (_, y, _) = y
getThird :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
getThird (_, _, z) = z
screenList :: [(Integer, Integer, Integer)] -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
screenList [] _ _ = -1
screenList lst x y
| getFirst leader == x && getSecond leader == y = getThird leader
| otherwise = screenList (tail lst) x y
leader = head lst
Which, by running an inefficient solution of (Ie: One which didn't keep track of values which had already been computed) returned the value 51 for input x = 0, y = 5. Now, running this with input [] 0 5 I should be able to find (0,5,51) in the output, which unfortunately I don't.
I have been looking at it for a few hours, but can't seem to understand where I'm going wrong.
Does anybody have any suggestions?
EDIT: Inefficient version:
nPB :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
nPB x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (nPB x (y-1)) + (nPB (x-1) (y-1)) + (nPB (x+1) (y-1))
It is rather hard to tell what you are asking, but I gather that you have a function that is terribly slow and you have tried to manually memoize this function. I don't think anyone is trying to understand your attempt, so if this question is primarily about manually memoizing a function and/or fixing your code then please submit another question that more clearly outlines its design.
In the remainder of this question I will show you how to use monad-memo and memo-trie to memoize the function you've named nPB.
Memoizing nPB with monad-memo
The nPB function is a prime target for memoization. This is readily apparent by glancing at it's three recursive calls. The below small benchmark takes 1 second to run, lets see if we can do better.
nPB :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
nPB x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (nPB x (y-1)) + (nPB (x-1) (y-1)) + (nPB (x+1) (y-1))
main = print (nPB 10 20)
In a previous answer I used the monad-memo package. Using monad-memo involves making your function monadic, which is syntactically more invasive than the other packages I know of, but I've always have good performance.
To use the package you simply:
make sure to call one of the memo functions with the target function as the first parameter.
Be sure to return your final result
Adjust your type signatures to include a constraint of MonadMemo and adjust the result to be some monad m.
Run the function with startEvalMemo
The code is:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Memo
nPB :: (MonadMemo (Integer,Integer) Integer m) => Integer -> Integer -> m Integer
nPB x y
| abs x > y = return 0
| y == 1 = return 1
| otherwise = do
t1 <- for2 memo nPB x (y-1)
t2 <- for2 memo nPB (x-1) (y-1)
t3 <- for2 memo nPB (x+1) (y-1)
return (t1+t2+t3)
main = print (startEvalMemo $ nPB 10 20)
Memoizing nPB with MemoTrie
The most common Haskell memoization package in use is MemoTrie. This is also a syntactically cleaner memoization package as it does not requires any sort of monad, but it currently suffers from a slight performance issue when using Integer as we shall soon see (bug has been reported, use of Int and other types seems fine).
There is much less to do to use MemoTrie, just replace your recursive calls with memoN where N is the number of arguments:
import Data.MemoTrie
nPB :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
nPB x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (memo2 nPB x (y-1)) + (memo2 nPB (x-1) (y-1)) + (memo2 nPB (x+1) (y-1))
main = print (nPB 10 20)
Using a type of Integer the performance is:
$ ghc original.hs -O2 && time ./original
real 0m1.047s
$ ghc monad-memo.hs -O2 && time ./monad-memo
real 0m0.002s
$ ghc memotrie.hs -O2 && time ./memotrie
real 0m0.331s
And using Int:
$ ghc original.hs -O2 && time ./original
real 0m0.190s
$ ghc monad-memo.hs -O2 && time ./monad-memo
real 0m0.002s
$ ghc memotrie.hs -O2 && time ./memotrie
real 0m0.002s
I guess this question is about memoization. I'm not sure how you are trying to implement this, but there are two "standard" ways of memoizing functions: use one of the libraries, or explicitly memoize the data yourself.
import Data.Function.Memoize (memoize)
import Data.MemoTrie (memo2)
import Data.Map (fromList, (!))
import System.Environment
test0 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
test0 x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (test0 x (y-1)) + (test0 (x-1) (y-1)) + (test0 (x+1) (y-1))
test1 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
test1 = memoize test0
test2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
test2 = memo2 test0
But it doesn't look like the memo libraries I tried are able to handle this, or I did something wrong, I've never really used these libraries: (The test code is at the bottom - these results from x,y = 0,18)
test0 : Total time 9.06s
test1 : Total time 9.08s
test2 : Total time 32.78s
So lets try manual memoization. The principle is simple: construct your domain in such a way that later elements only require the value of earlier elements. This is very simple here since your function always recurses on y-1, so you just need to build the domain moving up the rows. Then write a function which looks up earlier values in a table (here I use Data.Map.Map), and map over the domain:
test3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
test3 x' y' = m ! (x', y')
xs = concat [ map (flip (,) y) [-x + x' .. x + x'] | (x, y) <- zip [y', y' - 1 .. 1] [1..]]
m = fromList [ ((x,y), go x y) | (x,y) <- xs]
go x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = m ! (x, y-1) + m ! (x-1, y-1) + m ! (x+1, y-1)
I actually construct a domain that is much than needed for simplicity, but the performance penalty is small since the extra domain is all 0 anyways. Taking a look at the performance, it is almost instant (Total time 0.02s). Even with x,y=0,1000 it still only takes 7 seconds. Although with large inputs you end up wasting a lot of time on GC.
-- usage: ghc --make -O2 -rtsopts Main.hs && Main n x y +RTS -sstderr
main = do
[n, x, y] <- getArgs
print $ (d !! (read n)) x y
where d = [test0, test1, test2, test3]
Here is the version written with memoFix2. Better performance than any other versions.
test4 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
test4 = memoFix2 go where
go r x y
| abs x > y = 0
| y == 1 = 1
| otherwise = (r x (y-1)) + (r (x-1) (y-1)) + (r (x+1) (y-1))

Project Euler #4 using Haskell

I hope this works by just pasting and running it with "runghc euler4.hs 1000". Since I am having a hard time learning Haskell, can someone perhaps tell me how I could improve here? Especially all those "fromIntegral" are a mess.
module Main where
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
hBound = read (args !! 0)::Int
squarePal = pal hBound
lBound = floor $ fromIntegral squarePal /
(fromIntegral hBound / fromIntegral squarePal)
euler = maximum $ takeWhile (>squarePal) [ x | y <- [lBound..hBound],
z <- [y..hBound],
let x = y * z,
let s = show x,
s == reverse s ]
putStrLn $ show euler
pal :: Int -> Int
pal n
| show pow == reverse (show pow) = n
| otherwise = pal (n-1)
pow = n^2
If what you want is integer division, you should use div instead of converting back and forth to Integral in order to use ordinary /.
module Main where
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
(arg:_) <- getArgs
hBound = read arg :: Int
squarePal = pal hBound
lBound = squarePal * squarePal `div` hBound
euler = maximum $ takeWhile (>squarePal) [ x | y <- [lBound..hBound],
z <- [y..hBound],
let x = y * z,
let s = show x,
s == reverse s ]
print euler
pal :: Int -> Int
pal n
| show pow == reverse (show pow) = n
| otherwise = pal (n - 1)
pow = n * n
(I've re-written the lbound expression, that used two /, and fixed some styling issues highlighted by hlint.)
Okay, couple of things:
First, it might be better to pass in a lower bound and an upper bound for this question, it makes it a little bit more expandable.
If you're only going to use the first two (one in your previous case) arguments from the CL, we can handle this with pattern matching easily and avoid yucky statements like (args !! 0):
(arg0:arg1:_) <- getArgs
Let's convert these to Ints:
let [a, b] = map (\x -> read x :: Int) [arg0,arg1]
Now we can reference a and b, our upper and lower bounds.
Next, let's make a function that runs through all of the numbers between an upper and lower bound and gets a list of their products:
products a b = [x*y | x <- [a..b], y <- [x..b]]
We do not have to run over each number twice, so we start x at our current y to get all of the different products.
from here, we'll want to make a method that filters out non-palindromes in some data set:
palindromes xs = filter palindrome xs
where palindrome x = show x == reverse $ show x
finally, in our main function:
print . maximum . palindromes $ products a b
Here's the full code if you would like to review it:
import System.Environment
main = do
(arg0:arg1:_) <- getArgs
let [a, b] = map (\x -> read x :: Int) [arg0,arg1]
print . maximum . palindromes $ products a b
products a b = [x*y | x <- [a..b], y <- [x..b]]
palindromes = filter palindrome
where palindrome x = (show x) == (reverse $ show x)

Longest non decrease subseq in Haskell is slow. How to improve?

longest'inc'subseq seq = maximum dp
where dp = 1 : [val n | n <- [1..length seq - 1]]
val n = (1 +) . filter'and'get'max ((<= top) . (seq!!)) $ [0..pred n]
where top = seq!!n
filter'and'get'max f [] = 0
filter'and'get'max f [x] = if f x then dp!!x else 0
filter'and'get'max f (x:xs) = if f x then ( if vx > vxs then vx else vxs ) else vxs
where vx = dp!!x
vxs = filter'and'get'max f xs
that take about 1-2s with lenght of seq = 1000
while in python is come out imtermedialy
in python
def longest(s):
dp = [0]*len(s)
dp[0] = 1
for i in range(1,len(s)):
need = 0
for j in range (0, i):
if s[j] <= s[i] and dp[j] > need:
need = dp[j]
dp[i] = need + 1
return max(dp)
and when length of seq is 10000, the haskell program run sooo long
while python return the answer after 10-15s
Can we improve haskell speed?
Your core problem is that you're using the wrong data structure in Haskell for this algorithm. You've translated an algorithm that depends on O(1) lookups on a sequence (as in your Python code), into one that does O(n) lookups on a list in Haskell.
Use like-for-like data structures, and then your complexity problems will take care of themselves. In this case, it means using something like Data.Vector.Unboxed to represent the sequence, which has O(1) indexing, as well as low constant overheads in general.
With nothing more than a really mindless wrapping of your lists into Vectors I get 2.5 seconds when the input list is [1..10000].
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
main = print $ liss [0..10000]
liss :: [Int] -> Int
liss seqL = V.maximum dp
where dp = V.fromList $ 1 : [val n | n <- [1..length seqL - 1]]
seq = V.fromList seqL
val n = (1 +) . filter'and'get'max ((<= top) . (seq!)) $ [0..pred n]
where top = seq!n
filter'and'get'max :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Int
filter'and'get'max f [] = 0
filter'and'get'max f [x] = if f x then dp!x else 0
filter'and'get'max f (x:xs) = if f x then ( if vx > vxs then vx else vxs ) else vxs
where vx = dp!x
vxs = filter'and'get'max f xs
The compilation and execution:
tommd#Mavlo:Test$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.0.3
tommd#Mavlo:Test$ ghc -O2 so.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( so.hs, so.o )
Linking so ...
tommd#Mavlo:Test$ time ./so
real 0m2.536s
user 0m2.528s
A worker-wrapper transformation on filter'and'get'max seems to shave off another second.
Also, I don't understand why you need that middle case (filter'and'get'max f [x]), shouldn't it work fine without that? I guess this changes the result if dp!x < 0. Note eliminating that saves 0.3 seconds right there.
And the python code you provided takes ~ 10.7 seconds (added a call of longest(range(1,10000));).
tommd#Mavlo:Test$ time python
real 0m10.745s
user 0m10.729s

Comparing 3 output lists in haskell

I am doing another Project Euler problem and I need to find when the result of these 3 lists is equal (we are given 40755 as the first time they are equal, I need to find the next:
hexag n = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..]]
penta n = [ n*(3*n-1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
trian n = [ n*(n+1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
I tried adding in the other lists as predicates of the first list, but that didn't work:
hexag n = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..], penta n == n, trian n == n]
I am stuck as to where to to go from here.
I tried graphing the function and even calculus but to no avail, so I must resort to a Haskell solution.
Your functions are weird. They get n and then ignore it?
You also have a confusion between function's inputs and outputs. The 40755th hexagonal number is 3321899295, not 40755.
If you really want a spoiler to the problem (but doesn't that miss the point?):
binarySearch :: Integral a => (a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> a
binarySearch func low high
| low == high = low
| func mid = search low mid
| otherwise = search (mid + 1) high
search = binarySearch func
mid = (low+high) `div` 2
infiniteBinarySearch :: Integral a => (a -> Bool) -> a
infiniteBinarySearch func =
binarySearch func ((lim+1) `div` 2) lim
lim = head . filter func . lims $ 0
lims x = x:lims (2*x+1)
inIncreasingSerie :: (Ord a, Integral i) => (i -> a) -> a -> Bool
inIncreasingSerie func val =
val == func (infiniteBinarySearch ((>= val) . func))
figureNum :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
figureNum shape index = (index*((shape-2)*index+4-shape)) `div` 2
main :: IO ()
main =
print . head . filter r $ map (figureNum 6) [144..]
r x = inIncreasingSerie (figureNum 5) x && inIncreasingSerie (figureNum 3) x
Here's a simple, direct answer to exactly the question you gave:
*Main> take 1 $ filter (\(x,y,z) -> (x == y) && (y == z)) $ zip3 [1,2,3] [4,2,6] [8,2,9]
Of course, yairchu's answer might be more useful in actually solving the Euler question :)
There's at least a couple ways you can do this.
You could look at the first item, and compare the rest of the items to it:
Prelude> (\x -> all (== (head x)) $ tail x) [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ]
Prelude> (\x -> all (== (head x)) $ tail x) [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] ]
Or you could make an explicitly recursive function similar to the previous:
-- test.hs
f [] = True
f (x:xs) = f' x xs where
f' orig (y:ys) = if orig == y then f' orig ys else False
f' _ [] = True
Prelude> :l test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] ]
*Main> f [ [1,2,3], [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ]
You could also do a takeWhile and compare the length of the returned list, but that would be neither efficient nor typically Haskell.
Oops, just saw that didn't answer your question at all. Marking this as CW in case anyone stumbles upon your question via Google.
The easiest way is to respecify your problem slightly
Rather than deal with three lists (note the removal of the superfluous n argument):
hexag = [ n*(2*n-1) | n <- [40755..]]
penta = [ n*(3*n-1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
trian = [ n*(n+1)/2 | n <- [40755..]]
You could, for instance generate one list:
matches :: [Int]
matches = matches' 40755
matches' :: Int -> [Int]
matches' n
| hex == pen && pen == tri = n : matches (n + 1)
| otherwise = matches (n + 1) where
hex = n*(2*n-1)
pen = n*(3*n-1)/2
tri = n*(n+1)/2
Now, you could then try to optimize this for performance by noticing recurrences. For instance when computing the next match at (n + 1):
(n+1)*(n+2)/2 - n*(n+1)/2 = n + 1
so you could just add (n + 1) to the previous tri to obtain the new tri value.
Similar algebraic simplifications can be applied to the other two functions, and you can carry all of them in accumulating parameters to the function matches'.
That said, there are more efficient ways to tackle this problem.

Detecting cyclic behaviour in Haskell

I am doing yet another projecteuler question in Haskell, where I must find if the sum of the factorials of each digit in a number is equal to the original number. If not repeat the process until the original number is reached. The next part is to find the number of starting numbers below 1 million that have 60 non-repeating units. I got this far:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], 60 == ((length $ chain74 x)-1)]
factorial n = product [1..n]
factC x = sum $ map factorial (decToList x)
chain74 x | x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x)
But what I don't know how to do is to get it to stop once the value for x has become cyclic. How would I go about stopping chain74 when it gets back to the original number?
When you walk through the list that might contain a cycle your function needs to keep track of the already seen elements to be able to check for repetitions. Every new element is compared against the already seen elements. If the new element has already been seen, the cycle is complete, if it hasn't been seen the next element is inspected.
So this calculates the length of the non-cyclic part of a list:
uniqlength :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int
uniqlength l = uniqlength_ l []
where uniqlength_ [] ls = length ls
uniqlength_ (x:xs) ls
| x `elem` ls = length ls
| otherwise = uniqlength_ xs (x:ls)
(Performance might be better when using a set instead of a list, but I haven't tried that.)
What about passing another argument (y for example) to the chain74 in the list comprehension.
Morning fail so EDIT:
[.. ((length $ chain74 x x False)-1)]
chain74 x y not_first | x == y && not_first = replace_with_stop_value_:-)
| x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x == 2 = [2]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x) y True
I implemented a cycle-detection algorithm in Haskell on my blog. It should work for you, but there might be a more clever approach for this particular problem:
Just change the return type from String to Bool.
EDIT: Here is a modified version of the algorithm I posted about:
cycling :: (Show a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> Bool
cycling k [] = False --not cycling
cycling k (a:as) = find 0 a 1 2 as
where find _ _ c _ [] = False
find i x c p (x':xs)
| c > k = False -- no cycles after k elements
| x == x' = True -- found a cycle
| c == p = find c x' (c+1) (p*2) xs
| otherwise = find i x (c+1) p xs
You can remove the 'k' if you know your list will either cycle or terminate soon.
EDIT2: You could change the following function to look something like:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], let chain = chain74 x, not$ cycling 999 chain, 60 == ((length chain)-1)]
Quite a fun problem. I've come up with a corecursive function that returns the list of the "factorial chains" for every number, stopping as soon as they would repeat themselves:
chains = [] : let f x = x : takeWhile (x /=) (chains !! factC x) in (map f [1..])
take 4 chains == [[],[1],[2],[3,6,720,5043,151,122,5,120,4,24,26,722,5044,169,363601,1454]]
map head $ filter ((== 60) . length) (take 10000 chains)
It works by calculating the "factC" of its position in the list, then references that position in itself. This would generate an infinite list of infinite lists (using lazy evaluation), but using takeWhile the inner lists only continue until the element occurs again or the list ends (meaning a deeper element in the corecursion has repeated itself).
If you just want to remove cycles from a list you can use:
decycle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
decycle = dc []
dc _ [] = []
dc xh (x : xs) = if elem x xh then [] else x : dc (x : xh) xs
decycle [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
