Drupal initial setup on linux? - linux

I'm trying to setup a Drupal test site. I'm a .Net developer, so I don't have a lot of experience with Linux machines. Can anyone tell me, for a test site of Drupal what the initial setup would be for:
Storage size
Storage mount points

For Drupal systems requirements, have a look at: https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/system-requirements
If you just want te test Drupal without the fuss of setting up things from scratch, try one of these options:
For quickly testing Drupal and contributed modules online, without needing to setup anything, try: https://simplytest.me
To get a free test developer account with easy Drupal install in the cloud, try using: https://insight.acquia.com/free/register
If you have access to a windows pc or mac, you can quickly setup a local development environment for Drupal using Acquia dev desktop: https://dev.acquia.com/downloads
If you are happy to host your own test Drupal site on shared hosting, you can also get a hosing account like https://www.dreamhost.com use their on-click install feature to install Drupal for testing purposes.


Can I deploy an application using OpenLDAP on Linux server to Windows client?

Is it possible to deploy installers (for example Chrome browser .exe file) to install on Windows client computers across all office buildings using OpenLDAP? The OpenLDAP is installed on CentOS 8. If it is not possible can Active Directory Help Me?
Why would you use a directory service to store binary files? This might be possible but it's a terrible idea.
Active Directory is a broad suite of tools. AD Domain Services is basically the OpenLDAP equivalent https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/699.active-directory-domain-services-ad-ds-overview.aspx and doesn't do what you want
AD GP (Group Policy) allows you to push software https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/group-policy/use-group-policy-to-install-software but if you're only using it to push a Chrome installer, it's overkill to set it all up. It does work though!
You can also use SCCM (oh I guess it's called MECM now, haven't touched it in a hot minute).

magento 2 setup on ubuntu 14 with Nagios on sub domain for monitoring and Zpanel

I am new to Linux command line and setting up Magento 2.1 on my VPS. I am thinking to setup Nagios on subdomain so i don't want any interruption on my actual domain ecommerce application.
I have few doubts which causing lot of trouble to me.
By default Zpanel comes up with lower config for Php and Mysql and to make them work with Magento 2 i have to manually upgrade them . I did that but Magento worked, whole Zpanel navigation stopped working. So i re-installed whole ubuntu Os again and ready with my box. I would also like to have Varnish Cache along with some web based console so that i can easily manage my virtual hosts and for some other stuff.
What will be the best approach to setup everything one by one on one domain/sub-domain? I have found so many articles to install magento 2 on ubuntu using command line but they dont use any webpanel. I am open to switch it to any other OS as well.
If there is sequence to setup these all, please guide.
Final Requirement:
Magento 2 with any Linux OS
Nagios server for monitoring
Web panel like CWP or Zpanel etc.
This question will be complete solution and will helpful many other users as well. All answers are highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

What is the purpose of 1 click installation of Drupal on Web hosting?

I am in process of making first Drupal 7 website and for that searching for the web hosting. And I found that, several hosting says 1-click Drupal installation. But as I was searching the net for standard practice of site development, many sources explains Develop the site on local environment and then transfer to the web server (which includes, transfer of database, and whole drupal with modules) which is quite convincing that you develop locally and transfer to web so it start working there as it was working on locally.
On the other hand, what is the use of 1 click drupal installation on web server, I believe it will install the fresh core drupal, so from again initially I have to start developing, installing each module so, starting from square 1.
So, which is the BEST practice for making web site live, shall i develop locally first or develop directly on web server?
Simultaneously, what is the best practice about maintaining site, I read that, there should be One live site where visitor will come, Second Test site which is similar to live, One local site, So what is the standard practice for this, and how to maintain?
Very thanks in advance.
In my previous answer in point 2 i outline 4 servers: DEV, STAGE, QA and PROD. this is usually the process on kind of "biggish" company where lots of people might be working in infrastructure, development and qa department. This said, if you are not working in a complex environment, you might just have 2 drupal installations, one for testing , on DEV (e.g dev.mysite.com) and one live (eg.mysite.com). The different url can be arranged from you cpanel or personal panel in case of a shared server.
They might run on the same server, however the dev site is the one you will be working on while creating the site, then you will clone the dev and make it live once the site is ready.
You will keep the dev site as a space to test new features, fix bugs, test updates of module or core files. Once these new features are implemented, or bug fixed, you will replicate the same steps on the live site.
GIT is a version control system: it allow you to keep track of the code you are working on, you might want to create 2 branches: DEV and MASTER.
You will be working on DEV to create the site or update files or fix bugs, and you will merge to LIVE and pull on the live server the code once it's stable. I hope this clarify a bit.
1) one click installation process are usually offered on shared servers, they then might have lower performance and memory limit that your local lamp set up. It is the good to check what is the version of PHP and MySQL that runs on the server, as well as max upload file limit or connection time. I prefer start working locally and then publish on my server, BUT if you install on your server first you will have a good idea of how drupal will perform in the real world, then you can always clone the site and db on your local, and also you will avoid the ugly surprise of trying to move your site from local to your server and find out bugs or migration issues.
2) in enterprise dev environment you might have 3/4 steps, DEV ("wild west") STAGE (release candidate) QA (quality assurance server) PROD (live site). You usually sync (eg with GIT) your local to DEV or STAGE , than you push to QA, then if it's all good to PROD

Multiple environments using WAMP server

wondering if you can help me with the following.
I have a new server in my office, with Windows Server 2008 R2, i have 2 developers working here now, i have just installed WAMP on the server and running, i would like that each of the devs to have their own instance in the wamp, i mean if within www i have N quantity of Projects.
Programmer A gets access to some projects only, also the Databases.
At this point i know how to setup the wamp to be accessed in the LAN using Vhosts, but i have no clue how to setup specific privileges.
Could not find anything on the web on that issue.
Can I suggest another method.
As WAMPServer is intended as a developers tool anyway, you install WAMPServer on each developers PC. You make sure the config on all PC's is the same as the Server version.
For an existing project i.e maintenance/upgrade you give them the source and a database backup. They develop this locally and when its ready you take the source and a database backup to your WAMPServer on the Server.
For a new project, they develop it locally and then when its ready you move the project to the Server.
This would be much simpler and would leave the Server version for UAT or LIVE, whatever you are using it for.
Of course there are better solutions involving source management etc, but as a fairly simple and low maintenance solution, this would work.

IIS Test Server From Existing IIS Server with Joomla

I am in a situation where the current web server is a production environment and there is no development environment. It is running Joomla on an IIS Web Server and is an Intranet site with all of the security, IP restrictions, Certificates, and whatever else required to run an enterprise level Intranet site.
I am wondering what I can do to set up a development environment to work within (preferably using some type of version control).
I have full reign over the IIS server, and I have had a co-worker set up a VM clone of the current system to work with, however the security is making it difficult to work with and set up.
I would like to not use Visual Studio as I don't believe I have a license for it; however I can get it if need be. I would like to stick with Notepad++ if at all possible.
Thank you.
If you're wanting to literally take the site content out and be able to edit and work without any of the security restrictions of the production environment, there's a couple of ways you could do it. However, it's going to depend on what DB the system is running with.
Joomla, regardless of what web platform it is running on, is coded in PHP, so you don't have to worry about getting visual studio. You can use Notepad++ as normal.
Option 1 - IIS Clone
If you can take a SQL backup of the database, you build a from-scratch box with IIS. You'd need to add the PHP drivers to IIS to do this. Go to Microsoft's site for more info:
Option 2 - Apache Port
You can make an Apache box using WAMP to run, if you're using a Windows machine. PHP is PHP, on any platform, so it should work without modification.
The tricky bit will be the database, depending on your situation. If the database is MySQL, you can import your database backup and be good to go, after changing the config files for the Joomla site.
If the site used MSSQL, it's a little trickier. You'll need to install an MSSQL PHP plugin to get this medthod to work. There's plenty of instructions online on how to do this, it's a case of finding the right one for your implementation.
