magento 2 setup on ubuntu 14 with Nagios on sub domain for monitoring and Zpanel - linux

I am new to Linux command line and setting up Magento 2.1 on my VPS. I am thinking to setup Nagios on subdomain so i don't want any interruption on my actual domain ecommerce application.
I have few doubts which causing lot of trouble to me.
By default Zpanel comes up with lower config for Php and Mysql and to make them work with Magento 2 i have to manually upgrade them . I did that but Magento worked, whole Zpanel navigation stopped working. So i re-installed whole ubuntu Os again and ready with my box. I would also like to have Varnish Cache along with some web based console so that i can easily manage my virtual hosts and for some other stuff.
What will be the best approach to setup everything one by one on one domain/sub-domain? I have found so many articles to install magento 2 on ubuntu using command line but they dont use any webpanel. I am open to switch it to any other OS as well.
If there is sequence to setup these all, please guide.
Final Requirement:
Magento 2 with any Linux OS
Nagios server for monitoring
Web panel like CWP or Zpanel etc.
This question will be complete solution and will helpful many other users as well. All answers are highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.


Drupal initial setup on linux?

I'm trying to setup a Drupal test site. I'm a .Net developer, so I don't have a lot of experience with Linux machines. Can anyone tell me, for a test site of Drupal what the initial setup would be for:
Storage size
Storage mount points
For Drupal systems requirements, have a look at:
If you just want te test Drupal without the fuss of setting up things from scratch, try one of these options:
For quickly testing Drupal and contributed modules online, without needing to setup anything, try:
To get a free test developer account with easy Drupal install in the cloud, try using:
If you have access to a windows pc or mac, you can quickly setup a local development environment for Drupal using Acquia dev desktop:
If you are happy to host your own test Drupal site on shared hosting, you can also get a hosing account like use their on-click install feature to install Drupal for testing purposes.

Configuring Request Tracker 4.0 with Apache2 on Linux Mint 14 Nadia

My coworker installed Linux Mint 14 Nadia onto a VM (using VirtualBox) and followed the following tutorial to install Apache, MySQL and PHP: He then used the readme from to install Request Tracker 4.0. Both of those went pretty well with very few hiccups along the way from what he told me. Now he's forwarded over the task to me and I'm attempting to get Request Tracker 4.0 configured correctly with the Apache server. Currently I can visit localhost and get the following message:
It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server
software is running but no content has been added, yet.
I also configured it so when you visit localhost/rt you SHOULD see the Request Tracker interface, but I'm instead receiving the following page, and this is where I've spent most of my time stumped:
You're almost there! You haven't yet configured your webserver to run
RT. You appear to have installed RT's web interface correctly, but
haven't yet configured your web server to "run" the RT server which
powers the web interface. The next step is to edit your webserver's
configuration file to instruct it to use RT's mod_perl or FastCGI
handler. If you need commercial support, please contact us at
After a few moments it redirects me to (only allowed 2 links apparently?)
I assume I have something misconfigured but am unsure what. I've been googling and fiddling around with this most of yesterday and today with no luck. It doesn't help that I'm fairly inexperienced with the linux environment, I'm sure.
If I understand how he installed it, he wants to set it up using FastCGI so I visited this site and followed the guides there, but the documentation is quite awful and doesn't always line up with my environment, so I've had to put in a lot of guess and check work. I'll provide the code I've added to my config files so you see where I'm at for now
000-default in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled:
Alias /rt /opt/rt4/share/html
Alias /NoAuth/images /var/www/rt/share/html/NoAuth/images/
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
ScriptAlias / /var/www/rt/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/
<Directory /opt/rt4/share/html/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
</Directory> in /opt/rt4/etc:
Set($WebPath, '/rt');
Set($WebBaseURL, 'http://localhost');
If anymore information is needed, please let me know. Thanks in advance for any help!
The RT docs for web deployment give more detailed info for setting up Apache with fastcgi and for running at '/rt'. I think you'll want to initially try using the suggested Apache configurations and see if that gets you past the setup page.
(Note that those docs are available in the RT install as well in the docs directory.)

phpmyadmin on Oracle Linux Server

I'm a newbie in the open source world. Always used to paying i can't imagine we can get a whole OS for free!!! None the less from reputed companies like Oracle, i'm sold! OK so i got Oracle Linux server 6.1 installed and its running fine. I also checked all the boxes under webserver and MySQl during installation and i can see the Apache home page when i type localhost on the browser and i have started both the Apache & the MySql services.
My question: is there a GUI based admin tool like phpmyadmin to administer the MySql DB which is already installed? If not can someone point me to a step by step guide for the same. I have been trying since last 4 days and i just can't understand how to do this and what is required? I also saw some post saying something like Oracle Enterprise Manager is available through which we can administer the DB but i just can't find out how to get to the console? Is there a locahost url or something to get it to work?
Finally all i want to do is run Drupal on the Linux server and be able to administer the DB with phpmyadmin, if everything is complicated can i just install LAMP or XXAMP which will give me everything i need in one go. Although i feel since Apache & MySQL is already installed when i installed the OS not sure what will happen.
I know i'm all over the place, making the transition from Windows and am really new to this. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Oracle Enterprise Linux is based off of the Red Hat sources, just like CentOS.
Found a link on how to get it setup with CentOS 6, which should work for OEL.

Is it possible to run both drupal 6 and drupal 7 on local MAMP server?

I have a drupal 6 multisite setup on my local MAMP server. I don't want to upgrade these sites to drupal 7 as some of the modules have not been converted to drupal 7 yet. I would also like to start using drupal 7 on the MAMP server for new sites. However, I can't find a way to configure it so that both versions of drupal can run a multisite setup side by side (without interfering with each other).
Anyone done this with success? Any help appreciated...
Pure drupal multisite need to run the same drupal version.
You can still have your D6 in, for exemple, www/drupal6/ and your D7 in www/drupal7/, that will work.
Here is a caution, but I have not yet figured out the root of the issue (my searching for it led me to this question!). I had OpenAtrium (Drupal6) and Drupal 7 running successfully side-by-side as described above on a dev machine (separate directories, separate databases, separate etc/host domains, etc). In trying to work through an OpenAtrium image-upload issue (Clean URLs is a must), somehow, one of the admin buttons I clicked in OpenAtrium (I believe it was the OA option to repair permissions) completely trashed my Drupal 7 site. Since this was all dev/experimental, no data was lost, but be forewarned that bad things might happen.

Can i install cPanel or plesk control panel

I have got rackspace cloud server and i have installed lamstack and more. Its too hard to use command prompt to my client, so he wants cPanel or plesk control panel. Is it possible to install any one of those? Which one is best and free or open source. Please suggest me.
cPanel and Plesk will cost you plenty i suppose because rackspace is not their reseller. You might want to look into webmin.
VHCS is ok, i use it for simple webhosting, email, ftp and database administration.
doesn't do a lot else though. its good beside webmin.
Not sure if people are still following this question, but for those that find it VHCS is no longer being supported and is being improved under from a new name called IspCP. Neither of them are particularly easy to install on linux servers and they are not that good. Webmin is the easiest to install and the most written about for support.
