Acumatica API and custom properties - acumatica

I’m having issues setting custom properties from web service. I have several string field properties on soline. When I send a request only some of them are getting set. I would post the code but there is a lot of extra stuff.
I have checked the web service the payload and the customization. Everything appears correct anything else I should look at? Additional info I’m extending the 6.0 web api. Calling Acumatica from postman.

So what ended working for me was a series of restarting the application and just entering in the the properties again in the web service. I would just go one property at a time. Add it restart the application via
System -> Management -> Apply Updates -> Restart Application


Customization with a custom web service endpoint not refreshing

I extended the StockItem with a few user fields, then created a custom web service end point to extend the StockItem with my changes. That worked great until I added another field. The customization package contains the changes (I verified in the XML) but when deployed to my production system its ignored. The old web service remains.
Has anyone else experienced this? What am I doing wrong here?
Turns out, the publish feature "execute all database scripts" was needed to force the package to reload the revised endpoints.

acumatica project customizations project ID missing on localhost instance

I have a local instance of Acumatica 2018 R2 that I am using for development and when I try to edit a Customization Project it is not pulling in the specific project and ID.
Local instance of the Custom Project editor
Where it says "Project" in the top left, it should say "Test5".
Here is how the editor should look:
Production Instance Custom Project Editor
I believe that I've configured my IIS setting correctly but I can't get it to perform correctly.
I've seen that happen before. It appears to be an Ajax glitch. When the customization project editor opens it displays Project as a placeholder first. Then an Ajax call fetch the proper project name to replace the template placeholder text.
There isn't much to do to resolve this issue. I suggest using a different web browser (Chrome seems to handle Ajax more reliably) and possibly issuing an IISReset command on the web server or if you don't have access to server a restart application from the apply updates page.

Application Insights not showing data in Azure Preview Portal

I have an existing web application on Azure with some very limited application insights monitoring (end point checks). I thought I would pull in the rest of the functionality so I added telemetry to my project following the instructions at Everything went well and I was able to see that when I loaded a page with the instrumentation JavaScript it was indeed sending requests to azure and I was getting back no errors either in error code or in the errors array in the json response.
The GUID in the applications insights configuration file looks correct. I've also tried sending telemetry manually
private void GatherTelemetry()
var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
While all of these actions show up in the count in visual studio
there is nothing in the portal.
I have tried reopening the blades as well as logging out and in again.
What else can I try?
here are things to confirm:
if you are running your app from visual studio make sure there are events listed as sent from the output window (based on your screenshot above it looks good there)
make sure you are using our latest SDKs. .11 had some breaking changes see here:
ensure the events are being sent to the AI endpoint in fiddler (looks like you are good here)
go to and choose browse -> application insights and choose the app you are sending data for. you can double check by looking at the instrumentation key on the properties part. another way to get back to the portal is through the deep links made available in visual studio. on the overview blade go to the diagnostic search part to see a tail of the last telemetry events collected.
finally if you don't see data check for service issues here:
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that custom events aren't yet included in the charts you are looking at. Have you checked whether you can find the events using the search functionality?
Custom events will soon be seen in the overview blade. In the mean time you can chart the trend of metric Event count. Just select any chart and open up Metric Explorer, then you can select the metric Event count. This should show you the trend of events sent.

How can I implement domino data services within an xpinc application to display a notes view in a restful state

I have an xPages application that I would like to get working in the Notes client via xpinc. I have a view that displays its information via domino data services as json. How can I make this available to my xpinc application?
Yes, Patrick. You answered your own question in the comments section.
The full Domino data service does not run locally on the Notes client. Therefore, your xpinc application can't use a local instance of the data service. On the other hand, the XPages REST service control should work locally. The REST service control uses some of the same underlying code as the data service, so you should be able to make it return essentially the same JSON representation of view entries. It may take a bit more work, but it's the best option for xpinc.
Good luck.

SharePoint warmup script for FBA authentication

I was looking for some warmup script but all the scripts I found on net are based on windows authentication and which doesn't work with FBA. I found this article though which uses authentication web services to login but it also resulted in error as mentioned in the comments at the bottom of the article.
Anyone knows about it?
You need to add a reference to the http://[site-collection-URL]/_vti_bin/Authentication.asmx Web service in your project and call it FBAPORTAL (if you want to use another name, you need to modify the code appropriately).
