Cloudinary.url is not working as expected - node.js

I'm wanting to convert an image url so it can include the transformation properties (I want to change the width and height). Here is an example of what I store in my database (the url Cloudinary gives us when we upload an image)
I'm using node.js and the cloudinary library gives us the following method: cloudinary.url().
It does not seem to work when I pass the cloudinary image URL to it:
{ width: 100, height: 100 });
It will just return the original url, it won't add any transformation values to it?!
Note: I what I did to get it to work was strip orsdrkjfddaqjlwsk0t.jpg from the url & pass it to the cloudinary.url method. However if the image stored in my database is not one from cloudinary, stripping the nameofimage.jpg from the url won't work! Cloudinary will create a cloudinary URL for it WHICH does not exist.

You need to specify a crop mode for the width and height to take into effect. For example,
{ width: 100, height: 100, crop: "scale"});


How to make one image from multiple images in node js

I want to make one image from multiples images in node js. I found the NPM package "spritesmith" for this. It combines the image and returns buffer representation of image, but I want to have more control over the final image. I want the input images to be display on specific position(pixel perfect) in final image, and also wants to downscale images. I have done some search, but found nothing about it. Can anyone please throw some possibillites for doing this thing. I want to combine about 10,000 images with 10 x 10 px for each image. What I'm planning is when a new image is uploaded by user, I want to add it to previously giant image.
Use the package Sharp.
images //your array of 10000 images
const emptyImage = await sharp({
create: {
width: 1000,
height: 1000,
channels: 3,
background: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 },
.composite(, index)=>({
input: image,
left: index%100,
top: parseInt(index/100),
width: 10,
height: 10,
.toFormat('jpeg', { quality: 100 })

How to generate and download pdf with dynamic image path from database using any npm packages

I'm building a software using express-mongodb-ejs. I've tried some of the npm packages to generate and download pdf. But, I cant generate pdf which having the dynamic image path.
I've used html-pdf package, which seems pretty good. But, It can't render the dynamic image path from database.
Here is the screenshot where I used the html-pdf package.
Here is the detailed problem link where I asked about this package related question.
Can anyone provide me any detailed solution regarding the problem? Any npm package should be fine as long as it can help me to download pdf using express.
You may use a popular node module called pdfkit. Please run the below program and check it. You need an image with the name pro.jpg in the same folder that you run the script. It will generate an output.pdf file.
Here is the example:
const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit');
const fs = require('fs');
// Create a document
const doc = new PDFDocument();
// Pipe its output somewhere, like to a file or HTTP response
// See below for browser usage
// Add an image, constrain it to a given size, and center it vertically and horizontally
doc.image('pro.jpg', {
fit: [250, 300],
align: 'center',
valign: 'center'
// Add another page
.text('Here is some vector graphics...', 100, 100);
// Draw a triangle
.moveTo(100, 150)
.lineTo(100, 250)
.lineTo(200, 250)
// Apply some transforms and render an SVG path with the 'even-odd' fill rule
.translate(470, -380)
.path('M 250,75 L 323,301 131,161 369,161 177,301 z')
.fill('red', 'even-odd')
// Add some text with annotations
.text('Here is a link!', 100, 100)
.underline(100, 100, 160, 27, { color: '#0000FF' })
.link(100, 100, 160, 27, '');
// Finalize PDF file

fabricjs set boundingrect to the new object after cropping object using clipto method

I have clipped an image using clipto method of fabricjs and this works fine. But the problem is boudingrect is still to the actual image area. Is there any way to reset boundingrect same as new cropped image? I tried setCoords but this does not work.
FabricJS has two methods available to "crop" an object, the one you are using clipTo(), and a toDataURL() method. Using toDataURL() creates a new image with a reset boundingrect same as new cropped image.
fabric.Image.fromURL('data:image/;base64,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', function(origImage) {
var origBoundingRect = origImage.getBoundingRect();
width: origImage.width - 5,
height: origImage.height - 5
}), function(newImage) {
var newBoundingRect = newImage.getBoundingRect();
console.log('origBoundingRect:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(origBoundingRect) + '\r\n\r\n' + 'newBoundingRect:\r\n' + JSON.stringify(newBoundingRect));
<script src="//"></script>
If you run the code snip-it above it logs to the console a before and after shot of the boundingrect.
Hope this helps, matey. Let me know if you have any further questions.

PDFKit - locate image in center

Using PDFKit on node.js:
var PDFDocument = require('pdfkit')
var doc = new PDFDocument()
How can I centerize an image added to the PDF?
Is it optional to do it using PDFKit or do I need to use another library?
I've found an indirect way to solve the problem - simply calculate the center and locate the picture there:
doc.image('images/test.jpeg', ( - imageWidth) /2 )
Using PDFKit on node.js: We can center the image using following code
doc.image('path/to/image.png', {
fit: [250, 300],
align: 'center',
valign: 'center'
You can use this, this code place your image at middle of the line
let imageWidth = 180 // what you wants
doc.image('path/to/image.png', - imageWidth/2,doc.y,{

yui How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?

Good day.
I use script Imagecropper
<img src="" id="yui_img" height="768" width="1024">
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper('yui_img');
But if i do not specify the image size, then i get next(see image):
<img src="" id="yui_img">
And if i specify the wrong picture size, the window will increase the portion of the image:
<img src="" id="yui_img" height="333" width="500">
How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?
First of all I'd like to point you to YUI 3 since YUI 2 is no longer supported. You shouldn't write new code using YUI 2. There's an ImageCropper component I wrote for YUI 3 that works just like the YUI 2 version in the YUI Gallery: Since it copies what the YUI 2 ImageCropper did, it shares these issues with the older version.
What to do when the size of the image isn't specified
The reason why you're getting a small ImageCropper is that you're creating the widget before the image has been fetched and so the browser doesn't know its size yet. What you can do is wait for the image's onload event. You can listen to that event and create the ImageCropper after it fires:
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img');
Event.addListener(yui_img, 'load', function () {
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper(yui_img);
Why the ImageCropper doesn't work with images with the wrong size
Neither the YUI 2 ImageCropper nor my YUI 3 version work with images when they don't have the right size. The reason is that both use the background: url() CSS style for showing the image inside the crop area (the non-darkened part of the widget). CSS backgrounds don't let you use a resized/zoomed image.
I plan on using another strategy at some point for the YUI 3 version that will fix the issue. However, you need to keep in mind that the ImageCropper component is designed so that you send the crop coordinates to the server for it to actually crop the image. That means that if you have the wrong size set to the image, the coordinates that the image cropper returns with its getCropCoords method wouldn't be the coordinates that match with the full sized image. Instead you'd also have to send the server the size of the image you've been using and do extra math to crop the image correctly.
In conclusion, you shouldn't use the image with the wrong size. You can fix the size of the image in two ways:
Use the HTML5 naturalWidth and naturalHeight attributes of the image. Those return the real size of the image even if it's resized. Unfortunately these attributes are not yet supported by all browsers.
Create a new image with JS, set it the same src as the image you're using, listen to its load event and get that image's size.
Something like this:
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img'),
new_img = new Image();
new_img.onload = function () {
yui_img.width = new_img.width;
yui_img.height = new_img.height;
// create the ImageCropper
new_img.src = yui_img.src;
A YUI3 version
You can easily do all this with YUI3:
YUI().use('gallery-imagecropper', function (Y) {
var img ='#yui_img');
img.on('load', function () {
var cropper = new Y.ImageCroper({
srcNode: img,
width: img.get('width'),
height: img.get('height')
Typo in code. Should be
var cropper = new Y.ImageCropper({
You missed a letter "p".
