GI-Gtk callback threading - multithreading

I am having an issue with threading when using callbacks in GI-Gtk. Consider the following program:
import GI.Gtk hiding (main)
import GI.Gdk
import GI.GLib
import GI.GLib.Constants
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
main = do
t <- myThreadId
putStrLn $ "init "++show t
Gtk.init Nothing
d <- dialogNew
dialogRun d
onWidgetDestroy d onDestroy
onDestroy :: IO ()
onDestroy = do
t <- myThreadId
putStrLn $ "onDestroy "++show t
runOnGUI $ putStrLn "Destroying"
putStrLn "Destroyed"
runOnGUI :: IO a -> IO a
runOnGUI action = do
ans <- newEmptyMVar
threadsAddIdle PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE $ action >>= putMVar ans >> return False
takeMVar ans
When running the above program, the program hangs when I attempt to close the window, and I get the following output:
init ThreadId 11
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
onDestroy ThreadId 12
Looking at the code alone, I would expect to see this deadlock if runOnGUI is being called from the main thread (which I would expect it to be). However based on the output, runOnGUI should be getting called on a different thread, and therefore avoid the deadlock.
In my actual program, I attempt to avoid this type of deadlock by guarding runOnGUI in a if currentThread /= mainThread type conditional; but, as the above example shows, that does not appear to be sufficient.


Waiting until a file stops being modified

I'm trying to use hinotify and STM to make a simple concept:
Block the thread of execution until the watched file stops being modified
Continue once modifications stop, or their interval is larger than some time threshold (debounces)
Currently, I'm trying to use a TSem to get this working correctly, but I keep running into either of these problems:
the thread doesn't block at all, and I end up removing the hinotify watcher before it even starts, throwing an exception
the thread blocks indefinitely, causing STM to throw an exception
the program prints 3 times (3 concurrent notifications), but only lasts for 1 second and not 10
The code I've written is below, and can be checked out on github to see for yourself.
module Main where
import System.INotify
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TSem
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad (forM_)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[file] <- getArgs
-- make changes every 1/10th of a second for 10 seconds
forkIO $ forM_ [0..100] $ \s -> do
appendFile file $ show s
threadDelay (second `div` 10)
debouncer <- atomically $ newTSem 0
notif <- initINotify
expectation <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
watcher <- addWatch notif [Modify] file $ \e -> do
e' <- atomically $ do
modifyTVar expectation (+1)
readTVar expectation
print e
threadDelay second
e'' <- readTVarIO expectation
if e' == e''
then atomically $ signalTSem debouncer
else pure ()
atomically $ waitTSem debouncer
removeWatch watcher
killINotify notif
second = 1000000
Do you see anything immediately wrong with what I'm trying to do?
Does it have to be STM? You can achieve you goal with ordinary MVars:
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-7.9
--install-ghc runghc
--package hinotify
--package stm
import System.INotify
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, newEmptyMVar, readMVar, swapMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, modifyMVar_)
import Control.Monad (forM_, forever)
main :: IO ()
main = do
[file] <- getArgs
mainBlocker <- newEmptyMVar
tickCounter <- newMVar 0
-- make changes every 1/10th of a second for 10 seconds
forkIO $ forM_ [0..100] $ \s -> do
appendFile file $ show s
threadDelay (second `div` 10)
-- set up file watches
notif <- initINotify
watcher <- addWatch notif [Modify] file $ \e -> do
swapMVar tickCounter 10
print "file has been modified; reset ticks to 10"
-- 'decreaser' thread
forkIO $ forever $ do
threadDelay second
ticks <- readMVar tickCounter
print $ "current ticks in decreaser thread: " ++ show ticks
if ticks <= 0
then putMVar mainBlocker ()
else modifyMVar_ tickCounter (\v -> return (v-1))
takeMVar mainBlocker
print "exiting..."
removeWatch watcher
killINotify notif
second = 1000000
The idea is a 'tick' counter that gets set to 10 whenever the file has been modified. A separate thread tries to count down to 0 and, when it succeeds, releases the block of the main thread.
If you use stack you can execute the code as a script like this:
stack theCode.hs fileToBeWatched

Stop threads from interleaving output

The following program creates two threads running concurrently, that each sleep for a random amount of time, before printing a line of text to stdout.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay
printer str = forkIO . forever $ do
randomDelay 1000000 -- μs
putStrLn str
main = do
printer "Hello"
printer "World"
return ()
The output generally looks something like
>> main
How do you ensure that only one thread can write to stdout at a time? This seems like the kind of thing that STM should be good at, but all STM transactions must have the type STM a for some a, and an action that prints to the screen has type IO a, and there doesn't seem to be a way to embed IO into STM.
The way to handle output with STM is to have an output queue that is shared between all threads and which is processed by a single thread.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay
printer queue str = forkIO . forever $ do
randomDelay 1000000 -- μs
atomically $ writeTChan queue str
prepareOutputQueue = do
queue <- newTChanIO
forkIO . forever $ atomically (readTChan queue) >>= putStrLn
return queue
main = do
queue <- prepareOutputQueue
printer queue "Hello"
printer queue "World"
return ()
Locking in the way you're describing isn't possible usingSTM. This is because STM is based on optimistic locking and so every transaction must be restartable at any point. If you embedded an IO operation into STM, it could be executed multiple times.
Probably the easiest solution for this problem is to use a MVar as a lock:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay
printer lock str = forkIO . forever $ do
randomDelay 1000000
withMVar lock (\_ -> putStrLn str)
main = do
lock <- newMVar ()
printer lock "Hello"
printer lock "World"
return ()
In this solution the lock is passed as an argument to printer.
Some people prefer to declare the lock as a top-level global variable, but currently this requires unsafePerformIO and relies on properties of GHC that AFAIK aren't part of the Haskell Language Report (in particular, it relies on the fact that a global variable with non-polymorphic type is evaluated at most once during the execution of a program).
A bit of research, based on Petr Pudlák's answer shows that there is a module Control.Concurrent.Lock in the concurrent-extra package that provides an abstraction around MVar ()-based locks.
The solution using that library is
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Lock as Lock
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay
printer lock str = forkIO . forever $ do
randomDelay 1000
Lock.with lock (putStrLn str)
main = do
lock <-
printer lock "Hello"
printer lock "World"
return ()
This is the example using global lock as mentioned by Petr.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, takeMVar, putMVar, MVar)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
{-# NOINLINE lock #-}
lock :: MVar ()
lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
printer x = forkIO . forever $ do
randomDelay 100000
() <- takeMVar lock
let atomicPutStrLn str = putStrLn str >> putMVar lock ()
atomicPutStrLn x
randomDelay t = randomRIO (0, t) >>= threadDelay
main = do
printer "Hello"
printer "World"
return ()
You can actually implement a lock using STM if you want, though an MVar will almost certainly perform better.
newtype Lock = Lock (TVar Status)
data Status = Locked | Unlocked
newLocked :: IO Lock
newLocked = Lock <$> newTVarIO Locked
newUnlocked :: IO Lock
newUnlocked = Lock <$> newTVarIO Unlocked
-- | Acquire a lock.
acquire :: Lock -> IO ()
acquire (Lock tv) = atomically $
readTVar tv >>= \case
Locked -> retry
Unlocked -> writeTVar tv Locked
-- | Try to acquire a lock. If the operation succeeds,
-- return `True`.
tryAcquire :: Lock -> IO Bool
tryAcquire (Lock tv) = atomically $
readTVar tv >>= \case
Locked -> pure False
Unlocked -> True <$ writeTVar tv Locked
-- | Release a lock. This version throws an exception
-- if the lock is unlocked.
release :: Lock -> IO ()
release (Lock tv) = atomically $
readTVar tv >>= \case
Unlocked -> throwSTM DoubleRelease
Locked -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
data DoubleRelease = DoubleRelease deriving Show
instance Exception DoubleRelease where
displayException ~DoubleRelease = "Attempted to release an unlocked lock."
-- | Release a lock. This version does nothing if
-- the lock is unlocked.
releaseIdempotent :: Lock -> IO ()
releaseIdempotent (Lock tv) = atomically $ writeTVar tv Unlocked
-- | Get the status of a lock.
isLocked :: Lock -> IO Status
isLocked (Lock tv) = readTVarIO tv
acquire/release pairs need careful masking and exception handling, much like primitive MVar operations. The documentation suggests, but does not actually state, that STM operations are interruptible when they retry; assuming this is true, the same approach used for withMVar will work here. Note: I've opened a GHC ticket to document retry interruptibility.

How to write Ctrl-C handler in Haskell?

I tried the following approach:
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Signals
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
main :: IO ()
main = do
installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (do exitSuccess)) Nothing
threadDelay (1000000000)
But it only outputs:
^CTest.hs: ExitSuccess
on Ctrl-C, instead of exiting. How should I do it properly?
From the docs of installHandler:
a handler is installed which will invoke action in a new thread when (or shortly after) the signal is received.
and exitWith:
Note: in GHC, exitWith should be called from the main program thread in order to exit the process. When called from another thread, exitWith will throw an ExitException as normal, but the exception will not cause the process itself to exit.
So an exitSuccess handler doesn't end the process, and that's expected (although unexpected ;) behaviour.
If you want immediate action,
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Signals
import Control.Concurrent
main :: IO ()
main = do
tid <- myThreadId
installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (killThread tid)) Nothing
threadDelay (1000000000)
kills the thread immediately upon receiving the signal.
Less drastic, if you want a successful exit, would be
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Signals
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as E
main :: IO ()
main = do
tid <- myThreadId
installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch (E.throwTo tid ExitSuccess)) Nothing
threadDelay (10000000)
I think it will also work reliably, but I'm not entirely sure.

Killing a thread when MVar is garbage collected

I have a worker thread which reads data repeatedly from an MVar and performs some useful work on that. After a while, the rest of the program forgets about that worker thread, which means that it will wait on an empty MVar and become very lonely. My question is:
Will the MVar be garbage collected if threads no longer write to it, for instance because they all wait for it?
Will garbage collection kill the waiting threads?
If neither, can I somehow indicate to the compiler that the MVar should be garbage collected and the thread be killed?
EDIT: I should probably clarify the purpose of my question. I don't desire general protection against deadlocks; instead, what I would like to do is to tie the life of the worker thread to life of a value (as in: dead values are claimed by garbage collection). In other words, the worker thread is a resource that I would like to free not by hand, but when a certain value (the MVar or a derivative) is garbage collected.
Here an example program that demonstrates what I have in mind
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
main = do
-- the thread forked in something can be killed here
-- because the MVar used for communication is no longer in scope
something = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ forever $ work =<< takeMVar v
putMVar v "Haskell"
putMVar v "42"
In other words, I want the thread to be killed when I can no longer communicate with it, i.e. when the MVar used for communication is no longer in scope. How to do that?
It will just work: when the MVar is only reachable by the thread that is blocked on it, then the thread is sent the BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar exception, which will normally cause it to die silently (the default exception handler for a thread ignores this exception).
BTW, for doing some cleanup when the thread dies, you'll want to use forkFinally (which I just added to Control.Concurrent).
If you're lucky, you'll get a "BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar", indicating that you're waiting on an MVar that no thread will ever write to.
But, to quote Ed Yang,
GHC only knows that a thread can be considered garbage if there are no
references to the thread. Who is holding a reference to the thread?
The MVar, as the thread is blocking on this data structure and has
added itself to the blocking list of this. Who is keeping the MVar
alive? Why, our closure that contains a call to takeMVar. So the
thread stays.
without a bit of work (which would be, by the way, quite interesting to see), BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar is not an obviously useful mechanism for giving your Haskell programs deadlock protection.
GHC just can't solve the problem in general of knowing whether your thread will make progress.
A better approach would be to explicitly terminate threads by sending them a Done message. E.g. just lift your message type into an optional value that also includes an end-of-message value:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (catch)
main = do
threadDelay (10 * 10^6)
print "Still here"
something = do
v <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $
(let go = do x <- takeMVar v
case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> print v >> go
in go)
(print "Done!")
putMVar v $ Just "Haskell"
putMVar v $ Just "42"
putMVar v Nothing
and we get the correct clean up:
$ ./A
"Still here"
I tested the simple weak MVar and it did get finalized and killed. The code is:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Mem(performGC)
import System.Mem.Weak
dologger :: MVar String -> IO ()
dologger mv = do
tid <- myThreadId
weak <- mkWeakPtr mv (Just (putStrLn "X" >> killThread tid))
logger weak
logger :: Weak (MVar String) -> IO ()
logger weak = act where
act = do
v <- deRefWeak weak
case v of
Just mv -> do
a <- try (takeMVar mv) :: IO (Either SomeException String)
print a
either (\_ -> return ()) (\_ -> act) a
Nothing -> return ()
play mv = act where
act = do
c <- getLine
if c=="quit" then return ()
else putMVar mv c >> act
doplay mv = do
forkIO (dologger mv)
play mv
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a string to escape, or quit to exit"
mv <- newEmptyMVar
doplay mv
putStrLn "*"
putStrLn "*"
putStrLn "*"
threadDelay (10^6)
putStrLn "*"
The session with the program was:
(! 624)-> ghc -threaded -rtsopts --make weak2.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( weak2.hs, weak2.o )
Linking weak2 ...
(! 625)-> ./weak2 +RTS -N4 -RTS
Enter a string to escape, or quit to exit
This is a test
Right "This is a test"
Tab Tab
Right "Tab\tTab"
Left thread killed
So blocking on takeMVar did not keep the MVar alive on ghc-7.4.1 despite expectations.
While BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar should work, also consider using ForeignPointer finalizers. The normal role of those is to delete C structures that are no longer accessible in Haskell. However, you can attach any IO finalizer to them.

QSem doesn't seem to block threads

I'm writing a simple script to run bunch of tasks in parallel using the Shelly library but I want to limit the max number of tasks running at any one time. The script takes a file with an input on each line and runs a task for that input. There are a few hundred inputs in the file and I want to limit to around 16 processes at a time.
The current script actually limits to 1 (well tries to) using a QSem with an initial count of 1. I seem to be missing something though because when I run on a test file with 4 inputs I see this:
So the threads are not blocking on the QSem as I would expect, they're all running simultaneously. I've even gone so far as to implement my own semaphores both on MVar and TVar and neither worked the way I expected. I'm obviously missing something fundamental but what? I've also tried compiling the code and running it as a binary.
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Shelly
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Text.Shakespeare.Text (lt)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.QSem as QSem
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, MVar, putMVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar)
-- Define max number of simultaneous processes
maxProcesses :: IO QSem.QSem
maxProcesses = QSem.newQSem 1
bkGrnd :: ShIO a -&gt ShIO (MVar a)
bkGrnd proc = do
mvar &lt- liftIO newEmptyMVar
_ &lt- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
-- Block until there are free processes
sem &lt- maxProcesses
QSem.waitQSem sem
putStrLn "Starting"
-- Run the shell command
result &lt- shelly $ silently proc
liftIO $ putMVar mvar result
putStrLn "Done"
-- Signal that this process is done and another can run.
QSem.signalQSem sem
return mvar
main :: IO ()
main = shelly $ silently $ do
[img, file] &lt- liftIO $ getArgs
contents &lt- readfile $ fromText $ LT.pack file
-- Run a backgrounded process for each line of input.
results &lt- forM (LT.lines contents) $ \line -> bkGrnd $ do
runStdin &ltcommand> &ltarguments>
liftIO $ mapM_ takeMVar results
As I said in my comment, each call to bkGrnd creates its own semaphonre, allowing every thread to continue without waiting. I would try something like this instead, where the semaphore is created in the main and passed each time to bkGrnd.
bkGrnd :: QSem.QSem -> ShIO a -> ShIO (MVar a)
bkGrnd sem proc = do
mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
-- Block until there are free processes
QSem.waitQSem sem
-- code continues as before
main :: IO ()
main = shelly $ silently $ do
[img, file] <- liftIO $ getArgs
contents <- readfile $ fromText $ LT.pack file
sem <- maxProcesses
-- Run a backgrounded process for each line of input.
results <- forM (LT.lines contents) $ \line -> bkGrnd sem $ do
runStdin <command> <arguments>
liftIO $ mapM_ takeMVar results
You have an answer, but I need to add: QSem and QSemN are not thread safe if killThread or asynchronous thread death is possible.
My bug report and patch are GHC trac ticket #3160. The fixed code is available as a new library called SafeSemaphore with module Control.Concurrent.MSem, MSemN, MSampleVar, and a bonus FairRWLock.
Isn't it better
bkGrnd sem proc = do
QSem.waitQSem sem
mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
_ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ do
so not even forkIO until you get the semaphore?
