Why is a function type required to be "wrapped" for the type checker to be satisfied? - haskell

The following program type-checks:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Numeric.AD (grad)
newtype Fun = Fun (forall a. Num a => [a] -> a)
test1 [u, v] = (v - (u * u * u))
test2 [u, v] = ((u * u) + (v * v) - 1)
main = print $ fmap (\(Fun f) -> grad f [1,1]) [Fun test1, Fun test2]
But this program fails:
main = print $ fmap (\f -> grad f [1,1]) [test1, test2]
With the type error:
Grad.hs:13:33: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘Integer’
with ‘Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse.Reverse s Integer’
Expected type: [Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse.Reverse s Integer]
-> Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse.Reverse s Integer
Actual type: [Integer] -> Integer
• In the first argument of ‘grad’, namely ‘f’
In the expression: grad f [1, 1]
In the first argument of ‘fmap’, namely ‘(\ f -> grad f [1, 1])’
Intuitively, the latter program looks correct. After all, the
following, seemingly equivalent program does work:
main = print $ [grad test1 [1,1], grad test2 [1,1]]
It looks like a limitation in GHC's type system. I would like to know
what causes the failure, why this limitation exists, and any possible
workarounds besides wrapping the function (per Fun above).
(Note: this is not caused by the monomorphism restriction; compiling
with NoMonomorphismRestriction does not help.)

This is an issue with GHC's type system. It is really GHC's type system by the way; the original type system for Haskell/ML like languages don't support higher rank polymorphism, let alone impredicative polymorphism which is what we're using here.
The issue is that in order to type check this we need to support foralls at any position in a type. Not only bunched all the way at the front of the type (the normal restriction which allows for type inference). Once you leave this area type inference becomes undecidable in general (for rank n polymorphism and beyond). In our case, the type of [test1, test2] would need to be [forall a. Num a => a -> a] which is a problem considering that it doesn't fit into the scheme discussed above. It would require us to use impredicative polymorphism, so called because a ranges over types with foralls in them and so a could be replaced with the type in which it's being used.
So, therefore there's going to be some cases that misbehave just because the problem is not fully solvable. GHC does have some support for rank n polymorphism and a bit of support for impredicative polymorphism but it's generally better to just use newtype wrappers to get reliable behavior. To the best of my knowledge, GHC also discourages using this feature precisely because it's so hard to figure out exactly what the type inference algorithm will handle.
In summary, math says that there will be flaky cases and newtype wrappers are the best, if somewhat dissatisfying way, to cope with it.

The type inference algorithm will not infer higher rank types (those with forall at the left of ->). If I remember correctly, it becomes undecidable. Anyway, consider this code
foo f = (f True, f 'a')
what should its type be? We could have
foo :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (Bool, Char)
but we could also have
foo :: (forall a. a -> Int) -> (Int, Int)
or, for any type constructor F :: * -> *
foo :: (forall a. a -> F a) -> (F Bool, F Char)
Here, as far as I can see, we can not find a principal type -- a type which is the most general type we can assign to foo.
If a principal type does not exist, the type inference machinery can only pick a suboptimal type for foo, which can cause type errors later on. This is bad. Instead, GHC relies on a Hindley-Milner style type inference engine, which was greatly extended so to cover more advanced Haskell types. This mechanism, unlike plain Hindley-Milner, will assign f a polymorphic type provided the user explicitly required that, e.g. by giving foo a signature.
Using a wrapper newtype like Fun also instructs GHC in a similar way, providing the polymorphic type for f.


Why is impredicative polymorphism allowed only for functions in Haskell?

In Haskell I can't write
f :: [forall a. a -> a]
f = [id]
• Illegal polymorphic type: forall a. a -> a
GHC doesn't yet support impredicative polymorphism
But I can happily do
f :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
f i (x, y) = (i x, i y)
So as I see GHC does support impredicative polymorphism which is contradict to the error message above. Why is the (->) type constructor treated specially in this case? What prevents GHC from having this feature generalized over all datatypes?
Higher-rank polymorphism is a special case of impredicative polymorphism, where the type constructor is (->) instead of any arbitrary constructor like [].
The basic problems with impredicativity are that it makes type checking hard and type inference impossible in the general case—and indeed we can’t infer types of a higher rank than 2: you have to provide a type annotation. This is the ostensible reason for the existence of the Rank2Types extension separate from RankNTypes, although in GHC they’re synonymous.
However, for the restricted case of (->), there are simplified algorithms for checking these types and doing the necessary amount of inference along the way for the programmer’s convenience, such as Complete and Easy Bidirectional Type Checking for Higher-rank Polymorphism—compare that to the complexity of Boxy Types: Inference for Higher-rank Types and Impredicativity.
The actual reasons in GHC are partly historical: there had been an ImpredicativeTypes extension, which was deprecated because it never worked properly or ergonomically. Part of the problem was that we didn’t yet have the TypeApplications extension, so there was no convenient way to explicitly supply a polymorphic type as a type argument, and the compiler attempted to do more inference than it ought to. In GHC 9.2, ImpredicativeTypes has come out of retirement, thanks to GHC proposal 274 and an algorithm, Quick Look, that infers a predictable subset of impredicative types.
In the absence of ImpredicativeTypes, there have been alternatives for a while: with RankNTypes, you can “hide” other forms of impredicativity by wrapping the polymorphic type in a newtype and explicitly packing & unpacking it to tell the compiler exactly where you want to generalise and instantiate type variables.
newtype Id = Id { unId :: forall a. a -> a }
f :: [Id]
f = [Id id] -- generalise
(unId (head f) (), unId (head f) 'x') -- instantiate to () and Char

Can a Haskell type constructor have non-type parameters?

A type constructor produces a type given a type. For example, the Maybe constructor
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
could be a given a concrete type, like Char, and give a concrete type, like Maybe Char. In terms of kinds, one has
GHCI> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
My question: Is it possible to define a type constructor that yields a concrete type given a Char, say? Put another way, is it possible to mix kinds and types in the type signature of a type constructor? Something like
GHCI> :k my_type
my_type :: Char -> * -> *
Can a Haskell type constructor have non-type parameters?
Let's unpack what you mean by type parameter. The word type has (at least) two potential meanings: do you mean type in the narrow sense of things of kind *, or in the broader sense of things at the type level? We can't (yet) use values in types, but modern GHC features a very rich kind language, allowing us to use a wide range of things other than concrete types as type parameters.
Higher-Kinded Types
Type constructors in Haskell have always admitted non-* parameters. For example, the encoding of the fixed point of a functor works in plain old Haskell 98:
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
ghci> :k Fix
Fix :: (* -> *) -> *
Fix is parameterised by a functor of kind * -> *, not a type of kind *.
Beyond * and ->
The DataKinds extension enriches GHC's kind system with user-declared kinds, so kinds may be built of pieces other than * and ->. It works by promoting all data declarations to the kind level. That is to say, a data declaration like
data Nat = Z | S Nat -- natural numbers
introduces a kind Nat and type constructors Z :: Nat and S :: Nat -> Nat, as well as the usual type and value constructors. This allows you to write datatypes parameterised by type-level data, such as the customary vector type, which is a linked list indexed by its length.
data Vec n a where
Nil :: Vec Z a
(:>) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
ghci> :k Vec
Vec :: Nat -> * -> *
There's a related extension called ConstraintKinds, which frees constraints like Ord a from the yoke of the "fat arrow" =>, allowing them to roam across the landscape of the type system as nature intended. Kmett has used this power to build a category of constraints, with the newtype (:-) :: Constraint -> Constraint -> * denoting "entailment": a value of type c :- d is a proof that if c holds then d also holds. For example, we can prove that Ord a implies Eq [a] for all a:
ordToEqList :: Ord a :- Eq [a]
ordToEqList = Sub Dict
Life after forall
However, Haskell currently maintains a strict separation between the type level and the value level. Things at the type level are always erased before the program runs, (almost) always inferrable, invisible in expressions, and (dependently) quantified by forall. If your application requires something more flexible, such as dependent quantification over runtime data, then you have to manually simulate it using a singleton encoding.
For example, the specification of split says it chops a vector at a certain length according to its (runtime!) argument. The type of the output vector depends on the value of split's argument. We'd like to write this...
split :: (n :: Nat) -> Vec (n :+: m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
... where I'm using the type function (:+:) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat, which stands for addition of type-level naturals, to ensure that the input vector is at least as long as n...
type family n :+: m where
Z :+: m = m
S n :+: m = S (n :+: m)
... but Haskell won't allow that declaration of split! There aren't any values of type Z or S n; only types of kind * contain values. We can't access n at runtime directly, but we can use a GADT which we can pattern-match on to learn what the type-level n is:
data Natty n where
Zy :: Natty Z
Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)
ghci> :k Natty
Natty :: Nat -> *
Natty is called a singleton, because for a given (well-defined) n there is only one (well-defined) value of type Natty n. We can use Natty n as a run-time stand-in for n.
split :: Natty n -> Vec (n :+: m) a -> (Vec n a, Vec m a)
split Zy xs = (Nil, xs)
split (Sy n) (x :> xs) =
let (ys, zs) = split n xs
in (x :> ys, zs)
Anyway, the point is that values - runtime data - can't appear in types. It's pretty tedious to duplicate the definition of Nat in singleton form (and things get worse if you want the compiler to infer such values); dependently-typed languages like Agda, Idris, or a future Haskell escape the tyranny of strictly separating types from values and give us a range of expressive quantifiers. You're able to use an honest-to-goodness Nat as split's runtime argument and mention its value dependently in the return type.
#pigworker has written extensively about the unsuitability of Haskell's strict separation between types and values for modern dependently-typed programming. See, for example, the Hasochism paper, or his talk on the unexamined assumptions that have been drummed into us by four decades of Hindley-Milner-style programming.
Dependent Kinds
Finally, for what it's worth, with TypeInType modern GHC unifies types and kinds, allowing us to talk about kind variables using the same tools that we use to talk about type variables. In a previous post about session types I made use of TypeInType to define a kind for tagged type-level sequences of types:
infixr 5 :!, :?
data Session = Type :! Session -- Type is a synonym for *
| Type :? Session
| E
I'd recommend #Benjamin Hodgson's answer and the references he gives to see how to make this sort of thing useful. But, to answer your question more directly, using several extensions (DataKinds, KindSignatures, and GADTs), you can define types that are parameterized on (certain) concrete types.
For example, here's one parameterized on the concrete Bool datatype:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module FlaggedType where
-- The single quotes below are optional. They serve to notify
-- GHC that we are using the type-level constructors lifted from
-- data constructors rather than types of the same name (and are
-- only necessary where there's some kind of ambiguity otherwise).
data Flagged :: Bool -> * -> * where
Truish :: a -> Flagged 'True a
Falsish :: a -> Flagged 'False a
-- separate instances, just as if they were different types
-- (which they are)
instance (Show a) => Show (Flagged 'False a) where
show (Falsish x) = show x
instance (Show a) => Show (Flagged 'True a) where
show (Truish x) = show x ++ "*"
-- these lists have types as indicated
x = [Truish 1, Truish 2, Truish 3] -- :: Flagged 'True Integer
y = [Falsish "a", Falsish "b", Falsish "c"] -- :: Flagged 'False String
-- this won't typecheck: it's just like [1,2,"abc"]
z = [Truish 1, Truish 2, Falsish 3] -- won't typecheck
Note that this isn't much different from defining two completely separate types:
data FlaggedTrue a = Truish a
data FlaggedFalse a = Falsish a
In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of any advantage Flagged has over defining two separate types, except if you have a bar bet with someone that you can write useful Haskell code without type classes. For example, you can write:
getInt :: Flagged a Int -> Int
getInt (Truish z) = z -- same polymorphic function...
getInt (Falsish z) = z -- ...defined on two separate types
Maybe someone else can think of some other advantages.
Anyway, I believe that parameterizing types with concrete values really only becomes useful when the concrete type is sufficient "rich" that you can use it to leverage the type checker, as in Benjamin's examples.
As #user2407038 noted, most interesting primitive types, like Ints, Chars, Strings and so on can't be used this way. Interestingly enough, though, you can use literal positive integers and strings as type parameters, but they are treated as Nats and Symbols (as defined in GHC.TypeLits) respectively.
So something like this is possible:
import GHC.TypeLits
data Tagged :: Symbol -> Nat -> * -> * where
One :: a -> Tagged "one" 1 a
Two :: a -> Tagged "two" 2 a
Three :: a -> Tagged "three" 3 a
Look at using Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTS), which enable you to define concrete outputs based on input type, e.g.
data CustomMaybe a where
MaybeChar :: Maybe a -> CustomMaybe Char
MaybeString :: Maybe a > CustomMaybe String
MaybeBool :: Maybe a -> CustomMaybe Bool
exampleFunction :: CustomMaybe a -> a
exampleFunction (MaybeChar maybe) = 'e'
exampleFunction (MaybeString maybe) = True //Compile error
main = do
print $ exampleFunction (MaybeChar $ Just 10)
To a similar effect, RankNTypes can allow the implementation of similar behaviour:
exampleFunctionOne :: a -> a
exampleFunctionOne el = el
type PolyType = forall a. a -> a
exampleFuntionTwo :: PolyType -> Int
exampleFunctionTwo func = func 20
exampleFunctionTwo func = func "Hello" --Compiler error, PolyType being forced to return 'Int'
main = do
print $ exampleFunctionTwo exampleFunctionOne
The PolyType definition allows you to insert the polymorphic function within exampleFunctionTwo and force its output to be 'Int'.
No. Haskell doesn't have dependent types (yet). See https://typesandkinds.wordpress.com/2016/07/24/dependent-types-in-haskell-progress-report/ for some discussion of when it may.
In the meantime, you can get behavior like this in Agda, Idris, and Cayenne.

Why doesn't f=(+) need a type annotation?

I mean, for example,
f :: (Enum a) => a -> a --without this line, there would be an error
f = succ
It's because succ needs its parameter to be enumerable (succ :: (Enum a) => a -> a)
but for (+)
f = (+) --ok
Though (+)'s declaration is (+) :: (Num a) => a –> a –> a.
I mean, why don't I need to declare f as f :: (Num a) => a –> a –> a?
Because of defaulting. Num is a 'defaultable' type class, meaning that if you leave it un-constrained, the compiler will make a few intelligent guesses as to which type you meant to use it as. Try putting that definition in a module, then running
:t f
in ghci; it should tell you (IIRC) f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer. The compiler didn't know which a you wanted to use, so it guessed Integer; and since that worked, it went with that guess.
Why didn't it infer a polymorphic type for f? Because of the dreaded[1] monomorphism restriction. When the compiler sees
f = (+)
it thinks 'f is a value', which means it needs a single (monomorphic) type. Eta-expand the definition to
f x = (+) x
and you will get the polymorphic type
f :: Num a => a -> a -> a
and similarly if you eta-expand your first definition
f x = succ x
you don't need a type signature any more.
[1] Actual name from the GHC documentation!
I mean, why don't I need to declare f as (+) :: (Num a) => a –> a –> a?
You do need to do that, if you declare the signature of f at all. But if you don't, the compiler will “guess” the signature itself – in this case this isn't all to remarkable since it can basically just copy&paste the signature of (+). And that's precisely what it will do.
...or at least what it should do. It does, provided you have the -XNoMonomorphism flag on. Otherwise, well, the dreaded monomorphism restriction steps in because f's definition is of the shape ConstantApplicativeForm = Value; that makes the compiler dumb down the signature to the next best non-polymorphic type it can find, namely Integer -> Integer -> Integer. To prevent this, you should in fact supply the right signature by hand, for all top-level functions. That also prevents a lot of confusion, and many errors become way less confusing.
The monomorphism restriction is the reason
f = succ
won't work on its own: because it also has this CAF shape, the compiler does not try to infer the correct polymorphic type, but tries to find some concrete instantiation to make a monomorphic signature. But unlike Num, the Enum class does not offer a default instance.
Possible solutions, ordered by preference:
Always add signatures. You really should.
Enable -XNoMonomorphismRestriction.
Write your function definitions in the form f a = succ a, f a b = a+b. Because there are explicitly mentioned arguments, these don't qualify as CAF, so the monomorphism restriction won't kick in.
Haskell defaults Num constraints to Int or Integer, I forget which.

When are type signatures necessary in Haskell?

Many introductory texts will tell you that in Haskell type signatures are "almost always" optional. Can anybody quantify the "almost" part?
As far as I can tell, the only time you need an explicit signature is to disambiguate type classes. (The canonical example being read . show.) Are there other cases I haven't thought of, or is this it?
(I'm aware that if you go beyond Haskell 2010 there are plenty for exceptions. For example, GHC will never infer rank-N types. But rank-N types are a language extension, not part of the official standard [yet].)
Polymorphic recursion needs type annotations, in general.
f :: (a -> a) -> (a -> b) -> Int -> a -> b
f f1 g n x =
if n == (0 :: Int)
then g x
else f f1 (\z h -> g (h z)) (n-1) x f1
(Credit: Patrick Cousot)
Note how the recursive call looks badly typed (!): it calls itself with five arguments, despite f having only four! Then remember that b can be instantiated with c -> d, which causes an extra argument to appear.
The above contrived example computes
f f1 g n x = g (f1 (f1 (f1 ... (f1 x))))
where f1 is applied n times. Of course, there is a much simpler way to write an equivalent program.
Monomorphism restriction
If you have MonomorphismRestriction enabled, then sometimes you will need to add a type signature to get the most general type:
{-# LANGUAGE MonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- myPrint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
myPrint = print
main = do
myPrint ()
myPrint "hello"
This will fail because myPrint is monomorphic. You would need to uncomment the type signature to make it work, or disable MonomorphismRestriction.
Phantom constraints
When you put a polymorphic value with a constraint into a tuple, the tuple itself becomes polymorphic and has the same constraint:
myValue :: Read a => a
myValue = read "0"
myTuple :: Read a => (a, String)
myTuple = (myValue, "hello")
We know that the constraint affects the first part of the tuple but does not affect the second part. The type system doesn't know that, unfortunately, and will complain if you try to do this:
myString = snd myTuple
Even though intuitively one would expect myString to be just a String, the type checker needs to specialize the type variable a and figure out whether the constraint is actually satisfied. In order to make this expression work, one would need to annotate the type of either snd or myTuple:
myString = snd (myTuple :: ((), String))
In Haskell, as I'm sure you know, types are inferred. In other words, the compiler works out what type you want.
However, in Haskell, there are also polymorphic typeclasses, with functions that act in different ways depending on the return type. Here's an example of the Monad class, though I haven't defined everything:
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
fail :: String -> m a
We're given a lot of functions with just type signatures. Our job is to make instance declarations for different types that can be treated as Monads, like Maybe t or [t].
Have a look at this code - it won't work in the way we might expect:
return 7
That's a function from the Monad class, but because there's more than one Monad, we have to specify what return value/type we want, or it automatically becomes an IO Monad. So:
return 7 :: Maybe Int
-- Will return...
Just 7
return 6 :: [Int]
-- Will return...
This is because [t] and Maybe have both been defined in the Monad type class.
Here's another example, this time from the random typeclass. This code throws an error:
random (mkStdGen 100)
Because random returns something in the Random class, we'll have to define what type we want to return, with a StdGen object tupelo with whatever value we want:
random (mkStdGen 100) :: (Int, StdGen)
-- Returns...
(-3650871090684229393,693699796 2103410263)
random (mkStdGen 100) :: (Bool, StdGen)
-- Returns...
(True,4041414 40692)
This can all be found at learn you a Haskell online, though you'll have to do some long reading. This, I'm pretty much 100% certain, it the only time when types are necessary.

How are variable names chosen in type signatures inferred by GHC?

When I play with checking types of functions in Haskell with :t, for example like those in my previous question, I tend to get results such as:
Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
(Ord a, Num a, Ord a1, Num a1) => a -> a1 -> a
(Num t2, Num t1, Num t, Enum t2, Enum t1, Enum t) => [(t, t1, t2)]
It seems that this is not such a trivial question - how does the Haskell interpreter pick literals to symbolize typeclasses? When would it choose a rather than t? When would it choose a1 rather than b? Is it important from the programmer's point of view?
The names of the type variables aren't significant. The type:
Eq element => element -> [element] -> Bool
Is exactly the same as:
Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
Some names are simply easier to read/remember.
Now, how can an inferencer choose the best names for types?
Disclaimer: I'm absolutely not a GHC developer. However I'm working on a type-inferencer for Haskell in my bachelor thesis.
During inferencing the names chosen for the variables aren't probably that readable. In fact they are almost surely something along the lines of _N with N a number or aN with N a number.
This is due to the fact that you often have to "refresh" type variables in order to complete inferencing, so you need a fast way to create new names. And using numbered variables is pretty straightforward for this purpose.
The names displayed when inference is completed can be "pretty printed". The inferencer can rename the variables to use a, b, c and so on instead of _1, _2 etc.
The trick is that most operations have explicit type signatures. Some definitions require to quantify some type variables (class, data and instance for example).
All these names that the user explicitly provides can be used to display the type in a better way.
When inferencing you can somehow keep track of where the fresh type variables came from, in order to be able to rename them with something more sensible when displaying them to the user.
An other option is to refresh variables by adding a number to them. For example a fresh type of return could be Monad m0 => a0 -> m0 a0 (Here we know to use m and a simply because the class definition for Monad uses those names). When inferencing is finished you can get rid of the numbers and obtain the pretty names.
In general the inferencer will try to use names that were explicitly provided through signatures. If such a name was already used it might decide to add a number instead of using a different name (e.g. use b1 instead of c if b was already bound).
There are probably some other ad hoc rules. For example the fact that tuple elements have like t, t1, t2, t3 etc. is probably something done with a custom rule. In fact t doesn't appear in the signature for (,,) for example.
How does GHCi pick names for type variables? explains how many of these variable names come about. As Ganesh Sittampalam pointed out in a comment, something strange seems to be happening with arithmetic sequences. Both the Haskell 98 report and the Haskell 2010 report indicate that
[e1..] = enumFrom e1
GHCi, however, gives the following:
Prelude> :t [undefined..]
[undefined..] :: Enum t => [t]
Prelude> :t enumFrom undefined
enumFrom undefined :: Enum a => [a]
This makes it clear that the weird behavior has nothing to do with the Enum class itself, but rather comes in from some stage in translating the syntactic sequence to the enumFrom form. I wondered if maybe GHC wasn't really using that translation, but it really is:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module X (aoeu,htns) where
aoeu = [undefined..]
htns = enumFrom undefined
compiled using ghc -ddump-simpl enumlit.hs gives
X.htns :: forall a_aiD. GHC.Enum.Enum a_aiD => [a_aiD]
[GblId, Arity=1]
X.htns =
\ (# a_aiG) ($dEnum_aiH :: GHC.Enum.Enum a_aiG) ->
GHC.Enum.enumFrom # a_aiG $dEnum_aiH (GHC.Err.undefined # a_aiG)
X.aoeu :: forall t_aiS. GHC.Enum.Enum t_aiS => [t_aiS]
[GblId, Arity=1]
X.aoeu =
\ (# t_aiV) ($dEnum_aiW :: GHC.Enum.Enum t_aiV) ->
GHC.Enum.enumFrom # t_aiV $dEnum_aiW (GHC.Err.undefined # t_aiV)
so the only difference between these two representations is the assigned type variable name. I don't know enough about how GHC works to know where that t comes from, but at least I've narrowed it down!
Ørjan Johansen has noted in a comment that something similar seems to happen with function definitions and lambda abstractions.
Prelude> :t \x -> x
\x -> x :: t -> t
Prelude> :t map (\x->x) $ undefined
map (\x->x) $ undefined :: [b]
In the latter case, the type b comes from an explicit type signature given to map.
Are you familiar with the concepts of alpha equivalence and alpha substitution? This captures the notion that, for example, both of the following are completely equivalent and interconvertible (in certain circumstances) even though they differ:
\x -> (x, x)
\y -> (y, y)
The same concept can be extended to the level of types and type variables (see "System F" for further reading). Haskell in fact has a notion of "lambdas at the type level" for binding type variables, but it's hard to see because they're implicit by default. However, you can make them explicit by using the ExplicitForAll extension, and play around with explicitly binding your type variables:
ghci> :set -XExplicitForAll
ghci> let f x = x; f :: forall a. a -> a
In the second line, I use the forall keyword to introduce a new type variable, which is then used in a type.
In other words, it doesn't matter whether you choose a or t in your example, as long as the type expressions satisfy alpha-equivalence. Choosing type variable names so as to maximize human convenience is an entirely different topic, and probably far more complicated!
