Log4j Shared Log file Rolling file appender issue - log4j

I was asked to assist in debugging a peculiar issue, related to log4J.
They are facing issues with the rolling file appender. There are multiple EJB applications writing to the same log file. Each application has its own log4j.properties.
Issue: The latest log files are being written to a file trace.log.x instead of trace.log. Is there any setting which needs to be added? I could not really find an anomaly. Below are the settings.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A3
I was wondering if I need to set the log4j at the server level instead of the app level. I don't like the idea though. I am not in favour of log file being shared. There is no log file corruption, but looks like the wrong file is getting updated


Log files not rolling when we use both log4j2 and log4j configurations

We have configured both log4j.xml and log4j2.xml for our application due to certain limitations.
The legacy rolling file appender is configured in log4j.xml and the same file appender is used in log4j2.xml. The logs are written to the same file until the threshold for rolling reached. When a new backup file created, the logs defined in log4j2.xml are still writing to the backup file instead of the main file. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Node.js logging gets an issue when log files are rolling by OS.

I have Node.js application which is running under Linux system and uses log4js logging library. Log files are daily rolled by Linux rolling system. The question is the following: somebody know how force the log4js to recreate and use original log file when it's renamed somehow?
Note, Log4js continue writes log into renamed file (seems, stream descriptor is kept).
Please note also that I don't want to use log4js DaylyRollingFileAppender because my log folder contains log files generated by various languages (Java, Python, JavaScript, Bash...).
I assume that you use logrotate.
You can try using 'reload' directive in logrotate config file. (see for details: http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/logrotate8.html)
It seems like that log3js can handle SIGHUP. (Issue: https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node/issues/343, Pull request: https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node/pull/403)
Secondary solution is configure it to use 'copytruncate' directive, but it has trade-offs:

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly; still Log file created,but not in UNIX

I'm developing web application which has commons-logging.jar and for logging log4j.jar.
I got the following message when server start up.
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.struts.util.PropertyMessageResources).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
But still log file is created and the format also same as specified in the log4j.properties.
The application log file is creating in Windows environment, But not in Unix environment.
Why it is not creating log file in UNIX ? Folder has write permissions..
Any idea?
Laxman Chowdary
The message you get on server startup is just a warning, your log file should be created inspite of it (you can find an explanation for the message in this post).
Why the file is created in Windows but it doesn't get created in Unix could be caused by lots of reasons: permissions for the user under which your application is running are first, maybe the configured path is still a Windows path (e.g. containing C:\ maybe), perhaps you meant to use an absolute path and forgot to prepend the / to it...
it's hard to say without seeing your configuration. Check these first and maybe update the question with the configs you are using.
Sometimes what can happen is that you use a relative path for the file and the file gets created relative to some folder in Windows and you expect it to be the same in Unix. But the "current folder" might be another in Unix. Maybe the file gets created but it's located in another place? Try searching for it on disk...

automatically reload its log 4j configuration file upon modification with log4j without server restart

automatically reload its log 4j configuration file upon modification with log4j without restart the weblogic server.
is there any configuration similar like logback in log4j is there for above task.
wherever we change log4j configuration file from debug to error everytime we need to restart the server.
I checked logback which is similar open source like log4j.Other team implement it already is.
they dont have to restart the server if is there any changes in log4j file.
Thank you in advance
From what I remember, DOMConfigurator.configureAndWatch is the right way to go, though when I used it it would only pick up changes to the existing properties in the file, and wasn't too happy on the adding and removing of properties and would just ignore these.

How can I retain existing log file permissions with Log4J DailyRollingFileAppender

I have a jar file which internally use log file to write messages. Using this jar I have developed a Perl module. The usage of this module is across out firm. So I have given 666 permissions on all the log files so that everyone can use the module. The issue is the jar file internally uses log4j and the appender is DailyRollingFileAppender which is resetting the permissions on the log files to 664 after rolling and certain people are not able to use the module.
Is there a way to mention to log4j to retain the existing permissions of the log file ? If not, can anyone suggest alternative ?
This is the responsibility of the operating system. When Log4j rolls a log, the OS will create that new file according to its own rules.
You should be able to reproduce this manually, by opening a shell in the log directory and running touch testfile - the file testfile should exhibit the same permissions as new log4j files.
You need to look at the file permissions on the directory, those that are inherited by new files in that directory. You may also need to tinker with the user's umask setting.
If you can reproduce the problem without using log4j or java, then it becomes easier to solve, but would be best asked on superuser.com.
