automatically reload its log 4j configuration file upon modification with log4j without server restart - log4j

automatically reload its log 4j configuration file upon modification with log4j without restart the weblogic server.
is there any configuration similar like logback in log4j is there for above task.
wherever we change log4j configuration file from debug to error everytime we need to restart the server.
I checked logback which is similar open source like log4j.Other team implement it already is.
they dont have to restart the server if is there any changes in log4j file.
Thank you in advance

From what I remember, DOMConfigurator.configureAndWatch is the right way to go, though when I used it it would only pick up changes to the existing properties in the file, and wasn't too happy on the adding and removing of properties and would just ignore these.


Log4j Shared Log file Rolling file appender issue

I was asked to assist in debugging a peculiar issue, related to log4J.
They are facing issues with the rolling file appender. There are multiple EJB applications writing to the same log file. Each application has its own
Issue: The latest log files are being written to a file trace.log.x instead of trace.log. Is there any setting which needs to be added? I could not really find an anomaly. Below are the settings.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A3
I was wondering if I need to set the log4j at the server level instead of the app level. I don't like the idea though. I am not in favour of log file being shared. There is no log file corruption, but looks like the wrong file is getting updated

Hi,I am using log4j in my system.Is there a tag which automatically recognises change of level,so that i dont require to start stop my server

I am using log4j.xml to store my logs.
At runtime I need to change the level at production, and want to execute it by making changes in log4j.xml
I have used maxinterval but it does not reflect once I change my log levels.
I need to find a way to change my logger level at runtime at log4j.aml level.
Is it possible?

How to read level changes from log4j.xml when application is running

I am running a executable jar file, which logs using log4j.xml(version 1.2).
Whenever i change the log level in the xml file, i have to restart the java application for the new log level to reflect.
Can i add some configuration in the log4j.xml so that new log level will be taken into account without application restart?
Log4j 1.x has reached end of life on August 5, 2015. So I would like to recommend you to use log4j 2.x which supports this with the monitorInterval configuration.
However according to the log4j 1.x docs here it does support log level changes runtime.
How can I change log behavior at runtime?
Log behavior can be set using configuration files which are parsed at
runtime. Using configuration files the programmer can define loggers
and set their levels.
The PropertyConfigurator defines a particular format of a
configuration file. See also the examples/ example and
associated configuration files.
Configuration files can be specified in XML. See log4j.dtd and
org.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator for more details.
See the various Layout and Appender components for specific
configuration options.
In addition to configuration files, the user may disable all messages
belonging to a set of levels. See next item.

Restarting IIS on file changed

AFAIK IIS restarts, whenever any of the web.config files is changed.
I've created my own configuration files (my.config, with slightly different hierarchy). Is there any possibility to have IIS automatically (automagically :)) restarted, whenever any of these are changed, too?
EDIT: I've considered filesystem watchers, but I'm not sure where to put them.
You mean to say that whenever you change my.config iis has to be restarted automatically.
Maybe you can write a batch file to perform your iisreset functinality alone if you dont want the user to manually restart IIS. But even if you give a batch file the user still needs to execute.
quick and ugly fix would be put config files in bin directory.
btw. I don't believe I am writing this ;)
these changes restarts web app:
* web.config
* machine.config
* global.asax
* Anything in the bin directory or it's sub-directories
copy/pasted from here Common reasons why your application pool may unexpectedly recycle
Use SomeAssemly.dll.config which will be put into ~/Bin, automatic be read on app (re)start and cause app restart on edit.
Note that App.config in project becomes $(OutputAssembly).config on build

Why Does CruiseControl.NET need to be restarted after GetCcNetConfigFiles?

CruiseControl.NET service needs to be restarted to pick up changes in the projects configuration files.
I find this very annoying, not sure if it's a bug or it's the way it works.
Is there any way to overcome this issue in people's experience?
If your projects are separated in a different file from ccnet.config, then you need to restart the service unless you touch the actual ccnet.config.
We use ENTITY with SYSTEM file reference in ccnet.config for our projects, so we're in the same boat. I'm happy to pay the price for easier project maintenance, as it's easy to script a restart:
net stop CCService
net start CCService
If you wanted to completely automate this, and had your projects under source control, then you could trigger an update and restart whenever your project files are touched.
There was a bug in CC.Net prior to 1.4.4 if you were using a pre-processor include it did not reload the configuration when an included ccnet.config file was modified.
That was a bug that I reported and it is fixed in CC.Net 1.4.4 and greater.
Also, keep in mind that if a build is running and there is a change to the configuration it will not take place until that build is in an idle state.
How are you updating your config files? By hand? Mine always recognizes and adjusts. Is your config file in source control and designed to pull it down and replace the file? This for me requires a kick. How I ended up fixing it was have my project pull it down to a seperate folder. THen I call ccnet.exe -validate on it to make sure it is well formed, then I copy it over ontop of the current config file. CC.NET recognizes the changes and loads in the new config
Exceptions: If is currently running a project, it will not recognize the changes till that project has completed.
If your ccnet.config has errors, it will not ever recognize the changes and keep running the old version it has stored in memory. (However when CC.NET does restart it will try to parse the error filled config and choke.
Hope this helps!!
Do you mean you are using linked files, that is the ccnet.config file has links to the independent project files.
If so then they are not picked up, it's mentioned in the documentation that it doesn't watch the sub-files.
Internally we have modified our so that our ccnet.config is optionally a directory - and we can drop shortcuts to our project config files into that directory. We put watches on the directory, the files or shortcuts in the directory and all of the targets of the shortcuts. That means we have our project config files in ClearCase and just drop a shortcut into the ccnet.config directory.
I've just spent half a day or so moving from 1.2 to 1.4.2 dropping our changes into the new version for our internal use. We don't own our code, our client does and so it has to stay internal :(
I have never experienced this. Whenever I change the configuration files, the CruiseControl.NET service seems to automatically re-read them.
I'm using Version 1.3 of CC.NET.
In the service's config file (ccservice.exe.config), there is a setting to enable/disable watching the ccnet.config file for changes:
<add key="WatchConfigFile" value="true"/>
Make sure this is set to true.
