Make Strings In List Uppercase - Python 3 - python-3.x

I'm in the process of learning python and with a practical example I've come across a problem I cant seem to find the solution for.
The error I get with the following code is
'list' object has to attribute 'upper'.
def to_upper(oldList):
newList = []
words = ['stone', 'cloud', 'dream', 'sky']
words2 = (to_upper(words))
print (words2)

Since the upper() method is defined for string only and not for list, you should iterate over the list and uppercase each string in the list like this:
def to_upper(oldList):
newList = []
for element in oldList:
return newList
This will solve the issue with your code, however there are shorter/more compact version if you want to capitalize an array of string.
map function map(f, iterable). In this case your code will look like this:
words = ['stone', 'cloud', 'dream', 'sky']
words2 = list(map(str.upper, words))
print (words2)
List comprehension [func(i) for i in iterable].In this case your code will look like this:
words = ['stone', 'cloud', 'dream', 'sky']
words2 = [w.upper() for w in words]
print (words2)

You can use the list comprehension notation and apply theupper method to each string in words:
words = ['stone', 'cloud', 'dream', 'sky']
words2 = [w.upper() for w in words]
Or alternatively use map to apply the function:
words2 = list(map(str.upper, words))

AFAIK, upper() method is implemented for strings only. You have to call it from each child of the list, and not from the list itself.

It's great that you're learning Python! In your example, you are trying to uppercase a list. If you think about it, that simply can't work. You have to uppercase the elements of that list. Additionally, you are only going to get an output from your function if you return a result at the end of the function. See the code below.
Happy learning!
def to_upper(oldList):
newList = []
for l in oldList:
return newList
words = ['stone', 'cloud', 'dream', 'sky']
words2 = (to_upper(words))
print (words2)
Try it here!


string appears as subset of character in list element python

So far, I have:
my_list = ['hello', 'oi']
comparison_list = ['this hellotext', 'this oitext']
for w in my_list:
if w in comparison_list: print('yes')
However, nothing prints because no element in my_list equals any element in comparison_list.
So how do I make this check as a subset or total occurance?
Ideal output:
You are checking the occurrence of the complete string in the list currently. Instead you can check for the occurrence of the string inside each comparison string and make a decision. A simple approach will be to re-write the loop as below
for w in my_list:
# Check for every comparison string. any() considers atleast 1 true value
if any([True for word in comparison_list if w in word]):
It's because you're comparing w to the list elements. If you wanna find w in each string in your comparison_list you can use any:
my_list = ['hello', 'oi', 'abcde']
comparison_list = ['this hellotext', 'this oitext']
for w in my_list:
if any(w in s for s in comparison_list):
I added a string to your list and handle the 'no' case in order to get an output for each element
Edited Solution:
Apologies for older solution, I was confused somehow.
Using re module , we can use to determine if the string is present in the list of items. To do this we can create an expression using str.join to concatenate all the strings using |. Once the expression is created we can iterate through the list of comparison to be done. Note | means 'Or', so any of the searched strings if present should return bool value of True. Note I am assuming there are no special characters present in the my_list.
import re
reg = '|'.join(my_list)
for item in comparison_list:
print(bool(, item)))

Python 3: Add string to OBJECTS within a list

I am sure it is a very trivial question but I can not seem to find anything online, perhaps because I am not using the right terminology..
I have a list that looks like so:
list = ["abc",
I know how to append elements to this list, how to add elements to the beginning, etc.
What I need to do is to add a string (more specifically an asterisk (*)) before and after each object in this list. So it should look like:
list = ["*abc*",
I have tried:
asterisk = '*'
list = [asterisk] + list[0]
list = asterisk + List[0]
list = ['*'] + list[0]
list = * + list[0]
asterisk = list(asterisk)
list = [asterisk] + list[0]
and I always get:
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list
Then of course there is the problem with adding it before and after each of the objects in the list.
Any help will be appreciated.
Just string interpolate it in as follows:
[f'*{s}*' for s in ["abc","ded"]]
['*abc*', '*ded*']
Note this is for Python 3.6+ only.
For your list you use this beautiful syntax, called "list comprehension":
lst = ['abc', 'ded']
lst = ['*'+s+'*' for s in lst]
This would get you:
['*abc*', '*ded*']
Have you tried using a list comprehension to adjust
[('*'+i) for i in asterix]
you can give it a name just for good measure so that you can call it later
You can join the asterisks with each word
asterisked = [w.join('**') for w in lst]
The trick here is to remember that strings are iterables, so you can pass a string that contains two asterisks to the word's join method to let it prepend the word with the first asterisk and append the second one

How to compare an input() with a variable(list)

(Im using python on Jupiter Notebook 5.7.8)
I have a project in which are 3 lists, and a list(list_of_lists) that refer to those 3.
I want my program to receive an input, compare this input to the content of my "list_of_lists" and if find a match I want to store the match in another variable for later use.
Im just learning, so here is the code I wrote:
first = ["item1", "item2","item3"]
second = ["item4","item5","item6"]
list1 = [first,second]
list2 = ["asd","asd","asd"]
list_of_lists = [list1,list2]
x = input("Which list are you going to use?: ")
for item in list_of_lists:
if item == x:
match = item
print('There was a match')
print('didnt match')
I expect a match but it always output "the didnt match",
I assume it fail to compare the contect of the input with the list inside the list_of lists. The question is also why and how to do it properly(if possible), thanks.
input in python3 returns a string. if you want to convert it into a list, use ast.literal_eval or json.loads or your own parsing method.
list_str = input("Which list are you going to use?: ")
user_list = ast.literal_eval(list_str)
assert isinstance(user_list, list)
# do your thing...
So here i tried this code, and it does what i desire, I dont know if its too rudimentary and if there is another way to achieve this.
Here I use a second list to catch the moment when there is a match, after I give to that list the value of my true list and from there print it to be used.
I was wondering if there is a way to take out of the ressults the symbols "[]" and the quotes '', so I can have a clean text format, thanks for the help
first = ["item1", "item2","item3"]
second = ["item4","item5","item6"]
list1 = [first,second]
list2 = ["asd","asd","asd"]
list3 = ["qwe","qwe","qwe"]
list_of_lists = [list1,list2,list3]
reference_list = ["list1","list2","list3"]
count = -1
x = input('Which list are you going to use? ')
for item in reference_list:
count += 1
if x == item:
reference_list = list_of_lists

Return a dictionary with keys that are the first letter of a word and lists of those words?

I want to write a function that takes a list of words and keys and outputs those keys as dictionary keys with any words starting with that letter attached.
How could this be achieved using simple python 3 code?
eg. takes (['apples', 'apple', 'bananna', 'fan'], 'fad')
returns {'a' : ['apple', 'apples'], 'f' : ['fan']}
so far i have tried:
def dictionary(words, char_keys)
char_keys = remove_duplicates(char_keys)
ret = {}
keys_in_dict = []
words = sorted(words)
for word in words:
if word[0] in char_keys and word[0] not in keys_in_dict:
ret[word[0]] = word
elif word[0] in keys_in_dict:
ret[word[0]] += (word)
return ret
This gives kinda the right output but it the output is in a single string rather than a list of strings.(the def is not indented properly i know)
If the input is a list of strings, you can check if the char is in the dict, if yes, append the word, otherwise add a list with the word:
def dictionary(inpt):
result = {}
for word in inpt:
char = word[0]
if char in result:
result[char] = [word]
return result
The modern way to do this is to use a collections.defaultdict with list as argument.
def dictionary(inpt):
result = defaultdict(list)
for word in inpt:
return result
Not sure if your list of inputs are consisted with only strings or it can also include sub-lists of strings (and I'm not so sure why "fad" disappeared in your example). Obviously, in the latter scenario it will need some more effort. For simplicity I assume if contains only strings and here's a piece of code which hopefully points the direction:
d = {}
for elem in input_list[0]:
if elem[0] in input_list[1]
lst = d.get(elem[0], [])
d[elem] = lst

Common values in a Python dictionary

I'm trying to write a code that will return common values from a dictionary based on a list of words.
inp = ['here','now']
dict = {'here':{1,2,3}, 'now':{2,3}, 'stop':{1, 3}}
for val in inp.intersection(D):
lst = D[val]
output: [2, 3]
The input inp may contain any one or all of the above words, and I want to know what values they have in common. I just cannot seem to figure out how to do that. Please, any help would be appreciated.
The easiest way to do this is to just count them all, and then make a dict of the values that are equal to the number of sets you intersected.
To accomplish the first part, we do something like this:
answer = {}
for word in inp:
for itm in word:
if itm in answer:
answer[itm] += 1
answer[itm] = 1
To accomplish the second part, we just have to iterate over answer and build an array like so:
answerArr = []
for i in answer:
if (answer[i] == len(inp)):
i'm not certain that i understood your question perfectly but i think this is what you meant albeit in a very simple way:
inp = ['here','now']
dict = {'here':{1,2,3}, 'now':{2,3}, 'stop':{1, 3}}
output = []
for item in inp:
for item in output:
occurances = output.count(item)
if occurances <= 1:
This should output the items from the dict which occurs in more than one input. If you want it to be common for all of the inputs just change the <= 1 to be the number of inputs given.
