How to achieve opencl kernel pipeline - linux

I am working on my project using OpenCl. In order to improve the performance of my algorithm, is it possible to pipeline a single kernel? If a kernel consists of many steps, lets say A,B,C, I want A accept new data as soon as it finish its part and pass it to B. I can create channels between them, but I dont know how to do it in detail.
Can I write A,B,C(3 kernels) in a .cl file ? but how to enqueueNDRange?
I am using Altera SDK for FPGA HPC development.

Pipeline can be achieved by using several kernels connected with channels. With all kernels running concurrently, data is transferred from one to another:
Pipeline example from Intel FPGA OpenCL SDK Programming Guide
Very basic example of such pipeline would be:
channel int foo_bar_channel;
channel float bar_baz_channel;
__kernel void foo(__global int* in) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
int value = in[i];
value = clamp(value, 0, 255); // do some work
write_channel_altera(foo_bar_channel, value); // send data to the next kernel
__kernel void bar() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
int value = read_channel_altera(foo_bar_channel); // take data from foo
float fvalue = (float) value;
write_channel_altera(bar_baz_channel, value); // send data to the next kernel
__kernel void baz(__global int* out) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {n
float value = read_channel_altera(bar_baz_channel);
float s = sin(value);
out[i] = s; // write result in the end
You can write all kernels in the a single .cl file, or use different files and then #include them into a main .cl file.
We want all our kernels run concurrently, so they can accept data from each other. Since only in-order command queues are supported, we have to use different queue for each kernel:
cl_queue foo_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(...);
cl_queue bar_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(...);
cl_queue baz_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(...);
clEnqueueTask(foo_queue, foo_kernel);
clEnqueueTask(bar_queue, bar_kernel);
clEnqueueTask(baz_queue, baz_kernel);
clFinish(baz_queue); // last kernel in our pipeline
Unlike OpenCL programming for GPU, we rely on a data pipelining, so NDRange kernels would not give us any benefit. Single work-item kernels are used instead of NDRange kernels, so we enqueue them using clEnqueueTask function. Additional kernel attribute (reqd_work_group_size) can be used to mark a single work-item kernel, to give the compiler some room for optimizations.
Check the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Programming Guide for more information about channels and kernel attributes (specifically, section 1.6.4 Implementing the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Channels Extension):


Is CGAL 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations lib thread safe?

I am currently using the library mentioned in the title, see
CGAL 2D-reg-bool-set-op-pol
The library provides types for polygons and polygon sets which are internally represented as so called arrangements.
My question is: How far is this library thread safe, that is, fit for parallel computation on its objects?
There could be several levels in which thread safety is guaranteed:
1) If I take an object from a library like an arrangement
Polygon_set_2 S;
I might be able to execute
Polygon_2 P;
Polygon_2 Q;
in two different concurrent execution units/threads in parallel without harm and get the right result, as if I had done everything sequentially. That would be the highest degree of thread safety/possible parallelism.
2) In fact for me a much lesser degree would be enough. In that case S and P would be members of a class C so that two class instances have different S and P instances. Then I would like to compute (say) S.join(P) in parallel for a list of instances of the class C, say, by calling a suitable member function of C with std::async
Just to be complete, I insert here a bit of actual code from my project which gives more flesh to these terse descriptions.
// the following typedefs are more or less standard from the
// CGAL library examples.
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel Kernel;
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef Kernel::Circle_2 Circle_2;
typedef Kernel::Line_2 Line_2;
typedef CGAL::Gps_circle_segment_traits_2<Kernel> Traits_2;
typedef CGAL::General_polygon_set_2<Traits_2> Polygon_set_2;
typedef Traits_2::General_polygon_2 Polygon_2;
typedef Traits_2::General_polygon_with_holes_2 Polygon_with_holes_2;
typedef Traits_2::Curve_2 Curve_2;
typedef Traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2;
typedef Traits_2::Point_2 Point_2t;
typedef Traits_2::CoordNT coordnt;
typedef CGAL::Arrangement_2<Traits_2> Arrangement_2;
typedef Arrangement_2::Face_handle Face_handle;
// the following type is not copied from the CGAL library example code but
// introduced by me
typedef std::vector<Polygon_with_holes_2> pwh_vec_t;
// the following is an excerpt of my full GerberLayer class,
// that retains only data members which are used in the join()
// member function. These data is therefore local to the class instance.
class GerberLayer
void join();
pwh_vec_t raw_poly_lis;
pwh_vec_t joined_poly_lis;
Polygon_set_2 Saux;
annotate_vec_t annotate_lis;
polar_vec_t polar_lis;
// it is not necessary to understand the working of the function
// I deleted all debug and timing output etc. It is just to "showcase" some typical
// operations from the CGAL reg set boolean ops for polygons library from
// Efi Fogel
void GerberLayer::join()
auto it_annbase = annotate_lis.begin();
annotate_vec_t::iterator itann = annotate_lis.begin();
bool first_block = true;
int cnt = 0;
while (itann != annotate_lis.end()) {
gpolarity akt_polar = itann->polar;
auto itnext = std::find_if(itann, annotate_lis.end(),
[=](auto a) {return a.polar != akt_polar;});
Polygon_set_2 Sblock;
if (first_block) {
if (akt_polar == Dark) {
Saux.join(raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itann - it_annbase),
raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itnext - it_annbase));
first_block = false;
} else {
if (akt_polar == Dark) {
Saux.join(raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itann - it_annbase),
raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itnext - it_annbase));
} else {
Polygon_set_2 Saux1;
Saux1.join(raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itann - it_annbase),
raw_poly_lis.begin() + (itnext - it_annbase));
pwh_vec_t auxlis;
Saux.join(auxlis.begin(), auxlis.end());
itann = itnext;
Saux.polygons_with_holes (std::back_inserter (joined_poly_lis));
int join_wrapper(GerberLayer* p_layer)
return 0;
// here the parallelism (of the "embarassing kind") occurs:
// for every GerberLayer a dedicated task is started, which calls
// the above GerberLayer::join() function
void Window::do_unify()
std::vector<std::future<int>> fivec;
for(int i = 0; i < gerber_layer_manager.num_layers(); ++i) {
GerberLayer* p_layer =;
fivec.push_back(std::async(join_wrapper, p_layer));
int sz = wait_for_all(fivec); // written by me, not shown
One might think, that 2) must be possible trivially as only "different" instances of polygons and arrangements are in the play. But: It is imaginable, as the library works with arbitrary precision points (Point_2t in my code above) that, for some implementation reason or other, all the points are inserted in a list static to the class Point_2t, so that identical points are represented only once in this list. So there would be nothing like "independent instances of Point_2t" and as a consequence also not for "Polygon_2" or "Polygon_set_2" and one could say farewell to thread safety.
I tried to resolve this question by googling (not by analyzing the library code, I have to admit) and would hope for an authoritative answer (hopefully positive as this primitive parallelism would greatly speed up my code).
I implemented this already and made a test run with nothing exceptional occurring and visually plausible results, but of course this proves nothing.
2) The same question for the CGAL 2D-Arrangement-package from the same authors.
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I am using CGAL 4.7 from the packages supplied with Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). A newer version on Ubuntu 18.04 gave me errors so I decided to stay with 4.7. Should a version newer than 4.7 be thread-safe, but not 4.7, of course I will try to use that newer version.
Incidentally I could not find out if the libcgal***.so libraries as supplied by Ubuntu 16.04 are thread safe as described in the documentation. Especially I found no reference to the Macro-Variable CGAL_HAS_THREADS that is mentioned in the "thread-safety" part of the docs, when I looked through the build-logs of the Xenial cgal package on launchpad.
Indeed there are several level of thread safety.
The 2D Regularized Boolean operation package depends of the 2D Arrangement package, and both packages depend on a kernel. For most operations the EPEC kernel is required.
Both packages are thread-safe, except for the rational-arc traits (Arr_rational_function_traits_2).
However, the EPEC kernel is not thread-safe yet when sharing number-type objects among threads. So, if you, for example, construct different arrangements in different threads, from different input sets of curves, respectively, you are safe.

ways to express concurrency without thread

I am wondering about how concurrency can be expressed without an explicit thread object, not the implementation, which probably would use threads or thread pools, but the language design related issues.
Q1: I wonder what would be lost if there was no thread object, what couldn't be done in such a language?
Q2: I also wonder about how this would be expressed, what ways were proposed or implemented as alternatives or complements to threads?
one possibility is the MPI-programm-model (GPU as well)
lets say you have the following code
for(int i=0; i < 100; i++) {
the "normal" thread-based way would be the separation of the iteration-range into multiple subsets. So something like this
for(int i=0; i < 50; i++) {
for(int i=50; i < 100; i++) {
however in MPI/GPU you do something different.
the idea is, that every core execute the same(GPU) or at least
a similar (MPI) programm. the difference is, that each core uses
a different ID, which changes the behavior of the code.
mpi-style: (not exactly the MPI-syntax)
int rank = get_core_id();
int size = get_num_core();
int subset = 100 / size;
for (int i = rank * subset;i < (rand+1)*subset; i+) {
//each core will use a different range for i
the next big thing is communication. Normally you need to use all of the synchronization-stuff manually. MPI is message-based, meaning that its not perfectly suited for classical shared-memory modells (every core has access to the same memory), but in a cluster system (many cores combined with a network) it works excellent. This is not only limited to supercomputers (they use basically only mpi-style stuff), but in the recent years a new type of core-architecture (manycores) was developed. They have a local so called Network-On-Chip, so each core can send/receive messages without having the problem with synchronization.
MPI contains not only simple messages, but higher constructs to automatically scatter and gather data to every core.
Example: (again not MPI-syntax)
int rank = get_core_id();
int size = get_num_core();
int data[100];
int result;
int results[size];
if (rank == 0) { //master-core only
scatter(0, data); //core-0 will send the data-content to all other cores
result = work(rank, data); // every core works on the same data
gather(0,result,results); //get all local results and store them in
//the results-array of core-0
an other solutions is the openMP-libary
here you declare parallel-blocks. the whole thread-part is done by the libary itself
//this will split the for-loop automatically in 4 threads
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4)
for(int i=0; i < 100; i++) {
the big advantage is, that its fast to write. thats it
you may get better performance with writing the threads on your own,
but it takes a lot more time and knowledge about synchronization

OpenCL float sum reduction

I would like to apply a reduce on this piece of my kernel code (1 dimensional data):
__local float sum = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
sum += //some operation depending on i here;
Instead of having just 1 thread that performs this operation, I would like to have n threads (with n = length) and at the end having 1 thread to make the total sum.
In pseudo code, I would like to able to write something like this:
int i = get_global_id(0);
__local float sum = 0;
sum += //some operation depending on i here;
if(i == 0)
res = sum;
Is there a way?
I have a race condition on sum.
To get you started you could do something like the example below (see Scarpino). Here we also take advantage of vector processing by using the OpenCL float4 data type.
Keep in mind that the kernel below returns a number of partial sums: one for each local work group, back to the host. This means that you will have to carry out the final sum by adding up all the partial sums, back on the host. This is because (at least with OpenCL 1.2) there is no barrier function that synchronizes work-items in different work-groups.
If summing the partial sums on the host is undesirable, you can get around this by launching multiple kernels. This introduces some kernel-call overhead, but in some applications the extra penalty is acceptable or insignificant. To do this with the example below you will need to modify your host code to call the kernel repeatedly and then include logic to stop executing the kernel after the number of output vectors falls below the local size (details left to you or check the Scarpino reference).
EDIT: Added extra kernel argument for the output. Added dot product to sum over the float 4 vectors.
__kernel void reduction_vector(__global float4* data,__local float4* partial_sums, __global float* output)
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int group_size = get_local_size(0);
partial_sums[lid] = data[get_global_id(0)];
for(int i = group_size/2; i>0; i >>= 1) {
if(lid < i) {
partial_sums[lid] += partial_sums[lid + i];
if(lid == 0) {
output[get_group_id(0)] = dot(partial_sums[0], (float4)(1.0f));
I know this is a very old post, but from everything I've tried, the answer from Bruce doesn't work, and the one from Adam is inefficient due to both global memory use and kernel execution overhead.
The comment by Jordan on the answer from Bruce is correct that this algorithm breaks down in each iteration where the number of elements is not even. Yet it is essentially the same code as can be found in several search results.
I scratched my head on this for several days, partially hindered by the fact that my language of choice is not C/C++ based, and also it's tricky if not impossible to debug on the GPU. Eventually though, I found an answer which worked.
This is a combination of the answer by Bruce, and that from Adam. It copies the source from global memory into local, but then reduces by folding the top half onto the bottom repeatedly, until there is no data left.
The result is a buffer containing the same number of items as there are work-groups used (so that very large reductions can be broken down), which must be summed by the CPU, or else call from another kernel and do this last step on the GPU.
This part is a little over my head, but I believe, this code also avoids bank switching issues by reading from local memory essentially sequentially. ** Would love confirmation on that from anyone that knows.
Note: The global 'AOffset' parameter can be omitted from the source if your data begins at offset zero. Simply remove it from the kernel prototype and the fourth line of code where it's used as part of an array index...
__kernel void Sum(__global float * A, __global float *output, ulong AOffset, __local float * target ) {
const size_t globalId = get_global_id(0);
const size_t localId = get_local_id(0);
target[localId] = A[globalId+AOffset];
size_t blockSize = get_local_size(0);
size_t halfBlockSize = blockSize / 2;
while (halfBlockSize>0) {
if (localId<halfBlockSize) {
target[localId] += target[localId + halfBlockSize];
if ((halfBlockSize*2)<blockSize) { // uneven block division
if (localId==0) { // when localID==0
target[localId] += target[localId + (blockSize-1)];
blockSize = halfBlockSize;
halfBlockSize = blockSize / 2;
if (localId==0) {
output[get_group_id(0)] = target[0];
You can use new work_group_reduce_add() function for sum reduction inside single work group if you have support for OpenCL C 2.0 features
A simple and fast way to reduce data is by repeatedly folding the top half of the data into the bottom half.
For example, please use the following ridiculously simple CL code:
__kernel void foldKernel(__global float *arVal, int offset) {
int gid = get_global_id(0);
arVal[gid] = arVal[gid]+arVal[gid+offset];
With the following Java/JOCL host code (or port it to C++ etc):
int t = totalDataSize;
while (t > 1) {
int m = t / 2;
int n = (t + 1) / 2;
clSetKernelArg(kernelFold, 0, Sizeof.cl_mem,;
clSetKernelArg(kernelFold, 1, Sizeof.cl_int, int[]{n}));
cl_event evFold = new cl_event();
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernelFold, 1, null, new long[]{m}, null, 0, null, evFold);
clWaitForEvents(1, new cl_event[]{evFold});
t = n;
The host code loops log2(n) times, so it finishes quickly even with huge arrays. The fiddle with "m" and "n" is to handle non-power-of-two arrays.
Easy for OpenCL to parallelize well for any GPU platform (i.e. fast).
Low memory, because it works in place
Works efficiently with non-power-of-two data sizes
Flexible, e.g. you can change kernel to do "min" instead of "+"

Conditional Compilation of CUDA Function

I created a CUDA function for calculating the sum of an image using its histogram.
I'm trying to compile the kernel and the wrapper function for multiple compute capabilities.
__global__ void calc_hist(unsigned char* pSrc, int* hist, int width, int height, int pitch)
int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int yIndex = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ > 110 //Shared Memory For Devices Above Compute 1.1
__shared__ int shared_hist[256];
int global_tid = yIndex * pitch + xIndex;
int block_tid = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(xIndex>=width || yIndex>=height) return;
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ == 110 //Calculate Histogram In Global Memory For Compute 1.1
atomicAdd(&hist[pSrc[global_tid]],1); /*< Atomic Add In Global Memory */
#elif __CUDA_ARCH__ > 110 //Calculate Histogram In Shared Memory For Compute Above 1.1
shared_hist[block_tid] = 0; /*< Clear Shared Memory */
atomicAdd(&shared_hist[pSrc[global_tid]],1); /*< Atomic Add In Shared Memory */
if(shared_hist[block_tid] > 0) /* Only Write Non Zero Bins Into Global Memory */
return; //Do Nothing For Devices Of Compute Capabilty 1.0
Wrapper Function:
int sum_8u_c1(unsigned char* pSrc, double* sum, int width, int height, int pitch, cudaStream_t stream = NULL)
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ == 100
printf("Compute Capability Not Supported\n");
return 0;
int *hHist,*dHist;
cudaHostAlloc(&hHist,256 * sizeof(int),cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaMemsetAsync(dHist,0,256 * sizeof(int),stream);
dim3 Block(16,16);
dim3 Grid;
Grid.x = (width + Block.x - 1)/Block.x;
Grid.y = (height + Block.y - 1)/Block.y;
cudaMemcpyAsync(hHist,dHist,256 * sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,stream);
(*sum) = 0.0;
for(int i=1; i<256; i++)
(*sum) += (hHist[i] * i);
printf("sum = %f\n",(*sum));
return 1;
Question 1:
When compiling for sm_10, the wrapper and the kernel shouldn't execute. But that is not what happens. The whole wrapper function executes. The output shows sum = 0.0.
I expected the output to be Compute Capability Not Supported as I have added the printf statement in the start of the wrapper function.
How can I prevent the wrapper function from executing on sm_10? I don't want to add any run-time checks like if statements etc. Can it be achieved through template meta programming?
Question 2:
When compiling for greater than sm_10, the program executes correctly only if I add cudaStreamSynchronize after the kernel call. But if I do not synchronize, the output is sum = 0.0. Why is it happening? I want the function to be asynchronous w.r.t the host as much as possible. Is it possible to shift the only loop inside the kernel?
I am using GTX460M, CUDA 5.0, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 8.
Ad. Question 1
As already Robert explained in the comments - __CUDA_ARCH__ is defined only when compiling device code. To clarify: when you invoke nvcc, the code is parsed and compiled twice - once for CPU and once for GPU. The existence of __CUDA_ARCH__ can be used to check which of those two passes occurs, and then for the device code - as you do in the kernel - it can be checked which GPU are you targetting.
However, for the host side it is not all lost. While you don't have __CUDA_ARCH__, you can call API function cudaGetDeviceProperties which returns lots of information about your GPU. In particular, you can be interested in fields major and minor which indicate the Compute Capability. Note - this is done at run-time, not a preprocessing stage, so the same CPU code will work on all GPUs.
Ad. Question 2
Kernel calls and cudaMemoryAsync are asynchronous. It means that if you don't call cudaStreamSynchronize (or alike) the followup CPU code will continue running even if your GPU hasn't finished your work. This means, that the data you copy from dHist to hHist might not be there yet when you begin operating on hHist in the loop. If you want to work on the output from a kernel you have to wait till the kernel finishes.
Note that cudaMemcpy (without Async) has an implicit synchronization inside.

Why FFTW on Windows is faster than on Linux?

I wrote two identical programs in Linux and Windows using the fftw libraries (fftw3.a, fftw3.lib), and compute the duration of the fftwf_execute(m_wfpFFTplan) statement (16-fft).
For 10000 runs:
On Linux: average time is 0.9
On Windows: average time is 0.12
I am confused as to why this is nine times faster on Windows than on Linux.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 870 # 2.93GHz
Each OS (Windows XP 32 bit and Linux OpenSUSE 11.4 32 bit) are installed on same machines.
I downloaded the fftw.lib (for Windows) from internet and don't know that configurations. Once I build FFTW with this config:
/configure --enable-float --enable-threads --with-combined-threads --disable-fortran --with-slow-timer --enable-sse --enable-sse2 --enable-avx
in Linux and it results in a lib that is four times faster than the default configs (0.4 ms).
16 FFT is very small. What you will find is FFTs smaller than say 64 will be hard coded assembler with no loops to get the highest possible performance. This means they can be highly susceptible to variations in instruction sets, compiler optimisations, even 64 or 32bit words.
What happens when you run a test of FFT sizes from 16 -> 1048576 in powers of 2? I say this as a particular hard-coded asm routine on Linux might not be the best optimized for your machine, whereas you might have been lucky on the Windows implementation for that particular size. A comparison of all sizes in this range will give you a better indication of the Linux vs. Windows performance.
Have you calibrated FFTW? When first run FFTW guesses the fastest implementation per machine, however if you have special instruction sets, or a particular sized cache or other processor features then these can have a dramatic effect on execution speed. As a result performing a calibration will test the speed of various FFT routines and choose the fastest per size for your specific hardware. Calibration involves repeatedly computing the plans and saving the FFTW "Wisdom" file generated. The saved calibration data (this is a lengthy process) can then be re-used. I suggest doing it once when your software starts up and re-using the file each time. I have noticed 4-10x performance improvements for certain sizes after calibrating!
Below is a snippet of code I have used to calibrate FFTW for certain sizes. Please note this code is pasted verbatim from a DSP library I worked on so some function calls are specific to my library. I hope the FFTW specific calls are helpful.
// Calibration FFTW
void DSP::forceCalibration(void)
// Try to import FFTw Wisdom for fast plan creation
FILE *fftw_wisdom = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "r");
// If wisdom does not exist, ask user to calibrate
if (fftw_wisdom == 0)
int iStatus2 = AfxMessageBox("FFTw not calibrated on this machine."\
"Would you like to perform a one-time calibration?\n\n"\
"Note:\tMay take 40 minutes (on P4 3GHz), but speeds all subsequent FFT-based filtering & convolution by up to 100%.\n"\
"\tResults are saved to disk (DSPDLL.ftw) and need only be performed once per machine.\n\n"\
if (iStatus2 == IDYES)
// Perform calibration for all powers of 2 from 8 to 4194304
// (most heavily used FFTs - for signal processing)
AfxMessageBox("About to perform calibration.\n"\
"Close all programs, turn off your screensaver and do not move the mouse in this time!\n"\
"Note:\tThis program will appear to be unresponsive until the calibration ends.\n\n"
// Create a whole load of FFTw Plans (wisdom accumulates automatically)
for (int i = 8; i <= 4194304; i *= 2)
// Create new buffers and fill
DSP::cFFTin = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::cFFTout = new fftw_complex[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = new double[i];
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = new fftw_complex[(i/2)+1];
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat[j] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][0] = j;
DSP::cFFTin[j][1] = j;
DSP::cFFTout[j][0] = 0.0;
DSP::cFFTout[j][1] = 0.0;
// Create a plan for complex FFT.
// Use the measure flag to get the best possible FFT for this size
// FFTw "remembers" which FFTs were the fastest during this test.
// at the end of the test, the results are saved to disk and re-used
// upon every initialisation of the DSP Library
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real forward FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Create a plan for real inverse FFT
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d
(i, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat, fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat, FFTW_MEASURE);
// Destroy the plan
// Destroy the buffers. Repeat for each size
delete [] DSP::cFFTin;
delete [] DSP::cFFTout;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat;
delete [] DSP::fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat;
double time = stopTimer();
char * strOutput;
strOutput = (char*) malloc (100);
sprintf(strOutput, "DSP.DLL Calibration complete in %d minutes, %d seconds\n"\
"Please keep a copy of the DSPDLL.ftw file in the root directory of your application\n"\
"to avoid re-calibration in the future\n", (int)time/(int)60, (int)time%(int)60);
isCalibrated = 1;
// Save accumulated wisdom
char * strWisdom = fftw_export_wisdom_to_string();
FILE *fftw_wisdomsave = fopen("DSPDLL.ftw", "w");
fprintf(fftw_wisdomsave, "%s", strWisdom);
DSP::cFFTout = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_cdat = NULL;
fconv_FULL_Real_FFT_rdat = NULL;
// obtain file size.
fseek (fftw_wisdom , 0 , SEEK_END);
long lSize = ftell (fftw_wisdom);
rewind (fftw_wisdom);
// allocate memory to contain the whole file.
char * strWisdom = (char*) malloc (lSize);
// copy the file into the buffer.
fread (strWisdom,1,lSize,fftw_wisdom);
// import the buffer to fftw wisdom
isCalibrated = 1;
The secret sauce is to create the plan using the FFTW_MEASURE flag, which specifically measures hundreds of routines to find the fastest for your particular type of FFT (real, complex, 1D, 2D) and size:
DSP::pCF = fftw_plan_dft_1d (i, DSP::cFFTin, DSP::cFFTout,
Finally, all benchmark tests should also be performed with a single FFT Plan stage outside of execute, called from code that is compiled in release mode with optimizations on and detached from the debugger. Benchmarks should be performed in a loop with many thousands (or even millions) of iterations and then take the average run time to compute the result. As you probably know the planning stage takes a significant amount of time and the execute is designed to be performed multiple times with a single plan.
