How can I specify the default timezone in Crafter? - crafter-cms

When using a Date/Time control, it can have a timezone selector. But, when it doesn't, it has a default timezone (in my case, EST).
How does Crafter determine this default timezone? A config? from the server's settings?
And how can I change it?

As an admin:
Go to the preview or dashboard for a given site
Open the site content sidebar, select Admin console in v2.5 or Site settings in v3.x
Select the Configuration tool from the menu on the left, this will present a drop-down menu.
Select Site Configuration in the dropdown. This will show a configuration file. In that file you will see a configuration:
This is the default timezone for that site. Typically set to where the majority of the team managing the site sits. Set this value to a valid Java time zone locale.
Click the save button in the upper right to commit your changes.


Sharepoint Online - How set Document to open in Preview mode by default

I am working in SharePoint online and office 365. This is causing auto-save to save and change the modified date whenever a document is opened by someone with Edit privileges even if nothing is changed. I would like to set SharePoint to open documents in preview mode by default, then if the user wants to edit they can click to edit. Ideally, I would want to control this at the folder level but the site level would probably work.
You can try below option so that users will be forced to check out a document from a document library before they can make any edits. To enable automatic check out, go to Library Settings > Versioning Settings and switch Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? to Yes. Click OK
check out a document in SharePoint
Next time anyone tries to edit any document in the library – they will be forced to check out a document.
If you log into the admin centre and select sharepoint in the left hand pane. Then select "Classic Sharepoint Admin Centre"
Select settings in the left hand pane.
Then next to preview features, select Enable preview features
Any issues just let me know

View SublimeLinter (v4) settings from SublimeText3's python console

I'm trying to view all settings for SublimeLinter so that I can update my settings file. I read this page about sublime's view.settings() function, and figured it was probably in there, but the SublimeLinter documentation doesn't tell me how to access the settings from the control panel. The internal documentation is an empty string, which isn't very helpful. Any information about how to drill into plugins' settings files would be much appreciated.
When you open the settings, the default settings are displayed and documented on the left. There are no other settings than these. Other variable values are set internally using constants etc., there are no “secret” settings.
You can override parts of any plugin, e.g. the status bar view, if you don’t find the settings you need. Try using

SharePoint Link Click Error

Whenever I click on a link in SharePoint, ex: Excel document, SSRS Report, etc.; I always get an error that the page cannot be found. This is because "_layouts/15/download.aspx?SourceUrl=" is the default behaviour on click.
If I wight click and choose Open in New Tab, then it works fine.
How can I remove "_layouts/15/download.aspx?SourceUrl=" from being the default behaviour on click in SharePoint?
This can be caused by a setting in Central Admin which adds headers to the browser to download certain types of files.
You can change this setting by going to Central Admin >> Manage Web Applications >> select your Web Application >> General Settings and under "Browser File Handling" change it from "Strict" to "Permissive" or vice versa.
The automatic downloading forced by "strict" is a security feature, but can create a terrible user experience. Once it's set to "permissive" you can control the behavior for each MIME type individually, but the defaults should be fine.
If you need to change the settings for a MIME type here's link to do so using powershell:

How to export a specific web content in Liferay?

I am using Liferay Portal 6.2CE GA3 tomcat bundle.
I have created web content and I want to export the specific web content. But there is no option to select the specific web content. I have the only option to select on date of creation range. Can any one know how to export a specific web content?
Take a look at the image I've uploaded.
After selecting the specific web content on the edit web content page, there is a gear icon on the right top which provides users with the export option.

Changing Control Panel theme

There are numerous pages online that I have found that describe what I need to do. I need to change the file with the theme:
I've changed the property in my file and I've even added a copy of the file to my portlet structure (docroot/WEB-INF). I've deployed, restarted tomcat, etc. No changes at all.
What am I missing? Better question - Why is this so unnecessarily difficult?
Or you could do this from control panel.
Log in as Admin ( unless changed)
Make sure you have deployed your theme.
Go to: Control Panel → Portal Settings → Display Settings → Look and Feel → Default Control Panel Theme, and select your theme from the drop-down options.
Correct name of the file is not
This file should go under your LIFERAY_HOME folder where LIFERAY_HOME is where liferay is deployed. Just create or edit this file at this location with this property and restart the server
