XPages OpenLog - Logging to wrong database - xpages

Apologies Paul, this is a duplicate to the post I put on OpenNTF, however the site will not allow me to log in the last 2 days to follow up, plus the wider audience of Stack might find me someone with an identical issue.
To keep it short.
I have 1 openLog database in a folder structure, logs/xpageslog.nsf
During development, I could log to this database, for example, using Paul Withers XPages OpenLog Logger, to log uncaught exceptions with the following settings:
private String logDbName = "logs\\xpageslog.nsf"; // in OpenLogItem.java from OpenLogClass library
logDbName = "logs/xpages.nsf" // in OpenLogFunctions.ls
xsp.openlog.filepath=log/xpageslog.nsf // in xsp.properties
However, if I then change all the above, to simply go to xpageslog.nsf, in the root of the server (this is a 2nd openLog database) errors still get logged to the first database.
I've tried building, cleaning, re-compiling, all to no avail. It seem's to be that somewhere, or somehow, the references to the original database are not being overwritten.
Any ideas?

It is good practice to use restart task http instead of tell http restart. Both commands have different effects.
As confirmed in comments, this solved the problem.
Some use tell http quit followed by load http, the effect is the same as with restart task http. At the other hand, simple tell http restart does not fully initialize http task, it's kind of soft reset and I recommend not using it.


Guidewire PolicyCenter The object you are trying to update was changed by another user. Please try your change again

I'm having this weard mistake "The object you are trying to update was changed by another user. Please try your change again." I would like to know what is the reason of this without context. There are no logs about it, no exception stacktrace, no information about this mistake in documentation. I believe this is something about Bundles but I want to now the exact reason
GW throws several exceptions related, by example ConcurrentDataChangeException, DBVersionConflictException depending of entity type. It occurs when a bean is modified concurrent by two or more transactions (bundle).
This error usually happens because on one bundle two transaction changes are trying to commit where prior bundle is still not committed.
Let us understand with one example- There is user which does a policy change to add any contact or any other business operation. And at the same time another user open same transaction in his GW PC UI and tries to do some business operation at this GW system throws this error on UI because the pervious bundle is still not committed.
The error trace leads you to some OOTB java classed and I think you can get it from PCLogs from PC UI Server logs.
Hopes this clarifies you.
Actually this happens because your object was updated by someone else on the DB during your db read from the DB and your attempt to write it back into the DB.
GW does this by leveraging the version check from your database object.
The exception message actually tells you who and when did the conflicting update. There're no stack traces that will point you to the cause of the other update.
Root causes might be several - from distributed cache in clustered env going out of sync to actually having some other party doing work on the same entities as you do. So the fix is per case really.

error 500 http web server: command not handled exception

I think this topic a lot of ppl post it already. I also look for lot of thread in stack overflow and some ibm page. They do give some comment of how to solve this problem. But i still facing the same problem, it still give this error.
Case start :
Actually one of my customer, they have facing this error during running on webpages and also notes ~
error 500 http web server: command not handled exception
Action taken but not solve:
The user id signing/creating the XPages allowed to run XPages in the
server document?
Do project clean, build automatically on designer
Do testing on creating new xpages page with simple lable " hello world" , this one can run successfully only.
Try to reload the http server by
tell http quit
load http
After do this the problem still same give the same error. May i know got any other way to solve it?
"Unresolved compilation errors: java.lang.String" points to a failed install as here. A class in java.lang or java.util should always be resolved. Ensure all services and any processes for Notes / Domino are stopped before the relevant install, jar files can get locked once used. Xpages can't load, Error 500; java.util cannot be resolved
Switch on "Display XPage runtime error page" in application's XSP Properties then you'll see a detailed error message which probably will lead you to the issue:
I frequently get this error when there is a mismatch/problem with access rights or the user login has expired and the app/database doesn't redirect to the login page. I suggest you double check the security basics first. (Might also explain why the app works locally, but not on the server).

Modifying content delivered by node-http-proxy

Due to some limitations about the web services I am proxying, I have to inject some JS code so that it allows the iframe to access the parent window and perform some actions.
I have built a proxy system with node-http-proxy which works pretty nicely. However I have spent unmeasurable hours trying to modify the content (on my own, using harmon as well, etc) that is being sent to the user without any success. I have found some articles and even some questions here but all of them are outdated and are not useful anymore.
I was wondering if someone can give me an actual example about how to do this, because I am unable to do it and maybe it is just that it is impossible to do at this point?
I haven't tried harmon, but I did try cheerio and it works.
However, I used http-mitm-proxy and not node-http-proxy.
If you are using http-mitm-proxy, you need to return a promise in the response handler. Otherwise, the proxy continues to send the original response without picking up your changes.
I have recently written another proxy at:
I'm going to add response handling to this soon. This one uses a callback mechanism, which means it wont return the response until the caller signals it to.
You should be able to use 'cheerio' and alter the content in JQuery style.

Azure failed request error details

I've got an Azure app up and running, but various requests generate a 500 error. There are no other details that come back from the server to let me know exactly what the problem is. No stack trace, no error message. The only thing I get back from the server are the http headers indicating I've got an error.
I've done a little looking around but can't seem to find a way to retrieve the error details that I'm looking for. I've seen some articles that suggest that I enable logging, but I'm not sure 1) how to do that, 2) where those log files would go and 3) how to access said log files. I've seen posts that say to add a whole bunch of code to my application to enable logging, but all I'm looking for is an error message and a stack trace from a 500 error. Do I really have to add a bunch of code to my app to see that information? If not, how can I get at it?
The best long-term solution is to enable Azure Diagnostics, which I think is what you're referring to. If you want a quick-and-dirty solution, you can log errors out to a file and then RDP into the role instances to view them. This is very similar to what you would do on a server in your own datacenter.
You can create the logs however you like. I've used log4net and RollingFileAppenders with some success. Setting the logfile path to something like "\logs\mylog.txt" will place the logs in the E: drive of the VM. Note you'll still need code somewhere in your app to capture the error and write it to the log - typically the global error handler in Global.asax is a good place for that.
You'll also have to enable RDP access to your role instances. There are many articles detailing how to do that. Here's one.
This is not a generally recommended approach because the logs may disappears when the role recycles or is recreated. It's also a pain in the butt to log to keep an eye on all those different servers.
One other warning - it's possible that the 500 error is due to some failure in your web.config. If that is the case, all the the application-level error logging in the world isn't going to help you. So be sure that your web.config is valid, and also check the Windows Event Logs while you're RDP'd into the server.
500 internal server error is most generally caused by some problem on the server when it was not able to understand incoming requests or there was some problem in configuration. So, try to run the app locally and see if there is some problem. You can record errors in a database in catches/application_error and also can use tracing. Believe me they are very helpful and worth a few extra lines of code.
For tracing have a look here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff714589.aspx

how to trace or log from a CFC file

Is there a way through the brasiers like firebug or another browser plugin to do traces or log console from a cfc file.
I'm completely new to CF so sorry if this seems like a stupid question.
If you want logs to be visible in the browser ColdFire is your best choice. With it, you can see all of ColdFusion's extended debugging information even on a production site. Unless you have the proper authentication via ColdFire the server won't spit out the extended info.
As #gillesc recommended, you can use LogBox which is extracted from the ColdBox framework. The ColdBox Framework has a debugging mode that allows you to trace messages to the bottom of the page, or, to a separate window. This is useful even on production sites since you can observe the tracer methods from other users.
Finally, you can simply print to the console using writeDump(var="my log message",output="console") for quick debugging--or--use the <cflog> tag to save log messages to a named log file which you can monitor using tail. For a dead simple solution, you can save the log file to the root of your site and simply press F5 to see the new log entries; however, I do not recommend this practice (unless you are saving credit card information and share that file with me :).
Hope this reply helps.
There is a cftrace tag that will allow you to log output to the console, among other spots in your application and development environment.
<cftrace category="init data" type="Information" var="myvartooutput" />
Calling this tag will output the relevant content in a few places:
The console in ColdFusion Builder, if you are using that IDE
In Dreamweaver, the Adobe docs mention a server debug tab/view (I don't use DW, so am not sure)
At the end of the request in the debug output
In cftrace.log, which is in your log directory (/COLDFUSION/INSTALL/DIR/logs/cftrace.log)
You can also use the tag cflog to write data to one of the standard log files or you may choose to have it write the desired data to a custom log file.
<cflog file="customlog" application="no" text="Output #somevar#!" />
If "customlog" does not exist, CF will create it for you (in the same location noted above).
Hope that helps!
EDIT: I offered this more of an alternative way to using to Firebug ... if you want the logs/traces but were not necessarily wed to a browser/plug-in.
If you've got CF Builder you can actually set up a debugger, but it's terribly slow. Here's the documentation on that: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusionBuilder/Using/WS0ef8c004658c1089-31c11ef1121cdfd6aa0-7fff.html
There's also ColdFire, which is a Firebug add-on. Never used it before but I hear good things: https://github.com/nmische/ColdFire/
Try ColdFire for firebug extension
