When is UML designer 8 released? - uml-designer

I thought UML designer 8 should have been released in July, including the UML generator.
So far I cannot find it.
Anyone knows when it will be released?

The version 8.0 will be released at the end of the month you can have a look at the milestones on GitHub: https://github.com/ObeoNetwork/UML-Designer/milestones
You can try the beta by downloading the nightly version available on the download page:


When the RHEL 7.7 is coming to an end of support and end of life?

Can someone advise when the RHEL7.7 is coming to an end of life? So that our application should jump to the next version?
I have this link https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata#Maintenance_Support_2_Phase, but I am confused with a lot of terms like EOS, ELS, Support Phase 1, Phase 2, and SAP support?
any help with links or document is really appreciated.
The following link is probably clearer to follow:
For RHEL 7 phase 1 (full support and updates software and hardware drivers) ended in August 2020
Phase 2 (security patches) are offered until June 2024

What is Swift 4.1.50?

I'm playing around with the Xcode 10 beta, and I noticed while doing compile-time checks of the Swift version number that projects with the Swift Language Version set to Swift 4 in their Build Settings are reporting as Swift 4.1.50 (betas 2, 3, and 4 do this; I didn't get a chance to test beta 1). This strikes me as... bizarre, to say the least. The current AppStore version of Xcode, Xcode 9.4.1, reports its version as Swift 4.1.2.
So... What happened to Swift 4.1.3 through 4.1.49? Or is this a bug that I should file? Or is the 50 significant in some way?
You can test this yourself with my test file, Swift Version Checker
According to Jordan Rose on the Swift bug tracker:
This is the least bad answer we could come up with, given that we may still release more 4.1.x versions if there's, say, a bad security vulnerability in one of them. (This has happened before.) We needed a version number that was greater than any existing 4.1 version, but still less than 4.2.
We did consider other ideas, but this is the one we went with for maximum compatibility. We at least won't have this problem in the future thanks to SE-0212.
So, what I take from this is that there might still have to be an actual 4.1 release sometime in the future, but that would just be a security patch atop 4.1.2, so the logical number for that would be 4.1.3. Meanwhile, the pseudo-4.1 Swift that the Swift 4.2 compiler can digest needs its own number that also reflects it's a dialect of 4.1, and their conclusion was 4.1.50, which is safely far enough away from 4.1.2 to allow for as many security patches as they want.

Upgrading from Groovy 1.3.5 to 1.7.5

I've just inherited an application written in Groovy (version 1.3.5) and would like to upgrade it to the newest release (version 1.7.5).
I can't seem to find a reference that enumerates the differences in syntax, etc., which I would need to be aware of ... and yes, I looked at http://groovy.codehaus.org
Does anyone know of a good place that lists version changes?
Many thanks,
I think your best bet would be to try it and see where your tests fail.
You do have tests right? ;-)
If not, I'd write some, then try the upgrade and fix where needed.
I don't believe there is a single page where you'd find all the changes from one version to another.
You could maybe collate something by going through all the release notes, but it's probably quicker to just try it.
You can find the changes from one version to another by looking at the release notes. However, the release notes only describe the changes from version N to version N + 1. I don't know how many versions there were between 1.3.5 and 1.7.5, but I'd guess at least 10.
To discover all the changes between 1.3.5 and 1.7.5, you'll have to look at the release notes for each release. Starting from this page, you should be able to find them all, here are some links to get you started.
You should be able to get older releases (and their notes) from the distribution archive.
Having said all that, reading release notes doesn't guarantee anything, (though it's a good way to learn about new features). The only way to be sure that your code runs under the newest version is to compile and test it under that version.

What's the significant improve from UML 2.0 to UML 1.4?

BTW,what's the latest version of UML,and how often does it release a new version?
As far as I'm aware there's no regular release schedule. As for the differences between versions, you can find a summary for example here, probably a bit more readable here.
The latest version of UML is UML 2.2 which is built on the top of xmi 2.1.
See more at: http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=uml2
What's the significant improve from UML 2.0 to UML 1.4?
The site uml-diagrams.org present a comprehensive summary of changes from version to version. As it's a bit long for a quote, I won't quote the answer, and let people read it on the above link.
BTW,what's the latest version of UML
Depens on the point of view. At the time of writing, the latest ISO approved is UML 1.4.2 (2005), the latest OMG final is UML 2.4.1 (2011) and the latest OMG published is UML 2.5 (2012 - 2013).
and how often does it release a new version?
I know ISO as some timing requirement, but I don't know any for the OMG. UML is continuously evolving with so called “minor updates”.

boost version in linux distros

Does anybody know the reason why fedora 10 (quite a modern linux distro I'd say) still shipped with boost version 1.34, while latest release is 1.38 ?
Operating systems are seldom shipped with the latest versions of anything. It's not just a matter of packaging the latest version of X with the OS, because every other part that depends of X has to be tested with the new version. Compatibility on paper doesn't always mean compatibility in reality - there can and will be surprises.
That's why for instance Debian's stable releases include almost ancient software sometimes; ancient, but stable.
Probably because people aren't willing to chip in and help keep the package up to date.
Hint, hint.
If it's any consolation, Ubuntu Jaunty looks like it will have 1.37...
My guess is that they shipped a somewhat old library because it still worked, and they didn't want to test a new version. Distos are usually one or two versions behind on most packages. Also, 1.38 didn't exist when Fedora 10 was released. For Fedora 11, they might ship a newer version.
Probably they didn't have packages that depend on libboost > 1.34.
Don't know about Fedora, but Debian/testing was stuck on 1.35 for most of last year while they got Lenny released. Meanwhile boost released 1.36, 1.37 & 1.38 fast and furious within a 7 month period.
I don't see it as a big deal. Stuff boost releases is generally in a very stable "done" state, not a work in progress. If you're using something in 1.3x, then it's pretty unlikely you'll hit bugs which you need a later version to fix. If you absolutely want some new library they've released, then building a /usr/local version from sources isn't that onerous.
