Conditional selection of integer simple in Stack - haskell

Due to licensing constraints, we need to use the integer-simple variant of GHC when compiling in Windows platforms. Currently this is specified in our stack.yaml file:
ghc-variant: integersimple
# ...
- text-
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
integer-simple: true
However, this won't work on Linux.
It'd be nice a way to conditionally include the code above depending on the host architecture. Is there a way of doing this using stack, and if not, how would you go about solving this problem?
The only alternative I can think about right now is having two stack files, but I'd like to avoid that.

TLDR: Use a custom Setup.hs.
It doesn't seem to be possible at present, because .cabal doesn't allow passing on flags to packages (although you can do so via the command line) and .yaml doesn't allow conditionals at present1.
1. I find the stack and cabal documentation kind of obtuse and disorganised. Add to that the fact that the API seems to change rather often, and it becomes rather easy to see how one might overlook some feature that might solve your problem. Keep an eye open.


How can I build a Haskell program with optional dependencies?

I am writing some simulation software for my own research and made a visualization tool as part of the project. This works perfectly fine on my workstation, and i can use it to for example monitor a simulation as it is running, or visualize the log data later. I have come to a point were I need to run simulations on a cluster now though, and OpenGL is neither available, nor needed for the actual simulations. However, since the project depends on OpenGL, it will not build.
Now obviously I could create a separate branch without the OpenGL parts, which will probably be my short term solution, but seems like a bit of a pain to maintain.
I am not sure what the best long term solution would be. Ideally I'd like to have a setup that optionally builds the visualization part if OpenGL is available, and skips it if not. Does stack (or cabal) support this type of thing?
Another option would be to make the visualization part a different project, but this would make monitoring the simulation as it is running significantly more difficult.
What is the best way to solve this?
There are a couple ways you can do this.
The first and simplest would be to split up your code into two different packages. One would be the code without the OpenGL dependency, and the other would be the visualization tool using OpenGL. If there's no reason you can't do it this way, this is by far the best option.
If you cannot do this, then you can use Cabal flags, as someone mentioned in the comment. An example of a cabal file with flags is:
name: mylibname
description: some description
flag opengl
description: build opengl support
default: False
build-depends: base, containers, ...
if flag(opengl)
build-depends: OpenGL
cpp-options: -DWITH_OPENGL
Now in your source files, you can do this:
By default, your builds won't include the OpenGL parts. You can use either cabal or stack to ask to build the package with OpenGL. In cabal, you can either do so on the command line with -f or --flags option, or in the cabal.project file with the flags: field. Someone else already linked to what looks like some equivalent stack documentation (though I don't know stack well enough to comment on its correctness)

Where to install multiple compiler-specific libraries on UNIX-like systems

I need to install the same C++/Fortran library compiled with different compilers on the system with CMake. Is there a standard location where to install the different compiler-specific versions of the same library on the system? For example, assuming that and lib.a have already been installed using the system package manager under /usr/, is it good practice to install each of the additional compiler-specific versions in a different folder under let's say usr/local. Or is there a better way of doing this that you can advise?
It depends on how many compilers/libraries/versions you have. If you have just a few of them, I think that (almost) any choice on the location is right but I personally prefer /opt/ paths for manually installed code. But if you start having several combinations of them you easily get in trouble. Besides, I think that the question on the "best" location is related to the question on the "best" way to switch from the usage of one library to another one, possibly avoiding to manually set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, libraies to link or similar things.
I give some personal recommendations according to my experience for systems where you want to support many libraries/applications with many compilers/versions and also provide them for many users:
Do not use root user to install compiled software: just use an "installer account" and give read and execute permissions when needed to other users
Select a path for compiled software, e.g. /opt and define two subfolders /opt/build and /opt/install, the first one for your sources and where you compile them, the second as compilation target
Create some subfolders based on categories, e.g. /compilers, /libraries, /applications, ... from both /opt/build and /opt/install
Start preparing compilers under /compilers, e.g. /compilers/gnu/6.3 or /compilers/intel/2017. When possible compile them, e.g. from /opt/build/compilers/gnu/6.3 to /opt/install/compilers/gnu/6.3 or just put them into /install folder, e.g. /opt/install/compilers/intel/2017
Prepare the tree for libraries (or applications) adding subfolders which specify the version, the compiler and compiler version, e.g. compile from /opt/build/libraries/boost/1.64.0/gnu/6.3 and install to /opt/install/libraries/boost/1.64.0/gnu/6.3
At this stage, you have well organized things. But:
It is difficult to decide which library you want to use, you have to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH or manually link the right one and the situation is worse when you deal also with applications
You are not considering dependencies between libraries: how can I force using g++ 6.3 when linking against boost/1.64.0/gnu/6.3?
To address these and many other issues, a good way of doing is using a tool which can help you, e.g. so that you can easily switch to one library to another one, force dependency, get help, and in general have something less error prone in the daily usage.

Linux: How to find out which (sub) dependency of my library needs a specific library?

The title may seem complicated.
I made a library to be loaded within a Tcl script. Now I need to transfer it to Ubuntu 12.04.
Tclsh gives the following error:
couldn't load file "/apollo/applications/Linux-PORT/i586/lib/":
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
while executing "load $::env(ACCLIB)/libapmntwraptcl[info sharedlibextension]"
The library libgeos doesn't have the version 3.4.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. So I need to know which (sub) dependency of my library needs the famous, so that I can rebuild it or find an alternative.
Many thanks in advance.
Thank you for your USEFUL answers. I already did ldd -v or -r. I have 200+ dependencies when I do ldd -r. The worst is, in the result list I see => /usr/lib/ (0xb3ea9000) (version I have), but when I execute, Tclsh says missing.
That's why I need something able to tell me the complete dependency tree of my library.
Could anyone give me a hint (not some useless showoff)?
Thank you so much.
You've accidentally (probably through no fault of your own) wandered into “DLL Hell”; the problem is that something that depends on, possibly indirectly, does not have its dependencies satisfied. This sort of thing can be very difficult to solve precisely because the tools that know what went wrong (in particular, the system dynamic linker library) produce such little informative output by default.
What's even worse is that you have apparently multiple versions about. That's where DLL Hell reaches its worst incarnation. You need to be a detective to solve this; it's too hard to sensibly do remotely as many of the things that you poke your fingers at are determined by what previous steps said.
You need to identify exactly what versions you're loading, with ldd (in your shell, not in Tcl). You also need to double check what your environment variables are immediately before the offending load command, as several of them can affect the loading process. The easiest way to do that is to put parray env just before the offending load, which will produce a dump of everything in the context where things could be failing; reading the manual page for will tell you a lot more about each of the possible candidates for trouble (there's many!).
You might also need to go through the list of libraries identified by the ldd program above and check whether each of those also has all their dependencies satisfied and in a way that you expect, and you should also bear in mind that failing to locate with ldd might not mean that the code actually fails. (That would be too easy.)
You can also try setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable to all before doing the load. That will produce quite a lot of information on standard out; maybe it will give you enough to figure out what is going wrong?
Finally, on Linux you need to bear in mind that there can be an RPATH set for a particular library (which can affect where it is found) and there's a system library cache which can also affect things.
I'm really sorry the error message isn't better. All I can really say is that it's exactly as much as Tcl is told about what went wrong, and its hardly anything.

How are the Haddock module fields Portability, Stability and Maintainer used?

In lots of Haddock-generated module documentation (e.g. Prelude), a small box in the top-right can be seen, containing portability, stability and maintainer information:
From looking at the source code to such modules and experimentation, I confirmed that this information is generated from lines like the following in the module description:
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : stable
-- Portability : portable
There are several strange things about this:
The fields only seem to work in this order — any fields put out of order are simply treat as part of the module description itself. This is despite the fact that the order in the source file is the opposite of the order in the generated documentation!
I have been unable to find any official documentation of these fields. There is a Cabal package property named stability, the example values of which match the values I've seen in the equivalent Haddock fields, but beyond that, I've found nothing.
So: How are these fields intended to be used, and are they documented anywhere?
In particular, I'd like to know:
The full list of commonly-used values for Portability and Stability. This HaskellWiki page has a list, but I'd like to know where this list originated from.
The criteria for deciding whether a module is portable or non-portable. In particular, the package I would like the answers to these questions for, acme-strfry, is an FFI binding to strfry, a function only available in glibc. Is the package non-portable, because it only works on glibc systems, or portable, because it does not use any Haskell language extensions? The common usage seems to imply the latter.
Why a specific order of fields is required in the source file, and why it's the opposite of the ordering in the generated documentation.
Oh, I thought those fields were from the cabal package description. They don't seem to be documented at all on Haddock's docs. I've found this, which doesn't really answer your question but:
So if it's freeform anyway, why not just write "non-portable (depends on glibc)"? I've seen even "portable (depends on ghc)", which is odd. I also wonder what happens with modules that were non-portable due to non-Haskell98 extension Foo, after Foo was added to Haskell 2010.
Note that the Cabal documenation you link to also says stability is freeform. Of course, even if haddock or cabal were to define what are the acceptable values, it'd still be up to the maintainer to subjectively select one.
About the specific order, you should probably just ask at the haddock mailing list, or check the source and file a bug.
PS: strfry is an invaluable contribution to the Haskell community, but it should be pure and portable, don't you think?
Ah yes, one of the more obscure and crufty features of Haddock.
As best as I can tell, it's just an undocumented hack. There's no sane reason why the order of the fields should matter, but it does. The specific choice of formatting (i.e., as a special form inside the module comment rather than as a separate block of some kind) isn't the best either. My guess is that somebody wanted to quickly add this feature one day, so they hacked up something minimal but functioning, and left it at that. (Without bothering to document it.)
Personally, I just don't bother with these fields at all. The information is available from Cabal, so I don't bother duplicating it in Haddock as well. Perhaps some day Cabal will pass this information to Haddock automatically...

Specifying different platform specific package at compile time in Ada (GNAT)

I'm still new to the Ada programming world so forgive me if this question is obvious.
I am looking at developing an application (in Ada, using the features in the 2005 revision) that reads from the serial port and basically performs manipulation of the strings and numbers it receives from an external device.
Now my intention was to likely use Florist and the POSIX terminal interfaces to do all the serial work on Linux first....I'll get to Windows/MacOS/etc... some other time but I want to leave that option open.
I would like to follow Ada best practices in whatever I do with this. So instead of a hack like conditional compilation under C (which I know Ada does not have anyway) I would like to find out how you are suppose to specify a change in package files from the command line (gnatmake for example)?
The only thing I can think of right now is I could name all platform packages exactly the same (i.e. package name Serial.Connector with the same filenames) and place them in different folders in the project archive and then upon compilation specify the directories/Libraries to look in for the files with -I argument and change directory names for different platforms.
This is way I was shown for GCC using C/ this still the best way with Ada using GNAT?.
That's a perfectly acceptable way of handling this kind of situation. If at all possible you should have a common package specification (or specifications if more than one is appropriate), with all the platform-specific stuff strictly confined to the corresponding package body variations.
(If you did want to go down the preprocessor path, there's a GNAT preprocessor called gnatprep that can be used, but I don't like conditional compilation either, so I'd recommend staying with the separate subdirectories approach.)
You could use the GNAT Project file package Naming: an extract from a real example, where I wanted to choose between two versions of a package in the same directory, one with debug additions, is
type Debug_Code is ("no", "yes");
Debug : Debug_Code := External ("DEBUG", "no");
package Naming is
case Debug is
when "yes" =>
for Spec ("BC.Support.Managed_Storage")
use "";
for Body ("BC.Support.Managed_Storage")
use "bc-support-managed_storage.adb-debug";
when "no" =>
end case;
end Naming;
To select the special naming, either set the environment variable DEBUG to yes or build with gnatmake -XDEBUG=yes.
Yes, the generally accepted way to handle this in Ada is to do it with different files, selected by your build system. Gnu make is about as multiplatform as it gets, and can allow you to build different files (with different names and/or directories and everything) under different configurations.
As a matter of fact, I find this a superior way (over #ifdefs) to do it in C as well.
