Highlighting Text With Keyboard Between Limits On Sublime Text - sublimetext3

In Sublime Text I can highlight text between specific locations by holding down shift and clicking the start of the region I want highlighted and then the end.
How do I do this with just the keyboard?

Method 1
Explore the commands in the Edit > Mark submenu.
Move your cursor to the start of the desired selection and run Set Mark (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+space).
Then move your cursor to the end of the desired selection and run Select to Mark (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A).
Method 2
Or, as noted in the comments, hold down Shift as you move across the desired selection (using arrows, etc.).

Try the key command Ctrl+Shift+End on Windows when you are at the beginning or in the middle somewhere of a document. This works with any program.


Select entire text from current line in Linux using a keyboard shortcut

I've been using Ubuntu/VS Code for a week and I've been struggling with text selection.
In my mac if I want to select text starting from a position until the end of the text I can easily do that with Command + Shift + arrow, but I just can't figure out how to do the same in Linux (Ubuntu), CTRL + Shift only works selecting word by word, and sometimes we just want to select an entire row or the entire text from the current position.
Appreciate the help
Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift+End for the end of the line.
If you want to copy the whole line from first to last simply place the cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C.
Press Home key to get to the start of the line.
For Selecting multiple lines, use Up/Down key.
The best way is, Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift then click the point you want to end using mouse/touchpad.
I tried the CTRL-C suggestion above without any result. (Mint 19.3 Cinnamon)
Accidentally, I found found that the left mouse button, triple-clicked, selects (highlights) the entire row the cursor is in. [Not seen that documented!] I suppose an expert on xdotools might write you a script for that.
Or position the cursor at the starting point and enter
Ctrl+Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a document,
Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a single line.

Find and replace within selection in sublime text 3?

I've read this thread indicating how to find and replace within selection in ST2. Despite reading this thread but still cannot figure out if it's possible to do a simple find and replace within selection in ST3?
Ensure the find and replace panel is closed.
Select the text in which you want to perform the find/replace - i.e. define your selection.
Open the Find/Replace panel - if desired, you can use a keybinding to run the show_panel command by going to preferences -> keybindings, then adding this line to the user keybindings: { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+s"], "command": "show_panel", "args": { "panel": "replace", "in_selection": true } } to ensure that the "in selection" mode is active and skip the next step. (see the forums for more available args.)
Turn on "in selection" mode if it is not already active by clicking on the button in the panel.
Enter your find/replace terms and perform your find/replace
If you want to change the selection you are searching within, you will need to close and re-open the panel.
If the region/selection you are searching within always contains multiple lines, you may want to consider setting the following preference for convenience:
// When auto_find_in_selection is enabled, the "Find in Selection" flag
// will be enabled automatically when multiple lines of text are selected
"auto_find_in_selection": true,
Select the word by pressing CMD+D it selects 1 from whole file and show transparent selection of all related word you can press more times CMD+D for selecting all word then edit it all words take places
You can (using ctrl-h, then toggling the 'in selection' option from the dialog), but it's a bad design IMO. Firstly, if you have an area of text highlighted when you request 'replace', it should assume "replace in selection" automatically. Secondly, as soon as you choose 'replace' it thoughtfully cancels the text selection for you. The whole process ends up involving cumbersome repetition, or an illogical sequence of steps. Visual Studio gets the UI design right; Sublime does not.
Searching and/or replacing within only a selected area in Sublime is indeed possible.
If you have text selected, once you open the Find or Replace panels, you can select the button for Find in Selection (which is turned off by default unless you have the auto_find_in_selection turned on and select multiple lines) to have the operation you carry out only apply to the selected area.
In this example I'm doing the following:
Pressing Alt+F3 to select all instances of the word to, showing how many of them there are
Select the first paragraph and then open the Find and Replace panel with Ctrl+H
Turn on the option to operate within the selection
Replace all instances of the word to with the word FROM
Show that the instances of to outside of the selection are still there untouched.
Select the line/word/code and Press Ctrl+d.
Matched piece of text will be selected and will have cursor after them.
You can edit them together.
Ctrl+h is the shortcut for 'Copy and Replace' in all versions of Sublime.

How to hold the highlighted section for sometime in VIM editor

I am right now analyzing some code using VI editor. In my use case, I have selected code spanning 2 Pages by using ESC SHIFT v & selecting all the lines (Spanning 2 Pages). Now the issue I have is I am not able to hold the highlight until I need. As soon as I press ESC and move the cursor the highlight goes off.
How do I hold the highlight until my need
If you just want to reselect whatever you previously selected when you leave visual mode you can use gv. You can't keep highlight when leaving a visual mode, though.
If you just need to view selected text and you don't want to be distracted by surrounding text, you can simply copy it to an empty buffer. To do so select your text in visual mode, press y then :new then P. When you finish you can close newly created buffer with :bd!.

Vim select the ends of multiple lines (block mode, but where the ending column varies)

Is there any way in vim that I can select the end of all these lines? (I'm only showing the end of the lines in these screenshots).
In block mode I can get them all if the bottom line is longer than the rest, but if the bottom line is shorter, the longer lines are truncated.
EDIT | I guess I can just pad out the bottom line with spaces before I select, then delete the spaces later.
Put your cursor on the top-left character you want to be part of the block.
Enter block selection mode with ctrl+v
Select to the end of the line with $ (this is the step you're missing; if you move to the end of the first line using $ then the selection will extend to the end of subsequent lines as well)
Move down 3 lines with 3j
There's more information in the Vim documentation's section on visual mode which you can read online, or just type :help v_$ in Vim.
Click somewhere (anywhere) in the first line you wish to append text to.
Press Control + V.
Press Down to create an arbitrary vertical block selection that spans the desired lines.
Press $ to expand the visual block selection to the ends of every line selected.
Press Shift + A to append text to every selected line.
Type the text you want to append.
Press Escape and the text will be appended across the selected lines.
Alternately, you can set the virtualedit (:h 'virtualedit') setting so that, any time you're in visual block mode, you can move the cursor around even past the ends of lines. E.g. :set virtualedit=block.
If you're looking to select the very last character of every line, like if you want to add something after the quotes at the end of each line, you can do the following:
Put your cursor over the very last character (in this example, the last quote on the first line)
Enter block mode: control + V
Move down to select as many lines as you want to change.
Insert at the end of the line: shift + A
Type what you want to add and then exit Visual mode
You text should now be inserted at the end of each selected line!
Hope this is helpful to others like me searching for an answer similar, but not exactly the same, as the above.
I don't know if is a new thing. But if you press $ two times (instead one) the block goes to the end of all lines without creating extra spaces).
Tested on nvim 0.7.2.

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

I am using PuTTY and the vi editor. If I select five lines using my mouse and I want to delete those lines, how can I do that?
Also, how can I select the lines using my keyboard as I can in Windows where I press Shift and move the arrows to select the text? How can I do that in vi?
I am using PuTTY and the vi editor. If I select five lines using my mouse and I want to delete those lines, how can I do that?
Forget the mouse. To remove 5 lines, either:
Go to the first line and type d5d (dd deletes one line, d5d deletes 5 lines) ~or~
Type Shift-v to enter linewise selection mode, then move the cursor down using j (yes, use h, j, k and l to move left, down, up, right respectively, that's much more efficient than using the arrows) and type d to delete the selection.
Also, how can I select the lines using my keyboard as I can in Windows where I press Shift and move the arrows to select the text? How can I do that in vi?
As I said, either use Shift-v to enter linewise selection mode or v to enter characterwise selection mode or Ctrl-v to enter blockwise selection mode. Then move with h, j, k and l.
I suggest spending some time with the Vim Tutor (run vimtutor) to get more familiar with Vim in a very didactic way.
See also
This answer to What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? (one of my favorite answers on SO).
Efficient Editing With vim
Do it the vi way.
To delete 5 lines press: 5dd ( 5 delete )
To select ( actually copy them to the clipboard ) you type: 10yy
It is a bit hard to grasp, but very handy to learn when using those remote terminals
Be aware of the learning curves for some editors:
(source: calver at unix.rulez.org)
If you want to delete using line numbers you can use:
:startingline, last line d
:7,20 d
This example will delete line 7 to 20.
Highlighting with your mouse only highlights characters on the terminal. VI doesn't really get this information, so you have to highlight differently.
Press 'v' to enter a select mode, and use arrow keys to move that around. To delete, press x.
To select lines at a time, press shift+v.
To select blocks, try ctrl+v. That's good for, say, inserting lots of comment lines in front of your code :).
I'm OK with VI, but it took me a while to improve. My work mates recommended me this cheat sheet. I keep a printout on the wall for those odd moments when I forget something.
Happy hacking!
When using a terminal like PuTTY, usually mouse clicks and selections are not transmitted to the remote system. So, vi has no idea that you just selected some text. (There are exceptions to this, but in general mouse actions aren't transmitted.)
To delete multiple lines in vi, use something like 5dd to delete 5 lines.
If you're not using Vim, I would strongly recommend doing so. You can use visual selection, where you press V to start a visual block, move the cursor to the other end, and press d to delete (or any other editing command, such as y to copy).
If you want to remove all lines in a file from your current line number, use dG, it will delete all lines (shift g) mean end of file
