N1QL query not recognizing parameters - n1ql

I am trying to use parameterized N1QL Query but its not recognizing the json place holders and throwing incorrect syntax exception.
public static final String LMR_DETAILS
= "SELECT * FROM $bucketName WHERE lmr.lmrStatusDescriptionTe ='PENDING'and STR_TO_MILLIS(lmr.recordExpirationTs) BETWEEN STR_TO_MILLIS($startTime) AND STR_TO_MILLIS($endTime)";
String bucketName = bucket.bucketManager().info().name();
JsonObject placeHolders = JsonObject.create().put("bucketName", bucketName).put("startTime", reqDates[0]).put("endTime", reqDates[1]);
N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.parameterized(QueryString.LMR_DETAILS, placeHolders);
N1qlQueryResult result = bucket.query(query);

After FROM clause requires as static identifier refer to bucket or subquery, It can't be parameterized variable. Remove $bucketName as parameterized variable and replaces with actual bucket name by constructing LMR_DETAILS dynamically.


Casting Strint to integer in liferay dynamic query

I have been using dynamic query for a project.
Here is an scenario for which I am facing problem.
For a table xyz the column version is stored as varchar (I know it's a poor design, but it's too late to change now) and has values as 9,12.
For the query :
select max(version)
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
I am getting the output as 9 instead of 12.
The dynamic query for the same is:
ClassLoader classLoader = PortletBeanLocatorUtil.getBeanLocator(ClpSerializer.getServletContextName()).getClassLoader();
DynamicQuery dynamicQuery = DynamicQueryFactoryUtil.forClass(xyz.class, classLoader);
List<Object> list = xyzLocalServiceUtil.dynamicQuery(dynamicQuery);
The query which is giving the correct value is :
select max(cast(version as signed))
from xyz
where something = 'abc';
Now, I want it to be in the dynamic query, how can I do that?
I am using liferay-6.2-ce
Try using ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection method.
That method allows using functions that are executed by SQL engine.
For example, I am using following code in order to get the max length of a string column called 'content':
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(length(content)) as maxSize", new String[] {"maxSize"},
new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});
The same thing can be done with dynamic query criterions using RestrictionsFactoryUtil.sqlRestriction in case you want to use a SQL function in a condition.
In your case try following code:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.ProjectionFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Type;
Projection maxSizeProjection = ProjectionFactoryUtil.sqlProjection(
"max(cast(version as signed)) as maxVersion",
new String[] {"maxVersion"}, new Type[] {Type.BIG_DECIMAL});

WHERE IN with Azure DocumentDB (CosmosDB) .Net SDK

Having seen this question I'm not sure why the following code for my DocDb instance isn't working:
var userApps = _docs.CreateDocumentQuery(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(Constants.Databases.Applications.ID, Constants.Databases.Applications.Collections.USER_APPS),
new SqlQuerySpec(#"SELECT r.appId FROM ROOT r WHERE r.userId = #userId", (#"#userId", userId).ToSqlParameters()))
.Select(s => (string)s.appId);
var query = _docs.CreateDocumentQuery<Document>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(Constants.Databases.Applications.ID, Constants.Databases.Applications.Collections.APP_DEFINITIONS),
new SqlQuerySpec(#"SELECT r.id, r.appName FROM ROOT r WHERE r.appId IN (#userApps)", (#"#userApps", userApps.ToArray()).ToSqlParameters()),
new FeedOptions { EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true })
When I execute this, though I know the data should be returning me back a result set, it comes back empty every time.
Troubleshooting so far
Variants of .Select()
Return strings that I string.Join in to a comma-separated list.
var userApps = string.Join(#",", _docs.CreateDocumentQuery(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(Constants.Databases.Applications.ID, Constants.Databases.Applications.Collections.USER_APPS),
new SqlQuerySpec(#"SELECT r.appId FROM ROOT r WHERE r.userId = #userId", (#"#userId", userId).ToSqlParameters()))
.Select(s => $#"'{s.appId}'");
Don't encapsulate IN parameter
Removing the () around the parameter spec in the query thinking maybe the SqlParameter spec was doing the array specification?
Eg: #"SELECT r.id, r.appName FROM ROOT r WHERE r.appId IN #userApps")
Ends up throwing "Syntax error, incorrect syntax near '#userApps'."
Validate via Azure Portal queries
Ran the (expected) SQL that this code should be running.
I get back my expected results without issue (ie: I know there is a result set for these queries as-written).
Debugger output for Query 1
AppIds are coming back from query 1.
Unsatisfactory workaround
Change query 2 to not be parameterized. Rather, inject the comma-separated list of IDs from query 1 in to it:
var userApps = string.Join(#",", _docs.CreateDocumentQuery(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(Constants.Databases.Applications.ID, Constants.Databases.Applications.Collections.USER_APPS),
new SqlQuerySpec(#"SELECT r.appId FROM ROOT r WHERE r.userId = #userId", (#"#userId", userId).ToSqlParameter()))
.Select(s => $#"'{s.appId}'"));
var query = _docs.CreateDocumentQuery<Document>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(Constants.Databases.Applications.ID, Constants.Databases.Applications.Collections.APP_DEFINITIONS),
new SqlQuerySpec($#"SELECT r.id, r.appName FROM ROOT r WHERE r.appId IN ({userApps})"),
new FeedOptions { EnableCrossPartitionQuery = true })
Works perfectly but I'm not going to accept it as an answer to this problem as it goes against a couple decades-worth of SQL best practices and, frankly, shouldn't be a solution.
Here's my ToSqlParameters() extension method in case it's the culprit (this works everywhere else I've used it, though. Maybe something special is needed for arrays?):
public static SqlParameterCollection ToSqlParameters(this (string, object) parmDef) => new SqlParameterCollection(new[] { new SqlParameter(parmDef.Item1, parmDef.Item2) });
If you use a parameterized IN list, then it will be considered as a single value when the parameter is expanded.
For instance, for this query:
SELECT * FROM r WHERE r.item IN (#items) And #items is defined as "['val1', 'val2', 'val3']" will be interpreted as such:
SELECT * FROM r WHERE r.item IN (['val1', 'val2', 'val3'])
which basically means that you're comparing r.item to a single value that is an array of three elements (i.e. equivalent to r.item = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']).
To compare to multiple items, you need to use a parameter for each value. Something like this: SELECT * FROM r WHERE r.item IN (#val1, #val2, #val3])
A more convenient way to write this query is to use ARRAY_CONTAINS instead and pass the array of items as a single parameter. So the above query will be written like this:

Putting string after a where clause in a soql query in salesforce

I have the filter logic parsed and put as a string in a variable called "where_clause". I have to use this where_clause in a query to fetch data.How can I use a string of this type after the where part of the query?I am working on salesforce with custom objects.
I suggest you check Dynamic SOQL.
In particular
String myTestString = 'TestName';
List<sObject> sobjList = Database.query('SELECT Id FROM MyCustomObject__c WHERE Name = :myTestString');
If you have your Custom Object as MyCustomObject__c
String myTestString = 'TestName';
List<MyCustomObject__c> sobjList = (List<MyCustomObject__c>)Database.query('SELECT Id FROM MyCustomObject__c WHERE Name = :myTestString');

documentdb returns empty object from null values

I am calling something similar to the following code against a documentdb collection:
List<DocumentCollection> collectionList = documentClient
+ "'", null).getQueryIterable().toList();
The json that I am returning has null on certain fields, which is fine, but when I return the collectionList the nulls are converted to empty JSON objects; for example:
"`content`" : `null` is converted to "`content`" : `{}`
Does anyone know if there is a way around this?
Add a WHERE clause specifying the type you are expecting using the type checking functions

Dapper and varchars

I found the following comment on the Dapper .NET project home page.
Dapper supports varchar params, if you are executing a where clause on a varchar column using a param be sure to pass it in this way:
Query<Thing>("select * from Thing where Name = #Name", new {Name =
new DbString { Value = "abcde", IsFixedLength = true, Length = 10, IsAnsi = true });
On Sql Server it is crucial to use the unicode when querying unicode and ansi when querying non unicode
I'm evaluating Dapper for use with a legacy database (SQL Server 2008), with lots of stored procedures with varchar parameters, and I'm a little confused by this restriction.
With hand-crafted ADO.NET code, I'd use the following for the above query:
new SqlParameter("#Name", "abcde")
without specifying whether it's unicode or not, nor the length.
Why do I need this verbose DbString syntax with Dapper, specifying the column length, IsFixedLength and IsAnsi?
Why IsFixedLength = true for a varchar column (I'd expect it to be true for a char or nchar column)?
Do I have to use DbString like this for stored procedure parameters?
I was expecting Dapper to make my DAL code more concise, but this seems to be making it more verbose for varchar parameters.
I've researched a bit further, to try to understand why Dapper would have this varchar restriction, which I don't appear to have in my hand-crafted code, where I would normally create an input parameter as follows:
var parameter = factory.CreateParameter(); // Factory is a DbProviderFactory
parameter.Name = ...;
parameter.Value = ...;
and usually leave the provider to infer the DbType using its own rules, unless I specifically want to coerce it.
Looking at Dapper's DynamicParameters class, it has a method AddParameters which creates parameters as follows:
var dbType = param.DbType; // Get dbType and value
var val = param.Value; // from
// Coerce dbType to a non-null value if val is not null !!!!!
if (dbType == null && val != null) dbType = SqlMapper.LookupDbType(val.GetType(),name);
var p = command.CreateParameter();
if (dbType != null)
p.DbType = dbType.Value;
I.e. it explicitly coerces IDataParameter.DbType to a value it looks up with its own algorithm, rather than leaving the provider to use its own rules.
Is there a good reason for this? It seems wrong for me, particularly in the light of the comment about Dapper's support for varchar parameters.
You need this syntax when working with ODBC.
You would need to define a CHAR(30) field as a DbString in c# for Dapper and also set the length (30) and ansi (true) values to prevent Dapper from assuming the string was a text/blob type. Otherwise you will likely receive the error: "Illegal attempt to convert Text/Byte blob type".
I was getting this error using ODBC to connect to Informix until I defined my param as a DbString() and set the length and ansi values.
More info here.
var param = new { Varchar1 = "", Varchar2 = "" };
db.Query("SP", param, commandType:CommandType.StoredProcedure);
