Visual Studio Installer, how can i select any folder using custom dialog - visual-studio-2012

I have made a setup project using Visual Studio Installer. Now in this setup project I just want to have a custom dialog box which have one textbox and one button(BrowseButton), when I click this button a popup for selecting a folder in the target machine may appear.
In other words I want The "Browse For Folder button" or ""browser button" so that I may select any folder in the target machine. Once I select a folder the path should now come in the textbox. Because in the end I would like to save this path in the registry of the target machine.
I have Orca and I did tried to make this custom dialog using it but I am unable to do it.

There is only one browse dialog in those setups, and that's for the main application folder, so there isn't a way to do this. A custom action won't help because they all run after the files are installed.
I don't know why and where you need to browse to, but in most case there is a simple default location (such as an application data folder or a shared folder) that works fine. This really helps during upgrades when the upgrade install may need to do something with that variable location, and any apps will always know where it is. It's easier for the user too.


Missing Browse Tab in the Reference Manager dialog box

I have been trying to add a local .dll file to my project as I need some built in commands it has for my offline simulation connecting to a GPIB. The problem is I am missing the "Browse" tab to search for the .dll file to add.

For InstallShield, How can I get a path from the user by browsing the computer?

I am packing a plugin for another program, thus I need to get the path of the pre-installed program (proe 4.0) and set an environment with it.
Now I used "Requirement" function in InstallShield to search the file of proe 4.0.
The problem is, this "search" function cannot find the install directory in some of the conditions, such as in a nonstandard installation.
I want to show a dialog with a browse button and a text box to allow the user to define the installation directory themselves. How can I do that?
I found the solution which is very easy for advanced users: use a script project, and in the setup vbs script you can find everything you want.

I can't check in an existing project to

I have Visual Studio Express 2012 installed which is linked to my account, I created a new project but I didn't tick the
Add to source control
option as I was intending it to be a throwaway project. However, I now want to keep it so I am trying to add it to source control after the fact.
I've tried both adding the project to source control when the project is open and moving the files from the "Excluded Changes" section of the Pending Changes window. In both cases I get the following error:
TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder $/RadioButtonTest. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer to create a project or the Team Project deletion tool to delete one.
My default collection is mapped to E:\Chris\projects and the project I'm trying to add is directly in that folder.
What am I missing?
I had exactly the same happen - mucked about a bit and got it working by adding a project of the same name to my VS Online page.
Try this:
Open your web browser to your homepage
Under "Recent projects & teams"
Hit "New"
Use your "RadioButtonTest" as the project name and go through the
creation flow
Check in from VS
I found a much simpler way to add the Project to Source Control for Visual Studio 12. I selected the project, go to the "FILE" menu, selected "Source Control", where you may see an option to "add this project to source control".
If you don't see that option, though I think you will; you can select "Advance" then "Change Source Control". In that dialog box you will see all the projects bound to the solution. Select the project you want to add to source control, and choose "unbind" then "ok". (it will throw a warning that some files were already in source-control, select "ignore all") Now your project is unbound, right click on the project name, the option to "add this to source control", and voila! Now you're running with petrol!
The reason this is happening is because there isn't a "team project" for the solution but there more than likely is a collection which isn't the same thing.
The above answers helped me figure it out but all I had to do was create a new team project from the instructions on MS's website: and then I was able to add solution to source control.
I'm not quite sure why you are getting this error but here is another approach you could take.
Create a new project with the same name and check the "Add to Source Control" project.
Commit the initial version and close the project in Visual Studio
Copy the contents of the real project over the newly created project
Re-open in Visual Studio and let it detect the new changes
Commit the new changes to SCC
This is a round about way of getting an existing project into source code control.
I managed to fix this issue by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Add Solution to Source Control".
I encountered this issue when I tried to create a new TFS project folder (rather than a "team project") at the root. After trying everything suggested above, I did the following:
copied my code to another folder
did an "undo" on all pending changes (making sure that the only changes included were the ones for the project at hand)
deleted the filesystem folder
created a "team project" in TFS Team Explorer (this wizard automatically creates a folder at the root and checks in the changeset)
copied my source code back to a folder with the same name as the team project
opened the solution in VS
right-clicked the solution and clicked "add solution to source control"
checked in...success at last!
I got this error when I went to check in a project, I had created the solution in a new team folder that was not in TFS and fixed it by doing the following:
Go to Team Explorer
Click the drop-down arrow to the right of Home
Click Projects and My Teams
Click New Team Project...
Add a team project with the same name as the new project folder.

Visual Studio 2012 - Database Project - setting a default profile for publish

Just wondering if anyone knows how to set a saved publish profile as the default i.e. profile that's automatically loaded when I select publish. I love the new profile approach but I'm a bit over having to reselect the same profile over and over while I'm developing.
In VS2012 and up, you can set the Default Publish Profile by right-clicking on the .xml profile file and clicking the Set As Default Publish Profile option. It will then be auto-loaded when you click to Publish the project.
So I've just discovered how to do this, right click on the specific .xml file (e.g. Debug.publish.xml) that you wish to publish and it is automatically loaded into the Publish panel.
Double clicking the XML file also works
The latest Visual Studio 2012 Updates also now include right click options for:
1 - Set as default
2 - Publish
Rob, you may want to consider setting up some batch files that call SQLPackage to use your desired Publish profile. I blogged about it here:
For our dev team, we have a set of batch files set up that can build one or all databases locally from whatever branch they're currently using. That makes it a lot easier to update the local database. The "Publish All" batch file takes a little time to run but is still better than opening each project individually to publish the databases.
Slightly odd issue: I renamed my .xml file to .localdev.xml....file name is "double extension'd" - VS/Datatools looks for ".publish.xml" NOT just the .xml file. In my case I needed "*.localdev.publish.xml". When it had the wrong name the "Set as Default Publish Profile" right click option DID NOT show up, nor did double-clicking...where is Molder when you need him?!?!? ;)
Get the name right, get the right functionality......MS needs better, more creative QA people!! ;)

How to remove a folder from a MonoTouch project?

In MonoDevelop I can right click a file in a MonoTouch project and select "Remove" and it then gives me an option of removing the file from the project. However, if I right click a folder, the only option available is "Delete" which brings up a confirmation box saying that the entire folder will be deleted. How do I remove a folder from a MonoTouch project? Does this functionality exist somewhere or has it not been built yet?
I think the easiest way to do this is to handle all the files outside of monodevelop. Just move it to wherever you like and then delete the folder from inside monodevelop.
