deploying django on the pythonanywhere - wsgi

I want to deploy my personal blog on the pythonanywhere, but there're something wrong with my configuration and I am unfamiliar with severer.But everything goes smoothly on my local server.Then I checked the error file, the detail is following:
Besides, pagedown module is used in the, which is one of the part of the markdown in my project:
Finally, I think there must be something with, this is the, maybe I miss some configurations of my project:
Hope someone solve my problem, can't appreciate too much!


Why does a brand new grails app show me notFound.gsp instead of index.gsp?

This is a brand new app on a fresh install, but I do not see the info page I am expecting to see. I get some errors when running start-app, would this maybe have something to do with the problem? I am trying to teach myself this framework but am confused as to why I am having this problem.
Thanks for any info you can provide, I really appreciate it.
I figured this out, the documentation I'm looking at says that /test/ (the grails project name) should be part of the path, but it is not. Omitting this has it work the way I expect, although I'm not really sure why, or how I would segregate different applications using the URL path.

docdokuplm post-installation instructions

Hi !
Just checking out your PLM, looks great! I followed your instructions:
I used the nightly build.
After uploading the ear file and then using http://localhost:8080 I see the Payara server page. Was there something else I need todo or where do I start to troubleshoot? Thoughts?
Thank you!
The page displayed at 8080 is the default landing page. If you have deployed the DocDokuPLM application and configured the settings detailed within the instructions, you can open the application through Payara Server. Go to Applications -> DocDokuPLM -> Launch, and you'll get a series of links which should help you troubleshoot.
If you can't see any, run through the installation procedure again to ensure that you haven't missed a step - it seems like there's a few steps which must be configured exactly correctly for the application to work.
According to this GitHub issue, this seems like a bug with DocDokuPLM. As with most software, nightly builds are inherently risky. Looking at the source, though, it seems that the code changes fairly rarely, so you might try with the previous version of Payara Server (173), though the stack traces in the GitHub issue don't look to me like an issue with Payara.
The backend server and the UI are two separated components.
If you want to install the User Interface you have to go there :
The project which you have deployed is just for backend,inorder to interact with UI just clone the web-client from this repo and in command prompt use this command npm run dev then you can use this project, make sure the port number which is mentioned in app/ of web-client project is same as you have given in server-config.
Read for more details

How do you edit node modules in aws lambda?

To begin experimenting with Alexa Skills, I followed a short guide. In that guide, it never covered importing modules or anything to that effect. That is not the issue, that is just the origin of my curiosity. So in this scenario, AWS somehow knew exactly what to put into this function (which is driving me insane - because I know it's not that simple). Moving past that however, now I'm trying to determine where you would edit the node.js modules at? I don't see any resources list and I've tried downloading the package to no avail.
So in this particular example, there is a module called recipes. How can I edit that module? I did NOT import this module. I built one from a provided template that AWS provided and this was the result.
If this isn't an appropriate question for this forum, let me know a more appropriate location and I will remove.
I feel dumb after this, but just in case anyone else gets confused like I did here is how to download everything.
Open up your function in AWS Lambda, then select Actions -> Export function.
Then select "Download deployment package".
You can then modify and import as necessary.

Web service client can not be created by jaxws:wsimport utility [binding.xsd]

I'm trying to consume a web service but I can't even start. I get an error as soon as I include the Web Service. I have researched and found similar errors but not this one. I hope you guys know a way around this:
I can't see the methods I should under Web Service References -> info, the 'info' appears with an X, see the image:
So I can't see the methods. A friend gave me his project and compiled it and got the same error, but it worked. I tried copy-pasting the methods into my project and it worked as well. The thing is how am I supposed to use the methods if I can't know them?
Thankyou in advance

How to steal build an app of two html files with shared dependencies in JavascriptMVC

I have an application with two html files:
These pages share dependencies, i.e -jquery / plugins and I want to use the "steal build" script to build them efficiently.
I found some examples and questions that describe this issue and give examples on multiple apps, but didn't give a solution for this problem.
But when I try to build with this line for example I'm getting errors:
js steal/buildjs app/page1.html app/page2.html -to app
Anyone had experience with this scenario?
A good soul (asavoy) created a pull request that deals with this issue, apparently it was a bug in the new version:
I'll post an update once I'll test it out myself.
