slurm - I/O shared between to nodes? Is that possible? - slurm

I am working with NGS data and the newest test files are massive.
Normally our pipeline is using just one node and the output from different tools is its ./scratch folder.
To use just one node is not possible with the current massive data set. That's why I would like to use at least 2 nodes to solve the issues such as speed, not all jobs are submitted, etc.
Using multiple nodes or even multiple partitions is easy - i know how which parameter to use for that step.
So my issue is not about missing parameters, but the logic behind slurm to solve the following issue about I/O:
Lets say I have tool-A. Tool-A is running with 700 jobs on two nodes (340 jobs on node1 and 360 jobs on node2) - the ouput is saved on ./scratch on each node separately.
Tool-B is using the results from tool-A - which are on two different nodes.
What is the best approach to fix that?
- Is there a parameter which tells slurm which jobs belongs together and where to find the input for tool-B?
- would it be smarter to change the output on /scratch to a local-folder?
- or would it be better to merge the output from tool-A from both nodes to one node?
- any other ideas?
I hope I made my issue "simply" to understand... Please apologize if that is not the case!

My naive suggestion would be why not share a scratch nfs volume across all nodes ? This way all ouput datas of ToolA would be acessible for ToolB whatever the node. It migth not be the best solution for read/write speed, but to my mind it would be the easiest for your situation.
A more sofware solution (not to hard to develop) can be to implement a database that track where the files have been generated.
I hope it help !

... just for those coming across this via search engines: if you cannot use any kind of shared filesystem (NFS, GPFS, Lustre, Ceph) and you don't have only massive data sets, you could use "staging", meaning data transfer before and after your job really runs.
Though this is termed "cast"ing in the Slurm universe, it generally means you define
files to be copied to all nodes assigned to your job BEFORE the job starts
files to be copied from nodes assigned to your job AFTER the job completes.
This can be a way to get everything needed back and forth from/to your job's nodes even without a shared file system.
Check the man page of "sbcast" and amend your sbatch job scripts accordingly.


Boostrap many new cassandras to cluster with no errors

I have cluster about 100 nodes and it grows. I need to add 10-50 on request. As I know by default cassandra has cassandra.consistent.rangemovement=true this means multiple nodes can't to bootstrap in a moment.
Anyway when I add many nodes using Terraform and some kind of default configuration (using Puppet) at least 2-3 becomes UJ state and eventually only one bootstrap successfully. Earlier I used random time delay before start cassandra.service, but it doesn't work adding 10+ nodes.
I'm trying to figure out how to implement kind of "lock" for bootstrap.
I have Consul and can get kind of lock for bootstrap in KV. For instance get lock using ExecPreStart systemd feature but I can't get how to release it after bootstrap.
I'm looking for any solutions for that.
I've done something similar using Rundeck before. Basically, we had Rundeck kick off a bash script, taking parameters about the deployment of our nodes as well as how many.
What we did, was parse the output of nodetool status. We'd count the number of nodes as well as the number of UN indicators. If those two numbers didn't match, we'd do a sleep 30s and try again.
Once those numbers matched, we knew that it was safe to add another node. The total operation could take a while to add all nodes, but it worked.

How a failed databricks job can continue where it left?

I have a databricks job that run many commands and at the end it tries to save the results to a folder. However, it is failed because it tried to write a file to folder but folder was not exists.
I simply created the folder.
However, how can I make it continue where it left without executing all the previous commands.
I assume that by Databricks job you refer to the way to run non-interactive code in a Databricks cluster.
I do not think that what you ask is possible, namely getting the output of a certain Spark task from a previous job run on Databricks. As pointed out in the other answer, "if job is finished, then all processed data is gone". This has to do with the way Spark works under the hood. If you are curious about this topic, I suggest you start reading this post about Transformations and Actions in Spark.
Although you can think of a few workarounds, for instance if you are curious about certain intermediate outputs of your job, you could decide to temporary write your DataFrame/Dataset to some external location. In this way you can easily resume a the job from your preferred point by reading one of your checkpoints as input. This approach is a bit clanky and I do not recommend it, but it's a quick and dirty solution you might want to choose if you are in the testing/designing phase.
A more robust solution would involve splitting your job in multiple sub-jobs and setting upstream & downstream dependencies among them. You can do that using Databricks natively (Task dependencies section) or an external scheduler that integrates with Databricks, like Airflow.
In this way, you can split your tasks and you will be able to have an higher control granularity on your Application. So, in case of again failures on the writing step, you will be able to re run only the writing easily.
If job is finished, then all processed data is gone, until you write some intermediate states (additional tables, etc.) from which you can continue processing. In most cases, Spark actually execute the code only when it's writing results of execution of provided transformations.
So right now you just need to rerun the job.

Apache Beam bundling issue

My problem is the following, I want to aggregate some data that is stored on S3. As initial input to my pipeline I use a text file that contains the path of all the S3 files that should be aggregated.
PCollection<String> readInputPipeline = p.apply("ReadLines",;
readInputPipeline = readInputPipeline.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadFromS3Mapper()));
The input file has 346k lines. When I deploy this code to a Spark cluster reading from S3 looks like it happens only in 2 Spark Tasks even though many cores are available. Is there any way for me to increase the parallelism of this operation?
I am running this on EMR on Amazon with a master (m3.xlarge) and a core machine (R3.4xlarge) with the following options:
"--master", "yarn",
PS: maybe the solution could be that I shouldn't do this kind of expensive IO operations in this context?
Spark decides how to split up an input, here it's decided to go through the entire file in one go, because it so small.
I've done something similar in a distcp application; this uses Spark's ParallelCollectionRDD class to explicitly tell spark to split the listing up one-by-one.
That class should be enough for you to do something similar -you may have to read the initial text file in locally to a list, then pass the list to the ParallelCollectionRDD constructor
A bit late reply, but I looked into what Beam does in the 2.16.0 release.
You're getting 2 tasks after the first -- I suspect that your initial list of files of 346k lines is being split into two partitions. This behaviour is controlled by the desiredBundleSize inside TextIO, which is hard-coded to 64MB.
In Spark, your action ReadFromS3Mapper will be "fused" to the arriving records and you'll always stay at two partitions.
If you want to keep the same code, you can force a repartition between the two transformations:
PCollection<String> allContents = p.apply("ReadLines",
.apply("Repartition", Reshuffle.viaRandomKey())
.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadFromS3Mapper()));
As an alternative, there's quite a few interesting patterns available in the TextIO and FileIO utilities. There's an example that matches yours almost exactly (implicitly including the reshuffle).

Spark Parquet Loader: Reduce number of jobs involved in listing a dataframe's files

I'm loading parquet data into a dataframe via'hdfs:///path/goes/here/...')
There are around 50k files in that path due to parquet partitioning. When I run that command, spark spawns off dozens of small jobs that as a whole take several minutes to complete. Here's what the jobs look like in the spark UI:
As you can see, although each job has ~2100 tasks, they execute quickly, in about 2 seconds. Starting so many 'mini jobs' is inefficient and leads this file listing step to take about 10 minutes (where the clusters resources are mostly idle, and the cluster is mostly dealing with straggling tasks or the overhead of managing jobs/tasks).
How can I consolidate these tasks into fewer jobs, each with more tasks?
Bonus points for a solution that also works in pyspark.
I'm running spark 2.2.1 via pyspark on hadoop 2.8.3.
I believe you encountered a bug for which a former colleague of mine has filed a ticket and opened a pull request. You can check it out here. If it fits your issue, your best shot is probably voting the issue up and making some noise on the mailing list about it.
What you might want to do is tweaking the spark.sql.sources.parallelPartitionDiscovery.threshold and spark.sql.sources.parallelPartitionDiscovery.parallelism configuration parameters (with the former being cited in the linked ticket) in a way that suits your job.
You can have a look here and here to see how the configuration key is used. I'll share the related snippets here for completeness.
// Short-circuits parallel listing when serial listing is likely to be faster.
if (paths.size <= sparkSession.sessionState.conf.parallelPartitionDiscoveryThreshold) {
return { path =>
(path, listLeafFiles(path, hadoopConf, filter, Some(sparkSession)))
// Set the number of parallelism to prevent following file listing from generating many tasks
// in case of large #defaultParallelism.
val numParallelism = Math.min(paths.size, parallelPartitionDiscoveryParallelism)
The default value for this configuration are 32 for the threshold and 10000 for the parallelism (related code here).
In your case, I'd say that probably what you want to do is setting the threshold so that the process is run without spawning parallel jobs.
The linked sources are from the latest available tagged release at the time of writing, 2.3.0.
Against an object store, even the listing and calls to getFileStatus are pretty expensive, and as this is done during partitioning, can extend the job a lot.
Play with mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.list-status.num-threads to see if adding more threads speeds things up, say a value of 20-30

Is it better to create many small Spark clusters or a smaller number of very large clusters

I am currently developing an application to wrangle a huge amount of data using Spark. The data is a mixture of Apache (and other) log files as well as csv and json files. The directory structure of my Google bucket will look something like this:
\input (subdirectory)
\output (subdirectory)
network_logs (same subdirectories as web_logs)
system_logs (same subdirectories as web_logs)
The directory structure under the \input directories is arbitrary. Spark jobs pick up all of their data from the \input directory and place it in the \output directory. There is an arbitrary number of *_logs directories.
My current plan is to split the entire wrangling task into about 2000 jobs and use the cloud dataproc api to spin up a cluster, do the job, and close down. Another option would be to create a smaller number of very large clusters and just send jobs to the larger clusters instead.
The first approach is being considered because each individual job is taking about an hour to complete. Simply waiting for one job to finish before starting the other will take too much time.
My questions are: 1) besides the cluster startup costs, are there any downside to taking the first approach? and 2) is there a better alternative?
Thanks so much in advance!
Besides startup overhead, the main other consideration when using single-use clusters per job is that some jobs might be more prone to "stragglers" where data skew leads to a small number of tasks taking much longer than other tasks, so that the cluster isn't efficiently utilized near the end of the job. In some cases this can be mitigated by explicitly downscaling, combined with the help of graceful decommissioning, but if a job is shaped such that many "map" partitions produce shuffle output across all the nodes but there are "reduce" stragglers, then you can't safely downscale nodes that are still responsible for serving shuffle data.
That said, in many cases, simply tuning the size/number of partitions to occur in several "waves" (i.e. if you have 100 cores working, carving the work into something like 1000 to 10,000 partitions) helps mitigate the straggler problem even in the presence of data skew, and the downside is on par with startup overhead.
Despite the overhead of startup and stragglers, though, usually the pros of using new ephemeral clusters per-job vastly outweigh the cons; maintaining perfect utilization of a large shared cluster isn't easy either, and the benefits of using ephemeral clusters includes vastly improved agility and scalability, letting you optionally adopt new software versions, switch regions, switch machine types, incorporate brand-new hardware features (like GPUs) if they become needed, etc. Here's a blog post by Thumbtack discussing the benefits of such "job-scoped clusters" on Dataproc.
A slightly different architecture if your jobs are very short (i.e. if each one only runs a couple minutes and thus amplify the downside of startup overhead) or the straggler problem is unsolveable, is to use "pools" of clusters. This blog post touches on using "labels" to easily maintain pools of larger clusters where you still teardown/create clusters regularly to ensure agility of version updates, adopting new hardware, etc.
You might want to explore my solution for Autoscaling Google Dataproc Clusters
The source code can be found here
