Installing / maintaining Jenkins on a Linux host machine - linux

We are currently provisioning a physical server as our automation server. We are making considerations as far as what our native operating system should be on this physical machine.
We are going to use a Linux OS as our operating system. From the Jenkins download page, I can see that Jenkins’ package distribution is available to Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS (which we will not be using), as well as Ubuntu / Debian. I also notice that a Generic Java package (WAR) distribution is available.
Am I correct in assuming that if we use a non-Ubuntu / non-Debian
operating system, we can still install Jenkins via the WAR
distribution without issue?
If we are not able to install via WAR without issue, are we relegated
to using Debian / Ubuntu if we’re going to install Jenkins on a Linux
machine (with the possibility of Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS ruled
It should probably be noted that we will likely install / upgrade on the Jenkins LTS release schedule.
Thanks for any guidance from anybody who may have experience installing / maintaining a Jenkins instance on a Linux machine!


DCOM library missing if install VxWorks 6.9 on Linux host instead of Windows

I'm moving an existing VxWorks 6.9 build system from Windows to RedHat Linux. In theory this should be easy but it seems that if I install VxWorks 6.9, from the same CD, on Linux then the dcom-2.3 library (and a couple of others) are not installed - installing from the same CD on Windows does install them.
Anyone know what I am? This is a cross-compiler environment for an embedded system so I can't see any reason that the installed libraries should be different between the two host systems.

Oracle on lxc in ubuntu

I'm currently trying to install an oracle server (11g) in a linux container on ubuntu (following this tutorial (
When I try to change the file handler with sysctl, the modifications doesn't save into my container. Moreover, when I make the modification in the main ubuntu kernel, it propagates to the containers, so my question is as follow:
How can I modify the file handlers only in my oracle container ?
Try out the Orabuntu-LXC project code. It supports Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04, 17.10 and is purpose-built for running Any Oracle on Any Linux, including Ubuntu Linux. Note that as you probably already know, Oracle Corp does not formally support or certify Oracle on Ubuntu Linux.
As far as you question about the file handlers, some sysctl values can only be set at the LXC host level, and some can be set in the container.
Please note that the step-by-step guides are quite old and that the basic LXC infrastructure together with OpenvSwitch, an LXC-containerized DNS/DHCP, and an optional SCST Linux SAN can all be installed on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04 and 17.10 with one command:
after completion of which all you would need do is download your Oracle database installtion media and install.

Gitlab on suse linux

I want to install Gitlab on the suse linux OS.
Could some one please suggest me which OS supported Gitlab installer from the available ones on Gitlab site : Ubuntu, Debian and Centos can be used to install Gitlab on Suse linux ?
OS details :
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
I'm afraid that Suse is a complete different system. They use a package manager called YaST that won't be compatible with any of the proposed OS on the GitLab website.
Alternatively, you can try installation via Docker (Hopefully your system is 64bits):
Or the hard way, manually:
Or even pop an instance somewhere in the cloud but this would involve some costs.
For all other OSs it has packages to install all the required components, but for SUSE there is no package, so you will have to install all the required components like ruby, redis, mysql and other dependent libs on your own.
You may like to try this :
Since I found this answer while looking for the installation on SUSE 12 (SP3), there is one of the currently working options (2021).
First, check the version supported on the system, (Gitlab 12.1 in case of SUSE 12 SP3, which corresponds to OpenSUSE 42.3)
After that, get the proper .rpm file using wget.
Install with
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="" rpm -ivh path/to/file/filename
That's it. Some Versions of Omnibus for SUSE are supported directly, but it really depends on the host system version.

Update linux kernel to > 3.15-rc5 and still use CentOS 6.5

I am running CentOS 6.5 on top of Linux kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64
I got a warning from my vserver hoster that I need to upgrade to a Linux kernel > 3.15-rc5 because there is a security breach that would allow my server to be taken over.
I did a yumupgrade, but it wouldn't upgrade the kernel to a higher version than 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64.
Currently I am confused about how to go on.
Could anybody tell me what is going on and how he would act in my position?
Thank you!
That kernel is a development kernel and will likely require you compile from source to install it. Upgrading from kernel 2.6 to 3.1n will likely break a bunch of packages also. The upgrade path for 3.1n in CentOS would be to upgrade to CentOS7 and then compile that kernel yourself.
CentOS backports security fixes and I certainly haven't heard anything about any security bug, and we manage like 150 centos servers. I would ask your host to specify what the security bug is and which patch applied in the 3.15-rc5 kernel fixes it. Who's the host?
I'm using CentOS 6.5 and have no problem using the ElRepo Long term kernel (currently 3.10.x).
Upgrading was just a case of
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-lt
and rebooting.

Installing Virtual PC in Fedora

I currently use a Windows 7 Home Basic. I need to run a certain application, which is, as of now not supported, i.e. compatible with/by W7HB. I tried downloading Virtual PC with XP mode, which does not support W7HB. Hence, I have installed Fedora as a dual boot, as there exists a separate edition of the application for Linux. As I am new to Linux CLI, I would like to install a version of XP in Fedora, i.e. via Virtual XP, assuming it supports. However, I am not able to find any suitable article for the same. Any suggestions...???
The easiest way to do this is to use VirtualBox.
There are 2 options:
run W7HB as the 'host' and install VirtualBox.Then install a guest operating system such as Fedora or WXP inside virtualbox.
run Fedora as the host and install VirtualBox. Then install a guest operating system such as W7HB or WXP.
Be warned that if you install Windows in any form in a virtual machine you will need a Windows installation key. This may require a phone call to Windows support.
There are other solutions - VMWare, KVM, ... but IMHO VirtualBox is the simplest
