Oracle on lxc in ubuntu - linux

I'm currently trying to install an oracle server (11g) in a linux container on ubuntu (following this tutorial (
When I try to change the file handler with sysctl, the modifications doesn't save into my container. Moreover, when I make the modification in the main ubuntu kernel, it propagates to the containers, so my question is as follow:
How can I modify the file handlers only in my oracle container ?

Try out the Orabuntu-LXC project code. It supports Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04, 17.10 and is purpose-built for running Any Oracle on Any Linux, including Ubuntu Linux. Note that as you probably already know, Oracle Corp does not formally support or certify Oracle on Ubuntu Linux.
As far as you question about the file handlers, some sysctl values can only be set at the LXC host level, and some can be set in the container.
Please note that the step-by-step guides are quite old and that the basic LXC infrastructure together with OpenvSwitch, an LXC-containerized DNS/DHCP, and an optional SCST Linux SAN can all be installed on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04 and 17.10 with one command:
after completion of which all you would need do is download your Oracle database installtion media and install.


Are there any limitations regarding the age of a linux distribution which can be used to create a docker base-image?

Im wondering if its possible to use very old Linux Distribution like Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (Sarge) and create a base-image of it to run legacy code not working under "younger" distros.
Only Thing i found about it was somebody successfully using Ubuntu Feisty: Run old Linux release in a Docker container?
Are there any known limitations?
Your host needs to have a minimal version of the Linux kernel, and that version is 3.10
Docker minimum kernel version 3.8.13 or 3.10
extract from the previous link
There's also a shell-script to check if your system has the required dependencies in place and to check which features are available;
So you can use this to check if you will be able to use docker on this host.
I see
kernel : linux 2.4.27 and 2.6.8
So it may not work

Installing / maintaining Jenkins on a Linux host machine

We are currently provisioning a physical server as our automation server. We are making considerations as far as what our native operating system should be on this physical machine.
We are going to use a Linux OS as our operating system. From the Jenkins download page, I can see that Jenkins’ package distribution is available to Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS (which we will not be using), as well as Ubuntu / Debian. I also notice that a Generic Java package (WAR) distribution is available.
Am I correct in assuming that if we use a non-Ubuntu / non-Debian
operating system, we can still install Jenkins via the WAR
distribution without issue?
If we are not able to install via WAR without issue, are we relegated
to using Debian / Ubuntu if we’re going to install Jenkins on a Linux
machine (with the possibility of Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS ruled
It should probably be noted that we will likely install / upgrade on the Jenkins LTS release schedule.
Thanks for any guidance from anybody who may have experience installing / maintaining a Jenkins instance on a Linux machine!

Which commands of the defined Linux Distribution are available in a Docker container?

I'm new to docker and understand that the linux kernel is shared between the host-os and the containers. But I don't really understand how deep docker emulates a specific linux-distribution. Lets say we have a simple docker file like this:
FROM ubuntu:16.10
RUN apt-get install nginx
It will give me a docker container with nginx installed in an Ubuntu 16.10 environment. So I should be able to use apt-get as default package manager of Ubuntu. But how deep is this? Can I assume that typical commands of those distribution like lsb_release are emulated like in a full VM with Ubuntu 16.10 installed?
The reason behind my question is that linux distributions are different. I need to know which commands are avaliable, for example when I run a container with Ubuntu 16.10 like the one above on a host which a different distribution installed (like Red Hat, CentOS etc).
A Ubuntu image in Docker is about 150 MB. So I think there are not all tools included like in a real installation. But how can I know on which I can desert that they're there.
Base OS images for Docker are deliberately stripped down, and for Ubuntu they are removing more commands with each new release. The image is meant as the base for a dedicated application to run, you wouldn't typically connect to the container and run commands inside it, and a smaller image is easier to move around and has a smaller attack vector.
There isn't a list of commands in each image version that I know of, you'll only know by building your image. But when images are tagged you can assume a future minor update will not break downstream images - a good argument for explicitly specifying a tag in your Dockerfile.
E.g, this Dockerfile builds correctly:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
RUN ping -c 1
This one fails:
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN ping -c 1
That's because ping was removed from the image for the xenial release. If you just used FROM ubuntu then the same Dockerfile would have built correctly when trusty was the latest tag and then failed when it was replaced by xenial.
A container is presenting you with the same software environment as the non-containerized distribution. It may not have (in fact, probably does not have) all the same packages installed by default, but you can install whatever you need using the appropriate package manager. The availability of software in the container has nothing to do with the distribution running on your host (the Ubuntu image will be the same regardless of whether your are running Docker under CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch, etc).
If you require certain commands to be available, just ensure that they are installed in your Dockerfile.
One of the few things that works differently inside a container is that there is typically no service management process running (like init or systemd or whatever), so you cannot start services the same way you can on the host without a little bit of work.

Is EC2 Ubuntu 12.04 different, if compiling Haskell locally?

So I want to compile a Haskell program locally, and then upload it to my EC2 Ubuntu 12.04 (free trial) instance.
My question is, will it work on EC2 if I compile my haskell program on an official Ubuntu 12.04 distribution (say in virtualbox)?
Or do I need exactly the same version of Ubuntu as Amazon is running? Do it have to have the exact same set of updates etc..?
P.S. If yes - where do I get the Amazon's version of Ubuntu?
I do this on a regular basis, it should work just fine. Just make sure you're using the same architecture (32- or 64-bit).
You can get a list of the different Ubuntu AMIs at:
If you are using the official Ubuntu AMIs from, you have the exact same binaries as the official Ubuntu distribution (as long as the architecture is the same: 32-bit or 64-bit). The only difference should be which packages are installed by default (so you might need to install a few extra packages). And as long as both are kept updated, both will also have the exact same set of updates.
Even if you are using AMIs created by someone else, it should still be the same; I believe most Ubuntu AMIs would be created by installing the official Ubuntu distribution.

Ubuntu Upgrade ( Dual Boot with Windows 7)

I currently have Ubuntu 10.04 installed alongside windows 7 and would like to uninstall it so i can use 12.04. Having looked on the net it seems as if it is rather complicated to uninstall without encountering anuy issues.
Does anyone know of an Idiot Proof way of uninstalling without breaking my laptop. Im not that technical when it comes to dealing with Operating systems
There is a section called : Upgrading from Ubuntu 11.10 or Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Make backup copy of data you want to save from your existing Ubuntu to the external drive. 2. Prepare new Ubuntu LiveCD.
Boot from new LiveCD and install new Ubuntu instead of old one - Ubuntu installer should have such option.
Then restore yout data from external drive. This is how I would do this.
