PostgreSQL + Node Integration - node.js

Need some advice regarding the following situation:
There is an existing PostgreSQL database that I would like to draw information from (with full authorization of course). How can I query the entries in that database using NodeJS? I know sequelize can offer what I'm looking for, but I'm a bit confused as to how to approach this. I've heard that I would have to migrate the data first in order to then query it. What's the best way to go about doing this? Thanks.
For reference, I've taken a look at this link ( but haven't gotten what I'd hoped out of it.

You can query without migration for existing database, this package should help


How can i load data in IBM cloudant DB using node.js?

I am trying to create a survey using node.js+ejs and try to save data in cloudant DB but i am new with that so anyone knows how to do that ?
Your question is very open-ended; if you're not showing code, it's hard to give appropriate advice. Cloudant's official node library is very well documented. I'd suggest you start off with learning how you use that to store simple documents, and building from there onto storing your survey results.

How to change a MongoDB schema on request

I'm about to develop an application in MEANJS. Now I think it would be a nice thing to change the mongodb connection, at least the schema, programatically.
The reason why I'm thinking about this is, so I can have seperate and different data, by driving the same application code.
I read the API documentation for mongoose, but didn't find anything about this.
Has anyone done this or something similar, or has a better suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

Partial syncing in pouchdb / couchdb with a particular scenario

I have been reading docs and articles on pouchdb/couchdb/cloudant. I am not able to create this simple architecture in my head. I need help!
So there are many users on the app. Each user has a separate database (which I read is the approach in pouch/couch/cloudant setup).
Now lets just focus on a single user. This user has some remote data already present on our server(couchdb). He has 3 separate docs stored.
He accesses docs 1 and docs 2 from browser 1. And docs 2 and docs 3 from browser 2.
Content in both the browsers must be in sync.
Should I be using Sync api of pouchdb? But as I read, it sync's the whole database. How can I use this api to sync only a subset of the central database. Is filtered replication answer here?
And also I don't want to push both the docs in a single call. He can access docs as he needs.
What is the correct approach to implement this logic with pouch/couch databases. If you can explain with a little code, that will be great. I just need basic ideas.
Is this kind of problem easily solvable in upcoming releases of CouchDB 2.0 and PouchDB-find.
Thanks a lot!
If you take a look at the PouchDB documentation, you should see the options.doc_ids. This parameter let you setup a replication on certain document ids. In your scenario, this would be solving your problem.

Express.js and Neo4j

I have seen alot of examples of how to integrate express.js and mongodb. Does anyone know a good way to integrate neo4j and express.js?
I have been playing around with node-neo4j and I am able to return cypher queries to the terminal. However, I am confused as to how to post the cypher query, in json format, to the local host.
Thanks for your help.
In order to reply simply to your question, there is an express module for Neo4j, here :
It will remove you the burden to format the json correctly for preparing the statements.
Repository is here if you want to see how it is used inside :
Maybe you can contribute to it, for the quick look I did, I see that there is no support for 2.2 auth extension, so you may want to make a PullRequest in order to improve the library.

How to bootstrap/initialize couchDB at first run?

I can't find any information on initalizing a couch db. What's the best method of initializing and creating the map and view functions for couchdb at deployment?
I have a node server which will access a couchdb. Should I just create the http calls necessary to create the proper logic on couchdb from my node server or is there a better way handling the initialization of the db?
EDIT: Also is there any good open source projects that I can take examples from?
I'm not sure your question is clear. Remember that CouchDB is schemaless, so, at startup, there probably isn't anything (ie, documents) on which to base view functions.
If you mean a helper to setup a design document with attachments and the like, in addition to the other answers, have a look at Kanso ( If you're comfortable with Node, you'll find it friendly.
If, on the other hand, you're looking for something to analyze existing docs in a CouchDB and guess at good views, I've haven't come across that yet.
One possibility would be to use erica.
