<f:convertNumber /> doesn't affect the footerText value - jsf

I have this column:
<p:column headerText="Percent"
<h:outputText value="#{entity.percent}">
<f:convertNumber type="percent" />
the percent mask(<f:convertNumber type="percent" />) work very well for the <h:outputText>, but the footerText is not affected.
How can i put a mask at this footer without making much effort?
it's not duplicated, because i wanted to know how can i use mask in footerText and the other post doesn't talks about it, talks about using facets.

Your original question was:
How can i put a mask at this footer without making much effort?
Depending on what your definition of 'much' effort is, the answer one of:
Not possible
Masking numbers in PrimeFaces footerText column Datatable
And considering the remarks in the comments, the for you unfortunately unwanted single valid answer is:
Not possible


Flipped over dataTable primefaces

Is it possible to flip datatable in primefaces, in order to have headers in the left not in the top?
I have following table:
<p:dataTable value="#{rolesMgmt.listOfMapsRoles}" var="map" id = "dataTable">
<p:columns value="#{rolesMgmt.columns}" var="column">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{column.header}" />
<h:outputText value="#{map[column.property]}" />
As you see, I have a lot of headers and 2-3 rows and I need to flip this table
No this is not possible by using some attribute on the p:dataTable itself. For this to be achieved you need to transpose your model. Maybe you can achieve something by manipulating the responsiveness. But if you have lots of columns AND lots of rows, maybe you should think of just displaying a 'summary' in a datatable and have a details view.
Or use a p:datagrid (showcase) where you can sort of free-format your records or a plain ui:repeat? Since you do not seem to need sorting/filtering etc in this case. The p:datatable seems overkill to me now
It's not possible to flip the table.
Why don't you take a look to the ColumnToggler?
You can temporarly reduce the width of the table and then, on demand, add other columns.

JSF outputText and PrimeExtensions inputNumber [duplicate]

I am using JSF 2 and RichFaces 3. Here in the picture shown below, numbers are being displayed as what they are in the database.
But I want to display them as 6749395.20 if fraction part is there and 5095138.00 if no fraction part is there.
As of now I have tried something like this.
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Total Amount"/>
<h:outputText value="#{rr[2]}">
<f:convertNumber type="number" groupingUsed="true" minFractionDigits="2" pattern="#0.00"/>
Actually I am showing all of them together, but I have tried with all of them as all possible combinations with type, groupingUsed, minFractionDigits and pattern.
Why does it not work? How is this caused and how can I solve it?
That can happen if the value is not a Number at all, for example a String. You're then basically using the wrong type for the data it represents. To represent currencies in Java, you should be using BigDecimal. Also, make sure that the type in the database table is right, i.e. it should not be a varchar, but a decimal.
Once you've fixed the data type, then the <f:convertNumber> will work as you told it to do. Note that the pattern attribute will override the groupingUsed and minFractionDigits. You should use either the pattern or the others. Also, type="number" is already the default, so it can be removed.
So, either use
<f:convertNumber pattern="#0.00" />
<f:convertNumber groupingUsed="true" minFractionDigits="2" />
Note that they generate different formats. You probably want to set grouping to false.
You can also use type="currency", it will then automatically apply the right pattern as per the UIViewRoot#getLocale():
<f:convertNumber type="currency" />
See also the tag library documentation and the DecimalFormat javadoc.

p:dataList inside of p:dataTable

I'm using <p:dataTable> to show the values of my files. Inside of each file is a list of metadates. I want to show each metadate as an own column beside the other columns of the file. (I excluded the other columns to make the code more readable).
So, my problem is, that with the <p:dataList> it does not show the columns. The name of the meta is the same in every metadata, if someone believes this to be the problem.
I already tried to use <p:dataTable> instead of <p:dataList>, but as my customer originally wanted to have the metadata shown as own column this would not be my preferred way, but on the other hand it is working.
<p:dataTable id="fileList" var="f" value="#{reader.files}" rendered="#{reader.showFileTable()}">
<p:dataList value="#{f.meta}" var="meta1">
<p:column headerText="Metadaten">
<p:dataTable value="#{f.meta}" var="meta">
<p:column headerText="#{meta.name}">
I am really grateful for any help, how I could make the code work so that each metadate has it's own column in the fileList-dataTable.
P.S: I already tried c:forEach and ui:repeat which also didn't work.
P.P.S: I forgot to mention, that my customer sometimes don't want to see specific metadates, so it would be very nice when it is possible to do this with the suggested solution.
You can build columns dynamically in primefaces by using the <p:columns> tag see the vdl
check the primefaces showcase for an example
Suppose you have this code:
<p:dataList id="fileList" var="f" value="#{reader.files}">
<p:dataTable value="#{f.listItems}" var="meta1">
<p:columns value="#{meta1.listItems}">...</p:columns>
Dynamic columns in nested dataTable are not generated: it seems p:columns cannot refer var like "f" and "meta1".
I can understand "meta1" is not visible, because it's producing header's table, but I really can't understand why "f" is not visible at that time.
Any idea? Thanks.

filtering <rich:column> in composition component

Hopefully someone can help, because I am quite stuck on this issue. I cannot find much help elsewhere...
The high-level goal: creating a custom tag that will aid in the reuse of an extendedDataTable in Richfaces. I have a custom tag that I would like to be similar to:
<mytag:customTable bean="#{myBean}"/>
The (simplified) file that contains code for the table is as follows (table.xhtml)
<!--...header stuff -->
<rich:column filterMethod="#{...}">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:inputText value="#{bean.filterValue}">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="table"/>
<h:outputText value="#{entity.item}"/>
Due to the constraints of the application, using the filterBy="#{...}" attribute inside the <rich:column> tag does not give me what I need.
Accordingly, I have to use the filterMethod attribute. When I hardcode the table with,
<rich:column filterMethod="#{bean.filterFunction}">
then everything works fine. However, I would like to keep the tag more general and NOT hardcode this. Instead, I would like
to also pass the name of the filtering function (e.g. <mytag:customTable bean="#{myBean}" flFcn="#{myBean.filterFunction}"> ). The problem is that
I cannot get any version of this to work properly.
From searching other threads, I see that the way to pass a method to an 'action' attribute has a syntax like: action="#{bean[fcnName]}" where fcnName is just a String (see http://digitaljoel.nerd-herders.com/2009/08/25/passing-action-methods-in-facelets-using-array-notation/).
I have confirmed that this way works correctly when it's an action . However,
this does not seem to help me in this case with filterMethod (perhaps b/c the function signature is different?). Based on those solutions, I would need something like:
<mytag:customTable bean="#{myBean}" flFcn="filterFunction"> with <rich:column filterMethod="#{bean[flFcn]}">
I have not found anything among the many permutations of EL syntax that works. Everytime, this approach throws an exception saying that 'bean' resolved to null.
To check that the bean was actually recognized, I had it print a String via <h:outputText value="#{bean.someString}"/>
(removing the offending filterMethod=...)and there is NO problem. Therefore the problem seems to lay entirely on whatever filterMethod receives. I found what I believe to be a very similar issue here, but that does not seem to be answered.
Thanks in advance!
I'm facing the same problem using RichFaces 3.3.3 and JSF 1.2 without having a usable solution.
Found a JIRA-entry at RichFaces which is still open and thus probably will not be fixed anymore.

Formatting a double in JSF

I have a problem similar to the one found here : JSF selectItem label formatting.
What I want to do is to accept a double as a value for my and display it with two decimals. Can this be done in an easy way?
I've tried using but that seems to be applied on the value from the inputText that is sent to the server and not on the initial value in the input field.
My code so far:
<h:inputText id="december" value="#{budgetMB.december}" onchange="setDirty()" styleClass="StandardBlack">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" groupingUsed="false" />
EDIT: The above code actually works. I was fooled by JDeveloper that didn't update the jsp page even when I did a explicit rebuild of my project and restarted the embedded OC4J server. However, after a reboot of my computer everything was fine.
If I'm not misunderstanding your requirement, I was able to achieve formatting of the value in the input box during the rendering of the view with:
<h:inputText id="text1" value="#{...}">
<f:convertNumber pattern="#,###,##0.00"/>
I was using the Standard Faces Components in my vendor-branded Eclipse so I'm assuming the pattern attribute is part of standard JSF.
If what you are trying to do is make the value of the input text field change on screen (to correct user input), you should probably look into using one of the JSF ajax frameworks like Rich Faces.
A possible example would look like this:
<h:inputText id="december" value="#{budgetMB.december}" styleClass="StandardBlack">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" groupingUsed="false" />
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="december" />
I haven't tested this, but I think it may work.
It seems you're actually formatting a currency. There already exists a specific formatter to handle currencies that you can assign many options to:
<f:convertNumber type="currency" />
Some interesting attributes of this tag are: locale, currencyCode, integerOnly, currencySymbol and pattern.
