How combine word embedded vectors to one vector? - nlp

I know the meaning and methods of word embedding(skip-gram, CBOW) completely. And I know, that Google has a word2vector API that by getting the word can produce the vector.
but my problem is this: we have a clause that includes the subject, object, verb... that each word is previously embedded by the Google API, now "How we can combine these vectors together to create a vector that is equal to the clause?"
Clause: V= "dog bites man"
after word embedding by the Google, we have V1, V2, V3 that each of them maps to the dog, bites, man. and we know that:
V = V1+ V2 +V3
How can we provide V?
I will appreciate if you explain it by taking an example of real vectors.

A vector is basically just a list of numbers. You add vectors by adding the number in the same position in each list together. Here's an example:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [4, 5, 6]
c = a + b # vector addition
c is [(1+4), (2+5), (3+6)], or [5, 7, 9]
As indicated in this question, a simple way to do this in python is like this:
map(sum, zip(a, b))
Vector addition is part of linear algebra. If you don't understand operations on vectors and matrices the math around word vectors will be very hard to understand, so you may want to look into learning more about linear algebra in general.
Normally adding word vectors together is a good way to approximate a sentence vector, since for any given set of words there's an obvious order. However, your example of Dog bites man and Man bites dog shows the weakness of adding vectors - the result doesn't change based on word order, so the results for those two sentences would be the same, even though their meanings are very different.
For methods of getting sentence vectors that are affected by word order, look into doc2vec or the just-released InferSent.

Two solutions:
Use vector addition of the constituent words of a phrase - this typically works well because addition is a good estimation of semantic composition.
Use paragraph vectors, which is able to encode arbitrary length sequence of words as a single vector.

So, In this paper :
They have combined image embedding and text embedding by concatenating them.
X = TE + IE
Here X is fusion embedding with TE and IE as text and image embedding respectively.
If your TE and IE have dimension of suppose 2048 each, your X will be of length 2*2024. Then maybe you can use this if possible or if you want to reduce the dimension you can use t-SNE/PCA or (Implemented here :


Are the features of Word2Vec independent each other?

I am new to NLP and studying Word2Vec. So I am not fully understanding the concept of Word2Vec.
Are the features of Word2Vec independent each other?
For example, suppose there is a 100-dimensional word2vec. Then the 100 features are independent each other? In other words, if the "sequence" of the features are shuffled, then the meaning of word2vec is changed?
Word2vec is a 'dense' embedding: the individual dimensions generally aren't independently interpretable. It's just the 'neighborhoods' and 'directions' (not limited to the 100 orthogonal axis dimensions) that have useful meanings.
So, they're not 'independent' of each other in a statistical sense. But, you can discard any of the dimensions – for example, the last 50 dimensions of all your 100-dimensional vectors – and you still have usable word-vectors. So in that sense they're still independently useful.
If you shuffled the order-of-dimensions, the same way for every vector in your set, you've then essentially just rotated/reflected all the vectors similarly. They'll all have different coordinates, but their relative distances will be the same, and if "going toward word B from word A" used to vaguely indicate some human-understandable aspect like "largeness", then even after performing your order-of-dimensions shuffle, "going towards word B from word A" will mean the same thing, because the vectors "thataway" (in the transformed coordinates) will be the same as before.
The first thing to understand here is that how word2Vec is formalized. Shifting away from traditional representations of words, the word2vec model tries to encode the meaning of the world into different features. For eg lets say every word in the english dictionary can be manifested in a set of say '4' features. The features could be , lets say "f1":"gender", "f2":"color","f3":"smell","f4":"economy".
So now when a word2vec vector is written , what it signifies is how much manifestation of a particular feature it has. Lets take an example to understand this. Consider a Man(V1) who is dark,not so smelly and is not very rich and is neither poor. Then the first feature ie gender is represented as 1 (since we are taking 1 as male and -1 as female). The second feature color is -1 here as it is exactly opposite to white (which we are taking as 1). Smell and economy are similary given 0.3 and 0.4 values.
Now consider another man(V2) who also has the same anatomy and social status like the first man. Then his word2vec vector would also be similar.
This kind of representation helps us represent words into features that are independent or orthogonal to each other.The orthogonality helps in finding similarity or dissimilarity based on some mathematical operation lets say cosine dot product.
The sequence of the number in a word2vec is important since every number represents the weight of a particular feature: gender, color,smell,economy. So shuffling the positions would result in a completely different vector

How does gensim calculate doc2vec paragraph vectors

i am going thorugh this paper
and it states that
" Theparagraph vector and word vectors are averaged or concatenated
to predict the next word in a context. In the experiments, we use
concatenation as the method to combine the vectors."
How does concatenation or averaging work?
example (if paragraph 1 contain word1 and word2):
word1 vector =[0.1,0.2,0.3]
word2 vector =[0.4,0.5,0.6]
concat method
does paragraph vector = [0.1+0.4,0.2+0.5,0.3+0.6] ?
Average method
does paragraph vector = [(0.1+0.4)/2,(0.2+0.5)/2,(0.3+0.6)/2] ?
Also from this image:
It is stated that :
The paragraph token can be thought of as another word. It acts as a
memory that remembers what is missing from the current context – or
the topic of the paragraph. For this reason, we often call this model
the Distributed Memory Model of Paragraph Vectors (PV-DM).
Is the paragraph token equal to the paragraph vector which is equal to on?
How does concatenation or averaging work?
You got it right for the average. The concatenation is: [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6].
Is the paragraph token equal to the paragraph vector which is equal to on?
The "paragraph token" is mapped to a vector that is called "paragraph vector". It is different from the token "on", and different from the word vector that the token "on" is mapped to.
A simple (and sometimes useful) vector for a range of text is the sum or average of the text's words' vectors – but that's not what the 'Paragraph Vector' of the 'Paragraph Vectors' paper is.
Rather, the Paragraph Vector is another vector, trained similarly to the word vectors, which is also adjusted to help in word-prediction. These vectors are combined (or interleaved) with the word vectors to feed the prediction model. That is, the averaging (in DM mode) includes the PV alongside word-vectors - it doesn't compose the PV from word-vectors.
In the diagram, on is the target-word being predicted, in that diagram by a combination of closely-neighboring words and the full-example's PV, which may perhaps be informally thought of as a special pseudoword, ranging over the entire text example, participating in all the sliding 'windows' of real words.

Applied NLP: how to score a document against a lexicon of multi-word terms?

This is probably a fairly basic NLP question but I have the following task at hand: I have a collection of text documents that I need to score against an (English) lexicon of terms that could be 1-, 2-, 3- etc N-word long. N is bounded by some "reasonable" number but the distribution of various terms in the dictionary for various values of n = 1, ..., N might be fairly uniform. This lexicon can, for example, contain a list of devices of certain type and I want to see if a given document is likely about any of these devices. So I would want to score a document high(er) if it has one or more occurrences of any of the lexicon entries.
What is a standard NLP technique to do the scoring while accounting for various forms of the words that may appear in the lexicon? What sort of preprocessing would be required for both the input documents and the lexicon to be able to perform the scoring? What sort of open-source tools exist for both the preprocessing and the scoring?
I studied LSI and topic modeling almost a year ago, so what I say should be taken as merely a pointer to give you a general idea of where to look.
There are many different ways to do this with varying degrees of success. This is a hard problem in the realm of information retrieval. You can search for topic modeling to learn about different options and state of the art.
You definitely need some preprocessing and normalization if the words could appear in different forms. How about NLTK and one of its stemmers:
>>> from import LancasterStemmer
>>> st = LancasterStemmer()
>>> st.stem('applied')
>>> st.stem('applies')
You have a lexicon of terms that I am going to call terms and also a bunch of documents. I am going to explore a very basic technique to rank documents with regards to the terms. There are a gazillion more sophisticated ways you can read about, but I think this might be enough if you are not looking for something too sophisticated and rigorous.
This is called a vector space IR model. Terms and documents are both converted to vectors in a k-dimensional space. For that we have to construct a term-by-document matrix. This is a sample matrix in which the numbers represent frequencies of the terms in documents:
So far we have a 3x4 matrix using which each document can be expressed by a 3-dimensional array (each column). But as the number of terms increase, these arrays become too large and increasingly sparse. Also, there are many words such as I or and that occur in most of the documents without adding much semantic content. So you might want to disregard these types of words. For the problem of largeness and sparseness, you can use a mathematical technique called SVD that scales down the matrix while preserving most of the information it contains.
Also, the numbers we used on the above chart were raw counts. Another technique would be to use Boolean values: 1 for presence and 0 zero for lack of a term in a document. But these assume that words have equal semantic weights. In reality, rarer words have more weight than common ones. So, a good way to edit the initial matrix would be to use ranking functions like tf-id to assign relative weights to each term. If by now we have applied SVD to our weighted term-by-document matrix, we can construct the k-dimensional query vectors, which are simply an array of the term weights. If our query contained multiple instances of the same term, the product of the frequency and the term weight would have been used.
What we need to do from there is somewhat straightforward. We compare the query vectors with document vectors by analyzing their cosine similarities and that would be the basis for the ranking of the documents relative to the queries.

How can i cluster document using k-means (Flann with python)?

I want to cluster documents based on similarity.
I haved tried ssdeep (similarity hashing), very fast but i was told that k-means is faster and flann is fastest of all implementations, and more accurate so i am trying flann with python bindings but i can't find any example how to do it on text (it only support array of numbers).
I am very very new to this field (k-means, natural language processing). What i need is speed and accuracy.
My questions are:
Can we do document similarity grouping / Clustering using KMeans (Flann do not allow any text input it seems )
Is Flann the right choice? If not please suggest me High performance library that support text/docs clustering, that have python wrapper/API.
Is k-means the right algorithm?
You need to represent your document as an array of numbers (aka, a vector). There are many ways to do this, depending on how sophisticated you want to be, but the simplest way is just to represent is as a vector of word counts.
So here's what you do:
Count up the number of times each word appears in the document.
Choose a set of "feature" words that will be included in your vector. This should exclude extremely common words (aka "stopwords") like "the", "a", etc.
Make a vector for each document based on the counts of the feature words.
Here's an example.
If your "documents" are single sentences, and they look like (one doc per line):
there is a dog who chased a cat
someone ate pizza for lunch
the dog and a cat walk down the street toward another dog
If my set of feature words are [dog, cat, street, pizza, lunch], then I can convert each document into a vector:
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0] // dog 1 time, cat 1 time
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1] // pizza 1 time, lunch 1 time
[2, 1, 1, 0, 0] // dog 2 times, cat 1 time, street 1 time
You can use these vectors in your k-means algorithm and it will hopefully group the first and third sentence together because they are similar, and make the second sentence a separate cluster since it is very different.
There is one big problem here:
K-means is designed for Euclidean distance.
The key problem is the mean function. The mean will reduce variance for Euclidean distance, but it might not do so for a different distance function. So in the worst case, k-means will no longer converge, but run in an infinite loop (although most implementations support stopping at a maximum number of iterations).
Furthermore, the mean is not very sensible for sparse data, and text vectors tend to be very sparse. Roughly speaking the problem is that the mean of a large number of documents will no longer look like a real document, and this way become dissimilar to any real document, and more similar to other mean vectors. So the results to some extend degenerate.
For text vectors, you probably will want to use a different distance function such as cosine similarity.
And of course you first need to compute number vectors. For example by using relative term frequencies, normalizing them via TF-IDF.
There is a variation of the k-means idea known as k-medoids. It can work with arbitrary distance functions, and it avoids the whole "mean" thing by using the real document that is most central to the cluster (the "medoid"). But the known algorithms for this are much slower than k-means.

Find sentences with similar relative meaning from a list of sentences against an example one

I want to be able to find sentences with the same meaning. I have a query sentence, and a long list of millions of other sentences. Sentences are words, or a special type of word called a symbol which is just a type of word symbolizing some object being talked about.
For example, my query sentence is:
Example: add (x) to (y) giving (z)
There may be a list of sentences already existing in my database such as: 1. the sum of (x) and (y) is (z) 2. (x) plus (y) equals (z) 3. (x) multiplied by (y) does not equal (z) 4. (z) is the sum of (x) and (y)
The example should match the sentences in my database 1, 2, 4 but not 3. Also there should be some weight for the sentence matching.
Its not just math sentences, its any sentence which can be compared to any other sentence based upon the meaning of the words. I need some way to have a comparison between a sentence and many other sentences to find the ones with the closes relative meaning. I.e. mapping between sentences based upon their meaning.
Thanks! (the tag is language-design as I couldn't create any new tag)
First off: what you're trying to solve is a very hard problem. Depending on what's in your dataset, it may be AI-complete.
You'll need your program to know or learn that add, plus and sum refer to the same concept, while multiplies is a different concept. You may be able to do this by measuring distance between the words' synsets in WordNet/FrameNet, though your distance calculation will have to be quite refined if you don't want to find multiplies. Otherwise, you may want to manually establish some word-concept mappings (such as {'add' : 'addition', 'plus' : 'addition', 'sum' : 'addition', 'times' : 'multiplication'}).
If you want full sentence semantics, you will in addition have to parse the sentences and derive the meaning from the parse trees/dependency graphs. The Stanford parser is a popular choice for parsing.
You can also find inspiration for this problem in Question Answering research. There, a common approach is to parse sentences, then store fragments of the parse tree in an index and search for them by common search engines techniques (e.g. tf-idf, as implemented in Lucene). That will also give you a score for each sentence.
You will need to stem the words in your sentences down to a common synonym, and then compare those stems and use the ratio of stem matches in a sentence (5 out of 10 words) to compare against some threshold that the sentence is a match. For example all sentences with a word match of over 80% (or what ever percentage you deem acurate). At least that is one way to do it.
Write a function which creates some kinda hash, or "expression" from a sentence, which can be easy compared with other sentences' hashes.
1. "the sum of (x) and (y) is (z)" => x + y = z
4. "(z) is the sum of (x) and (y)" => z = x + y
Some tips for the transformation: omit "the" words, convert double-word terms to a single word "sum of" => "sumof", find operator word and replace "and" with it.
Not that easy ^^
You should use a stopword filter first, to get non-information-bearing words out of it. Here are some good ones
Then you wanna handle synonyms. Thats actually a really complex theme, cause you need some kind of word sense disambiguation to do it. And most state of the art methods are just a little bit better then the easiest solution. That would be, that you take the most used meaning of a word. That you can do with WordNet. You can get synsets for a word, where all synonyms are in it. Then you can generalize that word (its called a hyperonym) and take the most used meaning and replace the search term with it.
Just to say it, handling synonyms is pretty hard in NLP. If you just wanna handle different wordforms like add and adding for example, you could use a stemmer, but no stemmer would help you to get from add to sum (wsd is the only way there)
And then you have different word orderings in your sentences, which shouldnt be ignored aswell, if you want exact answers (x+y=z is different from x+z=y). So you need word dependencies aswell, so you can see which words depend on each other. The Stanford Parser is actually the best for that task if you wanna use english.
Perhaps you should just get nouns and verbs out of a sentence and make all the preprocessing on them and ask for the dependencies in your search index.
A dependency would look like
x (sum, y)
y (sum, x)
sum (x, y)
which you could use for ur search
So you need to tokenize, generalize, get dependencies, filter unimportant words to get your result. And if you wanna do it in german, you need a word decompounder aswell.
