Spark streaming - Does reduceByKeyAndWindow() use constant memory? - apache-spark

I'm playing with the idea of having long-running aggregations (possibly a one day window). I realize other solutions on this site say that you should use batch processing for this.
I'm specifically interested in understanding this function though. It sounds like it would use constant space to do an aggregation over the window, one interval at a time. If that is true, it sounds like a day-long aggregation would be possible-viable (especially since it uses check-pointing in case of failure).
Does anyone know if this is the case?
This function is documented as:
A more efficient version of the above reduceByKeyAndWindow() where the reduce value of each window is calculated incrementally using the reduce values of the previous window. This is done by reducing the new data that enters the sliding window, and “inverse reducing” the old data that leaves the window. An example would be that of “adding” and “subtracting” counts of keys as the window slides. However, it is applicable only to “invertible reduce functions”, that is, those reduce functions which have a corresponding “inverse reduce” function (taken as parameter invFunc). Like in reduceByKeyAndWindow, the number of reduce tasks is configurable through an optional argument. Note that checkpointing must be enabled for using this operation.

After researching this on the MapR forums, it seems that it would definitely use a constant level of memory, making a daily window possible assuming you can fit one day of data in your allocated resources.
The two downsides are that:
Doing a daily aggregation may only take 20 minutes. Doing a window over a day means that you're using all those cluster resources permanently rather than just for 20 minutes a day. So, stand-alone batch aggregations are far more resource efficient.
Its hard to deal with late data when you're streaming exactly over a day. If your data is tagged with dates, then you need to wait till all your data arrives. A 1 day window in streaming would only be good if you were literally just doing an analysis of the last 24 hours of data regardless of its content.


Controlling batch size to hint scheduler performance

I would like to manually tune how big my mini-batches (in terms of cardinality) are. A way to set max number of events would be enough, but if there's a way to set max/min that would be better.
The reason I want to mess around with this is because I know for a fact that my processing code does not scale linearly.
In my particular case I'm not doing time aggregation, so I don't really care about time-frame aggregation, but depleting the "input queue" as soon as possible (by hinting the engine how many elements to process at a time).
However, if there's no way to set the max/min batch cardinality directly, I could probably workaround the limitation using a dummy time aggregation approach by stamping my input data before Spark consumes it.

How to react on specific event with spark streaming

I'm new to Spark streaming and have following situation:
Multiple (health) devices send their data to my service, every event has at least following data inside (userId, timestamp, pulse, bloodPressure).
In the DB I have per user a threshold for pulse and bloodPressure.
Use Case:
I would like to make a sliding window with Spark streaming which calculates the average per user for pulse and bloodpressure, let's say within 10 min.
After 10 min I would like to check in the DB if the values exceed the threshold per user and execute an action, e.g. call a rest service to send an alarm.
Could somebody tell me if this is generally possible with Spark, and if yes, point me in the right direction?
This is definitely possible. It's not necessarily the best tool to do so though. It depends on the volume of input you expect. If you have hundreds of thousands devices sending one event every second, maybe Spark could be justified. Anyway it's not up to me to validate your architectural choices but keep in mind that resorting to Spark for these use cases make sense only if the volume of data cannot be handled by a single machine.
Also, if the latency of the alert is important and a second or two make a difference, Spark is not the best tool. A processor on a single machine can achieve lower latencies. Otherwise use something more streaming-oriented, like Apache Flink.
As a general advice, if you want to do it in Spark, you just need to create a source (I don't know where your data come from), load the thresholds in a broadcast variable (assuming they are constant over time) and write the logic. To make the rest call, use forEachRdd as the output sink and implement the call logic there.

Spark Streaming: stateless overlapping windows vs. keeping state

What would be some considerations for choosing stateless sliding-window operations (e.g. reduceByKeyAndWindow) vs. choosing to keep state (e.g. via updateStateByKey or the new mapStateByKey) when handling a stream of sequential, finite event sessions with Spark Streaming?
For example, consider the following scenario:
A wearable device tracks physical exercises performed by
the wearer. The device automatically detects when an exercise starts,
and emits a message; emits additional messages while the exercise
is undergoing (e.g. heart rate); and finally, emits a message when the
exercise is done.
The desired result is a stream of aggregated records per exercise session. i.e. all events of the same session should be aggregated together (e.g. so that each session could be saved in a single DB row). Note that each session has a finite length, but the entire stream from multiple devices is continuous. For convenience, let's assume the device generates a GUID for each exercise session.
I can see two approaches for handling this use-case with Spark Streaming:
Using non-overlapping windows, and keeping state. A state is saved per GUID, with all events matching it. When a new event arrives, the state is updated (e.g. using mapWithState), and in case the event is "end of exercise session", an aggregated record based on the state will be emitted, and the key removed.
Using overlapping sliding windows, and keeping only the first sessions. Assume a sliding window of length 2 and interval 1 (see diagram below). Also assume that the window length is 2 X (maximal possible exercise time). On each window, events are aggreated by GUID, e.g. using reduceByKeyAndWindow. Then, all sessions which started at the second half of the window are dumped, and the remaining sessions emitted. This enables using each event exactly once, and ensures all events belonging to the same session will be aggregated together.
Diagram for approach #2:
Only sessions starting in the areas marked with \\\ will be emitted.
|window 1 |
|\\\\| |
|window 2 |
|\\\\| |
|window 3 |
|\\\\| |
Pros and cons I see:
Approach #1 is less computationally expensive, but requires saving and managing state (e.g. if the number of concurrent sessions increases, the state might get larger than memory). However if the maximal number of concurrent sessions is bounded, this might not be an issue.
Approach #2 is twice as expensive (each event is processed twice), and with higher latency (2 X maximal exercise time), but more simple and easily manageable, as no state is retained.
What would be the best way to handle this use case - is any of these approaches the "right" one, or are there better ways?
What other pros/cons should be taken into consideration?
Normally there is no right approach, each has tradeoffs. Therefore I'd add additional approach to the mix and will outline my take on their pros and cons. So you can decide which one is more suitable for you.
External state approach (approach #3)
You can accumulate state of the events in external storage. Cassandra is quite often used for that. You can handle final and ongoing events separately for example like below:
val stream = ...
val ongoingEventsStream = stream.filter(!isFinalEvent)
val finalEventsStream = stream.filter(isFinalEvent)
ongoingEventsStream.foreachRDD { /*accumulate state in casssandra*/ }
finalEventsStream.foreachRDD { /*finalize state in casssandra, move to final destination if needed*/ }
trackStateByKey approach (approach #1.1)
It might be potentially optimal solution for you as it removes drawbacks of updateStateByKey, but considering it is just got released as part of Spark 1.6 release, it could be risky as well (since for some reason it is not very advertised). You can use the link as starting point if you want to find out more
Approach #1 (updateStateByKey)
Easy to understand or explain (to rest of the team, newcomers, etc.) (subjective)
Storage: Better usage of memory stores only latest state of exercise
Storage: Will keep only ongoing exercises, and discard them as soon as they finish
Latency is limited only by performance of each micro-batch processing
Storage: If number of keys (concurrent exercises) is large it may not fit into memory of your cluster
Processing: It will run updateState function for each key within the state map, therefore if number of concurrent exercises is large - performance will suffer
Approach #2 (window)
While it is possible to achieve what you need with windows, it looks significantly less natural in your scenario.
Processing in some cases (depending on the data) might be more effective than updateStateByKey, due to updateStateByKey tendency to run update on every key even if there are no actual updates
"maximal possible exercise time" - this sounds like a huge risk - it could be pretty arbitrary duration based on a human behaviour. Some people might forget to "finish exercise". Also depends on kinds of exercise, but could range from seconds to hours, when you want lower latency for quick exercises while would have to keep latency as high as longest exercise potentially could exist
Feels like harder to explain to others on how it will work (subjective)
Storage: Will have to keep all data within the window frame, not only the latest one. Also will free the memory only when window will slide away from this time slot, not when exercise is actually finished. While it might be not a huge difference if you will keep only last two time slots - it will increase if you try to achieve more flexibility by sliding window more often.
Approach #3 (external state)
Easy to explain, etc. (subjective)
Pure streaming processing approach, meaning that spark is responsible to act on each individual event, but not trying to store state, etc. (subjective)
Storage: Not limited by memory of the cluster to store state - can handle huge number of concurrent exercises
Processing: State is updated only when there are actual updates to it (unlike updateStateByKey)
Latency is similar to updateStateByKey and only limited by the time required to process each micro-batch
Extra component in your architecture (unless you already use Cassandra for your final output)
Processing: by default is slower than processing just in spark as not in-memory + you need to transfer the data via network
you'll have to implement exactly once semantic to output data into cassandra (for the case of worker failure during foreachRDD)
Suggested approach
I'd try the following:
test updateStateByKey approach on your data and your cluster
see if memory consumption and processing is acceptable even with large number of concurrent exercises (expected on peak hours)
fall back to approach with Cassandra in case if not
I think one of other drawbacks of third approach is that the RDDs are not received chronologically..considering running them on a cluster..
ongoingEventsStream.foreachRDD { /*accumulate state in casssandra*/ }
also what about check-pointing and driver node failure..In that case do u read the whole data again? curious to know how you wanna handle this?
I guess maybe mapwithstate is a better approach why you consider all these scenario..

Spark streaming with Checkpoint

I am a beginner to spark streaming. So have a basic doubt regarding checkpoints. My use case is to calculate the no of unique users by day. I am using reduce by key and window for this. Where my window duration is 24 hours and slide duration is 5 mins. I am updating the processed record to mongodb. Currently I am replace the existing record each time. But I see the memory is slowly increasing over time and kills the process after 1 and 1/2 hours(in aws small instance). The DB write after the restart clears all the old data. So I understand checkpoint is the solution for this. But my doubt is
What should my check point duration be..? As per documentation it says 5-10 times of slide duration. But I need the data of entire day. So it is ok to keep 24 hrs.
Where ideally should the checkpoint be..? Initially when I receive the stream or just before the window operation or after the data reduction has taken place.
Appreciate your help.
Thank you
In streaming scenarios holding 24 hours of data is usually too much. To solve that you use a probabilistic methods instead of exact measures for streaming and perform a later batch computation to get the exact numbers (if needed).
In your case to get a distinct count you can use an algorithm called HyperLogLog. You can see an example of using Twitter's implementation of HyperLogLog (part of a library called AlgeBird) from spark streaming here

Adding and retrieving sorted counts in Cassandra

I have a case where I need to record a user action in Cassandra, then later retrieve a sorted list of users with the highest number of that action in an arbitrary time period.
Can anyone suggest a way to store and retrieve this data in a pre-aggregated method?
Outside of Cassandra I would recommend using stream-summary or count min sketch you would be able to solve this with much less space and have immediate results. Just update and periodically serialize and persist it (assuming you don't need guaranteed accuracy)
In Cassandra you can keep a row per period of time like by hours and have a counter per user in that row, incrementing them on use. Then use a batch job to run through them and find the heavy hitters. You would be constrained to having the minimal queryable time be 1 hour and it wont be particularly cheap or fast to compute but it would work.
Generally it would be good treating these as a log of operation, every time there is an event store it and have batch jobs do analytics against it with hadoop or custom. If need it realtime id recommend the above approach of keeping stream summaries in memory.
