New cords for larger line - geometry

I have a class representing lines on two-dimensional space:
class Line {
Point start;
Point end;
Float length; // calculated property, something like sqrt(pow(end.x - start.x, 2) + pow(end.y - start.y, 2))
I want a method to make a line bigger from the center.
For example, if I create some parallel to X:
Point start = Point(1, 3)
Point end = Point(1, 10)
Line newLine = Line(start, end) // newLine.length here is 7
and then call method makeBigger:
newLine.makeBigger(4); // pass number of points here
I want to receive new line (or modify old's start / end properties) with start = (1,1) / end = (1, 12), so its length becomes 11.
Please note, that I want to consider angles as well.

As far as I understand, makeBigger(4) denotes than you want to increase length by 4. So use simple proportionality
newlength = length + increasevalue
dx = (end.x - start.x) / 2
mx = (end.x + start.x) / 2
newstart.x = mx - dx * newlength / length
newend.x = mx + dx * newlength / length
and similar for y


Open Scene Graph - Usage of DrawElementsUInt: Drawing a cloth without duplicating vertices

I am currently working on simulating a cloth like material and then displaying the results via Open Scene Graph.
I've gotten the setup to display something cloth like, by just dumping all the vertices into 1 Vec3Array and then displaying them with a standard Point based DrawArrays. However I am looking into adding the faces between the vertices so that a further part of my application can visually see the cloth.
This is currently what I am attempting as for the PrimitiveSet
// create and add a DrawArray Primitive (see include/osg/Primitive). The first
// parameter passed to the DrawArrays constructor is the Primitive::Mode which
// in this case is POINTS (which has the same value GL_POINTS), the second
// parameter is the index position into the vertex array of the first point
// to draw, and the third parameter is the number of points to draw.
unsigned int k = CLOTH_SIZE_X;
unsigned int n = CLOTH_SIZE_Y;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawElementsUInt> indices = new osg::DrawElementsUInt(GL_QUADS, (k) * (n));
for (uint y_i = 0; y_i < n - 1; y_i++) {
for (uint x_i = 0; x_i < k - 1; x_i++) {
(*indices)[y_i * k + x_i] = y_i * k + x_i;
(*indices)[y_i * (k + 1) + x_i] = y_i * (k + 1) + x_i;
(*indices)[y_i * (k + 1) + x_i + 1] = y_i * (k + 1) + x_i + 1;
(*indices)[y_i * k + x_i] = y_i * k + x_i + 1;
This does however cause memory corruption when running, and I am not fluent enough in Assembly code to decipher what it is trying to do wrong when CLion gives me the disassembled code.
My thought was that I would iterate over each of the faces of my cloth and then select the 4 indices of the vertices that belong to it. The vertices are inputted from top left to bottom right in order. So:
0 1 2 3 ... k-1
k k+1 k+2 k+3 ... 2k-1
2k 2k+1 2k+2 2k+3 ... 3k-1
Has anyone come across this specific use-case before and does he/she perhaps have a solution for my problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to look into using DrawArrays with QUAD_STRIP (or TRIANGLE_STRIP because quads are frowned upon these days). There's an example here:
It's slightly less efficient than Elements/indices, but it's also less complicated to manage the relationship between the two related containers (the vertices and the indices).
If you really want to do the Elements/indices route, we'd probably need to see more repro code to see what's going on.

Code explanation for bitmap conversion
public static Bitmap BitmapTo1Bpp(Bitmap img)
int w = img.Width;
int h = img.Height;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
Why this addition and division?
byte[] scan = new byte[(w + 7) / 8];
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
{////Why this condition check?
if (x % 8 == 0)
//Why divide by 8?
scan[x / 8] = 0;
Color c = img.GetPixel(x, y);
//Why this condition check?
if (c.GetBrightness() >= 0.5)
// What is going on here?
scan[x / 8] |= (byte)(0x80 >> (x % 8));
// Why Martial.Copy() called here?
Marshal.Copy(scan, 0, (IntPtr)((long)data.Scan0 + data.Stride * y), scan.Length);
return bmp;
The code uses some basic bit-hacking techniques, required because it needs to set bits and the minimum storage element you can address in C# is a byte. I intentionally avoided using the BitArray class.
int w = img.Width;
I copy the Width and Height properties of the bitmap into a local variable to speed up the code, the properties are too expensive. Keep in mind that w are the number of pixels across the bitmap, it represents the number of bits in the final image.
byte[] scan = new byte[(w + 7) / 8];
The scan variable stores the pixels in one scan line of the bitmap. The 1bpp format uses 1 bit per pixel so the total number of bytes in a scan line is w / 8. I add 7 to ensure the value is rounded up, necessary because integer division always truncates. w = 1..7 requires 1 byte, w = 8..15 requires 2 bytes, etcetera.
if (x % 8 == 0) scan[x / 8] = 0;
The x % 8 expression represents the bit number, x / 8 is the byte number. This code sets all the pixels to Black when it progresses to the next byte in the scan line. Another way to do it would be re-allocating the byte[] in the outer loop or resetting it back to 0 with a for-loop.
if (c.GetBrightness() >= 0.5)
The pixel should be set to White when the source pixel is bright enough. Otherwise it leaves it at Black. Using Color.Brightness is a simple way to avoid dealing with the human eye's non-linear perception of brightness (luminance ~= 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue).
scan[x / 8] |= (byte)(0x80 >> (x % 8));
Sets a bit to White in the scan line. As noted x % 8 is the bit number, it shifts 0x80 to the right by the bit number, they are stored in reverse order in this pixel format.

maximum volume of a box with perimeter and area given

Here's the link to the question..
I figured out that 2 edges have to be equal in order to give the maximum volume, and then used x, x, a*x as the lengths of the three edges to write the equations -
4*x + 4*x + 4*a*x = P (perimeter) and,
2*x^2 + 4*(a*x *x) = S (total area of the box)
so from the first equation I got x in terms of P and a, and then substituted it in the second equation and then got a quadratic equation with the unknown being a. and then I used the greater root of a and got x.
But this method seems to be giving the wrong answer! :|
I know that there isn't any logical error in this. Maybe some formatting error?
Here's the main code that I've written :
public static void main(String[] args)
TheBestBox box = new TheBestBox();
reader = InputReader(;
writer = OutputWriter(System.out);
public static void getAttributes()
t = reader.nextInt(); // t is the number of test cases in the question
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
p = reader.nextInt(); // p is the perimeter given as input
area = reader.nextInt(); // area of the whole sheet, given as input
a = findRoot(); // the fraction by which the third side differs by the first two
side = (double) p / (4 * (2 + a)); // length of the first and the second sides (equal)
height = a * side; // assuming that the base is a square, the height has to be the side which differs from the other two
// writer.println(side * side * height);
// System.out.printf("%.2f\n", (side * side * height));
writer.println(String.format("%.2f", (side * side * height))); // just printing out the final answer
public static double findRoot() // the method to find the 2 possible fractions by which the height can differ from the other two sides and return the bigger one of them
double a32, b, discriminant, root1, root2;
a32 = 32 * area - p * p;
b = 32 * area - 2 * p * p;
discriminant = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * 8 * area * a32);
double temp;
temp = 2 * 8 * area;
root1 = (- b + discriminant) / temp;
root2 = (- b - discriminant) / temp;
return Math.max(root1, root2);
could someone please help me out with this? Thank You. :)
I also got stuck in this question and realized that can be done by making equation of V(volume) in terms of one side say 'l' and using differentiation to find maximum volume in terms of any one side 'l'.
So, equations are like this :-
P = 4(l+b+h);
S = 2(l*b+b*h+l*h);
V = l*b*h;
so equation in l for V = (l^3) - (l^2)P/4 + lS/2 -------equ(1)
After differentiation we get:-
d(V)/d(l) = 3*(l^2) - l*P/2 + S/2;
to get max V we need to equate above equation to zero(0) and get the value of l.
So, solutions to a quadratic equation will be:-
l = ( P + sqrt((P^2)-24S) ) / 24;
so substitute this l in equation(1) to get max volume.

Know slice number?

I have a DICOM series, with following origin, spacing and extent:
int nExtent[6];
double dSpacing[3];
double dOrigin[3];
m_pReader->GetOutputInformation(0)->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), nExtent);
where m_pReader is vtkDICOMReader object ...
dOrigin is 0, 0, 0;
dSpacing id 0.447266, 0.447266, 3.998718;
nExtent is 0, 511, 0, 511, 0, 43;
the series is AXIAL.
Now, if I slice the series through AXIAL plan, I could slice the series by 44 slices, like that:
double deltaY = 0.0;
delta += 1.0;
double dSliceSpacing = pReslice->GetOutput()->GetSpacing()[2];
vtkMatrix4x4* pMatrix = pReslice->GetResliceAxes();
// move the dCenter dPoint that we are slicing through
double dPoint[4];
double dCenter[4];
dPoint[0] = 0.0;
dPoint[1] = 0.0;
dPoint[2] = dSliceSpacing * deltaY;
dPoint[3] = 1.0;
pMatrix->MultiplyPoint(dPoint, dCenter);
pMatrix->SetElement(0, 3, dCenter[0]);
pMatrix->SetElement(1, 3, dCenter[1]);
pMatrix->SetElement(2, 3, dCenter[2]);
Everything is allright ...
The problem: if I slice the series through CORONAL plan, the slices number are not 44 !! But how many ? How can I know the slice number if the plan is CORONAL or SAGITTAL ?
On Coronal and Sagittal slicing its more about position instead of slice index.
You need to calculate your min/max origin for each axis (x,y,z)
myOriginMax.X = myOrigin.X + ((ImageDimension.SizeX - 1) * mySpacing.X);
You can compute your new origin in your slicing Event, where _positionDelta is your inc/dec value. (more or less pseudo code)
double[] _origin = myImageReslice.GetResliceAxesOrigin();
if(_view == "SAGITTAL")
_origin[0] = Math.Min(_origin[0] + _positionDelta * mySpacing.X, myOriginMax.X);
else if(_view == "CORONAL")
_origin[1] = Math.Min(_origin[1] + _positionDelta * mySpacing.Y, myOriginMax.Y);
else //AXIAL
_origin[2] = Math.Min(_origin[2] + _positionDelta * mySpacing.Z, myOriginMax.Z);
myImageReslice.SetReliceAxesOrigin(_origin[0], _origin[1], _origin[2]);
Yes, it is another compute method ... in my case I have m_pReslice for axial plan, m_pReslice2 for coronal plan, and m_pReslice3 for sagittal plan ... I don't know if is the proper architecture, but applying your algorithm I arrive in the same place :)
int nSizeX = nExtent[0] + nExtent[1];
int nSizeY = nExtent[2] + nExtent[3];
int nSizeZ = nExtent[4] + nExtent[5];
double dOriginMax[3];
dOriginMax[0] = dOrigin[0] + ((nSizeX - 1) * dSpacing[0]);
dOriginMax[1] = dOrigin[1] + ((nSizeY - 1) * dSpacing[1]);
dOriginMax[2] = dOrigin[2] + ((nSizeZ - 1) * dSpacing[2]);
dOrigin[0] = min(dOrigin[0] + 1.0 * dSpacing[0], dOriginMax[0]);
dOrigin[1] = min(dOrigin[1] + 1.0 * dSpacing[1], dOriginMax[1]);
dOrigin[2] = min(dOrigin[2] + 1.0 * dSpacing[2], dOriginMax[2]);
this is the case for m_pReslice (axial plan) ... if I apply the algorithm for m_pReslice2 (coronal) and for m_pReslice3 (sagittal), I still don't know how may slices I have in coronal case (or sagittal) ...

Partition line into equal parts

This is a geometry question.
I have a line between two points A and B and want separate it into k equal parts. I need the coordinates of the points that partition the line between A and B.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
You just need a weighted average of A and B.
C(t) = A * (1-t) + B * t
or, in 2-D
Cx = Ax * (1-t) + Bx * t
Cy = Ay * (1-t) + By * t
When t=0, you get A.
When t=1, you get B.
When t=.25, you a point 25% of the way from A to B
So, to divide the line into k equal parts, make a loop and find C, for t=0/k, t=1/k, t=2/k, ... , t=k/k
for(int i=0;i<38;i++)
Points[i].x = m_Pos.x * (1 - (i/38.0)) + m_To.x * (i / 38.0);
Points[i].y = m_Pos.y * (1 - (i/38.0)) + m_To.y * (i / 38.0);
if(i == 0 || i == 37 || i == 19) dbg_msg("CLight","(%d)\nPos(%f,%f)\nTo(%f,%f)\nPoint(%f,%f)",i,m_Pos.x,m_Pos.y,m_To.x,m_To.y,Points[i].x,Points[i].y);
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (0)
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (19)
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (37)
which looks fine but then my program doesn't work :D.
but your method works so thanks
