How can I divide an existing template into linked Templates - azure

Auto generated arm templates aren't meant to be production ready, they need refinement. that is expected.
How can a Devops staff divide auto generated ARM templates into Linked templates?
Linked Templates
Azure ARM template deployment

How can a Devops staff divide auto generated ARM templates into Linked templates?
Per my understanding, you could leverage Azure Resource Group deployment project through visual studio for a simple to divide your ARM template into Linked templates manually.
After you created the deployment project, you could right click your deployment project and click "Add > New Item", choose "Azure Resource Manager Deployment Template", then copy/paste your existed ARM template into your azuredeploy.json, then you could enable JSON Outline window by clicking "View > Other Windows > JSON Outline", then you could choose the resources which would be divided into Linked template, then copy the related resource configurations (resource definition, variables, parameters,etc.) into a new "Azure Resource Manager Deployment Template". Here I divided the HostingPlan into a Linked template, when deploying my azure website, I would use the hosting plan linked template as follows:
Deploying azure website with a host plan linked template
Azure website deployment template:
Then, check the latest deployment log under "SETTING > Deployments" section of your resource group as follows:


Filter verbose Azure ARM template

Exported Azure ARM template contains a lot's of useless information, let's say snapshots. I would like export actual resource definitions only.
Is it possible to filter unnecessary items out? I would like to convert this template to Bicep (to deploy all the resources into an another subscription) and now I have to clear manually all the unused items from the exported ARM template.
Thank you Gopa. Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
Exporting an ARM template from the resource group or resource will give you a template that is a snapshot of the current properties so it includes all the properties which were changed after the initial deployment.
You can also try exporting templates from the deployment history too which will give you an option to export your initial version without the changes you made after each deployment.
You can maintain all resources in source control as ARM templates and use CI/CD to deploy, whenever there is a change, so you can have our latest version of ARM templates and use it to build up a new environment when a need comes.
You can export the template that was used to deploy existing resources. The template you get is exactly the one that was used for deployment.
Export template after deployment
Select the resource group you want to export.
Select the link under Deployments.
Select one of the deployments from the deployment history.
Select Template. The template used for this deployment is displayed, and is available for download.

Copy existing Azure resource group items into another Subscription RG

All I want is to copy/recreate all the existing resources which is under resource-grp1 from a Production environment to another resource-grp2.
What would be the very easiest way to re-create the same environment in another Resource Group in the same subscription? I tried to export the resource group and downloaded. The problem is that the file “parameters.json” includes hard coded references to the original resource group name. Is there an way to do this without using Azure CLI/Powershell, only use Azure Portal
resource-grp1 contains following resources
1. 2 app service plans
2. 10 app services
3. 8 azure sql database
4. 3 NSG & vnet
5. Application Insight
6. SendGrid
6. Storage account
7. VM
You can just navigate to your Resource group > Click on Export Template from side Panel
You'll have 3 options
Add to Library
When Downloaded, the ARM Template will be saved to the local machine. This will allow for the template to be manually changed or saved somewhere for it to be retrieved for later use.
When Saving, the ARM Template will be saved to a collection accessible from “Browse > Templates” within the Azure Portal. This allows for Resource Group configurations to be saved so they can easily be redeployed later.
When Deploying, the ARM Template will be deployed to a new Resource Group. This essentially allows for the Resource Group to be “copied.” This could be useful for easily cloning a Resource Group to easily spin up a separate hosting environment with identical settings.
enter image description here
I have Downloaded the template and Imported the template using Template Deployments.
Search for Template Deployments > Build your own template in editor > Load File (Add your downloaded template after unzipping) > Save > Create
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
you can refer this site for more
If you are facing issue with Export template "The problem is that the file “parameters.json” includes hard coded references to the original resource group name" try below.
Azure portal - > Resource group -> Export Template and download the template.
After download the templates (template.json and parameters.json) files find old resource group reference and change into new resource group reference.
Deploy into other resource group:
Search Template Deployment in Azure portal search bar and click on create.
Click on Build your own template in the editor
select parameter and add updated parameters.json file
select resources and add updated template.file and save it.
Add subscription and Resource group which you need to deploy.
Click Create it will deploy your resources in a new resource group.

Create resource group and deploy resources using Arm template and deploy from Visual Studio

I want to create resource group and deploy resource using ARM template from visual Studio
When I tried the following example by copying the script and put it in my Visual Studio. When I try to run the Deployment template comes out blank.
How do i run this the arm template?
Schema that is used in your example uses "subscription level schema"
As per
To deploy templates at the subscription level, you use Azure CLI and
Azure PowerShell.
I used this schema "$schema": "" I used this default schema..and it detects that file as "deployment template"
Currently VS doesn't handle subscription level deployment templates. VS won't deploy them via the UI and if the schema is set properly it won't even recognize it as an ARM template.

Azure resource group Template download

I have a resource group with 20 resources(SQL, Web App ....)
I could not see the Resource group template while clicking the automation script button.
How can i download all the resource as a template?
It has, one failed deployment resource.
is there any way to get all resource template if i remove from there?
If you click on the Automation script all the resources ready to export as a template, except the resources which has errors.
Click on the deployment which has error message and delete.
For downloading, you have both options:
Click on Download option to store it into local machine.
Click on Add to library to save as a template.
Automate deploying resources with Azure Resource Manager templates in a single, coordinated operation. Define resources and configurable input parameters and deploy with script or code. Learn more about template deployment.
Lot of things have changed from 2017 to 2020, but I just want to add this, so that its helpful for others who are looking for help for downloading templates
Goto Resource Groups and select the resource
In the Settings section, click on Export Template
The templates zip file is downloaded into your windows downloads directory.

how do i add AzureAutomation Resource to my ARM template project

I create a new ARM template using VS2017 and would like to add Azure Automation resource as part of my template. When I right click and select add New Resource I do not see Azure Automation. How do I go about doing this
Best way to do this - go to the documentation and copy\paste it.
