How to pass information into Unreal Engine from outside source - rpc

The Problem:
I want a high quality visualization of a simulation that I've built and runs on another application. Unreal Engine 4 has models that work, and renders nicely enough to fill my needs. The only problem, is I need to tell a running instance of an Unreal Engine project some of the information that my simulation is creating, like moving objects.
Potential solutions:
rpc plugin?
I'm reasonably familiar with grpc, and my simulation is set up so send and receive grpc messages, but I don't know how to implement grpc through unreal_engine. A couple others on the interweb have written rpc plugins, which might work for my needs. For example...
However, no idea how to take that pile of work done and actually use what I want. Needless to say, the documentation of that specific project is unfriendly to a user who didn't write it.
Something else?
If you have any ideas, or if you've historically passed information to unreal engine a specific way, any pointers in the right direction/code snippets/links to stuff I may have missed would be greatly appreciated.

I had the same question with theodox,
if the input doesn't have to happen instantly/in real-time.
You may for example update a parameter file for you simulation and read the parameters in your unreal engine application.
Here is an example to create the readFile bluemix function to read and parse an external JSON file:
in /Source/[Project name]/MyBlueprintFunctionLibrary.h, define output struct and function header
struct FResultStruct
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadWrite,Category = "Result Struct")
float fieldname1;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadWrite,Category = "Result Struct")
FString fieldname2;
fieldname1 = 0;
fieldname2 = "string";
class EXPERIMENTALPROJECT_API UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyBPLibrary")
static FResultStruct ReadFile(FString fileName);
in /Source/[Project name]/MyBlueprintFunctionLibrary.cpp implement your parameter file parser, for example:
// Read the results file
FResultStruct UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::ReadFile(FString fileName)
FString saveFilePath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GameDir());
fileName = saveFilePath + fileName;
FResultStruct Result;
FString jsonString;
FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(jsonString, *fileName);
TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonParsed;
TSharedRef<TJsonReader<TCHAR>> JsonReader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(jsonString);
if (FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(JsonReader, JsonParsed))
Result.fieldname1 = JsonParsed->GetNumberField("fieldname1");
Result.fieldname2 = JsonParsed->GetStringField("fieldname2");
return Result;
And in your unreal engine blueprint you can call this file reading function and use its parsed content in your application:
If you need live input, you may need to create HUD in UE4 and create input fields for all your parameters, that's more labor intensive imo.


duktape js - have multiple contexts with own global and reference to one common 'singleton'

We are in the process of embedding JS in our application, and we will use a few dozen scripts each assigned to an event. Inside these scripts we provide a minimal callback api,
function onevent(value)
{ // user javascript code here
which is called whenever that event happens. The scripts have to have their own global, since this funtion has always the same name and we access it from cpp code with
duk_get_global_string(js_context_duk, "onevent");
duk_push_number(js_context_duk, val);
if (duk_pcall(js_context_duk, 1) != 0)
printf("Duk error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(js_context_duk, -1));
duk_pop(js_context_duk); /* ignore result */
Then again we want to allow minimal communication between scripts, e.g.
Script 1
var a = 1;
function onevent(val)
Script 2
function onevent(val)
Is there a way we achieve this? Maybe by introducing an own 'ueber-' global object, that is defined once and referencable everywhere? It should be possible to add properties to this 'ueber-global object' from any script like
Script 1
function onevent(val)
Script 2
function onevent(val)
Instead of simple JS files you could use modules. duktape comes with a code example to implement a module system (including its code isolation) like in Node.js. Having that in place you can export variables that should be sharable.
We have an approach that seems to work now. After creating the new context with
new_ctx = duk_require_context(master_ctx, -1);
duk_copy_element_reference(master_ctx, new_ctx, "ueber");
we issue this call sequence in for all properties/objects/functions created in the main context:
void duk_copy_element_reference(duk_context* src, duk_context* dst, const char* element)
duk_get_global_string(src, element);
duk_require_stack(dst, 1);
duk_xcopy_top(dst, src, 1);
duk_put_global_string(dst, element);
It seems to work (because everything is in the same heap and all is single threaded). Maybe someone with deeper insight into duktape can comment on this? Is this a feasible solution with no side effects?
edit: mark this as answer. works as expected, no memory leaks or other issues.

SAPI 5 TTS Events

I'm writing to ask you some advices for a particular problem regarding SAPI engine. I have an application that can speak both to the speakers and to a WAV file. I also need some events to be aware, i.e. word boundary and end input.
m_cpVoice->SetNotifyWindowMessage(m_hWnd, TTS_MSG, 0, 0);
hr = m_cpVoice->SetInterest(SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS, SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS);
Just for test I added all events! When the engine speaks to speakers all events are triggered and sent to the m_hWnd window, but when I set output to the WAV file, none of them are sent
CSpStreamFormat fmt;
CComPtr<ISpStreamFormat> pOld;
SPBindToFile(file, SPFM_CREATE_ALWAYS, &m_wavStream, &fmt.FormatId(), fmt.WaveFormatExPtr());
m_cpVoice->SetOutput(m_wavStream, false);
m_cpVoice->Speak(L"Test", SPF_ASYNC, 0);
Where file is a path passed as argument.
Really this code is taken from the TTS samples found on the SAPI SDK. It seems a little bit obscure the part setting the format...
Can you help me in finding the problem? Or does anyone of you know a better way to write TTS to WAV? I can not use manager code, it should be better to use the C++ version...
Thank you very much for help
This seems to be a thread problem and searching in the spuihelp.h file, that contains the SPBindToFile helper I found that it uses the CoCreateInstance() function to create the stream. Maybe this is where the ISpVoice object looses its ability to send event in its creation thread.
What do you think about that?
I adopted an on-the-fly solution that I think should be acceptable in most of the cases, In fact when you write speech on files, the major event you would be aware is the "stop" event.
So... take a look a the class definition:
#define TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG 5000
#define TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG 5001
class CSpeech {
CSpeech(HWND); // needed for the notifications
HWND m_hWnd;
CComPtr<ISpVoice> m_cpVoice;
std::thread* m_thread;
void WriteToWave();
void SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR);
I implemented the method SpeakToWav as follows
// Global variables (***)
long tRate;
HWND tHwnd;
ISpObjectToken* pToken;
void CSpeech::SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR file, LPCWSTR msg) {
// Using, for example wcscpy_s:
// tMsg <- msg;
// tFile <- file;
tHwnd = m_hWnd;
if(m_thread == NULL)
m_thread = new std::thread(&CSpeech::WriteToWave, this);
And now... take a look at the WriteToWave() method:
void CSpeech::WriteToWav() {
// create a new ISpVoice that exists only in this
// new thread, so we need to
// CoInitialize(...) and...
// CoCreateInstance(...)
// Now set the voice, i.e.
// rate with global tRate,
// voice token with global pToken
// output format and...
// bind the stream using tFile as I did in the
// code listed in my question
cpVoice->Speak(tMsg, SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK, 0);
Now, because we did not used the SPF_ASYNC flag the call is blocking, but because we are on a separate thread the main thread can continue. After the Speak() method finished the new thread can continue as follow:
if(/* Speak is went ok */)
::PostMessage(tHwn, TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG, 0, 0);
::PostMessage(tHwnd, TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG, 0, 0);
(***) OK! using global variables is not quite cool :) but I was going fast. Maybe using a thread with the std::reference_wrapper to pass parameters would be more elegant!
Obviously, when receiving the TTS messages you need to clean the thread for a next time call! This can be done using a CSpeech::CleanThread() method like this:
void CSpeech::CleanThread() {
m_thread->join(); // I prefer to be sure the thread has finished!
delete m_thread;
m_thread = NULL;
What do you think about this solution? Too complex?

Flux - Isn't it a bad practice to include the dispatcher instance everywhere?

Note: My question is about the way of including/passing the dispatcher instance around, not about how the pattern is useful.
I am studying the Flux Architecture and I cannot get my head around the concept of the dispatcher (instance) potentially being included everywhere...
What if I want to trigger an Action from my Model Layer? It feels weird to me to include an instance of an object in my Model files... I feel like this is missing some injection pattern...
I have the impression that the exact PHP equivalent is something (that feels) horrible similar to:
$dispatcher = require '../dispatcher_instance.php';
class MyModel {
public function someMethod() {
I think my question is not exactly only related to the Flux Architecture but more to the NodeJS "way of doing things"/practices in general.
No, it is not bad practice to pass around the instance of the dispatcher in your stores
All data stores should have a reference to the dispatcher
The invoking/consuming code (in React, this is usually the view) should only have references to the action-creators, not the dispatcher
Your code doesn't quite align with React because you are creating a public mutable function on your data store.
The ONLY way to communicate with a store in Flux is via message passing which always flows through the dispatcher.
For example:
var Dispatcher = require('MyAppDispatcher');
var ExampleActions = require('ExampleActions');
var _data = 10;
var ExampleStore = assign({}, EventEmitter.prototype, {
getData() {
return _data;
emitChange() {
dispatcherKey: Dispatcher.register(payload => {
var {action} = payload;
switch (action.type) {
_data += 1;
module.exports = ExampleStore;
By closing over _data instead of having a data property directly on the store, you can enforce the message passing rule. It's a private member.
Also important to note, although you can call Dispatcher.emit() directly, it's not a good idea.
There are two main reasons to go through the action-creators:
Consistency - This is how your views and other consuming code interacts with the stores
Easier Refactoring - If you ever remove the ADD_1 action from your app, this code will throw an exception rather than silently failing by sending a message that doesn't match any of the switch statements in any of the stores
Main Advantages to this Approach
Loose coupling - Adding and removing features is a breeze. Stores can respond to any event in the system with by adding one line of code.
Less complexity - One way data flow makes wrapping head around data flow a lot easier. Less interdependencies.
Easier debugging - You can debug every change in your system with a few lines of code.
debugging example:
var MyAppDispatcher = require('MyAppDispatcher');
MyAppDispatcher.register(payload => {

How to create an actionscript Object in Haxe

I am creating an actionscript video player in Haxe and to avoid the asyncError I am trying to create a custom Object. How do I do this is Haxe?
The client property specifies the object on which callback methods are invoked. The default object is the NetStream object being created. If you set the client property to another object, callback methods will be invoked on that other object.
Here is my code.
public function new()
//initialize net stream
nc = new NetConnection();
ns = new NetStream(nc);
buffer_time = 2;
ns.bufferTime = buffer_time;
//Add video to stage
myVideo = new, 360);
//Add callback method for listeing on NetStream meta data
client = new Dynamic();
ns.client = client;
client.onMetaData = metaDataHandler;
public function playVideo(url:String)
urlName = new String(url);
ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netstat);
function netstat(stats:NetStatusEvent)
function metaDataHandler(infoObject:Dynamic)
myVideo.width = infoObject.width;
myVideo.height = infoObject.height;
You should probably do:
client : Dynamic = {};
Forget the client object; it isn't necessary for playing FLVs or for handling async errors. For that, just add a listener to the NetStream for AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR.
I suggest you add a listener to the NetConnection and the NetStream for NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, and then trace out the value within the listener.
You should first see the string "NetConnection.Connect.Success" coming from the NetConnection; when you play your video through the NetStream, you should see "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" if there's a problem loading the FLV. Otherwise you should see "NetStream.Play.Start".
Unless you're progressively streaming your FLV, you may not see any video playing until the file has finished loading. If the movie file is long, this may explain why your program is running without errors but isn't playing the movie. There are small test FLV files available online that you might wish to use while you track the problem down.
(ActionScript's FLV playback API is bizarre and haXe's documentation is rudimentary, so you're rightfully frustrated.)
This maybe useful...
You can see it being used

Is there any advantage/disadvantage to using function delegates over lambdas in a collection?

I am at that really boring part in the development of my library, where I want to construct a class based on a windows message identifier and the WPARAM and LPARAM arguments. The prototype for such functions is trivial:
boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs>(const UINT& _id, const WPARAM& _w, const LPARAM& _l);
For each windows message, I will have a function of this nature.
Now, what I am currently doing is using the FastDelegate library to do my delegates. These are stored in a map thusly:
typedef fastdelegate::FastDelegate3<const UINT&, const WPARAM&, const LPARAM&, boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs> > delegate_type;
typedef std::map<int, delegate_type> CreatorMap;
And when a windows message needs to have an EventArg-derived class created, it's a simple case of looking up the appropriate delegate, invoking it and returning the newly-created instance nicely contained in a shared_ptr.
boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs> make(const UINT& _id, const WPARAM& _w, const LPARAM& _l) const
MsgMap::const_iterator cit(m_Map.find(_id));
assert(cit != m_Map.end());
boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs> ret(cit->second(_w, _l));
return ret;
}; // eo make
All is working fine. But then I was thinking, rather than having all these delegates around, why not take advantage of lambdas in C++0x? So, I quickly prototyped the following:
typedef std::map<int, std::function<boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs>(const WPARAM&, const LPARAM&)> > MapType;
typedef MapType::iterator mit;
MapType map;
map[WM_WHATEVER] = [](const WPARAM& _w, const LPARAM& _l) { /* create appropriate eventargs class given parameters */ };
map[WM_ANOTHER] = ....;
// and so on
Once again, it's simple to look up and invoke:
mit m = map.find(WM_PAINT);
boost::shared_ptr<EventArgs> e(m->second(_wParam, _lParam));
// dispatch e
Is there an advantage to using lambdas in this way? I know the overhead of looking up the right delegate/lambda will be the same (as both types of map are keyed with an int), but I am aiming to dispatch my messages from the wndProc in my nice C++ friendly-way as efficiently as possible. My gut-feeling is that lambdas will be faster, but unfortunately i lack the experience in understanding compiler-optimizations to make a judgement call on this, hence my question here :) Oh, and in keeping with the topic of the question, are there any gotchas/something I haven't thought about?
I see two real differences here:
The first is how you store the callback: Either the fast-delegate or std::function. The latter is based on boost::function, and fast delegates were specifically designed to outperform those. However, std::function is standard conforming, while fast delegates are not.
The other difference is the way you setup your code, and I see a clear advantage for lambdas here. You can write the actual code exactly where it matters, you don't need to define a separate function that only serves a niche-purpose.
If you want raw speed - fast-delegates probably win (but you should benchmark, if that is an argument), but if you want readability and standard conformity, go with std::function and lambdas.
