Azure usage costs - confused - azure

This is my azure payasyougo usage cost for this month.
I'm struggling to understand why I would be charged for a Standard Medium App Service, I would of thought that it would be included in the compute hours? I have only one Cloud Service running and this seems a bit steep for a cloud service that is not doing much...
Any suggestions?

While pricing is off-topic, I think I can answer this from a general operational angle (even though this will likely be closed since it's not programming-related).
As your graphic shows, you are consuming resources for different services. Compute-hours equates to your virtual machines that you've deployed, and you're consuming those resources whether you're using 0% or 100% CPU / memory / network, whether you've deployed code or not. They are allocated and, as far as Azure is concerned, deployed for your use, no matter what you're doing (or not doing) with them.
When you created your App Service, that was yet-another set of resources deployed. And another set of resource-hours you're consuming (again, whether you use 0% or 100% is irrelevant).
Same thing would happen if you created a database instance or any other Azure service: You'd pay in whatever way is described for that particular service. And each service has its own specific cost which is described in detail in Azure's pricing page.
There's no nesting of separate services. In your specific case: there's no concept of creating an App Service inside a Virtual Machine (nor is there any hint of that anywhere). They are two separate services.

Computer covers only Virtual Machines and Cloud Services. Pricing can be found here:
App Services are "special", while they internally use compute resources behind the scenes, they are charged based on the tier of performance and SLA you want to achieve. Pricing for them can be found here:
You will notice that there is a PREMIUM price for the same level of service on App Services. The theory is that the App Service stack is providing more managed value and thus worth more. For my use cases I have not found this to be the case and instead choose to run our environments under the PaaS VM / Cloud Service stacks.


Azure App Service Plan: Function vs App Service?

When hosting an Azure Function in an App Service Plan, are there any significant differences compared with using an App Service (EDIT: for a restful API) associated with the same App Service Plan? I assume the only difference is that the Function offers additional out of the box triggers. Any differences I'm missing that would lead to preferring one over the other?
I'd also like to confirm that hosting Azure Functions in an App Service Plan can actually limit scalability if scaling is not configured on the App Service Plan. As I understand it, Functions automatically scale as needed when using Consumption or Premium hosting without additional configuration.
When hosting an Azure Function in an App Service Plan, are there any significant differences compared with using an App Service associated with the same App Service Plan? I assume the only difference is that the Function offers additional out of the box triggers. Any differences I'm missing that would lead to preferring one over the other?
Well, an Azure Function is a different beast than an App Service. An Azure function is triggered by an external event or a timer. It then executes the code of the function. When hosted on a consumption plan this execution is allowed to run for 5 or 10 minutes max. When you need a longer execution time you need to run it on an App Service Plan.
An App Service can host any app you've created. Like a website (that runs continuously and doesn't need to be triggered before it starts doing something) or an api for example.
I'd also like to confirm that hosting Azure Functions in an App Service Plan can actually limit scalability if scaling is not configured on the App Service Plan. As I understand it, Functions automatically scale as needed when using Consumption or Premium hosting without additional configuration.
Correct, when hosting Azure Functions in an App Service Plan you are responsible for making sure the app service is scaled to allow the function to perform well under load. Thats why the consumption plan is designed to handle this so the developer can focus on the functionality and does not need to worry about the infrastructure.
So, for integration scenario's azure functions are a very natural fit. For web sites an App Service might be the best solution.
To address your comment:
I should have mentioned that this question was in the context of hosting a restful API and not a UI application. In this scenario, I'm not seeing much difference between a Function and App Service, but please correct me if I'm missing something
A couple of things: For one, there is a certain sweet spot. If traffic is heavy enough a consumption plan based azure function might be more costly than having a dedicated app service plan. That depends of course on a lot of factors (CPU usage, request duration etc.). Also, you won't be able to use things like Asp.Net Core Middleware out of the box.
Finally, I'd argue that if your api is becoming large enough managing a single core solution may be easier than having to manage a lot of azure functions with small functions or one azure function project with lots and lots of functions, but hey, that's just my opinion (haven't actually dealt with it to be honest)
Some resources to consider:
The main difference is in how you pay for it:
Azure Functions Consumption plan you pay per execution
Azure Functions in an App Service (dedicated plan) you pay for the allocated hardware per minute.
You also have control of which VNET your functions run in when you use an app service plan. You may have security requirements that make this important.
You are correct that if you run it in an app service that is not configured to scale, then throughput will be limited by the allocated hardware.
For details see:
If you are having limited and predictable workload then deploy az function in AppService plan with supports VNET integration for private compute otherwise go for Premium plan which will provide autoscaling capability of your compute environment.

What kind of CPU power do I get with Azure App Service?

I'm interested in deploying CPU intensive web app to an Azure App Service instance. I can't find any details around CPU usage and/or limits for Azure app service. My concern is that not having insight into the CPU specs/limitations for my app will not allow me to plan on how to accurately plan the physical cloud-based infrastructure (using Azure app service).
My app will be using the OpenCV computer vision library to do heavy image processing, face detection, and face recognition with hundreds/thousands of high quality images. This is naturally a CPU-intensive process. In a traditional setting (or on-premise Virtual Machine setup), I would at least know the specs on the machine (I.E. cpu specs, etc).
In summary, my question is two-fold:
1) Why doesn't azure app service say anything about the CPUs inside of their PaaS (App Service) context? If they do, where can i learn more about CPU limitations for this?
2) In the context of my application, is my CPU-based question irrelevant? I do read online that certain Azure App Service tiers do auto-scaling (meaning load balancing across more servers for better performance). Will this be sufficient for my need where multiple end-users are processing many photos to do face detection and recognition?
Microsoft represent the performance of the a VM in terms of ACU ( There are limited number of VM's Available in Azure App Service plan.
App Service plan has both scale up and scale out option. Scale out can be done based on the different rules.
But always do remember that the application architecture will dictate how it will use the scale out option.
Note : I would suggest to use VM if it GPU or CPU intensive, as you will get more option.
As i know standard app service are running on A Series VM but based on the scenario that you explained i suggest you to go with Premium App Service Plan that runs on Dv2 VM's. Hope below article will help you out:
I Suggest you to check the app service overview link and it says what kind of VM is running on back end so you can cross check with the VM specs and you can find the CPU details there.
App Service Plan Overview
App Service Limitation
App Service Overview

Azure App Service Plan

If I select an app service plan that allows scaling up to 10 instances, will I be charged the price stated for that plan or will I be charged 10 * [the Price of the plan]?
Azure App Service plans support a variety of pricing models, thus it depends on the type of plan.
Generally, the "idea" of Azure App Service plans is that you pay for a specific set of resources (CPU, memory, disk etc.) that are shared among all of your applications/ instances. That means you generally pay a "flat fee" for the plan and can run as many apps as you like, as long as the resources can support it - and you don't exceed any limits or quotas. If you run too many apps however, performance as a whole will degrade, due to shared resources getting exhausted.
Here is a good documentation explaining the concepts behind App Service plans.
Things get more complicated when looking at the more expensive plans. There are models where your applications are hosted on dedicated virtual machines. This may be consideres as "paying for a certain number of instances", but it depends on your opinion of what the term "instance" means.

How to turn on/off Azure web apps during office hours [duplicate]

I thought one of the advantages of Azure was that I could turn services on and off depending on when I want them to be available.
However I cant see how to pause my App Service Plan.
Is it possible?
I want to use the S1 tier so that I can play with what it offers. However I want to be able to pause the cost accumulation when I am not using it.
I see from the app service pricing help that an app will still be billed for even though it is in the stopped state.
Yet the link also clearly states that I only pay for what I use. So how does that work?
If you put your hosting plan onto the free tier, you will stop being charged for it. However if you have things like deployment slots and certificates these will be deleted.
The ability to turn services on and off, is more to do with being able to scale services, so if you need 50 servers for an hour you can easily do that.
What you can do to make your solution temporary is to create a deployment script, using Powershell or Resource manager Templates then you can deploy your solution for exactly as long as you need it and then delete it again when you don't. In this sense you can turn your services on and off at a whim.
Azure provides building blocks for you to create the solution you need, it is up to you to figure out how to best use those building blocks to create the solution you seek.
Edited to answer extended question.
If you want to use the S1 pricing plan, and not have it charge when you are not using it, the only way of achieving that is by using automation. Fortunately, this is reasonably trivial to achieve.
If you look at this template it is pretty much all configured to deploy a website from Github to Azure on demand. If you edit that to configure it to your needs you can have a new Azure website online with 2 minutes of running the script.
Then you would have another script that deleted it once you had finished.
Doing it this way you would loose no functionality, and probably learn quite a bit about what is possible with Azure along the way.
App Service Plan
An app service plan is the hardware that a web app runs on. In the free and shared tier your web apps share an instance with other web apps. In the other tiers you have a dedicated virtual machine. It is this virtual machine that you pay for. In that case it is irrelevant whether or not you have web apps running on your app service or not, you still have a virtual machine running and you will be charged for that.
To change the App Service Plan via PowerShell, you can run the following command
Set-AzureRmAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name $AppServicePlan -Tier Free
I was able to accomplish this using the dashboard by selecting the App Service Plan, clicking Scale up (App Service Plan), and then from there if you click Dev/Test you can select the Free tier.
As others have mentioned, you need to script this. Fortunately, I created a repository with one-click deployment to your Azure resources.
The steps are intended to be as simple and generic as possible:
Execute the one-click deployment from the repo readme
Select the subscription, resource group etc.
Deploy resource to Azure
Set up your schedule to scale up and scale down as-needed
The scripting relies on runbooks and variables to maintain the previous state of each App Service Plan and App Services within those plans. Some App Services cannot be scaled due to specific settings being used (AlwaysOn, Use32BitWOrkerProcess, ClientCertEnabled, etc.). In those cases, the previous values are stored as variables prior to down scaling and then the original values are reapplied when the services are scaled up.
For more clarity, I have written a blog post that goes into detail. The post is pertaining to Sitecore, but applies to any App Service setup- Drastically Reduce Azure PaaS Hosting Costs in Non-Prod Environments With Scheduled Vertical Scaling. It also includes a brief video tutorial to show its use case.
Myself and others have been using this repository/approach for well over a year and it works great. I mostly use it for POC's to reduce costs when I'm not actively working on something. However, its main intention was for targeting non-prod environments to save costs during non-work hours.
Azure App Service Plan is just an logical concept of a set of features and capacity that you can share across multiple apps. I don`t think you can "pause" a plan, instead you can pause your service. and depends on billing model of each service, you might or might not get charged.
Pausing = Delete or lower tier.
Scripting is the key.
Design Diagram
Use scripts to create (also consider shared resources)
Delete using scripts
Use scripts to recreate.
eg: If we use resource group properly per environment then
Export-AzureRmResourceGroup will create a template for us (everything in the resource group will be pulled out as script). So we can delete it and recreate it anytime.
To pause a VM and stop billing you need to shut is down and deallocate it. Just shutting down still has the capacity reserved as if its running.
Storage can't be shutdown - it can be moved to lower cost tiers.

Doubts about Windows Azure Platform Introductory Special

I'm considering to join the Windows Azure Platform Introductory Special, but I'm a little bit afraid of losing money with it. I don't wanna develop any fancy large scale application, I want to join just to learn Azure and do my experiments, what should I be afraid of?
In the transference, it says: "Data Transfers (per region)", what does that mean?
Can I put limits to stop the app if it goes over this plan in order to avoid get charged?
Can it be "pre pay" instead "bill pay"?
Would it be enough for a blog?
Any experiencie so far?
Kind regards.
As ligget pointed out, Azure isn't cost affect as a host for an application that can be easily deployed to a traditional shared hosting provider. Azure's target market are those that want dedicated resources without the need to micro-manage the infrasture and the capability to easily scale up/down based on demand.
That said, here's the answers to the questions you posted:
Data Transfers are based on bandwidth in and out of the hosting data center. bandwidth for communication occuring within components (SQL Azure, Windows Azure, Azure Storage, etc...) in the same datacenter are not billable.
Your usage is not currently capped when the free quotas are used up. However, you will recieved warning emails when those items approach their usage threadsholds.
There is the option to pay your subscription using a PO, but the minimum threshold for most of these operations is $500/month. So as a hobbyist, its unlikely you're wanting that route.
The introductory special does not provide enough resources for hosting a 24x7 personal blog. That level includes only 25hrs of compute resources. Each hour a single instance of your application is deployed will count against this, even if the application received no traffic. Think of it like renting office space. You still pay rent on the office even if there are no customers there.
All this said, there's still much to be learned with the introductory special. The azure development tools allows you to work with Windows Azure and Azure storage locally and get a feel for how they work. The introductory special then lets you deploy those solutions so you can see what works and what doesn't (not everything that works locally works hosted).
I would recommend you host your blog somewhere else - it's a waste of resources running it on Azure and you'll find much cheaper options. A recently introduced extra small instance would be a better choice in this case, but AFAIK it is charged separately as of now, e.g. even when you have an MSDN subscription those extra small instance hours do not count towards free Azure hours that come with the subscription.
There is no pre-pay option I know of and it's not possible to stop the app automatically. It'll be running until the deployment is deleted (beware! even if suspended/stopped the deployment will continue to accrue charges). I believe you will be sent a notification shortly before reaching your free hours threshold.
Be aware that when launching more than 1 instance you are charged for every hour of every instance combined. This can happen for example when you have more than one role in your Azure project (1 web role + 1 worker role - a separate instance will be started for each role).
Data trasfer means your entire data trasfer: blobs/Table storage/queues (transfers between your hosted service and storage account inside the same data center are free) + whatever data is transfered in/out of your hosted application, e.g. when somebody visits your pages. When you create storage accounts and hosted services in Azure you will specify a region that will be hosting your account/app - hosting in Asia is slightly more expensive than in Europe/U.S.
Your best bet would be to contact Microsoft with these questions.
