p:selectOneMenu cuts off in modal dialog - jsf

I have a selectOneMenu dropdown in a modal dialog. In order for the dropdown list to move along with the dialog when scrolling the page I have set appendTo="#this" for the selectOneMenu, but this causes the dropdown list to be cut off at the edge of the dialog.
How could I achieve both that the dropdown of selectOneMenue is anchored to the dialog and that the list is not cut off at the edge of the dialog?


bind dropdown values to button spotfire

I have a cascading dropdown and a load button. I want to bind the values selected from those dropdown to a button. And when a user clicks the load button line chart should be displayed. Any idea how to go about this?

slideMenu and selected submenu value

I have a tree of categories (types) to be showed inside a <p:slideMenu>, I want to select the category showed inside the label of <p:submenu>, and not show its subcategories (contained inside a list of <p:menuitem> tags).
Is there any way to solve this issue, for example add a button in front of each <p:submenu> and when I click the button the current <p:submenu> is selected and its value is sent to a backing bean, and when I click on the label contained inside <p:submenu> the subcategories will be shown.
I am using primefaces 3.5.

Primefaces tabview menu

Im having a problem with Primefaces tabview. It's tabs consists of selectOneMenu elements that look like this:
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.currentItem.marketType}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.marketTypes}"/>
Now, I show this view as a dialog every time i select row from a dataTable (in order to edit selected record). The strange behavior is: the first time I refresh the page, i select the row, and the dialog pops out correctly. In all tabs of a tabview, all selectOneMenu elements shows correct data for selected record. However, when i close dialog and reopen it by selecing row again, only those selectOneMenu elements shows correct data, which where in a selected tab from a tabview before the dialog was closed.
Does any one know how to keep data in all tabs every time I open a dialog without refreshing the page?
Solved, there is a bug in Primefaces that is described here:
Primefaces tabView executes form validation on tab change

PrimeFaces splitbutton removal

My splitButton should not have any text on the button but I have menu items. I have to remove the button instead leaving blank except menu option.
Use Menu Button.If you dont have any text on the menu button, Its shows only down arrow icon for menu options.

list box items context menu WPF

I have list box that contains UserControl as item template
the user control contains few text blocks in a grid,
the thing is that I want to add context menu to my user control that will show on the list item right click but currently only right clicking the textbox inside the user control triggers the context menu appearance
clicking the spaces between those textboxes triggers nothing,
any idea about how can I trigger the context menu from the container list box?
From the sounds of it you have set the context menu at the textbox level of the usercontrol.
If you want the context menu to function for the entire user control you would need to set teh contextmenu of the user control at the item template level.
