PrimeFaces splitbutton removal - jsf

My splitButton should not have any text on the button but I have menu items. I have to remove the button instead leaving blank except menu option.

Use Menu Button.If you dont have any text on the menu button, Its shows only down arrow icon for menu options.


Menu button on keyboard to get Excel Context Menu

Normally on an excel file, when I click the Menu button on the keyboard, the normal context menu like below first screenshot will show. However I got a new computer and it gives me a totally different context menu like below 2nd screenshot. How can I change excel to show me the context menu like the first screenshot when I click the menu button on the keyboard? Many thanks.

I need macro for editing Menu in Quick Access Toolbar

I have questions about QAT.
How do I add my tooltip to a button. How do I add a tooltip to any button?
How to change the icon of the button White Arrow?
How to insert my own icons?
Is it possible to add more Submenus. For example Submenus_1; Submenus_2; Submenus_3; Submenus_4; Submenus_5.

Get label of selected AutoHotKey GUI menu item

I want to create small menu for special characters, directly inserting selected character into text.
For example, this small popup menu opens on F9 as a context menu:
Menu, Ctx1, Add, €, InsertMenuLabel
Menu, Ctx1, Add, ¥, InsertMenuLabel
Menu, Ctx1, Add, ¢, InsertMenuLabel
Menu, Ctx1, Add, £, InsertMenuLabel
Menu, Ctx1, Show, %A_GuiX%, %A_GuiY%
How do simply retrieve label of menu item which was selected? In the following code, how can I carry menu item label into %MenuItemLabel%?)
Send %MenuItemLabel%
I know this can be done using individual branch for each menu item (InsertChar1 ... InsertChar4) but it is not elegant.
I think I found it:
Send %A_ThisMenuItem%

p:selectOneMenu cuts off in modal dialog

I have a selectOneMenu dropdown in a modal dialog. In order for the dropdown list to move along with the dialog when scrolling the page I have set appendTo="#this" for the selectOneMenu, but this causes the dropdown list to be cut off at the edge of the dialog.
How could I achieve both that the dropdown of selectOneMenue is anchored to the dialog and that the list is not cut off at the edge of the dialog?

kendo-ui-angular2 panelbar expande only on arrow click

Is it possible to select an item without expanding/collapsing it, then expand/collapse it only when the arrow is clicked?
<kendo-panelbar [items]="myItems" [selectable]="true (stateChange)="stateChange($event)">
