How to install a node.js package using npm - node.js

I need help trying to install a node.js package from Github using the npm command prompt. It's an adaptive grid Jquery plugin called Masonjs:
It's my first time to use node.js, hence the difficulty understanding the setup instructions. I've CD'd to the project folder and run the 'install npm' and 'install bower' steps successfully, but I don't understand how to complete the remaining steps: running and building Gulp (is building necessary?).
Any help would be very much appreciated.

If you just want to use masonjs library in your project, you don't need to run gulp commands for running and building. Just cd into your project directory where you have initialized npm/bower and run npm install masonjs / bower install masonjs.
The next step would be to add the mason.js file in your index page. Now there would be different folder structure in which this mason.js file is present.
In case of npm module the path would be {your-project-directory}/node_modules/masonjs/lib
And in case of bower components the path would be {your-project-directory}/bower_components/MasonJS/dist
Now just use this library and it will work perfectly.


Something's wrong when i create a new project vue

I am starting to learn vuejs and I have a problem while creating a vue project with terminal. As you can see in the picture, the loadDep status line keeps spinning without moving. Can someone help me solve this problem T.T
enter image description here
As I can not see which command you have fired for installation in your image.
Please checkout the official Document's Installation Page for more In Depth Installation Information.
Use VueCLI for Command Line Installation.
If you are installing Vuejs using the terminal you need to:
Firstly install NPM package manager.
Then run the command below to install VueCLI:
npm install -g #vue/cli #vue/cli-service-global
After executing this command simply check if it works successfully by typing:
vue -v
It should print the vue version if it was successful.
Then you can create a Vue project by using following command:
vue create [Your Project Name]
It is all provided on VueCLI Site.

NodeJS Build Package (zip) using Grunt on Jenkins

I'm trying to build a package (zip) using grunt in Jenkins (though Jenkins is kind of irrelevant at this stage).
Basically the code is checked out of git, and I run
npm install --production
but grunt needs the files installed locally.
So I run
npm install
But now I have all the grunt packages in the node_modules directory.
As part of the grunt build I simply want to copy the node_modules directory into the package.
Am I headed down the right track with trying to package my code using grunt?
Or should I be using grunt to only run jslint, unit tests etc and use this to package:
The output is another tool that I will be calling from the command line.

npm- module not recognized even though it's installed

I am running on windows.
My module is install via npm install. It's located in the node_modules which was locally created at my project.
For some reason, all of a sudden node has stop recognizing my module, even though it is installed and located in the root/node_modules location!!
I have tried every thing I could find online. What is going on???
tried clearing npm's cache
kill node.js process
re-open my command-line
even restarted my PC!!
path is configured correctly
One more thing:
if i manually install the package via: npm install --save my-module
its recognizing my package.
I have noticed that when I run npm install it does not create the node_modules/.bin folder as of when I run npm install --save my-module it does create it.
When manually placing my packages in the .bin folder than it works
Note, that you can also execute an installed npm module using the npx (Node.js Package Runner), which is part of npm.
npx my-module
You should see the module executable in ./node_modules/.bin
Please, at first re-install your node and shutdown your PC for 5 at least mins.
You can follow the following steps:
Search environment variables from start menu's search box.
Click it then go to Environment Variables
Click PATH
click Edit
Click New and try to copy and paste your path for 'bin' folder [find where you installed the node] for example according to my machine 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin'
If you got any error. try the another step:
Click New, then browse for the 'bin' folder

Cant run custom CLI

I made a CLI for my project. Its in the bin folder:
#!/usr/bin/env node
// myproj/bin/cli.js
I linked the bin by using npm link. But when I run
$ cli
I get an error cli not found. What am I doing wrong?
Firstly, npm linking is a two step process as it says in the npm documentation page, so you are missing the second step. Linking is basically a way for you to introduce a dependency in another module you are working on.
Secondly, If I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve (run the module that you are developing locally as a global module), you can just use npm install -g command, from inside the project folder that you are developing.
This will install, your global module on your machine and will allow you to run it.

Bower, Grunt on Ubuntu 12.04 - command not found

I've installed bower and grunt on my machine but non of it works. I get :command not found for both.
I've placed paths to bower and grunt in .bash_profile file, like:
export PATH="/home/user/.node/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/home/user/.node/lib/node_modules/bower/bin:$PATH"
It feels like packages are installed correctly but it can't be found.
Npm and node is located in home/user/.node and home/user/.npm directories is this is the right place for it?
which bower/grunt outputs nothing
Just had to remind myself of this one, to set up environment on a new machine.
As per, there are two steps required for installation and use of Grunt.js task runner on a given project:
You should globally install only 'grunt-cli', the Grunt Command Line Interface. This will put the grunt command on your system path. This is achieved by running npm install -g grunt-cli, which may require root privileges depending on your setup.
You should locally install the grunt task runner proper. This is achieved by running npm install, after adding the desired version of Grunt.js to your project's package.json file. This will install the specific version of Grunt.js described in your project's package.json, under the devDependencies section. This is the file used by nodejs to describe project development and deployment dependencies, among other stuff.
I managed to fix it by adding paths to .bashrc file, like:
