Xamarin UI Design - Xaml ToolBox - xamarin.ios

Hello Every one iam a beginner in Xamarin - Cross platforms
so when i downloaded it and starts to work on it , it has not a UI ToolBox like the Android Studio like a Mobile Device which we Drag and drop the items and start to code thats what i mean
is there some thing like that in Xaml -Xamarin Portable Shared platforms
Or a Plugin in NuGet Display a ToolBox with drag and drop in Portable App [Andrid - Windows phone - IOS ] all togethet

There is no drag and drop in xamarin ,you need to code front end manually.
Xamarin has a xaml preview to show how the UI you coded looks.

Xamarin.Forms does not support drag and drop, use xaml for designing the UI which is very easy to learn and use Xamarin Live Player to see the changes. you can get all the information from the link below:

Xamarin now has a toolbox which can be used for frontend development, you can drag and drop your controls and layouts in XAML file now.
You can go to View > Toolbox to navigate to the toolbox. For further information you can follow this link.


How to Use Pager Tab Strip on Xamarin Forms

I want to implement tab view to my xamarin forms application. But xamarine tabs gives two diferent tab views for android and IOS. I want to Use the android tab view on both my android and ios applications as shown in the below picture. Is this possible.

How do you save multiple tool window layouts in Android Studio?

I arranged my Android Studio IDE tool windows layout to fit 2 screens in a dual monitor setup and saved it as the default. I would also like to save another layout for single screen setup.
Question: Is it possible to save multiple layout configuration for tool windows in Android Studio. If so how?
Go to menu window > Store current layout as default
A bit late to the party, but there is a newer plugin, that works much better imho.
You can define 4 layouts, it can switch layouts immediately, it also (re-)stores the floating state of each panel and so on:
There is an IntelliJ IDEA plugin preserve-layout-plugin that allows you to that. It's available in the plugin repository, just search for preserve.
By default, you need to restart the IDE or open another project in order to load the layout but the following works as well: you import the layout, you store it as default, and then you restore the default layout.
The following method helped me.
1) Run Android Studio as administrator.
2) Now, arrange the tabs as you want.
3) Go to Window->Store current layout as default.
This is something I missed when I started Android development especially after using multiple layout in Unity Editor before this.
However, I found this plugin - "Window Layout Manager" Link which you can also find and install via Android Studio plugins marketplace.
Allows you to arrange different windows/components like terminal, logcat, project explorer etc and save it with a name.

Master/detail flow layout and Android annotations

I need to make an Android app that adjusts itself to handset and tablets. It's like the master/detail flow layout.
I will use Android Annotation do simplify the development.
How to create an application that adjusts itself for tablets (two panels) and handsets (single panel) using Android annotations?
try this: An Android Master/Detail Flow Tutorial

Xamarin how it is getting the Native Look and Feel?

I am new to Xamarin. I have few confusion here.
How does Xamarin get the Native Look and Feel of the UI Components?.
Does Xamarin Provide their own Widgets [ like button, Layouts, ..].
Here is my understanding Correct me if I am wrong?.
1) Develop the UI [ button, layout...] by native SDK. For example iOS use Xcode. for Android ?.
2) Consider the button, when the button is pressed, the the code which is going to get executed
is common across the platform.
3) So, Since UI are directly from their respective SDK, we get the Native Look and Feel.
Kindly correct me where I misunderstood?.
I think you are way off.
Xamarin provides C# and the .Net (Mono) runtime on iOS and Android. At the same time they expose the native APIs on each platform to C#. So they built a way for C# to call into Objective-C and Java (and vice versa).
This means you develop native UIs on each platform, and can share backend business logic between platforms. A Xamarin app can share somewhere between 50-75% of its code across platforms. There is no general sharing of the UI across platforms, since this would abstract away the native APIs.
To break it down:
Use Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio to develop your C# backend code
Use Xamarin's Android designer to layout native Android XML layouts
Use Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio* to develop your C# backend code
Use XCode on a Mac to layout storyboard or XIB files for native iOS UI layout
Both options you can create your UI from code as well, but the native APIs will be different on each platform.
*A mac is needed to compile for iOS

How to create a program interface (style) like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc?

I'd like to know how to create a program interface like the one used in Visual Studio, Office 2013, GitHub for Windows, etc.
Looks like Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF is not the same theme used on those softwares.
To show you the difference between these programs interfaces and common others take a look at those printscreens:
Interfaces I wanna know how to build:
Visual Studio:
Office 2013 (Excel):
GitHub for Windows:
Common Interface:
The difference between these programs is its interfaces. I already downloaded the Visual Studio Express for Windows 8, Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop and I also looked at Visual Studio Ultimate, but them doesn't have the option the build such kind of interfaces when you create a "New Project...".
Do I need to install a new Template on my VS to be able to build such kind of interface? I think it's some sort of theme for WPF. I'd like to see proves that those applications use this UI style you refer in your answer.
Please note that the look and feel of the application is based on the operating system theme by default.
Your Interfaces have been designed following the Metro UI style. Metro UI apps are Windows 8 only, as they require WinRT.
You can only simulate the Metro style in Windows 7 (and vista) with WPF : you have to use a third party controls (or develop your own), such as these examples :
Modern UI for WPF
Cosmopolitan is just a theme for common controls. For example, there are no pivot or panorama control.
Visual Studio 2012 and GitHub for Windows are WPF applications. Office uses custom controls for the "Metro" look.
WPF and Silverlight provide an easy way to theme an entire application. GitHub is based on the Silverlight theme "Cosmopolitan".
Here are some links for more information.
Cosmopolitan Theme for WPF
Making your WPF app look like the Zune client
Silverlight 4 Application Themes
Mishra Reader (An active open source WPF client with a similar theme)
Office 2013 uses Metro Style and Ribbons. For this you can use Fluent Control Suite. This project also has a Metro Style where you can easily make it like Office 2013. Note that you maybe need the recent dll instead of e.g. the nuget package.
If you want some icons like Office 2013, here i found an icon pack that is close to the Office icons: Axialis Pure Flat 2013 (with costs).
For others without Ribbons, you can use for example MahApps Metro as Cybermaxs suggested and for the docks you can use AvalonDock from the WPF Toolkit. AvalonDock also has a Metro Style. And a Visual Studio 2010 Style. And you can dock your Windows like in Visual Studio, very useful ;)
