Base64 encoding from a website and terminal give two different results - base64

I used following command on terminal
`echo admin:admin | base64`
It gives me following output
But when I used for the same string admin:admin it gives me following
Any reason for this?

The reason this behaviour is the new line added by the echo command. Normally the echo command add a new line at the end which leads to a different encoding. Therefore if you use it with echo -n admin:admin | base64 the difference won't occur.


Bash when i try to apped to a string its overwrite

i run the following function in (git-)bash under windows:
function config_get_container_values() {
local project_name=$1
local container_name=$2
#local container_name="gitea"
echo "###"
buildcmd="jq -r \".containers[]."
echo "$buildcmd"
echo "$buildcmd"
echo "$buildcmd"
echo "###"
The output of this is the following. Whyever, after using the variable to extend the string, he starts to overwrite $buildcmd. I tried this also with everything in one line as well with the append command (=+). Everytime the same result.
jq -r ".containers[].
jq -r ".containers[].gitea
The really strange thing is: When i enable the line local container_name="gitea" everything works as expected. The output is:
jq -r ".containers[].
jq -r ".containers[].gitea
jq -r ".containers[].giteafoobar
When i put this all into a news file, its also works as expected. So i think something goes wrong in the thousands of line before calling this function. Any idea, what could be cause of this behavior?
This is not how you should build up the command, DOS line endings aside. Use --arg to pass the name into the filter as a variable. For example,
config_get_container_values() {
local project_name=$1
local container_name=$2
jq -r --arg n "$container_name " '.containers[][$n+"foobar"]'
config_get_container foo gitea < some.json
If the function is invoked with
config_get_container_values proj gitea
it produces the "expected" output. If it is invoked with
config_get_container_values proj $'gitea\r'
it produces output that looks like the first output example. $'gitea\r' expands to a string that consists of 'gitea' followed by a Carriage return (CR) character.
One possible cause of the problem is that the container name (gitea) was read from a file that had Windows/DOS line endings (CR-LF). Problems like that are common. See the first question ("Check whether your script or data has DOS style end-of-line characters") in the "Before asking about problematic code" section of the Stack Overflow 'bash' Info page.

Internal Variable PIPESTATUS

I am new to linux and bash scripting and i have query about this internal variable PIPESTATUS which is an array and stores the exit status of individual commands in pipe.
On command line:
$ find /home | /bin/pax -dwx ustar | /bin/gzip -c > myfile.tar.gz
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
$ 0 0 0
working fine on command line but when I am putting this code in a bash script it is showing only one exit status. My default SHELL on command line is bash only.
Somebody please help me to understand why this behaviour is changing? And what should I do to get this work in script?
find_fun() {
find /home
cmd1="find_fun | /bin/pax -dwx ustar"
cmd2="/bin/gzip -c"
eval "$cmd1 | $cmd2 > $backfile.tar.gz " 2>/dev/null
echo -e " find ${PIPESTATUS[0]} \npax ${PIPESTATUS[1]} \ncompress ${PIPESTATUS[2]} > $cmdfile
The problem you are having with your script is that you aren't running the same code as you ran on the command line. You are running different code. Namely the script has the addition of eval. If you were to wrap your command line test in eval you would see that it fails in a similar manner.
The reason the eval version fails (only gives you one value in PIPESTATUS) is because you aren't executing a pipeline anymore. You are executing eval on a string that contains a pipeline. This is similar to executing /bin/bash -c 'some | pipe | line'. The thing actually being run by the current shell is a single command so it has a single exit code.
You have two choices here:
Get rid of eval (which you should do anyway as eval is generally something to avoid) and stop using a string for a command (see Bash FAQ 050 for more on why doing this is a bad idea.
Move the echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}" into the eval and then capture (and split/parse) the resulting output. (This is clearly a worse solution in just about every way.)
Instead of ${PIPESTATUS[0]} use ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
As with any array in bash PIPESTATUS[0] contains the first command exit status. If you want to get all of them you have to use PIPESTATUS[#] which returns all the contents of the array.
I'm not sure why it worked for you when you tried it in the command line. I tested it and I didn't get the same result as you.

Parsing oracle SQLPLUS error message in shell script for emailing

I'm trying to extract a substring from an Oracle error message so I can email it off to an administrator using awk, this part of the code is trying to find where the important bit I want to extract.
starts here's what I have....
(The table name is incorrect to generate the error)
b="ERROR at line"
awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'
Strange thing is no matter how big that $DB_RETURN_VALUE is the return value from awk is always 28. Im assuming that somewhere in this error message there's something linux either thinks is a implcit delimiter of somesort and its messing with the count or something stranger. This works fine with regular strings as opposed to what oracle gives me.
Could anybody shine a light on this?
Many thanks
28 seems to be the right answer for the query you have (slightly amended to avoid an ORA-00936, and with tabs in the script). The message you're echoing includes a file expansion; the raw message is:
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The * is expanded when you echo $DB_RETURN_VALUE, so the directory you're executing this from seem to have logs mail_files scripts in it, and they are being shown through expansion of the *. If you run it from different directories the echoed message length will vary, but the length of the actual message from Oracle stays the same - the length is changing (through the expansion) after the SQL*Plus call and after awk has done its thing. You can avoid that expansion with echo "$DB_RETURN_VALUE" instead, though I don't suppose you actually want to see that full message anyway in the end.
The substring from character 28 gives you what you want though:
# To see the original message; note the double-quotes
b="ERROR at line"
p=`awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'`
if [ ${p} -gt 0 ]; then
awk -v a="$a" -v p="$p" 'BEGIN{print substr(a,p)}'
... displays just:
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I'm sure that can be simplified, maybe into a single awk call, but I'm not that familiar with it.

Need help coloring/replacing arbitrary strings using Bash and sed

I'm using a bash script based on the technique used here: Get color output in bash to color the output of my builds and other scripts to make things easier to read. One of the steps in my build executes a "git pull" and the git server spits out a "welcome" string like this amidst a bunch of other output:
Use of this system constitutes your consent to interception, monitoring,
and recording for official purposes of information related to such use,
including criminal investigations.
I'd like to color this specific message yellow or possibly delete it from the output while leaving the rest of the output alone. I've tried to replace a simple string like this:
ccred=$(echo -e "\033[0;31m")
ccyellow=$(echo -e "\033[0;33m")
ccend=$(echo -e "\033[0m")
git pull 2>&1 | sed -r -e "/$WelcomeMessage/ s%$pathpat%$ccyellow&$ccend%g"
The first line of the welcome string is colored yellow as expected but the rest of the lines are not. I'd really like to color the exact welcome string and only that string but for many reasons, this doesn't work:
Use of this system constitutes your consent to interception, monitoring,
and recording for official purposes of information related to such use,
including criminal investigations."
ccred=$(echo -e "\033[0;31m")
ccyellow=$(echo -e "\033[0;33m")
ccend=$(echo -e "\033[0m")
git pull 2>&1 | sed -r -e "/$WelcomeMessage/ s%$pathpat%$ccyellow&$ccend%g"
This fails with the error: sed: -e expression #1, char 78: unterminated address regex
I've looked at a couple other questions and I was able to get the asterisks escaped (by preceding them with backslashes) but I'm baffled by the periods and multiple lines. I'd like to continue using sed to solve this problem since it integrates nicely with the colorizing solution.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The following will colorize in yellow every line from the first instance of ** to the first instance of a period . that's not on the same line. This will match the entire warning message as written.
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0)
YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
git pull 2>&1 | sed "/\*\*/,/\./s/.*/$YELLOW&$NORMAL/"
Note: If you want to delete the message you can use this:
git pull 2>&1 | sed '/\*\*/,/\./d'

Pull a specific line from a man page for a given exit code with bash

I'd like to return a specific line from the EXIT CODE section of a man page, given a valid exit code.
For example, if I run curl in a script and it returns an exit code of 2, I'd like to return the line from the curl man page:
2 Failed to initialize.
So far I've tried to pipe the output of man curl to grep like so:
Assuming $RETCODE=${?} after running a curl command...
lewis#hostname:~$ man curl | grep "${RETCODE}"[a-z:2].txt
in the format "NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2".
out to be in text mode for win32 systems.
from outputting that and return error 22.
re-use the same IP address it already uses for the control connection. (Added in 7.14.2)
But this picks up a ton of other text featuring the number. Given that the exit code section is indented I have tried
lewis#hostname:~$ man curl | grep " ${RETCODE}"
2) On windows, if there is no _curlrc file in the home dir, it
2 Failed to initialize.
21 FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server.
And as you can see, we're close. The text I'd like is there but it still returns incorrect results.
Note, for exit codes with two or more digits the white space to the right of the number in the man pages is reduced.
$ man curl | sed -n -e '/^E..X..I..T/,/^A..U..T..H/!d' -e '/ 2 /p'
Try this:
man curl | grep -E "^\s+${RETCODE}\s+"
man curl | egrep " {7}${RETCODE} +\S+"
