Cassandra Data Modeling : Dynamic column - cassandra

I have a table user_activity.
user_id text
user_name text
email_id text
password text
activity1 text}
Is it possible to add column dynamically?
for ex -
user1(user_id : Rowkey)
user_name, emai_id, password, activity1, activity2
user2(user_id : Rowkey)
user_name, emai_id, password, activity1, activity2, activity3
user3(user_id : Rowkey)
user_name, emai_id, password, activity1
since activities could be of any number.
thanks in advance :)

You can use Map
For example :
CREATE TABLE user_activity (
user_id text primary key,
emai_id text,
password text,
activity map<text,text>
Insert :
INSERT INTO user_activity (user_id, emai_id, password, activity) VALUES ('1', '','password1', {'activity1' : 'test activity 1', 'activity2' : 'test acitivty 2' });
Update :
UPDATE user_activity SET activity['activity1'] = 'updated test activity 1' where user_id = '1';
Delete :
DELETE activity['activity2'] FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = '1';
Note : Keep the collection (map) size small, In Cassandra for map Maximum number of keys: 65535 and values size: 65535


Cassandra: If a field inside an UDT is set to null, does this create a tombstone in Cassandra?

Please look at the following example:
INSERT INTO my_keyspace.my_table (id, name, my_info) VALUES (
{ birthday : '1990-01-01', height : '6.2 feet', weight : '74 kg' }
Second Insert
INSERT INTO my_keyspace.my_table (id, name, my_info) VALUES (
{ birthday : '1990-01-01', height : '6.2 feet', weight : null }
Consider "id" as the Primary Key.
In the second insert "weight" attribute inside "my_info" UDT is set as null. Does this create a tombstone? How null inside an UDT is stored in the Cassandra database?
Yes Setting a column to NULL is the same as writing a tombstone in some cases.

Reference logical aggregates - CQL

I have a univerity assignment that consists in working with CQL and Cassandra.
In the first part of the assignment I have to "identify the
reference logical aggregates, thus providing a row-oriented view of schema information, and point out attributes which model relationships", but I don't understand what is a "reference logical aggregate".
The schema is the following (it's not created by me, I downloaded it with the assignment):
DROP KEYSPACE gameindustry;
CREATE KEYSPACE gameindustry WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
USE gameindustry;
CREATE TYPE fullname (
firstname text,
lastname text
name text PRIMARY KEY,
description text,
tags set<text>
tag text PRIMARY KEY,
games set<text>
email text PRIMARY KEY,
password text,
name fullname,
notes text,
games set<text>
CREATE TABLE user_games (
user text,
game text,
PRIMARY KEY (user, game)
CREATE TABLE friends (
user text,
friend text,
PRIMARY KEY (user, friend)
CREATE TABLE matches (
user text,
game text,
when timestamp,
score int,
PRIMARY KEY (game, when, user),

Cassandra insert data into table column with data type set<text>

We're trying to setup an INSERT statement on a table with a set<text> column data type in Cassandra, but have come up with no luck. Here's an example:
INSERT INTO test_table
([{"test1":"test val 1","test2":"test val 2"}])
The result is always something like:
no viable alternative at input for [test val ]2
Enclosing values in curly brackets and separate by comma
Example :
Let's we have the schema :
user_id text PRIMARY KEY,
first_name text,
last_name text,
emails set<text>
Insert :
INSERT INTO users (user_id, first_name, last_name, emails)
VALUES('frodo', 'Frodo', 'Baggins', {'', ''});
Update :
UPDATE users SET emails = emails + {''}
WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
More Using the set type
If you want to insert value "test1":"test val 1" and "test2":"test val 2" into set then enclose each value with single quote
Example :
INSERT INTO users (user_id, first_name, last_name, emails)
VALUES('2011331035', 'Md Ashraful', 'Islam', {'"test1":"test val 1"', '"test2":"test val 2"'});

I have my type author and i put it in map in my table. How can I get access to map author, delete eg. firstname or delete lastname etc.?

My type:
firstname text,
lastname text
My table:
publishing text,
origin text,
id int,
title text,
author map<text, frozen<author>>,
categories set<text>,
pages int,
PRIMARY KEY ((publishing,origin), id, title)
You can't update or delete firstname or lastname from frozen author. you have to update or delete that whole author value
You can insert data using.
INSERT INTO ksiazki (publishing , origin , id , title , author ) VALUES ( 'pub', 'orig', 1, 'Title', {'author 1' : {firstname:'MD', lastname : 'Test'}}) ;
If you want to change 'author 1' name just update with this query :
UPDATE ksiazki SET author = author + {'author 1' : {firstname:'Ashraful', lastname : 'Islam'}} where publishing = 'pub' and origin = 'orig' and id = 1 and title = 'Title';
If you want to add another author 'author 2' use this query :
UPDATE ksiazki SET author = author + {'author 2' : {firstname:'Ashraful', lastname : 'Alom'}} where publishing = 'pub' and origin = 'orig' and id = 1 and title = 'Title';
If you want to delete 'author 2' use this query :
DELETE author['author 2'] FROM ksiazki where publishing = 'pub' and origin = 'orig' and id = 1 and title = 'Title';

Cassandra + Fetch the last records using in query

I am new in this cassandra database using with nodejs.
I have user_activity table. In this table data will insert based on user activity.
Also I have some user list. I need to fetch the data in that particular users and last record.
I don't interest to put the query in for loop. Have any other idea to achieve this?
Example Code:
var userlist = ["12", "34", "56"];
var query = 'SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ?';
server.user.execute(query, [userlist], {
prepare : true
}, function(err, result) {
How to get the user lists for last one ?
user id = 12 - need to get last record;
user id = 34 - need to get last record;
user id = 56 - need to get last record;
I need to get these 3 records.
Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE test.user_activity (
userid text,
ts timestamp,
clientid text,
clientip text,
status text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, ts)
It is not possible if you use the IN filter.
If it is a single user_id filter you can apply order by. Of course you need a column for inserted/updated time. So query will be like this:
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = 12 ORDER BY updated_at LIMIT 1;
You can put N value to get number of records
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT N
