How do I change the pin mode on the BeagleBone Green? - gpio

I'm looking to set the mode to 7 for a lot of the pins since I need more GPIOs. I've tried downloading different python scripts from github to help with it, and I've also looked into using bonescript, but that's not working on my board. Any ideas are welcome.
Edit: the other question mentioned in the comments doesn't work for me. I tried the solution and I get to the point where you need to modify slots. Then, when I try to do that, it says operation no such file or directory


Is it possible to run a python script when another computer connects to the website?

Im trying to set up a prank for my coder friends(have to clarify its not something bad, its just a harmless joke) and they are much more experienced than me. They like to brag about it, so I wanted to make them look like they got hacked by getting a singular file from their computer. Is it possible to run a script to take a their file from their computer as soon as they click on a link that i can share on discord?
I got python script to get a file, but its only when you download the script and use it, it also requires you to have any python version 3+ to run the code. Tried to make a short link but couldnt get it work either.

Compilation issues for Autodock GPU installation

I am the definition of a beginner with Linux. I need to install Autodock GPU and I hit a wall when I reached the compilation stuff.
I was able to add the following environmental variables: GPU_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/lib64 as well as GPU_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/include. Furthermore, I was also able to add DEVICE=GPU. All of these show up when I use the "printenv" command.
However, I am unable to make "DEVICE=GPU" and the NUMWI one. Supposedly I need to make a makefile, which I have no idea how and I hoping to obtain some guidance today. There is also an option at I need to look for the makefile.CUDA. I don't know which one I should do or honestly how to do either.
I am in need of help.

Problem of Running Monodevelop-Stable on Linux

I've tried to install Monodevelop-Stable on Arch-Based Linux ( Manjaro ) and i'd fault 3 times, it wasn`t possible to build from Github sources or from AUR or Flatpak, so i decided to use monodevelop-stable-bin also from AUR, but when i tried to run my app , i got this problem
"$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk (MSB4019)
Another words:
"MonoDevelop/7.0/MSBuild/2472_1/Microsoft.Csharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk (MSB4019)
But i have in my directory:
Notice , that this answer also wasn`t helpful:
this one
Question is indeed so popular on the internet , but i still haven`t found an answer , and i need some help
I have the same problem, I talked a bit more in detail in this answer, but the short of it is that, for now, it seems that there is no way to use Monodevelop on Arch based systems.
I recommend using a Ubuntu based distro for programming (there are many other similar problems with Arch). There Monodevelop should work just fine.
Of course, you can try to use other IDEs, like JetBrains Rider (I haven't personally tested it) or just use text editors with appropriate extensions, like VSCode or Atom.

Printing to Star TSP143LAN from NodeJS on Linux, with formatting

I have the proper CUPS drivers installed: I can print to my Star TSP143LAN using any application with print capability (like Chrome). I can print to this printer using the node-printer module, by specifying either the printer name or the printer’s network address, and setting the print mode to TEXT.
But I can’t seem to format what I print from NodeJS using the node-printer library. If I set the mode to RAW and send commands as specified in Star’s Command Line Emulator manual for this printer, node-printer will report a successful print but nothing happens. It doesn’t print.
I’m attempting to send these RAW commands because I want to do various formatting operations like make the font larger or bold, and so on.
I’ve tried the node-thermal-printer module but I’ve had no luck.
I’ve been scouring the internet for some help on this issue but I haven’t been able to find much. I’ve seen it mentioned that the TSP143 LAN doesn’t communicate in the same way as other star products and it’s best to use Star’s drivers as a go-between, but I’m not sure what that means. (I thought I might be doing that already when specifying the printer’s class name when attempting to print from node-printer...)
I didn’t have much trouble implementing the Star Swift SDK into an iOS app and doing formatting operations there. But I need to print from a NodeJS environment on Linux. I’m at a loss.
If there’s anybody to whom this sounds familiar and can point me in the right direction I’d be very grateful...
After quite a bit of research, it looks like the Star TSP100/TSP143 LAN is not able to print using Line Mode Commands or ESC/POS from Linux: the solution has been to generate a PDF from HTML (using wkhtmltopdf) and then print the PDF using the node printer library ( I have not yet found a better way to properly format prints.

How to open an uml2 .tex?

I apologize if this this is an extremely amateur question. But before yesterday I had never even heard to tex, latex, mactex, all this stuff.
Basically I have cloned a git repo in which the UML documents appear to be in a .tex file. Following google, this has led me to install MacTex, try to open these files. Click 'typeset' which I presume is how it produces the document, but it gives an error about 'uml2' being invalid syntax.
What program, or what anything, am I supposed to use to open a .tex file which has stuff like this in it:
\tikzstyle{uml2} = [
Is this even something your supposed to open in a program and view visually? I suppose this file named uml.tex will show a UML diagram once opened. Or do I have completely the wrong idea? Sorry if this is extremely amateur, like I said I've never heard of this since before yesterday, and google isn't turning up lots of information on this. Any direction would be much appreciated.
You need to install pgf from The easiest is to use TexLive. Once you got all packages installed you can typeset the TeX file. I'm using TexShop which is a nice app for the Mac.
Since you indicate you never heard of TeX before: TeX is a program written by Donald Knuth many, many years ago when computers were engined with steam. But it's the best you can find for typesetting. It's mature, crude and more than 99,99% error free. Donald Knuth has a bounty for each error you find in the code and he did not have to pay since many years. What you do is to create those TeX files (there are different macro packages were LaTeX is the most famous) and send them to the TeX processor. That will create the output (now its PDF and formerly it was some DIV (device independent viewer IIRC)).
Edit I downloaded tikz-uml from here: and moved the tikz-uml.sty to folder where the main .tex source is placed. After including
in the header I was able to compile the source.
Note: there is a global location for .sty files but that depends in the app you use. Use Google to find this place. But putting .sty near your .tex is fine anyway. A \usepackage directive first looks in the source folder before looking into the global ones.
