Xamarin Can't View Provisioning Profiles in Studio - xamarin.ios

I am new to Xamarin. I Have created a app and trying to integrate Push Notification in IOS. But When I try to add Apple Developer Account to Xamarin studio it gets added but when i click on 'View Details' it does not show me the Signing Identities and Provisioning Profiles.
But I Can view it in X-Code

First of all I advise you to install Visual Studio for Mac, it's the successor of Xamarin Studio, Xamarin Studio will no longer be maintained.
It's normal, Xamarin Studio does not support all the feature of Xcode, the compilation is based on Xcode so for certains actions you need to use Xcode, it's more clear and easy.


Visual Studio publishing to app store with Xamarin

I can't find any documentation on how to publish your app to the app store from Visual Studio? Is this a case of having to use Xamarin Studio once you are ready to submit your app?
It seems a bit odd that xamarin gives you the opportunity to use Visual Studio but then has absolutely no instructions on how to create a bundle to submit your app to the app store..
Any tips on how to do this with Visual Studio would be great.
As far as I know, there's no way of submitting to AppStore (or even TestFlight) from VS.
I believe that you can only submit builds to the App Store using Xcode or Application Loader. Both Mac programs.
Personally I make a release build in Visual Studio, and then click the 'Show IPA File In Build server' button.
If the buttons greyed out, right-click your iOS solution, select properties. Then go to 'iOS IPA Options' and check 'Build ad-hoc/enterprise package (IPA)'
Then I go to my Mac and start up Application Loader and drag the IPA file there.

Xamarin set up IOS build host

I am using visual studio for Xamarin development and I have a business license for both Android and IOS. The Android version of my project is nearing completion and I want to begin development on the IOS version.
I am following the process listed in the requirements and installation section of the below link:
I have added my Apple Account ID to XCode however as far as I can tell you need to manually assign an IOS Certificate to the build hosts keychain to beable to build from visual studio
If you are using Visual Studio for Xamarin.iOS development, you also
have the option of provisioning manually using the Apple Developer
Now as far as I can tell this has a $99 cost involved? Is this fee mandatory before I can build any IOS apps from visual studio ?
After pairing the build host and building my app it seems my suspicions are confirmed. A IOS Development Certificate
stored in the keychain is required
As far as i know you don't actually need the iOS Certificates for developing with Visual Studio and the build host, as long as you're running your app on the iOS simulator. However, as soon as you want to test your app on a real device you need the certificates. And just a reminder, you should test on real devices as soon as possible. I got some really bad surprises after developing exclusively on the simulator for more than 6 weeks ...

Where should i add New code signing identity stuff in xamarin studio?

I am trying to run previously code signed app source code on an iOS device using xamarin studio.
Since I have to code sign it with the new identity for my device.
where should i add the code sign stuff in xamarin studio.
in xcode i could do this under the "build setting->code signing" section.
but xamarin doesn't have this kinda stuff inside, i guess
I have already added my Apple Dev. Account in Xamarin Preferences. and included in in info.plist under the "Team" section.
but nothing seems to work..
When i run the app i.e debug the app on an iPad
it still asks for the previous code sign identity.
what am i missing ?
is it not possible to code sign a previously code signed app with a different identity in xamarin studio. ?
PS. :- i am using xamarin studio version 4.2.2
EDIT in favor of binncheol answer
i don't think there is anything like "Option' > 'iOS Build Setting"
have a look at my screen shot of the tool bar.
if you meant 'Options' by 'preferences'
here is screen shot of my preference window in xamarin.
If you go to the 'Options' > 'iOS Bundle Signing' menu for your iOS project in Xamarin Studio you should be able to select your identity and provisioning profiles.

Create Mac apps with Xamarin from Visual Studio

It seems to be easy enough to create Android and IOS apps on Xamarin in Visual Studio, but I can't see how to create OSX apps.
On the Xamarin download page for Windows/VS it states that this "Includes the following: Mac - Develop Apps with Xamarin.Mac". There is no option to create an OSX/Mac project
Apologies if I'm being dense but I am going round in circles here and always end up with information on creating IOS apps. I know I can create apps using Xamarin Studio on the Mac but that isn't ideal.
It wasn't possible before, but it is possible now with Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2. The support is limited to certain project types though. More information is available in the blog post.

Xamarin 2.0 Iphone resource prefix

I have installed Xamarin 2.0 and i can now starte the iphone simulator from visual studio. I have added another Iphone resource prefix to my project Resources;images
When i run the app from Visual studio the resources in the images folder is not included in the app. If i run it from Xamarin studio on the mac, it all works fine.
Any suggestions on how to fix this ?
This appears to be a bug in the Xamarin.iOS addin for VS. I filed it.
