Do we still need mutex if everything is immutable? - haskell

I noticed there is a Mutex structure in Haskell. I did not understand how it works as I am not a Haskell developer, but If every variable is immutable (as FP is advocating), why do we still need a mutex?

Indeed, all variables are immutable. But they can represent, for example, references to objects and there is a class of functions that allow you to describe the process of changing the contents of these references. If a similar process is in another thread, then there will be a problem.
You can say that Haskell is a language for modeling. And it's clean. But it allows you to model not pure calculations, but actual work on impure calculations makes runtime (or by FFI). And we need to design something like a mutex into our model for multithreaded programming.
I think, if you really want to understand why there is something like mutex in Haskell, first of all, you should understand how Haskell can have a function, for example, like readFile which takes a file path and returns its content? Problem is that readFile must be pure and impure, which is paradoxical. So, how in Haskell this paradox solved? Try to answer on this question and I believe you will understand more things by this way.

I'm not too sure where you're finding a structure called Mutex, but if you're talking about Data.Mutex, that's for the Fay language, which is a javascript-targetting language.
If you're talking about Control.Concurrent.Lock, that's what freestyle said which is that it's modelling a locking mechanism.
The more usual way of doing inter-process concurrency, though, uses what's called Software Transactional Memory and this uses the Control.Monad.STM module which uses a form of transactional memory that has a kind of automatic locking mechanism where most of the time you don't have to worry about manual locking. This is comparatively amazing when you consider manual locking.
Rich Hickey has been responsible for pushing this idea further into the mainstream by making an implementation of it in the Clojure language, but essentially this mechanism allows the application level programmer to not worry about the extreme pain of manual locking and synchronisation mechanisms. Reads are extremely fast because of immutability and writes get replayed automatically. Simon Peyton Jones has a paper on it and here's a link to a video of him talking about it at an o'reilly conference called "Transactional Memory for Concurrent Programming":


Multi-threaded (Parallel) Access to Built-in Common Lisp Objects

The topic of multi-threaded access to Lisp objects came up in another post at, but as a side issue, and I am hoping for further clarification.
In general, Lisp functions (and special forms, macros, etc) seem to naturally divide into accessors and modifiers of objects. Modifiers of shared objects are clearly problematic in multi-threaded applications, since updates occurring at the same time can interfere with each other (requiring protective locks, atomic operations, etc).
But the question of potential accessor interference seems less clear. Of course, any accessor could be written to include latent modifying code, but I would like to think that the basic Lisp accessor operations (as specified in CLHS and implemented for the various platforms) do not. However, I suspect there could be a very few exceptions for reasons of efficiency—exceptions that would be good to be aware of if otherwise used in multi-threaded code without protection. (The kind of exceptions I’m talking about are not operations like maphash which can be used as both an accessor and modifier.)
It would be helpful if anyone with implementation experience could point to at least one built-in access-only operation (say in SBCL or other source) that includes potentially troublesome modification. I know guarantees are hard to come by, but heuristic guidance is useful too.
Any code that does that would be a bug in an implementation that supports multithreading. SBCL protects functions that are not thread-safe with the famous *world-lock*.
If you have a real reason to want an immutable structure, use defconstant with a read-only defstruct.
(defstruct number (value :read-only t))
(defconstant +five+ (make-number 5))

Large-scale design in Haskell? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 6 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
What is a good way to design/structure large functional programs, especially in Haskell?
I've been through a bunch of the tutorials (Write Yourself a Scheme being my favorite, with Real World Haskell a close second) - but most of the programs are relatively small, and single-purpose. Additionally, I don't consider some of them to be particularly elegant (for example, the vast lookup tables in WYAS).
I'm now wanting to write larger programs, with more moving parts - acquiring data from a variety of different sources, cleaning it, processing it in various ways, displaying it in user interfaces, persisting it, communicating over networks, etc. How could one best structure such code to be legible, maintainable, and adaptable to changing requirements?
There is quite a large literature addressing these questions for large object-oriented imperative programs. Ideas like MVC, design patterns, etc. are decent prescriptions for realizing broad goals like separation of concerns and reusability in an OO style. Additionally, newer imperative languages lend themselves to a 'design as you grow' style of refactoring to which, in my novice opinion, Haskell appears less well-suited.
Is there an equivalent literature for Haskell? How is the zoo of exotic control structures available in functional programming (monads, arrows, applicative, etc.) best employed for this purpose? What best practices could you recommend?
EDIT (this is a follow-up to Don Stewart's answer):
#dons mentioned: "Monads capture key architectural designs in types."
I guess my question is: how should one think about key architectural designs in a pure functional language?
Consider the example of several data streams, and several processing steps. I can write modular parsers for the data streams to a set of data structures, and I can implement each processing step as a pure function. The processing steps required for one piece of data will depend on its value and others'. Some of the steps should be followed by side-effects like GUI updates or database queries.
What's the 'Right' way to tie the data and the parsing steps in a nice way? One could write a big function which does the right thing for the various data types. Or one could use a monad to keep track of what's been processed so far and have each processing step get whatever it needs next from the monad state. Or one could write largely separate programs and send messages around (I don't much like this option).
The slides he linked have a Things we Need bullet: "Idioms for mapping design onto
types/functions/classes/monads". What are the idioms? :)
I talk a bit about this in Engineering Large Projects in Haskell and in the Design and Implementation of XMonad. Engineering in the large is about managing complexity. The primary code structuring mechanisms in Haskell for managing complexity are:
The type system
Use the type system to enforce abstractions, simplifying interactions.
Enforce key invariants via types
(e.g. that certain values cannot escape some scope)
That certain code does no IO, does not touch the disk
Enforce safety: checked exceptions (Maybe/Either), avoid mixing concepts (Word, Int, Address)
Good data structures (like zippers) can make some classes of testing needless, as they rule out e.g. out of bounds errors statically.
The profiler
Provide objective evidence of your program's heap and time profiles.
Heap profiling, in particular, is the best way to ensure no unnecessary memory use.
Reduce complexity dramatically by removing state. Purely functional code scales, because it is compositional. All you need is the type to determine how to use some code -- it won't mysteriously break when you change some other part of the program.
Use lots of "model/view/controller" style programming: parse external data as soon as possible into purely functional data structures, operate on those structures, then once all work is done, render/flush/serialize out. Keeps most of your code pure
QuickCheck + Haskell Code Coverage, to ensure you are testing the things you can't check with types.
GHC + RTS is great for seeing if you're spending too much time doing GC.
QuickCheck can also help you identify clean, orthogonal APIs for your modules. If the properties of your code are difficult to state, they're probably too complex. Keep refactoring until you have a clean set of properties that can test your code, that compose well. Then the code is probably well designed too.
Monads for Structuring
Monads capture key architectural designs in types (this code accesses hardware, this code is a single-user session, etc.)
E.g. the X monad in xmonad, captures precisely the design for what state is visible to what components of the system.
Type classes and existential types
Use type classes to provide abstraction: hide implementations behind polymorphic interfaces.
Concurrency and parallelism
Sneak par into your program to beat the competition with easy, composable parallelism.
You can refactor in Haskell a lot. The types ensure your large scale changes will be safe, if you're using types wisely. This will help your codebase scale. Make sure that your refactorings will cause type errors until complete.
Use the FFI wisely
The FFI makes it easier to play with foreign code, but that foreign code can be dangerous.
Be very careful in assumptions about the shape of data returned.
Meta programming
A bit of Template Haskell or generics can remove boilerplate.
Packaging and distribution
Use Cabal. Don't roll your own build system. (EDIT: Actually you probably want to use Stack now for getting started.).
Use Haddock for good API docs
Tools like graphmod can show your module structures.
Rely on the Haskell Platform versions of libraries and tools, if at all possible. It is a stable base. (EDIT: Again, these days you likely want to use Stack for getting a stable base up and running.)
Use -Wall to keep your code clean of smells. You might also look at Agda, Isabelle or Catch for more assurance. For lint-like checking, see the great hlint, which will suggest improvements.
With all these tools you can keep a handle on complexity, removing as many interactions between components as possible. Ideally, you have a very large base of pure code, which is really easy to maintain, since it is compositional. That's not always possible, but it is worth aiming for.
In general: decompose the logical units of your system into the smallest referentially transparent components possible, then implement them in modules. Global or local environments for sets of components (or inside components) might be mapped to monads. Use algebraic data types to describe core data structures. Share those definitions widely.
Don gave you most of the details above, but here's my two cents from doing really nitty-gritty stateful programs like system daemons in Haskell.
In the end, you live in a monad transformer stack. At the bottom is IO. Above that, every major module (in the abstract sense, not the module-in-a-file sense) maps its necessary state into a layer in that stack. So if you have your database connection code hidden in a module, you write it all to be over a type MonadReader Connection m => ... -> m ... and then your database functions can always get their connection without functions from other modules having to be aware of its existence. You might end up with one layer carrying your database connection, another your configuration, a third your various semaphores and mvars for the resolution of parallelism and synchronization, another your log file handles, etc.
Figure out your error handling first. The greatest weakness at the moment for Haskell in larger systems is the plethora of error handling methods, including lousy ones like Maybe (which is wrong because you can't return any information on what went wrong; always use Either instead of Maybe unless you really just mean missing values). Figure out how you're going to do it first, and set up adapters from the various error handling mechanisms your libraries and other code uses into your final one. This will save you a world of grief later.
Addendum (extracted from comments; thanks to Lii & liminalisht) —
more discussion about different ways to slice a large program into monads in a stack:
Ben Kolera gives a great practical intro to this topic, and Brian Hurt discusses solutions to the problem of lifting monadic actions into your custom monad. George Wilson shows how to use mtl to write code that works with any monad that implements the required typeclasses, rather than your custom monad kind. Carlo Hamalainen has written some short, useful notes summarizing George's talk.
Designing large programs in Haskell is not that different from doing it in other languages.
Programming in the large is about breaking your problem into manageable pieces, and how to fit those together; the implementation language is less important.
That said, in a large design it's nice to try and leverage the type system to make sure you can only fit your pieces together in a way that is correct. This might involve newtype or phantom types to make things that appear to have the same type be different.
When it comes to refactoring the code as you go along, purity is a great boon, so try to keep as much of the code as possible pure. Pure code is easy to refactor, because it has no hidden interaction with other parts of your program.
I did learn structured functional programming the first time with this book.
It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but for beginners in functional programming, this may be one of the best first steps to learn to structure functional programs - independant of the scale. On all abstraction levels, the design should always have clearly arranged structures.
The Craft of Functional Programming
I'm currently writing a book with the title "Functional Design and Architecture". It provides you with a complete set of techniques how to build a big application using pure functional approach. It describes many functional patterns and ideas while building an SCADA-like application 'Andromeda' for controlling spaceships from scratch. My primary language is Haskell. The book covers:
Approaches to architecture modelling using diagrams;
Requirements analysis;
Embedded DSL domain modelling;
External DSL design and implementation;
Monads as subsystems with effects;
Free monads as functional interfaces;
Arrowised eDSLs;
Inversion of Control using Free monadic eDSLs;
Software Transactional Memory;
State, Reader, Writer, RWS, ST monads;
Impure state: IORef, MVar, STM;
Multithreading and concurrent domain modelling;
Applicability of mainstream techniques and approaches such as UML, SOLID, GRASP;
Interaction with impure subsystems.
You may get familiar with the code for the book here, and the 'Andromeda' project code.
I expect to finish this book at the end of 2017. Until that happens, you may read my article "Design and Architecture in Functional Programming" (Rus) here.
I shared my book online (first 5 chapters). See post on Reddit
Gabriel's blog post Scalable program architectures might be worth a mention.
Haskell design patterns differ from mainstream design patterns in one
important way:
Conventional architecture: Combine a several components together of
type A to generate a "network" or "topology" of type B
Haskell architecture: Combine several components together of type A to
generate a new component of the same type A, indistinguishable in
character from its substituent parts
It often strikes me that an apparently elegant architecture often tends to fall out of libraries that exhibit this nice sense of homogeneity, in a bottom-up sort of way. In Haskell this is especially apparent - patterns that would traditionally be considered "top-down architecture" tend to be captured in libraries like mvc, Netwire and Cloud Haskell. That is to say, I hope this answer will not be interpreted as an attempt replace any of the others in this thread, just that structural choices can and should ideally be abstracted away in libraries by domain experts. The real difficulty in building large systems, in my opinion, is evaluating these libraries on their architectural "goodness" versus all of your pragmatic concerns.
As liminalisht mentions in the comments, The category design pattern is another post by Gabriel on the topic, in a similar vein.
I have found the paper "Teaching Software Architecture Using Haskell" (pdf) by Alejandro Serrano useful for thinking about large-scale structure in Haskell.
Perhaps you have to go an step back and think of how to translate the description of the problem to a design in the first place. Since Haskell is so high level, it can capture the description of the problem in the form of data structures , the actions as procedures and the pure transformation as functions. Then you have a design. The development start when you compile this code and find concrete errors about missing fields, missing instances and missing monadic transformers in your code, because for example you perform a database Access from a library that need a certain state monad within an IO procedure. And voila, there is the program. The compiler feed your mental sketches and gives coherence to the design and the development.
In such a way you benefit from the help of Haskell since the beginning, and the coding is natural. I would not care to do something "functional" or "pure" or enough general if what you have in mind is a concrete ordinary problem. I think that over-engineering is the most dangerous thing in IT. Things are different when the problem is to create a library that abstract a set of related problems.

Why are functional languages considered a boon for multi threaded environments?

I hear a lot about functional languages, and how they scale well because there is no state around a function; and therefore that function can be massively parallelized.
However, this makes little sense to me because almost all real-world practical programs need/have state to take care of. I also find it interesting that most major scaling libraries, i.e. MapReduce, are typically written in imperative languages like C or C++.
I'd like to hear from the functional camp where this hype I'm hearing is coming from..
It's important to add one word: "there's no shared state".
Any meaningful program (in any language) changes the state of the world. But (some) functional languages make it impossible to access the same resource from multiple threads simultaneously. The absence of shared state makes multithreading safe.
Functional languages such as Haskell, Scheme and others have what are called "pure functions". A pure function is a function with no side effects. It doesn't modify any other state in the program. This is by definition threadsafe.
Of course you can write pure functions in imperative languages. You also find multi-paradigm languages like Python, Ruby and even C# where you can do imperative programming, functional programming or both.
But the point of Haskell (etc) is that you can't write a non-pure function. Well that's not strictly true but it's mostly true.
Similarly, many imperative languages have immutable objects for much the same reason. An immutable object is one whose state doesn't change once created. Again by definition an immutable object is threadsafe.
You're talking about two different things and don't realize it.
Yes, most real-world programs have state somewhere, but if you want to do multithreading, that state should not be everywhere, and in fact, the fewer places it's in, the better. In functional programs, the default is not to have state, and you can introduce state exactly where you need it and nowhere else. Those parts that are dealing with state will not be as easily multithreaded, but since all the rest of your program is free of side-effects and thus it doesn't matter what order those parts are executed in, it removes a huge barrier to parallelization.
However, this makes little sense to me because almost all real-world
practical programs need/have state to take care of.
You'd be surprised! Yes, all programs need some state (I/O in particular) but often you don't need much more. Just because most programs have heaps of state doesn't mean they need it.
Programming in a functional language encourages you to use less state, and thus your programs become easier to parallelise.
Many functional languages are "impure" which means they allow some state. Haskell doesn't, but Haskell has monads which basically let you get something from nothing: you get state using stateless constructs. Monads are a bit fiddly to work with which is why Haskell gives you a strong incentive to restrict state to as small a part of your program as possible.
I also find it interesting that most major scaling libraries, i.e.
MapReduce, are typically written in imperative languages like C or C++.
Programming concurrent applications is "hard" in C/C++. That's why it's best to do all the dangerous stuff in a library which is heavily tested and inspected. But you still get the flexibility and performance of C/C++.
Higher order functions. Consider a simple reduction operation, summing the elements of an array. In an imperative language, programmers typically write themselves a loop and perform reductions one element at a time.
But that code isn't easy to make multi-threaded. When you write a loop you're assuming an order of operations and you have to spell out how to get from one element to the next. You'd really like to just say "sum the array" and have the compiler, or runtime, or whatever, make the decision about how to work through the array, dividing up the task as necessary between multiple cores, and combining those results together. So instead of writing a loop, with some addition code embedded inside it, an alternative is to pass something representing "addition" into a function that can do the divvying. As soon as you do that, you're writing functionally. You're passing a function (addition) into another function (the reducer). If you write this way then it not only makes more readable code, but when you change architecture, or want to write for heterogeneous architecture, you don't have to change the summer, just the reducer. In practice you might have many different algorithms that all share one reducer so this is a big payoff.
This is just a simple example. You may want to build on this. Functions to apply other functions on 2D arrays, functions to apply functions to tree structures, functions to combine functions to apply functions (eg. if you have a hierarchical structure with trees above and arrays below) and so on.

difference between kernel objects and C# objects?

In C# or C++ we have objects, instances of classes that are live in memory. The kernel also has objects, like interrupt objects. I wondered if these kernel objects can be thought of as we C# or C++ programmers objects?
The short answer is 'yes'. Objects are a state of mind. You can organize your work in objects in assembly language with a few macros, or in PL/I, or C, or C++. Some people might insist that it isn't an object without some sort of binding of dispatch to objects. Well, kernel/C object models use functions pointers to accomplish, somewhat more manually, what languages like C++, C#, or Java do.
What, after all, is an 'object'?
Answer 1: any lump of data that groups some related items. Any c struct. Some people would bridle and insist on ...
Answer 2: the combination of data and functions, such that code 'calls' the object, and the results depend on conditions set up by the creator of the object. So, in C++ or C# or Java, there is inheritance. Code calls SomeObject.someFunction(), and what happens depends on the inheritance graph, which is controlled by the object author, not by the caller.
In kernels, and in the pleistocene era when some of us learned to program, we accomplish(ed) the same thing, more or less, with simpler languages, using function pointers. That is to say, a slot in a structure that stores a reference to a function. The caller calls someobject.throwAnEgg, and what actually happens depends on what function pointer is sitting in `throwAnEgg'.
I think this should be tagged as subjective as the answers are going to vary and reflect the individual's personal view of things.
My take is this...
When you are talking about low-level stuff, sometimes, it is easier to bring in the perspective of OOP into it, to make it easier to communicate the concepts of what happens in the kernel level
I'd rather prefer to talk in terms of low-level nuts and bolts rather, because the complexity of the nuts and bolts can be easily solved by hammering it out, rather than talking and thinking in terms of objects because it is contriving and making a complex thing sound simple and setting yourself up for false thinking in terms of code economy.
For an example, from a kernel viewpoint, a TSS (Task State Segment) is a structure for holding the registers at the point before a task switch takes place (this is based on the processor being switched to 32bit and has paging enabled and so on). If you talk in terms of OOP aspect, i.e. a task selector object, that would not sound right because you're talking about a high level aspect when really, it is an actual nuts and bolts, take a look at the Intel 80386 programmer's manual, and there are references to the TSS, Chapter 13 - Protected-Mode Multitasking, Section 13.1 in the document 24143004.pdf available for download here
If you are talking high-level, from a high-level programming aspect, then it would be easier to define the OOP paradigm.
So, going back to your question, from a kernel aspect, you can if you wish, talk from a simplistic and concrete OOP terms, nonetheless, it would make you think in terms of having to put extra effort into coding in order to follow the OOP paradigm which may or could end up with convoluted code.
If the book you are reading is about Linux you might be looking for kobject, which is simply an abstraction supporting Linux driver model. But in general any piece of data that is somehow associated with some behaviour like set of functions, macros, etc. might be called an object. This is much relaxed from more or less formal definition of object in OO languages like C# or C++.

Achieving Thread-Safety

Question How can I make sure my application is thread-safe? Are their any common practices, testing methods, things to avoid, things to look for?
Background I'm currently developing a server application that performs a number of background tasks in different threads and communicates with clients using Indy (using another bunch of automatically generated threads for the communication). Since the application should be highly availabe, a program crash is a very bad thing and I want to make sure that the application is thread-safe. No matter what, from time to time I discover a piece of code that throws an exception that never occured before and in most cases I realize that it is some kind of synchronization bug, where I forgot to synchronize my objects properly. Hence my question concerning best practices, testing of thread-safety and things like that.
mghie: Thanks for the answer! I should perhaps be a little bit more precise. Just to be clear, I know about the principles of multithreading, I use synchronization (monitors) throughout my program and I know how to differentiate threading problems from other implementation problems. But nevertheless, I keep forgetting to add proper synchronization from time to time. Just to give an example, I used the RTL sort function in my code. Looked something like
FKeyList.Sort (CompareKeysFunc);
Turns out, that I had to synchronize FKeyList while sorting. It just don't came to my mind when initially writing that simple line of code. It's these thins I wanna talk about. What are the places where one easily forgets to add synchronization code? How do YOU make sure that you added sync code in all important places?
You can't really test for thread-safeness. All you can do is show that your code isn't thread-safe, but if you know how to do that you already know what to do in your program to fix that particular bug. It's the bugs you don't know that are the problem, and how would you write tests for those? Apart from that threading problems are much harder to find than other problems, as the act of debugging can already alter the behaviour of the program. Things will differ from one program run to the next, from one machine to the other. Number of CPUs and CPU cores, number and kind of programs running in parallel, exact order and timing of stuff happening in the program - all of this and much more will have influence on the program behaviour. [I actually wanted to add the phase of the moon and stuff like that to this list, but you get my meaning.]
My advice is to stop seeing this as an implementation problem, and start to look at this as a program design problem. You need to learn and read all that you can find about multi-threading, whether it is written for Delphi or not. In the end you need to understand the underlying principles and apply them properly in your programming. Primitives like critical sections, mutexes, conditions and threads are something the OS provides, and most languages only wrap them in their libraries (this ignores things like green threads as provided by for example Erlang, but it's a good point of view to start out from).
I'd say start with the Wikipedia article on threads and work your way through the linked articles. I have started with the book "Win32 Multithreaded Programming" by Aaron Cohen and Mike Woodring - it is out of print, but maybe you can find something similar.
Edit: Let me briefly follow up on your edited question. All access to data that is not read-only needs to be properly synchronized to be thread-safe, and sorting a list is not a read-only operation. So obviously one would need to add synchronization around all accesses to the list.
But with more and more cores in a system constant locking will limit the amount of work that can be done, so it is a good idea to look for a different way to design your program. One idea is to introduce as much read-only data as possible into your program - locking is no longer necessary, as all access is read-only.
I have found interfaces to be a very valuable aid in designing multi-threaded programs. Interfaces can be implemented to have only methods for read-only access to the internal data, and if you stick to them you can be quite sure that a lot of the potential programming errors do not occur. You can freely share them between threads, and the thread-safe reference counting will make sure that the implementing objects are properly freed when the last reference to them goes out of scope or is assigned another value.
What you do is create objects that descend from TInterfacedObject. They implement one or more interfaces which all provide only read-only access to the internals of the object, but they can also provide public methods that mutate the object state. When you create the object you keep both a variable of the object type and a interface pointer variable. That way lifetime management is easy, because the object will be deleted automatically when an exception occurs. You use the variable pointing to the object to call all methods necessary to properly set up the object. This mutates the internal state, but since this happens only in the active thread there is no potential for conflict. Once the object is properly set up you return the interface pointer to the calling code, and since there is no way to access the object afterwards except by going through the interface pointer you can be sure that only read-only access can be performed. By using this technique you can completely remove the locking inside of the object.
What if you need to change the state of the object? You don't, you create a new one by copying the data from the interface, and mutate the internal state of the new objects afterwards. Finally you return the reference pointer to the new object.
By using this you will only need locking where you get or set such interfaces. It can even be done without locking, by using the atomic interchange functions. See this blog post by Primoz Gabrijelcic for a similar use case where an interface pointer is set.
Simple: don't use shared data. Every time you access shared data you risk running into a problem (if you forget to synchronize access). Even worse, each time you access shared data you risk blocking other threads which will hurt your paralelization.
I know this advice is not always applicable. Still, it doesn't hurt if you try to follow it as much as possible.
EDIT: Longer response to Smasher's comment. Would not fit in a comment :(
You are totally correct. That's why I like to keep a shadow copy of the main data in a readonly thread. I add a versioning to the structure (one 4-aligned DWORD) and increment this version in the (lock-protected) data writer. Data reader would compare global and private version (which can be done without locking) and only if they differr it would lock the structure, duplicate it to a local storage, update the local version and unlock. Then it would access the local copy of the structure. Works great if reading is the primary way to access the structure.
I'll second mghie's advice: thread safety is designed in. Read about it anywhere you can.
For a really low level look at how it is implemented, look for a book on the internals of a real time operating system kernel. A good example is MicroC/OS-II: The Real Time Kernel by Jean J. Labrosse, which contains the complete annotated source code to a working kernel along with discussions of why things are done the way they are.
Edit: In light of the improved question focusing on using a RTL function...
Any object that can be seen by more than one thread is a potential synchronization issue. A thread-safe object would follow a consistent pattern in every method's implementation of locking "enough" of the object's state for the duration of the method, or perhaps, narrowed to just "long enough". It is certainly the case that any read-modify-write sequence to any part of an object's state must be done atomically with respect to other threads.
The art lies in figuring out how to get useful work done without either deadlocking or creating an execution bottleneck.
As for finding such problems, testing won't be any guarantee. A problem that shows up in testing can be fixed. But it is extremely difficult to write either unit tests or regression tests for thread safety... so faced with a body of existing code your likely recourse is constant code review until the practice of thread safety becomes second nature.
As folks have mentioned and I think you know, being certain, in general, that your code is thread safe is impossible (I believe provably impossible but I would have to track down the theorem). Naturally, you want to make things easier than that.
What I try to do is:
Use a known pattern of multithreaded design: A thread pool, the actor model paradigm, the command pattern or some such approach. This way, the syncronization process happens in the same way, in a uniform way, throughout the application.
Limit and concentrate the points of synchronization. Write your code so you need synchronization in as few places as possible and the keep the synchronization code in one or few places in the code.
Write the synchronization code so that the logical relation between the values is clear on both on entering and on exiting the guard. I use lots of asserts for this (your environment may limit this).
Don't ever access shared variables without guards/synchronization. Be very clear what your shared data is. (I've heard there are paradigms for guardless multithreaded programming but that would require even more research).
Write your code as cleanly, clearly and DRY-ly as possible.
My simple answer combined with those answer is:
Create your application/program using
thread safety manner
Avoid using public static variable in
all places
Therefore it usually fall into this habit/practice easily but it needs some time to get used to:
program your logic (not the UI) in functional programming language such as F# or even using Scheme or Haskell. Also functional programming promotes thread safety practice while it also warns us to always code towards purity in functional programming.
If you use F#, there's also clear distinction about using mutable or immutable objects such as variables.
Since method (or simply functions) is a first class citizen in F# and Haskell, then the code you write will also have more disciplined toward less mutable state.
Also using the lazy evaluation style that usually can be found in these functional languages, you can be sure that your program is safe fromside effects, and you'll also realize that if your code needs effects, you have to clearly define it. IF side effects are taken into considerations, then your code will be ready to take advantage of composability within components in your codes and the multicore programming.
