Exporting a brightway project - brightway

I am changing computer and would like to keep some projects with me.
I know where the project folders/files are located (C:\Users\AwesomeUser\AppData\Local\pylca\Brightway3), and hence where to copy them, but am unsure how to add them to projects.db
What is the best practice for moving projects across computers?

You can use the backup_project_directory and restore_project_directory functions in Brightway2-IO (see source code for usage).


electron - incremental updating?

I am using electron-vue & electron-packager.
I am wondering whether I can do something like incremental updating, that is, after running an electron build command, I don't need to copy the whole electron-linux-x64 folder to my dist machine to update it to the newest, but instead I only need to copy some files in the folder.
Here is what I found up to now: I edit some code for the renderer process. Then I let electron-packager to build a package for linux. Then I find that not all the generated files have been changed. Instead, it seems that only the resources/*.asar have been changed. If I just copy these files to the dist machine, it seems that the machine updates well. But I am not sure whether some hidden files are changed too.
I would appreciate it if anyone could help me!
Since there are some upvotes to this question, and after three years I have gained more knowledge let me answer myself, making whoever reads this post can find a solution :)
Firstly, in 2020 there may already have solutions. For instance, try this and this.
Secondly, you can also use rsync to only copy the changed parts in a folder. Moreover, if a big file (say 10GB) only changes a little bit in the middle (say 1MB), it will only transfer that little bit (say 1MB). This is a general tool and can be used everywhere.
Lastly, as a side remark, manually copy your file to the development server is not a good idea. Try to automate this process. The simplest would be a several-line bash script using scp/rsync and so on, and the most complex may be Kubernetes and Docker.

Perforce and handling switching different versions of a framework/library

I have two versions of a framework both stored under a "thirdparty" directory in my depot. One is in beta which I'm evaluating, and the other is stable. When I first made my workspace, I had it set up to use the stable one, but now I'd like to switch it to use the beta one for testing. I've got a few questions:
Let's say the frameworks are named Framework-2.0-beta and Framework-1.0-stable. Ideally I'd like them to just simply map to a "framework" directory on my local machine, so that I don't have to change all my include paths and such in my project files. Then, in theory, if I wanted to swap back and forth between frameworks, I'd just simply change which one from the depot I'm pulling and then do an update again. How do I do this? I tried at first just mapping them like I mentioned above, but I seem to be getting some errors using this method.
Is this the best way to go about something like this? Like, am I supposed to instead just use a unique workspace for use with one version of the framework vs. another?
Thanks for your help.
The most straight forward way with just perforce means is to put both versions framework the
framework to perforce and map one of them in the clientview of your project.
For example submit the frameworks to places like this:
In your projects clientview you map one of the two to a fixed target path, e.g.:
//thirdparty/framework-2.0-beta/... //yourclient/framework/...
So far so good.
But in larger environments (with several people developing the same project) you will definitely run into problems with that approach because:
the compile/test/performance results of your workspace are not
necessarily the same of other people working on the same project
(depending on the clientview)
having several modules (thirdparty or not) and handling them in this
way will be hard to manage and lead to problems with crossdependencies (e.g. module a
version 2 will require module b version > 3, but that doesn't work with certain other
modules, etc.)
There are tools to solve these dependency issues. Look for Apache Ivy or Maven.

How to manage multiple tfs gated checkin build definitions

We currently have 2 solutions that share several projects between them, as well as have some projects that are unique to each of them. We currently have a build definition for each of these solutions set to Gated Checkin.
Unfortunately, it seems that having multiple definitions with gated checkins set means that if I make a change to one of the shared projects, it only runs one definition. In a perfect world, I want it to build both solutions in this circumstance.
I know that I could just create a single build definition that builds both solutions, and this will work great in the scenario in question, but then if I am modifying a project that it unique to a solution, it will still build both solutions, ugh.
Is there a way to configure our builds such that we get the best of both worlds? I would like the consistency of insuring shared code correctly works on both solutions, but I also would like builds to not take double the time for changes that affect only one solution or another (by far our most common use case).
Or am I just stuck with the tradeoff of one or the other?
The basic problem with your current situation is "how to identify the change"? Whether it's the common project or the unique project that was modified. I dont think there is any EASY means of identifying this at the time of building the code.
One option which you is NOT THE BEST solution would be to separate out the common projects into another solution which compiles and put the DLL's to a common location which the unique solutions use. This way you can have 3 independent gated- checkins, if there is change to common solution you compile both unique solutions within the same build definition. If not you compile the common and the one unique solution in their own build def.

Haskell coding via Emacs/Vim in Linux : organising files into projects

I have two questions regarding coding Haskell in Emacs/VIM in Linux :
If one wanted to organise a haskell code base into multiple projects (where files of a given project are stored in a particular folder) then can emacs and vim handle this? The reason is that I have used IDE's before where all the projects are loaded at once into the session, but am not sure how this would work for Emacs/VIM.
Another nice thing about IDEs is that I can go the definition of a function from a given project, even if that function definition is in a separate project (i.e. stored in a separate folder). Can Emacs/VIM handle this?
There was some discussion here : Haskell IDE for Windows?
VIM/Emacs don't care how you organize your files. They're primarily editors, so you can use them to edit files no matter how you lay out your directory structure. Other than that, it's good to follow some standard conventions, or adapt the structure for tools you are going to use. You can have a look at Structure of a Haskell project. It is also convenient to use Cabal to build your project and to manage its dependencies.
VIM/Emacs can use Ctags index files for navigating in your project. See Tags for available options how to create these index files. The indexing tools don't expect any specific project structure, so if you need to navigate in multiple projects, you can just index a directory with multiple projects into one index file.
There's an Emacs mode called Projectile that allows some "project-like" functionality, which might be what you're looking for. I haven't really used it myself (I tend to stick to the old *nix way of just editing files), so I can't give you details, but it can't hurt to check it out.
Not sure if I understood the gist of question correctly. The following is my suggestion concerning the question of management of multiple projects in Vim, without regard to the language employed.
You could take advantage of vim sessions. With a few custom functions/keymappings in your .vimrc you'll be able to keep a separate session file for each project, either in the project directory or the one you'd dedicate for session files.
This is the general how-to: http://vim.runpaint.org/editing/managing-sessions/
And there you'll find a number of scripts that specifically address the issue of handling multiple project-specific sessions: How to auto save vim session on quit and auto reload on start including split window state?

Code archive? what do people use?

I have loads of notepad , js , .cs in a folder that I use to refer back to when I'm developing. They are just in a folder on my laptop. Is anyone aware of a better way of storing all this guff in a more stuctured way? Thinking some kind of cloud website or something?
You can use a wiki for this kind of thing. There are wikis that are local, such as TiddlyWiki.
One way or another, to keep things safe, you should use source control, and/or backup to the cloud.
I keep my code samples that aren't project-specific in a revision-controlled directory tree, based on the language they're in; actual projects are also kept in revision control, but are kept separately. I have tons of them now.
For smaller idioms and snippets that are useful or that I forget as I switch between languages for a period of time, I pop them into a wiki, with different pages also based on which language they're in. I don't put whole files in there; I just extract the pieces that I tend to forget and pop them in there.
They do tend to build up as time goes on, so just putting the smaller pieces in is much more efficient for fast lookup.
