How to use nightmare to press arrow key? - node.js

Is there any way to use nightmare (the nodeJS module) to press an arrow key? Either by sending the key to the specific element or by clicking on the element and sending the keypress to the page as a whole?
My problem is that there is a dropdown menu which, when clicked on, displays some options below it. These options do not appear to be clickable, I have tried click and even the realClick nightmare extension. Neither seem able of selecting any element of the dropdown. While playing around with the page, I found that by using the arrow keys and the enter key, I could select the options without clicking. So is there any way to send the keypress events to electron? Either through nightmare or by accessing electron directly?

It is called auto complete menu and there is no standard way of doing it.
I tried working with Google and came up with a method. I think, it will be tough to make generic solution, as it depends on how auto complete is implemented. Hope this helps!
var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var nightmare = Nightmare({
show: true,
webPreferences: {}
.evaluate(function(searchTerm) {
var elem = document.querySelector('#lst-ib');
elem.value = searchTerm;
//Do mousedown to initiate auto complete window
var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
event.initEvent('mousedown', true, true);
}, 'Leo')
.then(function() {
//Wait for results to appear
.evaluate(function() {
//Click the first option of List
var first = document.querySelector('#sbtc > div.gstl_0.sbdd_a > div:nth-child(2) > div.sbdd_b > div > ul > li:nth-child(1)');;
}).then(function() {
console.log('All Done');


CKEditor 4 : how to apply via API a style to current text

I am fighting with CKEditor in order that after CKEditor is loaded with a content and without selecting any style from toolbar, the changes (new text) made from an user, are automatically set in bold (no toolbar needed for the user).
I tried executing a command on the "click" event setting the bold style but it does not work very well
myEditor.on("instanceReady", function() {
var editable = myEditor.editable();
editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
so I changed inserting element with bold style on click event
myEditor.on("instanceReady", function() {
var editable = myEditor.editable();
editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
var parent = myEditor.getSelection().getStartElement()
//simplified code without check if span already exist
myEditor.insertHtml('<span class="boldStyle">');
This works a bit better but I wonder if this approach is a good idea or how I could do better

fabric.js canvas listen for keyboard events?

In my fabric application, I'm currently listening for certain key presses such as the delete key, and deleting any selected elements. My method of listening for key presses is:
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (46 === e.keyCode) {
// 46 is Delete key
// do stuff to delete selected elements
I'm running into a problem though: I have other elements like text boxes on the page, and when typing in a text box, I don't want the delete key to delete any elements.
In this question, there's a method described to attach an event listener to an HTML5 canvas:
canvas.tabIndex = 1000;
allows you to use canvas.addEventListener with keyboard events.
Could I use something similar to this with fabric's canvas?
When I tried it like this,
var CANVAS = new fabric.Canvas('elemID', {selection: false})
CANVAS.tabIndex = 1000;
CANVAS.addEventListener("keydown", myfunc, false);
I get "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" from Chrome.
Here's what I've ended up doing: I've got a wrapper div around the canvas used by fabric, and I've added the event listener to this wrapper.
var canvasWrapper = document.getElementById('canvasWrap');
canvasWrapper.tabIndex = 1000;
canvasWrapper.addEventListener("keydown", myfunc, false);
This is working exactly like I want. The delete presses that happen inside a text box aren't picked up by the the listener.
As Jay suggested "If the user is editing, don't do anything. If not, then delete active objects". If someone is looking complete solution, here it is:
canvas= this.$refs.canvas
checkDelete(e) {
if (
e.keyCode == 46 ||
e.key == 'Delete' ||
e.code == 'Delete' ||
e.key == 'Backspace'
) {
if (this.canvas.getActiveObject()) {
if (this.canvas.getActiveObject().isEditing) {
// Delete object
deleteObject() {
<canvas ref="canvas"></canvas>

Paste as plain text Contenteditable div & textarea (word/excel...)

I would like the to paste text in a contenteditable div, but reacting as a textarea.
Note that I want to keep the formatting as I would paste it in my textarea (from word, excel...).
1) Paste text in contenteditable div
2) I get the text from clipboard
3) I push my value from clipboard to my textarea, (dont know how??)
4) Get value from my textarea and place it in my contenteditable div
Any suggestions?
I'm CKEditor's core developer and by coincidence for last 4 months I was working on clipboard support and related stuff :) Unfortunately I won't be able to describe you the entire way how pasting is handled, because the tales of the impl are too tricky for me even after writing impl by myself :D
However, here're some hints that may help you:
Don't write wysiwyg editor - use one that exists. It's going to consume all your time and still your editor will be buggy. We and guys from other... two main editors (guess why only three exist) are working on this for years and we still have full bugs lists ;).
If you really need to write your own editor check out - it's the old impl, before I rewrote it, but it works everywhere where it's possible. The code is horrible... but it may help you.
You won't be possible to handle all browsers by just one event paste. To handle all ways of pasting we're using both - beforepaste and paste.
There's number (huge number :D) of browsers' quirks that you'll need to handle. I can't to describe you them, because even after few weeks I don't remember all of them. However, small excerpt from our docs may be useful for you:
Paste command (used by non-native paste - e.g. from our toolbar)
* fire 'paste' on editable ('beforepaste' for IE)
* !canceled && execCommand 'paste'
* !success && fire 'pasteDialog' on editor
Paste from native context menu & menubar
(Fx & Webkits are handled in 'paste' default listner.
Opera cannot be handled at all because it doesn't fire any events
Special treatment is needed for IE, for which is this part of doc)
* listen 'onpaste'
* cancel native event
* fire 'beforePaste' on editor
* !canceled && getClipboardDataByPastebin
* execIECommand( 'paste' ) -> this fires another 'paste' event, so cancel it
* fire 'paste' on editor
* !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor
The rest of the trick - On IEs we listen for both paste events, on the rest only for paste. We need to prevent some events on IE, because since we're listening for both sometimes this may cause doubled handling. This is the trickiest part I guess.
Note that I want to keep the formatting as I would paste it in my textarea (from word, excel...).
Which parts of formatting do you want to keep? Textarea will keep only basic ones - blocks formatting.
See up to line 123 - this is the last part of the task - inserting content into selection.
Current solution works perfect in IE/SAF/FF
But still i need a fix for "non" keyboard events, when pasting with mouse click...
Current solution for keyboard "paste" events:
$(document).ready(function() {
function bind_paste_textarea(){
var activeOnPaste = null;
var code = e.which || e.keyCode;
if((code == 86)){
activeOnPaste = $(this);
if(activeOnPaste != null){
activeOnPaste = null;
<div id="mypastediv" contenteditable="true" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid orange;">
<textarea id="mytextarea" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid red;"></textarea>
I have achieved this using rangy library to save and restore selections.
I also perform some other work using the library in the same functions, which I have stripped out of this example, so this is not optimal code.
<div><div id="editor"contenteditable="true" type="text"></div><div>
var inputArea = $element.find('#editor');
var debounceInterval = 200;
function highlightExcessCharacters() {
// Bookmark selection so we can restore it later
var sel = rangy.getSelection();
var savedSel = sel.saveCharacterRanges(editor);
// Strip HTML
// Prevent images etc being pasted into textbox
// Restore the selection
sel.restoreCharacterRanges(editor, savedSel);
// Event to handle checking of text changes
var handleEditorChangeEvent = (function () {
var timer;
// Function to run after timer passed
function debouncer() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
return function () {
if (timer) {
// Pass the text area we want monitored for exess characters into debouncer here
timer = $timeout(debouncer, debounceInterval);
function listen(target, eventName, listener) {
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(eventName, listener, false);
} else if (target.attachEvent) {
target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, listener);
// Start up library which allows saving of text selections
// This is useful for when you are doing anything that might destroy the original selection
var editor = inputArea[0];
// Set up debounced event handlers
var editEvents = ["input", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "cut", "copy", "paste"];
for (var i = 0, eventName; eventName = editEvents[i++];) {
listen(editor, eventName, handleEditorChangeEvent);

jqGrid - Change filter/search pop up form - to be flat on page - not a dialog

I am using jqgrid.
I really need help with this, and have no clue how to do it, but i am sure its possible... can any one give me even a partial answer? were to start from?
I now have a requirement saying that for searching and filtering the grid I dont want the regular model form pop op thing opening, instead the filter should be open when entering the page but not as a pop up form , but should be on the top of the page but still have all the functions to it.
Needs to look like this:
And again having the select tag filled with the correct information (like they do in the popup form) and when clicking on "Save" it should send the request to the server, like regular.
Is this possible?
The only thing i basically need is to have the filter with out the dialog part of it.
The solution of the problem for the old searching dialog you can find here. I modified the demo to the current implementation of the searching dialog in the jqGrid.
You can see the results on the demo:
The corresponding code is below:
var $grid = $('#list');
// create the grid
// jqGrid opetions
// set searching deafauls
$.extend($, {multipleSearch: true, multipleGroup: true, overlay: 0});
// during creating nevigator bar (optional) one don't need include searching button
$grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: false});
// create the searching dialog
var gridSelector = $.jgrid.jqID($grid[0].id), // 'list'
$searchDialog = $("#searchmodfbox_" + gridSelector),
$gbox = $("#gbox_" + gridSelector);
// hide 'close' button of the searchring dialog
// place the searching dialog above the grid
$searchDialog.css({position: "relative", zIndex: "auto", float: "left"})
Here's the way I implemented it, using Oleg's excellent help.
I wanted my users to be able to immediately type in a search criteria (in this case, a user's name) and for the jqGrid to show the results. No messing around with the popup Search dialog.
Here's my end result:
To do this, I needed this HTML:
Employee name:
<input type="text" name="employeeName" id="employeeName" style="width:250px" />
<!-- This will be my jqGrid control and pager -->
<table id="tblEmployees"></table>
<div id="pager"></div>
and this JavaScript:
$("#employeeName").on('change keyup paste', function () {
function SearchByEmployeeName()
// Fetch the text from our <input> control
var searchString = $("#employeeName").val();
// Prepare to pass a new search filter to our jqGrid
var f = { groupOp: "AND", rules: [] };
// Remember to change the following line to reflect the jqGrid column you want to search for your string in
// In this example, I'm searching through the UserName column.
f.rules.push({ field: "UserName", op: "cn", data: searchString });
var grid = $('#tblEmployees');
grid[0] = f.rules.length > 0;
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(f) });
grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1 }]);
Again, my thanks to Oleg for showing how to use these search filters.
It really makes jqGrid much more user-friendly.

dijit menu onmouseover

I am using menu using and Its work with right click and left click.
How I open the menu on mouse over and close on onmouseout?
dijitActionMenu = new dijit.Menu({
Have you tried something like
// Create a new Tooltip
var tip = new dijit.Tooltip({
// Label - the HTML or text to be placed within the Tooltip
label: '<div class="myTipType">This is the content of my Tooltip!</div>',
// Delay before showing the Tooltip (in milliseconds)
showDelay: 250,
// The nodes to attach the Tooltip to
// Can be an array of strings or domNodes
connectId: ["myElement1","myElement2"]
More details are here dialogs_tooltips.Even dijit.Menu have onMouseOver even.
onMouseOver Event
I am able to get the dijit/Menu onmouseover.
Create an element which will invoke onmouseover event.
show() will call custom widget which will create menu for you.
show = function() {
var roll = new rollover()
And rollover.js will be the custom widget.
From the constructor of it, you can invoke the function and create the menu.
pMenu = new Menu({ class: "rollovermenu", id: "rolloverid" });
