Sparx Enterprise Architetc Pattern Integration with a Custom Toolbox - modeling

I have a problem in adding a pattern in Sparx Enterprise Architect.
I created a diagram and then saved as a pattern as is shown in the following figure.
In addition, I designed my own custom toolbox using MDG technology, and I want to integrate that diagram with my toolbox to be something similar to the following figure
I just need to integrate that pattern (XML file) with my custom toolbox in MDG technology.

Pretty much straight forward. Once you create your MDG
check the Patterns box. Now the next after the profiles will ask for your patterns:
Locate your pattern files (best they were saved in a separate directory) and include your pattern(s).
Your MDG should now include the added pattern(s).
To refer the pattern in a toolbox you need to add <profileID>::<patternName>(UMLPattern) manually where appropriate.


Watson Explorer Text Analysis and SPSS modeller

I have a project where we are required to go through a repository of letters and decide if the letter "passed" or "failed" a certain business rules. We will using Watson Explorer. For me personally, I believe WEX NLP can be used to extract and understand the content, but I am not sure if we need other tools like SPSS Modeller to then score the letters. Or can WEX do that by itself without further tools?
Thank you in advance.
Looking at your project use case i.e. "to go through a repository of letters and decide if the letter "passed" or "failed" a certain business rules"
Yes, it can be done by making use of Watson Explorer Advanced edition. The Watson Explorer Advanced Edition has 2 major components:
Watson Explorer Engine (Foundation Component) - It is the component responsible for Big Data Ingestion and it also hosts a UI component called Watson AppBuilder.
Watson Content Analytics - WCA (Advanced Component) - It is the component responsible for Text annotation, business rule definition and dictionary declaration, bsically text analytics on data.
So, there shouldn't be any need to use SPSS, given that it is an business rule type use case (which can be built in WCA). And can be integrated with the displayed on AppBuilder UI by making use Custom Converter on WEX Engine (where you ingest the data and add converters to make use of the WCA business rules to be applied on the data).
Also, if you are looking at creating your own UI and Backend using some other technology such as Node JS or JAVA (JSP), then you may want to use the WCA or the WEX API's for the same.
Hope this helps.

Enterprise Architect Create an Installation Wizard for a Custom Toolbox

I created my custom toolbox in Sparx Enterprise Architect using MDG technology, and I want to share and install this toolbox among my colleague's machines.
How to can create an installation wizard can be used as a setup file of my toolbox?
There are a few ways of installing your MDG for other users.
If you have a single central model the easiest way is to import it into the model. That will make it available to all users of the model. Go to Resources, right click MDG Technologies and select the option Import MDG Technology
If you want to install it per user go to the MDG Technologies page and click on the Advanced button. This will allow you to enter either an url or a file path to the MDG file. Put your MDG file at the logication you specify here. This process will have to be repeated for each user who needs to use your MDG, but can be automated by figuring out the specific registry keys that store this information and using some kind of enterprise software distribution system to push the registry settings to all users. Edit the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sparx Systems\EA400\EA\OPTIONS\MDGTechnology PathList if you want to use this method.

How to Create a Hierarchy of Elements Generated Automatically in Sparx Enterprise Architect

I am using Sparx Enterprise Architect for the modeling process.
I created a custom requirements toolbox which is called security requirements based on a list of security standards using MDG technology.
I would like to create a hierarchy of requirements once the user drag-and-drop the main element into the workspace all sub-elements (requirements) are displayed automatically.
How I can create or design something similar to this process.
You need to define a _subtypeProperty in your metatype like described in EA's documentation
As always with EA you need some try-and-error to get it working. You might compare with BPMN2 Activity which offers such a menu:
The according MDG is located under EA's program folder in the MDGTechnologies. Just find the string _subtypeProperty and following taskType.

Liferay: Can we create deployable site template?

I'm quite new in liferay and this must have been a very basic question.
Can we make site templates deployable as standalone component like themes? If yes how can we do this? Any help or content explains how to do this will be great.
You can export and import site templates - they'll not be deployed like themes, but you can carry them from one portal to another. Check the cogs-icon in the top-right of the Site Template configuration screen in Control-Panel and you'll find the Export/Import Actions. The individual SiteTemplate's Action button also has an Export option available.
Another option is to get familiar with Liferay's API (learn ServiceBuilder for understanding the concepts) and examine the sourcecode. A good starting point is the ancient 7cogs sample code (not all will compile as-is, this article is for an older version, but the principles will help you to understand). Also note that the article links a second follow-up article. Everything in Liferay is done through the API and you can literally automate everything - you'll "just" have to find the proper API and use it.
Site templates can be deployed in a plugin via the use of Liferay's Resources Importer.
See: for more information.
You can probably find some some examples here:

UML (or similar) for JSF/xhtml

Sort of a new area for me, but the project I'm working on involves a lot of .xhtml files that include JSF and Javascript (lots of <ui:include>s). I'm hoping to find an eclipse plugin or other piece of software that will allow me to view and navigate through these files in a flowchart/UML-like diagram.
Searches have turned up lots of plugins, but it isn't very clear if they'll do what I'm looking for. So far the ones I've tried have not. Thanks for any information!
You can represent your files in UML using standard UML deployment elements and diagrams. You can define files as artifacts with specific file extension and use deployment relationship to depict to which nodes are your files deployed. Nodes could be executable environments like web server, object container etc. You can create informative network with precise navigation this way. If you also need to define structure of XML or HTML tags, try to find special UML Profile rather than plugin. (for example UML profile for XML, UML Profile for HTML etc.)
