Change tab bar width for pages in VIM - vim

I usually work with a lot of pages at the same time in VIM, and some of them are less relevant than others. Is it possible to adjust the width of some tabs, like the "pin tab" feature in Chrome?

You could use the taboo.vim plugin to change a tab label. Once it's installed, run:
:TabooRename <tabname> " auto-adjusts the tab's width
You can also use the tabline option. This is more complicated, since you need a single expression that includes labels for all the open tabs. See setting-tabline for a complete example.
To move a tab to the beginning of the tab list use :tabmove 0.


Is there any way to set background color of lines in GoLand (JetBrains IDE)?

Is there any way to set the background color for certain lines in GoLand (JetBrains IDE) so I can sign what code I have read?
Is it possible to do this? Does not matter if it's an IDE function or via some plugin.
There are a few ways to mark some lines and add them to the "Reading" list:
Bookmarks. It is built-in functionality in IntelliJ-based IDEs. You can go to the line with Authenticator interface declaration and select Edit | Bookmarks | Toggle Bookmark in the main menu. All bookmarks are available in View | Tool Windows | Bookmarks.
3rd-party plugins. I'm aware of MultiHighlight plugin that supports selection of the piece of code.
Sticky selection can do that trick.
there is the brief intro about it:
you can mark a selection to be permanently highlighted, even when your caret moves away. Inspired by "Style token" of Notepad++.
You can define an arbitrary number of Paint Groups. Selecting the appropriate editor action (keystroke or context menu), the all occurrences of currently selected text will be added to the Paint Group and will be permanently highlighted (until you clear the selection with an other editor action). So you can have different text fragments to be selected with the same Paint Group. The Paint Groups are kept when IntelliJ is closed.
You can set different colours for each Paint Group
You can set a marker to be visible on the right side of the editor
You can add multiple selections to the same group
You can convert a Paint Group to multi caret selection (and thus edit, copy, delete, etc. it)
For convenience you can undo the last addition (until the document is edited)
You can cycle through each element in a given Paint Group or in all Paint Groups
Keymap actions are added dynamically for paint, clear and convert as you add more Paint Group

vim x/y scrollbar hiding my commands and being really anoying

i'm a new vim user since 2 weeks and i've currently have my biggest trouble for the moment on vim.
i always have a x and y scrollbar on my vim and the x one is very anoying because it cover my commands.
here is a screenshot of the scrollbars that appears when i use terminal inside of vim using `:term` / `:!dir` or even when i save my vimrc or source it (`:so ~/.vimrc`)
if there is any solutions to it i will be really grateful, thanks for reading
This is an issue with your layout settings in Powershell and Ubuntu. Right click on the top bar of either program, go to Properties and then go to the Layout tab. You can check the Wrap text output on resize box and that should get rid of your horizontal scrollbar, thereby allowing you to use Vim as normal. Alternatively, in the same menu, you can decrease the width of the screen buffer size so that it is smaller than the width of the window size.

Sublime Text: How can I disable auto scrolling while I'm typing in the Find box?

I am currently trying to write a complex regex for a huge file. Every time I type in the find input box to make a small change, Sublime scrolls me either to the top of the document or to a semi-random location (from what I can remember, it doesn't always scroll to the first match), even when there are matches where I'm already scrolled to in the file. It makes for a pretty painful workflow: I write down the line number on a piece of paper, edit my regex, and then have to "go-to" back to the line I was already at. How can I prevent this, or at the very least, does anybody know why exactly this is happening in the first place?
This is controlled by the Highlight Matches button in the Find and Find and Replace panels, and causes Sublime to show you all of the matches, highlighting one of them and outlining the remainder in a region to show you where they are.
The visual appearance of the button is controlled by the theme you use, but it's always in this position in the panel (and it should have the same icon in all other find panels as well); it also has a tooltip that tells you the name.
When the search term is modified and this option is turned on, Sublime jumps to a match, though this doesn't occur if the panel opens with an existing search term already in it; in that case matches are highlighted but the view doesn't change.
The option also exists in Incremental Find panel as well, but turning it off there only stops other matches from being highlighted as by definition Incremental Find is for jumping to a search term incrementally as you modify it.

GVim tab bar: scroll tab bar instead of changing buffer on arrow click?

I frequently have 10-20 files open simultaneously in GVim (more than fits nicely into screen horizontally) and I've enabled tab bar (set showtabline=1). I'd like to change the tab bar behaviour so that when I click the arrow button on either end of the tab bar, the tab bar would scroll instead of switching to next/previous tab. Is this possible?
No, I don't think this is possible. All aspects of tab pages are described at :help tabpage, and I didn't find a setting there.
In general, you should avoid having too many tab pages, because you lose out on opportunities for quick navigation and movement of text across buffers. Things like the quickfix and preview windows always open in window splits, so learn how to use them (and the underlying concepts of windows vs. buffers).
I know that many people today open dozens of tabs in their browsers, but Vim is different. I only use tab pages to separate different workspaces (e.g. edit a mapping in tab 3 while I'm coding in tab 1 and have the documentation in tab 2).

vim (gvim) - dock the tab bar on the right instead fo the top

Is it possible to set the dock position of the tab bar? I can only see a few tabs in it's default position on top, it would serve me much better on the right.
Is it possible to do this? Or is there a plugin for keeping the buffers displayed similar to tabs (but docked on the right instead of the top)? NERDtree is really cool but it doesn't list the open buffer
It isn't possible to put the tab bar on the right. Or anywhere else for that matter, apart from where it is now.
As far as buffers list, there are several plugins for managing buffers, MiniBufExplorer being one of the more popular ones. NERDTree is not really a buffer manager, more of a file manager.
