GVim tab bar: scroll tab bar instead of changing buffer on arrow click? - vim

I frequently have 10-20 files open simultaneously in GVim (more than fits nicely into screen horizontally) and I've enabled tab bar (set showtabline=1). I'd like to change the tab bar behaviour so that when I click the arrow button on either end of the tab bar, the tab bar would scroll instead of switching to next/previous tab. Is this possible?

No, I don't think this is possible. All aspects of tab pages are described at :help tabpage, and I didn't find a setting there.
In general, you should avoid having too many tab pages, because you lose out on opportunities for quick navigation and movement of text across buffers. Things like the quickfix and preview windows always open in window splits, so learn how to use them (and the underlying concepts of windows vs. buffers).
I know that many people today open dozens of tabs in their browsers, but Vim is different. I only use tab pages to separate different workspaces (e.g. edit a mapping in tab 3 while I'm coding in tab 1 and have the documentation in tab 2).


Sublime Text 3: Hide tab bar in only one view

If I have multiple views open in a window in Sublime Text 3, is there a way for me to hide the tab bar in only one of the views, rather than View > Hide Tabs, which hides the tab bar in all views?
Except for Justin's workaround, there is not a way to do this in a single window. The toggle_tabs command is associated with the window, not an individual view, so it operates on all views within a particular window.
Hypothetically, you could write a Python plugin to execute toggle_tabs every time you switched to a particular view, but it would have to be file- or file type-specific.
If its just one view just drag it to make it a new window that way you will have two windows, one with the tabs you wish to see and other with ones you dont want to see

How to switch between tabline and buffers view in vim airline?

I've been using vim-airline on vim-8.0 and it displays tabs in the tabline and when I mouse left-click (with mouse input enabled) on filename on the far right hand side of the tabline the view switches to buffers (if I have enabled the option: let g:airline#extensions#tabline#show_buffers = 1).
But so far I can't seem to find a way to get back to tab view again? This may just be a standard vim tab navigation issue as even with show_buffers disabled when I click on the right hand side of the tabline I get stuck with viewing just that file.
A solution using the mouse would be preferable but a vim command would be fine too.

Change tab bar width for pages in VIM

I usually work with a lot of pages at the same time in VIM, and some of them are less relevant than others. Is it possible to adjust the width of some tabs, like the "pin tab" feature in Chrome?
You could use the taboo.vim plugin to change a tab label. Once it's installed, run:
:TabooRename <tabname> " auto-adjusts the tab's width
You can also use the tabline option. This is more complicated, since you need a single expression that includes labels for all the open tabs. See setting-tabline for a complete example.
To move a tab to the beginning of the tab list use :tabmove 0.

View tabs during ctrl-tab in Sublime Text?

In Windows, when you press Alt and Tab together, then repeatedly press Tab while holding down on the Alt, you see a list of all open windows and you can toggle between them.
In Notepad++ and other editors, you can do the same thing with editor tabs using the Ctrl+Tab combo.
Although Sublime Text supports basic Ctrl-Tab, it doesn't support the ability to view a list of all the tabs while keeping the Ctrl tab held down (as does Notepad++). Is there some plugin that provides this functionality, or an alternate key-combination I'm not aware of?
Tabs are just open files, to view a list of your open files View -> Sidebar -> Show Open Files

vim (gvim) - dock the tab bar on the right instead fo the top

Is it possible to set the dock position of the tab bar? I can only see a few tabs in it's default position on top, it would serve me much better on the right.
Is it possible to do this? Or is there a plugin for keeping the buffers displayed similar to tabs (but docked on the right instead of the top)? NERDtree is really cool but it doesn't list the open buffer
It isn't possible to put the tab bar on the right. Or anywhere else for that matter, apart from where it is now.
As far as buffers list, there are several plugins for managing buffers, MiniBufExplorer being one of the more popular ones. NERDTree is not really a buffer manager, more of a file manager.
