Error when using shutdown command in Bash - linux

read -p 'Want to use the timer (y/n) ? ' jwb2
if [[ $jwb2 =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo -n "Now Days "
date +"%A and hour %T"
read -p 'How many hours [24hrs] :' jwb3
echo Process the command
sudo bash -c "Shutdown -h $jwb3"
and running the script now,
Want to use the timer (y/n) ? y
Now Days Thursday and hour 16:09:49
How many hours [24hrs] :18:00
Process the command
bash: Shutdown: command not found
Why am I getting this error?

Use shutdown instead Shutdown.


Shell Script is not generating the logs file

I am trying to capture the netstat command logs for every minute.I have written a script which runs in loop.But my script executes till capturing logs statement into code.
export TODAY=`date`
export i=0
while [ true ]
echo "capturing logs" $i
sh > test$i.log
echo "sleeping for 1m"
sleep 60
netstat -l 5575 | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '[%s] %s\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$line"; done
The output from above script is :
capturing logs
(If i press crtl-c then it move further and it display "sleeping for 1m" statement and i need to press again crtl-c when it comes to "capturing logs statement").
sh > test$i.log
Is waiting for to finish, which probably takes way too long to complete.
Try to execute in another tty like
setsid sh -c 'exec [launch the script] <> /dev/tty[number_of_tty] >&0 2>&1'
and let me know.
Be careful not to run a lot of processes on the same tty. You can play with [number_of_tty] to avoid this.
Could solve the problem, could not, but it's worth trying.

Kill background process when another process ends in Linux

I have a little question and I hope someone can help me because I can not find a proper solution.
I want to resolve a hostname; while waiting for the result, I'd like to print a notification if it takes more than 30 seconds with shell script commands, preferably built-ins or ubiquitous system commands.
I have a background process that sleeps and then prints a message; while sleeping, the process runs ping, but I can't figure out how to kill the background process after the ping finishes and the message keeps printing even if the ping ends prior to the 30 second time limit since this is part of a bigger script that takes some time to run.
Here's the code that I've been using:
((sleep 30; echo "Querying the DNS server takes more than 30 seconds.") & ping -q -c 1 localhost >/dev/null)
I would greatly appreciate any and all help. Other solutions are welcome too; I just want to tell the user that the DNS is too slow and this will affect the further execution. I have tried ping -w or -W but this is not measuring the resolution time. I have tried to trap the result from the ping. I have tried to kill all processes with the same GPID but it is killing the console also. I am not the best with scripts, maybe this is the reason why this takes me so much time. Thank you in advance.
I hope this approach helps you. I think everything is pretty much portable, except for "bc" maybe. I can give you a "bc-less" version if you need it. Good luck!
timeout=10; ## This is how long to wait before doing some batshit!
printed=1; ## this is how many times you want the message displayed (For #instance, you might want a message EVERY X seconds)
starttime="$( date +%F ) $( date +%T.%3N )"
sleep 30 &
processId=$! ## And here we got the procees Id
while [ ! -z "$( ps -ef | grep $processId | grep -v grep )" ]
endtime="$( date +%F ) $( date +%T.%3N )";
timeelapsed=$( echo " $(date -d "$endtime" "+%s" ) - $(date -d "$starttime" "+%s" ) " | bc );
if [[ ($timeelapsed -gt $timeout) && ($printed -ne 0) ]]
echo "This is taking more than $timeout seconds";
printed=$(( printed - 1 ));
starttime="$( date +%F ) $( date +%T.%3N )"
### Do something once everything finished
echo "The background process ended!!"

clear my script logs every 10 second

I have script with name :
This is my script code :
#!/usr/bin/env bash
install() {
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then
if [ ! -f ./tg/tgcli ]; then
echo "tg not found"
echo "Run $0 install"
exit 1
#sudo service redis-server restart
#./tg/tgcli -s ./bot/bot.lua -l 1 -E $#
./tg/tgcli -s ./bot/bot.lua $#
and when run this script give me output like this every second :
[09:54] 2014 Hello
[09:55] 2014 Hi
[09:57] 2014 How Are you ?
and many like this (thousands in hour !)
and my server get slow in 5 hour.
i check print commands in bot.lua but there are no way to remove print it.
can you add some codes to clear my script logs every 10 second ?
Thanks a lot.
My Script Output Doesn't Save Anywhere and Just Show me in terminal
I want a code such as clear command on linux terminal , clear my script logs every 10 minute or 5 minute.
After 5 day of script running i can (sometimes can't) login my server and my server get very slow and i must wait 3 or 5 minute to login my server and this amazing after login my server my server again get fast !
and i forgot say i use byobu screen for run my scripts and I think screen get my server slow down.
I don't think that something as simple as this would cause your server to slow down, but you can add a check to your script to calculate the size or line count of your log file every time it runs.
This function assumes you are redirecting your output to a log file. Set the variables to whatever makes the most sense.
log_check() {
line_count=$(wc -l $log_file | awk '{print $1}')
size_check=$(du -ax $log_file | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ $line_count >= $max_file_length || $size_check >= $max_file_size ]]; then
echo "" > $log_file
I would also recommend using [[ ]] over [ ] since this is a bash script, as long as you don't plan in it being posix compliant and only plan on using it with bash [[]] is always better than [].
Since you are logging output to the terminal and not a file you can literally use the clear command in your script.
Try this out and see how the functionality works
for i in {1..20}; do
echo $i
if (( i == 10 )); then
I'm assuming your code has a loop somewhere, if not it will be a bit more complex to clear the terminal session. I'm not really sure what part of your code is actually printing anything to stdout, I'm guessing it's this piece here
./tg/tgcli -s ./bot/bot.lua $#
You could try something like this, which will background your initial process and then run clear every 60 seconds to clear the terminal window. Is there any reason you're not writing the output to a log file? That alone could solve some of your issues as well.
./tg/tgcli -s ./bot/bot.lua $# &
check_pid() {
ps -ef |grep "$pid"|grep -v 'grep' &>/dev/null
until ! check_pid; do
if (( cnt == 6 )); then
sleep 10

send control c to a linux command after specific time intervel?

Shell Scripting:
I am doing some testing on my router, I am using mdk3 and reaver utility for that.
here are the two commands:
[cmd1] echo y|reaver -i wlan2mon -b 00:FF:EE:CC:DS:B6 -vv -l 230
[cmd2] sudo mdk3 wlan2mon a -a 00:FF:EE:CC:DS:B6
I am trying to create a shell script which will run [cmd1] for 2 minutes, then it will send the ctrl + c signal to [cmd1] so that it will save the reaver session.
then cmd2 will run for 2 minutes and this will also stop after that.
these two will be in loop.
below is the sample script which I written can you add timer to it..?
while :; do echo
echo "running mdk for 2 minutes";
timeout 120 sudo mdk3 wlan2mon a -a 00:FF:EE:CC:DS:B6;
echo "mdk finished";
echo "starting reaver for 2 minutes ";
#here timeout won't work, as ctrl+c can only save the state.
//add code here to run reaver utility for two minutes and send ctrl+c to it
echo y|reaver -i wlan2mon -b 00:FF:EE:CC:DS:B6 -vv;
echo "reaver ran for two minutes";
I'm not familiar with the reaver program, but I think the following should work,
# Run reaver as a background process (add &)
echo y|reaver -i wlan2mon -b 00:FF:EE:CC:DS:B6 -vv &
# Save the process id.
# Sleep 2 minutes
sleep 120
# Send SIGINT, which is what ctrl-c normally does.
kill -SIGINT $reaverpid

Linux Script to check if process is running and act on the result

I have a process that fails regularly & sometimes starts duplicate instances..
When I run:
ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
I will get:
This is normal as the process runs with a recovery process..
If I get
I will want to start the process
if I get:
I will want to stop & restart the process
What I need is a way of taking the result of ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
Then setup a simple 3 option function
ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
if answer = 0 (start process & write NOK & Time to log /var/processlog/check)
if answer = 2 (Do nothing & write OK & time to log /var/processlog/check)
if answer = 4 (stot & restart the process & write NOK & Time to log /var/processlog/check)
The process is stopped with
killall -9 process
The process is started with
process -b -c /usr/local/etc
My main problem is finding a way to act on the result of ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname".
Ideally, I would like to make the result of that grep a variable within the script with something like this:
process=$(ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname")
If possible.
Programs to monitor if a process on a system is running.
Script is stored in crontab and runs once every minute.
This works with if process is not running or process is running multiple times:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof amadeus.x86 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
/etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
1) # all ok
*) echo "Removed double Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
kill $(pidof amadeus.x86 | awk '{print $1}')
0 If process is not found, restart it.
1 If process is found, all ok.
* If process running 2 or more, kill the last.
A simpler version. This just test if process is running, and if not restart it.
It just tests the exit flag $? from the pidof program. It will be 0 of process is running and 1 if not.
pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
/etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
And at last, a one liner
pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt && /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
This can then be used in crontab to run every minute like this:
* * * * * pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt && /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
cccam oscam
I adopted the #Jotne solution and works perfectly! For example for mongodb server in my NAS
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof mongod | wc -w)" in
0) echo "Restarting mongod:"
mongod --config mongodb.conf
1) echo "mongod already running"
I have adopted your script for my situation Jotne.
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof oscam1 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "oscam1 not running, restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 &
2) echo "oscam1 running, all OK: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "multiple instances of oscam1 running. Stopping & restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
kill $(pidof oscam1 | awk '{print $1}')
While I was testing, I ran into a problem..
I started 3 extra process's of oscam1 with this line:
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1
which left me with 8 process for oscam1. the problem is this..
When I run the script, It only kills 2 process's at a time, so I would have to run it 3 times to get it down to 2 process..
Other than killall -9 oscam1 followed by /usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1, in *)is there any better way to killall apart from the original process? So there would be zero downtime?
If you changed awk '{print $1}' to '{ $1=""; print $0}' you will get all processes except for the first as a result. It will start with the field separator (a space generally) but I don't recall killall caring. So:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof oscam1 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "oscam1 not running, restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 &
2) echo "oscam1 running, all OK: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "multiple instances of oscam1 running. Stopping & restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
kill $(pidof oscam1 | awk '{ $1=""; print $0}')
It is worth noting that the pidof route seems to work fine for commands that have no spaces, but you would probably want to go back to a ps-based string if you were looking for, say, a python script named myscript that showed up under ps like
root 22415 54.0 0.4 89116 79076 pts/1 S 16:40 0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/myscript
Just an FYI
The 'pidof' command will not display pids of shell/perl/python scripts. So to find the process id’s of my Perl script I had to use the -x option i.e. 'pidof -x perlscriptname'
I cannot get case to work at all.
Heres what I have:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof -x | wc -w)" in
0) echo "script not running, Restarting script: $(date)" >> $logfile
# ./
1) echo "script Running: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "Removed duplicate instances of script: $(date)" >> $logfile
# kill $(pidof -x ./ | awk '{ $1=""; print $0}')
rem the case action commands for now just to test the script. the above pidof -x command is returning '1', the case statement is returning the results for '0'.
Anyone have any idea where I'm going wrong?
Solved it by adding the following to my BIN/BASH Script:
In case you're looking for a more modern way to check to see if a service is running (this will not work for just any old process), then systemctl might be what you're looking for.
Here's the basic command:
systemctl show --property=ActiveState your_service_here
Which will yield very simple output (one of the following two lines will appear depending on whether the service is running or not running):
And if you'd like to know all of the properties you can get:
systemctl show --all your_service_here
If you prefer that alphabetized:
systemctl show --all your_service_here | sort
And the full code to act on it:
result=`systemctl show --property=ActiveState $service`
if [[ "$result" == 'ActiveState=active' ]]; then
echo "$service is running" # Do something here
echo "$service is not running" # Do something else here
If you are using CentOS, no need to write a script and set cron job. Here is one of the smartest ways to ensure systemd services restart on failure.
Make following changes to /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service
Then under the [Service] section in the file, add the following 2 lines:
After saving the file we need to reload the daemon configurations to ensure systemd is aware of the new file
systemctl daemon-reload
Read the following link for the complete steps -
